List of near threatened amphibians
As of September 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 402 near threatened amphibian species.[1] 6.2% of all evaluated amphibian species are listed as near threatened. No subpopulations of amphibians have been evaluated by the IUCN.
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 545 species
- Endangered (EN): 848 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 670 species
- Near threatened (NT): 402 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,458 species
- Data deficient (DD): 1,567 species
Amphibian species (IUCN, 2016-2)
- 6492 extant species have been evaluated
- 4925 of those are fully assessed[lower-alpha 1]
- 2860 are not threatened at present[lower-alpha 2]
- 2063 to 3630 are threatened[lower-alpha 3]
- 35 to 148 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
- 33 extinct (EX) species[lower-alpha 4]
- 2 extinct in the wild (EW)
- 113 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
- 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]
- excludes data deficient evaluations.
- NT and LC.
- Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
- Chart omits extinct (EX) species

Near Threatened (NT) species do not currently qualify for Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU), but are likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future, or are already close to qualifying.
This is a complete list of near threatened amphibian species evaluated by the IUCN.
There are 62 salamander species assessed as near threatened.
Lungless salamanders
- Green salamander (Aneides aeneus)
- Clouded salamander (Aneides ferreus)
- Black salamander (Aneides flavipunctatus)
- Wandering salamander (Aneides vagrans)
- Kern Plateau salamander (Batrachoseps robustus)
- Peter's mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa adspersa)
- Chinateca salamander (Bolitoglossa chinanteca)
- Doflein's salamander (Bolitoglossa dofleini)
- Lincoln's climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa lincolni)
- O'Donnell's salamander (Bolitoglossa odonnelli)
- Medellin mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa phalarosoma)
- Ramos' mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa ramosi)
- Longnose mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa rostrata)
- Savage's mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa savagei)
- Shadowy web-footed salamander (Bolitoglossa sombra)
- Walker's salamander (Bolitoglossa walkeri)
- Primeval splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton priscus)
- Cumberland dusky salamander (Desmognathus abditus)
- Seepage salamander (Desmognathus aeneus)
- Oklahoma salamander (Eurycea tynerensis)
- Costa Rica worm salamander (Oedipina cyclocauda)
- Caddo Mountain salamander (Plethodon caddoensis)
- Del Norte salamander (Plethodon elongatus)
- Red-cheeked salamander (Plethodon jordani)
- Larch Mountain salamander (Plethodon larselli)
- Jemez Mountains salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus)
- Cheat Mountain salamander (Plethodon nettingi)
- Rich Mountain salamander (Plethodon ouachitae)
- White-spotted salamander (Plethodon punctatus)
- Shenandoah Mountain salamander (Plethodon virginia)
- Ambrosi's cave salamander (Speleomantes ambrosii)
- Imperial cave salamander (Speleomantes imperialis)
- Italian cave salamander (Speleomantes italicus)
- French cave salamander (Speleomantes strinatii)
- Sierra Juarez moss salamander (Thorius adelos)
True salamanders and newts
- Pyrenean brook salamander (Calotriton asper)
- Taliang knobby newt (Liangshantriton taliangensis)
- Striped newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus)
- Northern banded newt (Ommatotriton ophryticus)
- Spot-tailed warty newt (Paramesotriton caudopunctatus)
- Hong Kong warty newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis)
- Iberian ribbed newt (Pleurodeles waltl)
- Near Eastern fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata)
- Danube crested newt (Triturus dobrogicus)
- Southern marbled newt (Triturus pygmaeus)
- Black knobby newt (Tylototriton asperrimus)
- Emperor newt (Tylototriton shanjing)
- Vietnamese crocodile newt (Tylototriton vietnamensis)
Other salamander species
- Streamside salamander (Ambystoma barbouri)
- One-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma pholeter)
- Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus)
- Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis)
- California giant salamander (Dicamptodon ensatus)
- Persian mountain salamander (Iranodon persicus)
- Wushan salamander (Liua shihi)
- Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi)
- Cascade torrent salamander (Rhyacotriton cascadae)
- Columbia torrent salamander (Rhyacotriton kezeri)
There are 340 frog species assessed as near threatened.
