List of medical abbreviations: S
Abbreviation | Meaning |
s̅ | without (s with an overbar) (from Latin sine) |
S | sacrum |
Sx | symptoms surgery (though deemed by some as inappropriate) |
S1 | first heart sound |
S2 | second heart sound |
S3 | third heart sound |
S4 | fourth heart sound |
S&O | salpingo-oophorectomy |
Sb | Scholar batch |
SAAG | serum–ascites albumin gradient |
SAB | staphylococcal bacteremia spontaneous abortion (that is, miscarriage) |
SAD | seasonal affective disorder subacromial decompression |
SAH | subarachnoid hemorrhage |
SAM | systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve
Severe acute malnutrition |
SAN | sinoatrial node |
SaO2 | arterial oxygen saturation |
SAPS II | simplified acute physiology score |
SAPS III | simplified acute physiology score |
SAR | seasonal allergic rhinitis sub-acute rehabilitation facility |
Sarc | sarcoidosis |
SARS | severe acute respiratory syndrome |
SB | small bowel (see small intestine) |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis |
SBFT | small bowel follow through |
SBMA | spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy |
SBO | small bowel obstruction |
SBP | systolic blood pressure spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
SBR | Serum Bilirubin |
SBRT | split beam radiation therapy |
SC | Spinal Cord or subcutaneous (from Latin subcutis) |
SCA | spinocerebellar ataxia |
SCAT | sex cord tumor with annular tubes |
SCC | squamous cell carcinoma |
SCD | sequential compression device sickle-cell disease sudden cardiac death |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
SCID | severe combined immunodeficiency |
SCIWORA | spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality |
SCLC | small cell lung cancer |
scope | microscope or endoscope |
SCT | sacrococcygeal tumor |
SCZ | schizophrenia |
S.D. | subdermal |
SD σ | standard deviation |
SDH | subdural hematoma |
SDTI | suspected deep tissue injury |
SE | standard error side effect |
Sed | sedimentation (rate) (see erythrocyte sedimentation rate) |
SEE | syphilis elimination effort |
Segs | segmented cells |
SEM | standard error of the mean systolic ejection murmur (see heart murmur) |
SERM | selective estrogen receptor modulator |
SERT | serotonin transporter |
SFA | superficial femoral artery serum folic acid |
SGA | small for gestational age |
SG cath | Swan–Ganz catheter (see pulmonary artery catheter) |
SG | specific gravity (in urinanalysis) |
SGB | stellate ganglion block |
SGOT | serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase |
SGPT | serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase |
SH SHx | social history (personal habits, living situation, job) |
SHBG | sex hormone-binding globulin |
shob | shortness of breath (see dyspnea) |
SHPT | secondary hyperparathyroidism |
SHx | surgical history |
SI | International System of Units suicidal ideation seriously ill sacroiliac (joint) |
STAC | Scaffolding theory of cognitive aging |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit |
SIBO | small intestinal bacterial overgrowth |
SID | semel in die meaning once daily. Used only in veterinary medicine. |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
SIL | squamous intraepithelial lesion |
SIMV | synchronized intermittent mechanical ventilation |
si op. sit | if needed (from Latin si opus sit) |
SIRS | systemic inflammatory response syndrome |
SIT | stress inoculation training (see posttraumatic stress disorder) |
SJS | Stevens–Johnson syndrome |
SK | streptokinase |
sl | sublingual |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
SLEV | St Louis virus |
SLL | small lymphocytic lymphoma |
SLN | sublingual nitroglycerin |
SLN SLNB | sentinel lymph node biopsy |
SLP | speech-language pathologist |
SLR | straight leg raise (see Lasègue's sign) |
SM | multiple sclerosis (from Latin sclerosis multiplex) submucosal Skeletal Muscle |
