List of museums in Sudan

This is a list of museums in Sudan.

Museums in Sudan

Name Location Type Summary Image
Khalifa House MuseumOmdurmanEthnographical museumEthnographical collection covering the Mahdiyah rule
Cupula of the original Mahdi's Tomb
Cupula of the original Mahdi's Tomb
Sudan National MuseumEl Neel Avenue, KhartoumArchaeological museumContains the largest and most important archaeological collection in the country.
Statue of Pharaoh Taharqo
Statue of Pharaoh Taharqo
Kerma MuseumKerma, Northern StateArchaeological site museumContains artefacts of the archeological site of Kerma.
Statues of the Nubian Black Pharaohs
Statues of the Nubian Black Pharaohs
Jebel Barkal MuseumJebel Barkal, Northern StateArchaeological site museumContains artefacts of the area of Jebel Barkal.
Sudanese Ethnography Museum[1]KhartoumEthnographical collectionEthnographic composition of Sudan
Republican Palace Museum[2]Republican Palace complex, KhartoumEthnographical collectionPolitical history of Sudan

See also


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