Robber frogs
- Eleutherodactylus dimidiatus
- Eileen's robber frog (Eleutherodactylus eileenae)
- Eleutherodactylus flavescens
- Eleutherodactylus glaucoreius
- Martinique robber frog (Eleutherodactylus martinicensis)
- Eleutherodactylus pantoni
- Coastal red-rumped frog (Eleutherodactylus paralius)
Shrub frogs
- White-eared tree frog (Feihyla kajau)
- Feihyla palpebralis
- Everett's flying frog (Philautus everetti)
- Borneo bubble-nest frog (Philautus hosii)
- Philautus longicrus
- Philautus mjobergi
- Pseudophilautus rus
- Pseudophilautus sordidus
- Pseudophilautus stictomerus
- Raorchestes beddomii
- Rhacophorus baluensis
- Rhacophorus bifasciatus
- Vietnam flying frog (Rhacophorus calcaneus)
- Jade tree frog (Rhacophorus dulitensis)
- Rhacophorus gauni
- Rhacophorus gongshanensis
- Rhacophorus harrissoni
- Rhacophorus monticola
- Rhacophorus nigropunctatus
- Rhacophorus prasinatus
- Reinwardti's frog (Rhacophorus reinwardtii)
- Malaysian flying frog (Rhacophorus rufipes)
- Taipei tree frog (Rhacophorus taipeianus)
- Rhacophorus zhaojuensis
- Cinnamon frog (Theloderma pictum)
- Theloderma rhododiscus
- Theloderma stellatum
True toads
- Southwestern toad (Anaxyrus mexicanus)
- White-lipped slender toad (Ansonia albomaculata)
- Kadamaian stream toad (Ansonia hanitschi)
- Ansonia leptopus
- Long-fingered slender toad (Ansonia longidigita)
- Ansonia minuta
- Spiny slender toad (Ansonia spinulifer)
- Brongersma's toad (Barbarophryne brongersmai)
- Bufo cryptotympanicus
- Bufo pageoti
- Bufo tuberculatus
- Caucasian toad (Bufo verrucosissimus)
- Indian toad (Duttaphrynus parietalis)
- Incilius campbelli
- Melanophryniscus cupreuscapularis
- Maldonada redbelly toad (Melanophryniscus moreirae)
- Melanophryniscus sanmartini
- Nyika dwarf toad (Mertensophryne nyikae)
- Osornophryne bufoniformis
- Marbled tree toad (Pedostibes rugosus)
- Short-legged dwarf toad (Pelophryne signata)
- Blomberg's toad (Rhaebo blombergi)
- Choco toad (Rhaebo hypomelas)
- Rhinella achalensis
- Concepcion toad (Rhinella arunco)
- Valle Santiago beaked toad (Rhinella festae)
- Falcon toad (Rhinella sternosignata)
Fleshbelly frogs
- Craugastor cyanochthebius
- Yucatan robber frog (Craugastor yucatanensis)
- Ecuador leaf frog (Noblella lochites)
- Quindio robber frog (Pristimantis alalocophus)
- Mountain robber frog (Pristimantis altae)
- Santander robber frog (Pristimantis anolirex)
- La Loma robber frog (Pristimantis caryophyllaceus)
- Pristimantis celator
- Espada's robber frog (Pristimantis galdi)
- Pristimantis illotus
- Pristimantis juanchoi
- Pristimantis jubatus
- Pristimantis kareliae
- Pristimantis lassoalcalai
- Pristimantis luteolateralis
- San Lorenzo robber frog (Pristimantis megalops)
- Miyata's robber frog (Pristimantis miyatai)
- Uribe robber frog (Pristimantis molybrignus)
- Leopard robber frog (Pristimantis pardalis)
- Pristimantis percnopterus
- Pristimantis riveti
