List of islands of Maryland

Maryland has 281 named islands within its many waters and waterways, including the Atlantic ocean; the Chesapeake bay and its many tributary tidal rivers, creeks and bays; as well as within larger whitewater rivers like the upper Potomac.

These Islands are relatively permanent, although some are disappearing on the scale of a few centuries, like Smith Island in the Chesapeake Bay.

There are also a number of unnamed islands in Maryland, many of which are very temporary in nature, lasting only a few years or decades, both in the tidal environment and also in Maryland's larger whitewater rivers. These come and go due to the effect of storms.

This is a list of named islands of Maryland.

Islands of Maryland
County Island River/Bay Type
Anne Arundel CountyBig IslandRhode RiverR
Anne Arundel CountyBrewers IslandMarley CreekR
Anne Arundel CountyDobbins IslandSillery Bay
Anne Arundel CountyFlat IslandSellman CreekR
Anne Arundel CountyGibson IslandChesapeake Bay
Anne Arundel CountyGoose IslandSouth RiverR
Anne Arundel CountyHigh IslandRhode RiverR
Anne Arundel CountyLittle IslandSillery Bay
Anne Arundel CountySnake IslandPatuxent RiverR
Anne Arundel CountySt. Helena IslandLittle Round Bay
Anne Arundel CountyThe Hammocks IslandMain CreekR
Anne Arundel CountyThree Sisters IslandsChesapeake Bay
Anne Arundel CountyTurkey Point IslandSouth RiverR
Anne Arundel CountyWhite Rocks IslandsPatapsco RiverR
Baltimore CountyCarroll IslandGunpowder RiverR
Baltimore CountyHart IslandChesapeake Bay
Baltimore CountyHart Miller IslandChesapeake Bay
Baltimore CountyHathaway IslandPatapsco RiverR
Baltimore CountyPleasure IslandChesapeake Bay
Baltimore CountySue IslandMiddle RiverR
Calvert CountySolomons Island (formerly Somervell's Island)Patuxent RiverR
Calvert CountyBroomes IslandPatuxent RiverR
Calvert CountyBuzzard IslandPatuxent RiverR
Calvert CountyHog IslandChesapeake Bay
Calvert CountyMa Leg IslandPatuxent RiverR
Cecil CountyGarrett IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountyHen IslandSassafras RiverR
Cecil CountyHerring IslandElk RiverR
Cecil CountyIndian Rock IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountyKnight IslandSassafras RiverR
Cecil CountyLong IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountyMills IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountyRough IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountyRowland IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountySpencer IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountySteels IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Cecil CountySterrett IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Charles CountyCooksey IslandWicomico RiverR
Charles CountyChopawamsic IslandPotomac RiverR
Charles CountyCobb IslandPotomac RiverR
Charles CountyCraney IslandPotomac RiverR
Charles CountyWills IslandPort Tobacco RiverR
Dorchester CountyAdam IslandHolland Straits
Dorchester CountyAsquith IslandHonga RiverR
Dorchester CountyAxies IslandNanticoke RiverR
Dorchester CountyBarren IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyBettys IslandBlackwater RiverR
Dorchester CountyBillys IslandHonga RiverR
Dorchester CountyBloodsworth IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyBull Point IslandMeekins CreekR
Dorchester CountyCattail IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyChance IslandTransquaking RiverR
Dorchester CountyCherry IslandLittle Choptank RiverR
Dorchester CountyClay IslandFishing Bay
Dorchester CountyDunnock IslandDunnock Slough ?
Dorchester CountyElliott IslandFishing Bay
Dorchester CountyGrays IslandFishing Bay
Dorchester CountyGunners IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyHog IslandHopper Straits
Dorchester CountyHolland IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyHooper IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyJames IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyJenny IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyLangrells IslandNanticoke RiverR
Dorchester CountyLong IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyLower Hooper IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyMiddle Hooper IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyNortheast IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyOpossum IslandTar Bay
Dorchester CountyPone IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyPoplar IslandFishing Bay
Dorchester CountyPot IslandHonga RiverR
Dorchester CountyPunch IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyRagged IslandLittle Choptank RiverR
Dorchester CountyRowland IslandBlackwater RiverR
Dorchester CountySandy IslandNanticoke RiverR
Dorchester CountySharpes IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountySnake IslandFishing Bay
Dorchester CountySpriggs IslandBlackwater RiverR
Dorchester CountySpring IslandHolland Straits
Dorchester CountyStingaree IslandBlackwater RiverR
Dorchester CountySwan IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyTaylors IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyUpper Hooper IslandChesapeake Bay
Dorchester CountyWoods IslandBlackwater RiverR
Dorchester CountyWoolford IslandParsons CreekR