SMA | sequential multiple analysis superior mesenteric artery spinal muscle atrophy |
SMA-6 | six-channel serum multiple analysis |
SMA-7 | serum metabolic assay |
SMN | statement of medical necessity |
SMS | senior medical student |
SMT | spinal manipulative therapy |
SMV | superior mesenteric vein |
SN | student nurse skilled nursing |
SNB | sentinel node biopsy (ductal carcinoma) |
SNF | skilled nursing facility |
SNHL | sensorineural hearing loss |
SNP | sodium nitroprusside single nucleotide polymorphism |
SNRI | serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor |
SNV | sin nombre virus (the most common type of hantavirus) single nucleotide variant |
SO | salpingo-oophoritis |
SOA | swelling of ankles |
SOAP | subjective, objective, assessment, plan (how physicians’ notes may be organized) |
SOB | shortness of breath (see dyspnea) |
SOBOE | shortness of breath on exertion |
SOL | space-occupying lesion |
Sol | solution |
SOOB | send out of bed sitting out of bed |
SOP | sterile ophthalmic preparation |
SORA | stable on room air |
SOS | if needed (from Latin si opus sit) |
SP s/p | status post; condition after" |
SPE | streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin |
Spec | specimen |
SPECT | single-photon emission computed tomography |
SPEP | serum protein electrophoresis |
SPET | single-photon emission tomography |
spp. | species, as in bacterial species (e.g. Enterobacteriaceae spp.) |
Sp. fl. | spinal fluid (see cerebrospinal fluid) |
Sp. gr. | specific gravity |
SPS | single point (walking) stick |
SQ sq | subcutaneous |
SR | slow release (see also time release technology (medicine)) Sinus rhythm |
SpO2 | peripheral capillary oxygen saturation |
SROM | spontaneous rupture of membranes |
SRS | stereotactic radiotherapy sex reassignment surgery |
SRU | shock resuscitation unit |
ss ss | one-half (ss either with or without a bar over them) (from Latin semis) |
SS | hemoglobin SS (HbSS) (see in sickle-cell disease = SS disease) subserosal Sjogren's Syndrome |
S/S S/Sx | signs and symptoms |
SSC | secondary sex characteristics |
SSE | sterile speculum exam |
SSEP | somatosensory evoked potential |
SSI | sliding scale insulin |
SSKI | potassium iodide solution |
SSPE | subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
ssRNA | single-stranded RNA |
SSRI | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor |
SSSI | skin and skin structure infection (also referred to as acute bacterial skin and skin structure infection - ABSSSI) |
SSSS | staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
SSS | sick sinus syndrome |
ST | sore throat speech therapy |
Staph. | Staphylococcus |
STD | sexually transmitted disease |
stat | immediately (from Latin statim) |
STEC | Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (another name for enterohemorrhagic E. coli) |
STEMI | ST elevation myocardial infarction |
STH | somatotropic hormone |
STI | sexually transmitted infection soft tissue injury |
STN | Subthalamic nucleus soft tissue neck |
STNR | Symmetrical tonic neck reflex |
STOP | surgical termination of pregnancy (sometimes suction termination of pregnancy) |
Strep. Strepto. | Streptococcus |
STS | serological test for syphilis soft tissue sarcoma |
Subq | subcutaneous |
SUD | substance use disorder |
SUI | stress urinary incontinence |
Supp | suppository |
SUV | standardized uptake value |
Sux | Suxamethonium chloride (Succinylcholine) |
SV | seminal vesicle stroke volume |
SVC | superior vena cava |
SVD | spontaneous vaginal delivery simple vertex delivery |
SVE | sterile vaginal examination |
SVG | Saphenous vein graft |
SVI | systemic viral infection |
SVN | small volume nebulizer |
SVR | systemic vascular resistance |
SVT | supraventricular tachycardia |
SW | Sturge–Weber syndrome |
Sx | symptoms |
SXA | single-energy X-ray absorptiometer |
SXR | skull x-ray |
Sz | seizure |
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