- Andagoya robber frog (Pristimantis roseus)
- Santa Marta robber frog (Pristimantis sanctaemartae)
- Pristimantis sanguineus
- Pyburn's robber frog (Pristimantis savagei)
- Pristimantis silverstonei
- Albania robber frog (Pristimantis simoterus)
- Pristimantis spinosus
- San Adolfo robber frog (Pristimantis tamsitti)
- Cebolleta robber frog (Pristimantis tayrona)
- Pristimantis vanadise
- Coconuco robber frog (Pristimantis vicarius)
- Pristimantis viridis
Glass frogs
- Antioquia giant glass frog (Centrolene antioquiense)
- Urrao cochran frog (Cochranella megistra)
- Cochranella nola
- Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum
- Rio Azuela glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum)
- Lynch's cochran frog (Nymphargus ignotus)
- Spotted cochran frog (Nymphargus ocellatus)
- Rulyrana spiculata
Litter frogs
- Leptobrachium ailaonicum
- Dring's Asian toad (Leptolalax dringi)
- Sarawak slender litter frog (Leptolalax gracilis)
- Leptolalax maurus
- Kinabalu horned frog (Megophrys baluensis)
- Megophrys binchuanensis
- Dring's horned frog (Megophrys dringi)
- Kobayashi's horned frog (Megophrys kobayashii)
- Megophrys longipes
- Mangshan horned toad (Megophrys mangshanensis)
- Jingdong horned toad (Megophrys omeimontis)
- Lichuan toothed toad (Oreolalax lichuanensis)
- Warty toothed toad (Oreolalax rugosus)
- Oreolalax schmidti
Screeching frogs
- Guinea screeching frog (Arthroleptis crusculum)
- Krokosua squeaking frog (Arthroleptis krokosua)
- Astylosternus laticephalus
- Mountain night frog (Astylosternus montanus)
- Mukuzira long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa cyaneospila)
- Cardioglossa nigromaculata
- Cameroon egg frog (Leptodactylodon ovatus)
- Amani forest tree frog (Leptopelis macrotis)
- Tai forest tree frog (Leptopelis occidentalis)
- Uluguru forest tree frog (Leptopelis uluguruensis)
- Leptopelis zebra
- Gastrotheca aguaruna
- Gastrotheca andaquiensis
- Gold-spotted marsupial frog (Gastrotheca aureomaculata)
- Ecuador horned treefrog (Hemiphractus bubalus)
- Banded horned treefrog (Hemiphractus fasciatus)
- Stefania satelles
Poison dart frogs
- Pleasing poison frog (Ameerega bassleri)
- Cauca rocket frog (Colostethus agilis)
- Santa Rita rocket frog (Colostethus fraterdanieli)
- Anthony's poison arrow frog (Epipedobates anthonyi)
- Epipedobates machalilla
- Hyloxalus fascianigrus
- Chimbo rocket frog (Hyloxalus infraguttatus)
- Lehmann's rocket frog (Hyloxalus lehmanni)
- Hyloxalus shuar
- Oophaga sylvatica
- Kokoe poison frog (Phyllobates aurotaenia)
- Black-legged poison frog (Phyllobates bicolor)
- Red-headed poison frog (Ranitomeya fantastica)
- Boquete rocket frog (Silverstoneia nubicola)
- Aglyptodactylus chorus
- Boophis elenae
- Boophis obscurus
- Boophis periegetes
- Boophis quasiboehmei
- Boophis rufioculis
- Gephyromantis blanci
- Decary's Madagascar frog (Gephyromantis decaryi)
- Gephyromantis leucocephalus