Dorchester CountyWroten IslandHonga RiverR
Frederick CountyCox IslandPotomac RiverR
Frederick CountyHeaters Island (formerly Conoy Island)Potomac RiverR
Frederick CountyMason IslandPotomac RiverR
Frederick CountyNolands IslandPotomac RiverR
Frederick CountyPaton IslandPotomac RiverR
Frederick CountyReed IslandPotomac RiverR
Garrett CountyHamilton Island ?
Harford CountyAmos IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyDutch IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyHickorynut IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyMeadow IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyMonks IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountyMonocacy IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountyMutton IslandsSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyNeds IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountyPooles IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountyRobert IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyRoss IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyRowland IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountySnake IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountySpencer IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountySpesutie IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountySpry IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountySt. Catherine IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Harford CountyTaylor IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountyTyding IslandChesapeake Bay
Harford CountyWood IslandSusquehanna RiverR
Kent CountyCacaway IslandLangford Bay
Kent CountyChase IslandChester RiverR
Kent CountyCockey IslandChester RiverR
Kent CountyEastern Neck IslandChesapeake Bay
Kent CountyLittle Neck IslandChesapeake Bay
Kent CountyMillers IslandChester RiverR
Kent CountyPooles IslandChesapeake Bay
Kent CountyRush IslandChesapeake Bay
Montgomery CountyBealls IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyBear IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyCabin John IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyCedar IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyClagett IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyConn IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyElm IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyFalls IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyGladys IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyGrapevine IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyHarrison IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyHermit IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyHerzog IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyHigh IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyKatie IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyLangly IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyMason IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyMinnie IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyOffutt IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyOlmsted IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyPerry IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyPlummers IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyRocky IslandsPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyRupert IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyScott IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountySelden IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountySharpshin IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountySherwin Island (Cupids Bower)Potomac RiverR
Montgomery CountySnake IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountySwainson IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountySycamore Island Potomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyTenfoot IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyTorpedo IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyTrammel IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyTurkey IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyVan Deventers IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyVaso IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyWades IslandPotomac RiverR
Montgomery CountyWatkins IslandPotomac RiverR
Queen Anne's CountyBodkin IslandEastern Bay
Queen Anne's CountyCarpenter IslandChester RiverR
Queen Anne's CountyDeCoursey IslandWye RiverR
Queen Anne's CountyHerring IslandEastern Bay
Queen Anne's CountyHog IslandProspect Bay
Queen Anne's CountyJohnson IslandCrab Alley Bay
Queen Anne's CountyKent IslandChesapeake Bay
Queen Anne's CountyLittle IslandCrab Alley Bay
Queen Anne's CountyLong Marsh IslandEastern Bay
Queen Anne's CountyParson's IslandEastern Bay
Queen Anne's CountyPhilpots IslandEastern Bay
Queen Anne's CountyWye IslandWye RiverR
Somerset CountyBig IslandTangier Sound
Somerset CountyBoat IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyDeal IslandTangier Sound
Somerset CountyDeep Banks IslandHolland Straits
Somerset CountyEastfield IslandTangier Sound
Somerset CountyFishing IslandManokin RiverR
