List of municipalities in Gipuzkoa
Gipuzkoa is a province in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, Spain. It is divided into 88 municipalities.
Basque Name |
Castillian Name[1] |
Population 2001 Census[2] |
Population 2011 Census[3] |
Population 2021 Census[4] |
Abaltzisketa | Abalcisqueta | 277 | 320 | 312 |
Aduna | 333 | 451 | 482 | |
Aia | Aya | 1,610 | 2,024 | 2,056 |
Aizarnazabal | Aizarnazábal | 531 | 761 | 795 |
Albiztur | Albístur | 287 | 313 | 316 |
Alegia | Alegría de Oria | 1,583 | 1,763 | 1,762 |
Alkiza | Alquiza | 264 | 365 | 362 |
Altzaga | Alzaga | 106 | 161 | 177 |
Altzo | Alzo | 326 | 407 | 447 |
Amezketa | Amézqueta | 980 | 969 | 945 |
Andoain | Andoáin | 13,814 | 14,633 | 14,631 |
Anoeta | 1,709 | 1,836 | 2,086 | |
Antzuola | Anzuola | 1,899 | 2,153 | 2,081 |
Arama | 163 | 198 | 200 | |
Aretxabaleta | Arechavaleta | 6,184 | 6,808 | 7,108 |
Arrasate | Mondragón | 23,118 | 21,975 | 21,867 |
Asteasu | 1,290 | 1,500 | 1,549 | |
Astigarraga | 3,751 | 4,900 | 7,185 | |
Ataun | 1,557 | 1,680 | 1,697 | |
Azkoitia | Azcoitia | 10,272 | 11,394 | 11,657 |
Azpeitia | 13,708 | 14,429 | 15,191 | |
Baliarrain | 97 | 125 | 153 | |
Beasain | Beasáin | 12,108 | 13,719 | 13,949 |
Beizama | 160 | 176 | 144 | |
Belauntza | Belaunza | 285 | 287 | 253 |
Berastegi | Berástegui | 973 | 1,057 | 1,099 |
Bergara | Vergara | 14,965 | 14,610 | 14,584 |
Berrobi | 566 | 568 | 598 | |
Bidania-Goiatz | Bidegoyan | 427 | 536 | 534 |
Deba | Deva | 5,185 | 5,402 | 5,441 |
Donostia | San Sebastián | 178,377 | 185,512 | 188,102 |
Eibar | Éibar | 28,219 | 27,382 | 27,467 |
Elduain | Elduayen | 210 | 232 | 244 |
Elgeta | Elgueta | 974 | 1,108 | 1,141 |
Elgoibar | Elgóibar | 10,440 | 11,364 | 11,464 |
Errenteria | Rentería | 38,224 | 39,228 | 39,219 |
Errezil | Régil | 615 | 612 | 578 |
Eskoriatza | Escoriaza | 3,925 | 4,032 | 4,131 |
Eskio-Itsaso | Ezquioga-Ichaso | 544 | 625 | 614 |
Gabiria | Gaviria | 422 | 483 | 502 |
Gaintza | Gaínza | 133 | 124 | 126 |
Gaztelu | 152 | 163 | 173 | |
Getaria | Guetaria | 2,406 | 2,659 | 2,794 |
Hernani | 18,287 | 19,260 | 20,362 | |
Hernialde | 286 | 359 | 321 | |
Hondarribia | Fuenterrabía | 15,044 | 16,391 | 16,852 |
Ibarra | 4,208 | 4,273 | 4,220 | |
Idiazabal | Idiazábal | 2,082 | 2,264 | 2,281 |
Ikaztegieta | Icazteguieta | 377 | 469 | 485 |
Irun | Irún | 56,601 | 60,747 | 62,933 |
Irura | 910 | 1,626 | 1,877 | |
Itsasondo | Isasondo | 576 | 675 | 658 |
Larraul | 145 | 237 | 259 | |
Lasarte-Oria | 17,195 | 17,830 | 18,893 | |
Lazkao | Lazcano | 4,920 | 5,406 | 6,007 |
Leaburu | 367 | 388 | 380 | |
Legazpi | Legazpia | 8,741 | 8,620 | 8,367 |
Legorreta | 1,351 | 1,478 | 1,440 | |
Leintz-Gatzaga | Salinas de Léniz | 240 | 253 | 211 |
Lezo | 5,834 | 6,011 | 6,062 | |
Lizartza | Lizarza | 581 | 648 | 625 |
Mendaro | 1,444 | 1,960 | 1,983 | |
Mutiloa | 158 | 255 | 256 | |
Mutriku | Motrico | 4,775 | 5,053 | 5,284 |
Oiartzun | Oyarzun | 9,179 | 10,012 | 10,291 |
Olaberria | Olaberría | 904 | 936 | 938 |
Oñati | Oñate | 10,705 | 11,087 | 11,428 |
Ordizia | Ordicia | 8,938 | 9,751 | 10,420 |
Orendain | Orendáin | 143 | 180 | 230 |
Orexa | Oreja | 83 | 123 | 117 |
Orio | 4,421 | 5,319 | 6,096 | |
Ormaiztegi | Ormáiztegui | 1,170 | 1,318 | 1,248 |
Pasaia | Pasajes | 15,962 | 15,727 | 15,867 |
Segura | 1,225 | 1,460 | 1,461 | |
Soraluze/Placencia de las Armas | Placencia de las Armas | 4,165 | 3,973 | 3,903 |
Tolosa | 17,642 | 18,389 | 19,795 | |
Urnieta | 5,518 | 6,191 | 6,197 | |
Urretxu | Villarreal de Urrechua | 6,550 | 6,927 | 6,773 |
Usurbil | Usúrbil | 5,257 | 6,070 | 6,132 |
Villabona | 5,672 | 5,858 | 5,864 | |
Zaldibia | Zaldivia | 1,490 | 1,504 | 1,636 |
Zarautz | Zarauz | 21,078 | 22,513 | 23,271 |
Zegama | Cegama | 1,294 | 1,539 | 1,550 |
Zerain | Ceráin | 254 | 266 | 282 |
Zestoa | Cestona | 3,100 | 3,631 | 3,769 |
Zizurkil | Cizúrquil | 2,820 | 2,854 | 3,001 |
Zumaia | Zumaya | 8,527 | 9,538 | 10,124 |
Zumarraga | Zumárraga | 10,175 | 10,005 | 9,668 |

Map of Spain with Gipuzkoa highlighted
The 89 municipalities of the province of Gipuzkoa
- Where different from Basque name
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid.
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid.
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid.
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