- Climbing mantella (Mantella laevigata)
- Mantidactylus cowanii
- Isaka-ivondro Madagascar frog (Spinomantis bertini)
- Elegant Madagascar frog (Spinomantis elegans)
Fork-tongued frogs
- Limnonectes asperatus
- Blyth's river frog (Limnonectes blythii)
- Dammerman's wart frog (Limnonectes dammermani)
- Rough-backed river frog (Limnonectes ibanorum)
- Inger's wart frog (Limnonectes ingeri)
- Luzon fanged frog (Limnonectes macrocephalus)
- Giant Philippine frog (Limnonectes magnus)
- Malesian frog (Limnonectes malesianus)
- Lesser swamp frog (Limnonectes paramacrodon)
- Limnonectes rhacodus
- Tweedie's wart frog (Limnonectes tweediei)
- Annandale's paa frog (Nanorana annandalii)
- Nanorana arnoldi
- Nanorana ercepeae
- Tibetan frog (Nanorana pleskei)
- Kwang-yang Asian frog (Nanorana quadranus)
- Seep frog (Occidozyga baluensis)
- Quasipaa verrucospinosa
Narrow-mouthed frogs
- Boulenger's climbing frog (Anodonthyla boulengeri)
- Buzzing frog (Cophixalus bombiens)
- Rattling frog (Cophixalus crepitans)
- Scanty frog (Cophixalus exiguus)
- Tomato frog (Dyscophus antongilii)
- Elachistocleis erythrogaster
- Blunt-headed burrowing frog (Glyphoglossus molossus)
- Kalophrynus baluensis
- Kalophrynus nubicola
- Burrowing grainy frog (Kalophrynus subterrestris)
- Bicol narrowmouth toad (Kaloula kokacii)
- Middle back-stripe bullfrog (Kaloula mediolineata)
- Labang forest rice frog (Microhyla perparva)
- Kapit rice frog (Microhyla petrigena)
- Oreophryne jeffersoniana
- Interior digging frog (Plethodontohyla tuberata)
- Betampona digging frog (Rhombophryne coudreaui)
- Madagascar rain frog (Scaphiophryne madagascariensis)
- Scaphiophryne matsoko
- Uperodon montanus
- Uperodon obscurus
True frogs
- Amolops cremnobatus
- Amolops daiyunensis
- Amolops lifanensis
- Amolops viridimaculatus
- Chalcorana macrops
- Bicolored frog (Clinotarsus curtipes)
- Glandirana tientaiensis
- Hylarana banjarana
- Hylarana chitwanensis
- Hylarana moellendorffi
- Hylarana similis
- Indosylvirana temporalis
- Crawfish frog (Lithobates areolatus)
- Gopher frog (Lithobates capito)
- Maya Mountains frog (Lithobates juliani)
- Transverse volcanic leopard frog (Lithobates neovolcanicus)
- Kiau Borneo frog (Meristogenys kinabaluensis)
- Kapit Borneo frog (Meristogenys phaeomerus)
- Malaysian Borneo frog (Meristogenys poecilus)
- Whitehead's Borneo frog (Meristogenys whiteheadi)
- Vietnam sucker frog (Odorrana chapaensis)
- Yunnanfu frog (Odorrana grahami)
- Lung-shen-hsien frog (Odorrana lungshengensis)
- Pelophylax caralitanus
- Dark-spotted frog (Pelophylax nigromaculatus)
- Foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii)
- Cascades frog (Rana cascadae)
- Iberian frog (Rana iberica)
- Sanguirana luzonensis
- Borneo splash frog (Staurois tuberilinguis)
- Sylvirana mortenseni
Puddle frogs
- Rugegewald river frog (Phrynobatrachus acutirostris)
- Phrynobatrachus uzungwensis
Includes tree frog species and their allies.