Somerset CountyGab IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyHog Neck IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyHolland IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyHorse HammockTangier Sound
Somerset CountyHouse IslandTangier Sound
Somerset CountyJanes IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyJersey IslandLittle Annemessex RiverR
Somerset CountyLittle Deal IslandTangier Sound
Somerset CountyLittle Troy IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyMaddox IslandManokin RiverR
Somerset CountyOtter IslandTangier Sound
Somerset CountyPiney IslandManokin RiverR
Somerset CountyPry IslandHolland Straits
Somerset CountySmith IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountySolomons LumpKedges Straits
Somerset CountySouth Marsh IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountySt. Pierre IslandManokin RiverR
Somerset CountySwan IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyTroy IslandChesapeake Bay
Somerset CountyTurtle Egg IslandHolland Straits
Somerset CountyWestern IslandsKedges Straits
St. Mary's CountyBlakistone IslandPotomac RiverR
St. Mary's CountyBullock IslandWicomico RiverR
St. Mary's CountyHeron IslandPotomac RiverR
St. Mary's CountyJimmy IslandSt. Mary's RiverR
St. Mary's CountySt. Catherine IslandPotomac RiverR
St. Mary's CountySt. Clement's IslandPotomac RiverR
St. Mary's CountySaint George IslandPotomac RiverR
St. Mary's CountySt. Margaret IslandWicomico RiverR
St. Mary's CountyTippity Wichity Island (formerly Lynch's Island)St. Mary's RiverR
St. Mary's CountyWhite Point IslandWicomico RiverR
Talbot CountyAvalon IslandHarris CreekR
Talbot CountyBruffs IslandWye RiverR
Talbot CountyCoaches Neck IslandChesapeake Bay
Talbot CountyGoat IslandChesapeake Bay
Talbot CountyHambleton IslandBroad CreekR
Talbot CountyHerring IslandMiles RiverR
Talbot CountyJefferson IslandChesapeake Bay
Talbot CountyNelson IslandChoptank RiverR
Talbot CountyPoplar IslandChesapeake Bay
Talbot CountyRoyston IslandChoptank RiverR
Talbot CountySharps IslandChesapeake Bay
Talbot CountyTilghman IslandChesapeake Bay
Washington CountyByrnes IslandPotomac RiverR
Washington CountyDuck IslandPotomac RiverR
Washington CountyKnott IslandPotomac RiverR
Washington CountyShepherds IslandPotomac RiverR
Wicomico CountyRound IslandNanticoke RiverR
Worcester CountyAssacorkin IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyAssateague IslandAtlantic Ocean
Worcester CountyAyers IslandTrappe CreekR
Worcester CountyBay IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyBeacon ClumpsChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyBig IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyBoar IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyBrady IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyCedar IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyCollier IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyCorn HammockAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyCropper IslandNewport Bay
Worcester CountyDevil IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyDog and Bitch IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyDrum IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyEagle IslandSt. Martin RiverR
Worcester CountyFenwick IslandAtlantic Ocean
Worcester CountyGambage IslandTurville CreekR
Worcester CountyGrassy IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyGreat Egging IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyHen and Chickens IslandSt. Martin RiverR
Worcester CountyHills IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyHog IslandJohnson Bay
Worcester CountyHorn IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyHorse IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyIsle of WightIntracoastal Waterway
Worcester CountyJohns HammockAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyLittle Egging IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyLumber IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyMallard IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyMargots IslandSt. Martin RiverR
Worcester CountyMills IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyOak IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyOutward TrumpChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyPiney IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyPiney IslandGrey CreekR
Worcester CountyPiney IslandSt. Martin RiverR
Worcester CountyPope IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyRattlesnake IslandMartin Bay
Worcester CountyReedy IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyReedy IslandIsle of Wight Bay
Worcester CountyRich IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyRobins MarshChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountySandy Point IslandSinepuxent Bay
Worcester CountyShelldrake IslandBrockanorton Bay
Worcester CountySouth Hammocks IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountySt. George Island ?
Worcester CountySteves IslandWicomico RiverR
Worcester CountyTingles IslandChincoteague Bay
Worcester CountyTizzard IslandJohnson Bay
Worcester CountyTulls IslandAssawoman Bay
Worcester CountyTwin IslandsChincoteague Bay

See also


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