- Aplastodiscus cavicola
- Aplastodiscus eugenioi
- Aplastodiscus weygoldti
- Bokermannohyla sagarana
- Ecnomiohyla miotympanum
- Pine Barrens tree frog (Hyla andersonii)
- Southern highland tree frog (Hyla euphorbiacea)
- Hyloscirtus alytolylax
- Bogota treefrog (Hyloscirtus bogotensis)
- Sardinata tree frog (Hyloscirtus callipeza)
- La Loma tree frog (Hyloscirtus colymba)
- Jahn's tree frog (Hyloscirtus jahni)
- Cordillera central tree frog (Hyloscirtus larinopygion)
- White-black tree frog (Hypsiboas alboniger)
- Hypsiboas cipoensis
- Isthmohyla melacaena
- Volcan Barba treefrog (Isthmohyla picadoi)
- Zetek's treefrog (Isthmohyla zeteki)
- Litoria jungguy
- Pearson's green tree frog (Litoria pearsoniana)
- Phrynomedusa appendiculata
- Cloud forest stream frog (Ptychohyla euthysanota)
- Scinax oreites
- Scinax trapicheiroi
- Blue-spotted Mexican tree frog (Smilisca cyanosticta)
- Xenohyla truncata
African reed frogs
- Ivory coast wart frog (Acanthixalus sonjae)
- Nigeria banana frog (Afrixalus nigeriensis)
- Natal banana frog (Afrixalus spinifrons)
- Nimba banana frog (Afrixalus vibekensis)
- Sharpsnout reed frog (Hyperolius acutirostris)
- Bamenda reed frog (Hyperolius ademetzi)
- Dizangue reed frog (Hyperolius bopeleti)
- Sierra Leone reed frog (Hyperolius chlorosteus)
- Goldbelly reed frog (Hyperolius chrysogaster)
- Tigoni reed frog (Hyperolius cystocandicans)
- Wermuth's reed frog (Hyperolius wermuthi)
- Nimba reed frog (Hyperolius zonatus)
- Chochran's running frog (Kassina cochranae)
- Amietia tenuoplicata
- Ice frog (Amietia vertebralis)
- Drewes' moss frog (Arthroleptella drewesii)
- Landdros moss frog (Arthroleptella landdrosia)
- Lightfoot's moss frog (Arthroleptella lightfooti)
- Cape caco (Cacosternum capense)
- Montane marsh frog (Poyntonia paludicola)
Other frog species
- Tusked frog (Adelotus brevis)
- Allobates mcdiarmidi
- Allobates paleovarzensis
- Black spiny-chest frog (Alsodes nodosus)
- Iberian midwife toad (Alytes cisternasii)
- Moroccan midwife toad (Alytes maurus)
- Atelognathus jeinimenensis
- Cape rain frog (Breviceps gibbosus)
- Desert rain frog (Breviceps macrops)
- Argentine horned frog (Ceratophrys ornata)
- Fiji tree frog (Cornufer vitiensis)
- Crossodactylus schmidti
- Spanish painted frog (Discoglossus jeanneae)
- Corsican painted frog (Discoglossus montalentii)
- Rosy ground frog (Eupsophus roseus)
- Valdivia ground frog (Eupsophus vertebralis)
- Nornalup frog (Geocrinia lutea)
- Ischnocnema epipeda
- Ischnocnema manezinho
- Ischnocnema oea
- Lepidobatrachus asper
- Santa Fe frog (Leptodactylus laticeps)
- Calf frog (Leptodactylus turimiquensis)
- Mannophryne herminae
- Mannophryne venezuelensis
- Micrixalus fuscus
- Sierra Leone water frog (Odontobatrachus natator)
- Pelobates cultripes
- Caucasian parsley frog (Pelodytes caucasicus)
- Cameroon water frog (Petropedetes cameronensis)
- Johnston's water frog (Petropedetes johnstoni)
- Platymantis luzonensis
- Platymantis mimulus
- Four-eyed frog (Pleurodema bibroni)
- Achala's four-eyed frog (Pleurodema kriegi)
- Proceratophrys bigibbosa
- Bibron's toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii)
- Erlanger's grassland frog (Ptychadena erlangeri)
- Sierra Leone grassland frog (Ptychadena superciliaris)
- Western spadefoot toad (Spea hammondii)
- Eungella tinker frog (Taudactylus liemi)
- Amazonas water frog (Telmatobius atahualpai)
- Telmatobius bolivianus
- Acancocha water frog (Telmatobius jelskii)
- Sucre water frog (Telmatobius simonsi)
- Volcano clawed frog (Xenopus amieti)
See also
- "IUCN Red List version 2016-2". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 8 September 2016.
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