List of filename extensions (S–Z)
This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains extensions of notable file formats used by multiple notable applications or services.
Ext. | Description | Used by |
S | assembler source code file | Unix |
S7I | Seed7 library / include file | Seed7 interpreter and compiler |
SAIF[1] | Spatial Archive and Interchange Format | |
SASS[2] | Sass stylesheet language, indented-format | |
SAT | ACIS ACIS .sat | |
SAV | SPSS tabular data (binary) | PSPP, SPSS |
SB | Scratch project | Scratch |
SB2 | Scratch 2.0 project | Scratch |
SB3 | Scratch 3.0 project | Scratch |
SBH | Header | ScriptBasic |
SBV | Superbase RDBMS form definition data | Superbase (database) |
SBX | For experimental extensions to Scratch | Used by scratchX ( |
SCALA | Scala source code file | Scala (programming language) |
SCM | Scheme source code file | |
SCR | Screen Protector file | Windows Screen Protector |
SCSS[2] | Sass stylesheet language | |
SDF[3] | SQL Server Compact database file | Microsoft SQL Server Compact |
SD7 | Seed7 source file | Seed7 interpreter and compiler |
SDS | Self Defining Structure provides for N-dimensional very large datasets using HHCode | geographic information systems and relational database management systems |
SDTS | Spatial Data Transfer Standard | |
SEC | Secret key ring file | Pretty Good Privacy RSA System |
SED | Self extraction directive file | IExpress |
SEQ | Video | Tiertex video sequence |
SF | JAR Digital Signature | |
SFB | Configuration file | emacs |
SFX | SFX (self-extracting archives) script | RAR |
SH | Unix shell script | Unix shell interpreter |
SHAR | Shell self-extracting archive | UNSHAR (Unix) |
SHTM | SSI-enabled HTM file | Server Side Includes |
SHTML | SSI-enabled HTML file | Server Side Includes |
SHX | Shape entities | AutoCAD |
SIG | Signature file | gpg, PopMail, ThunderByte AntiVirus |
SL | S-Lang source code file | |
SM | SMALLTALK source code file | |
SMCLVL | Secret Maryo Chronicles Level | Secret Maryo Chronicles |
SMK | Smacker video Format (RAD Video) | |
SNO | SNOBOL4 source code file | |
SO | shared object, dynamically linked library | Unix, Linux |
SPF | data | SQR Portable Format |
SPIFF[4] | Still Picture Interchange File Format | |
SPIN | Spin source file | Parallax Propeller Microcontrollers |
SPS | SPSS program file (text) | PSPP, SPSS |
SPT | SPITBOL source code file | |
SPV | SPIR-V binary file | Vulkan, Khronos Group |
SPX[5][6] | Ogg Speex bitstream | Xiph.Org Foundation |
SPZ | Crestron SIMPL Windows compiled program (ZIP format) | Crestron SIMPL Windows |
SQL | Structured Query Language | Any SQL database |
SSC | Celestia Solar System Catalog file | Celestia |
SSC | Stellarium Script | Stellarium |
ST | SMALLTALK source code file | Little Smalltalk |
STC | Celestia Star Catalog file | Celestia |
STC | XML spreadsheet template | Calc |
STD | XML drawing template | Draw |
STI | XML presentation template | Impress |
STK[7] | Stockholm multiple sequence alignment | Bioinformatics tools eg HMMER, Xrate, Jalview |
STL | surface geometry of a three-dimensional object | software by 3D Systems |
STM | SSI-enabled HTML file | Server Side Includes |
STO[7] | Stockholm multiple sequence alignment | Bioinformatics tools eg HMMER, Xrate, Jalview |
STP | Standard for the Exchange of Product Data | universal format for CAD exchange per ISO 10303 |
STW | XML text document template | Writer |
SUR | Surface topography (in native "SURF" format) | MountainsMap |
SVC | Represents the ServiceHost instance hosted by Internet Information Services | Windows Communication Foundation |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics | |
SWF[8] | Shockwave Flash | Macromedia, Adobe Flash Player |
SWG | SWIG source code | SWIG |
SWIFT | Swift source code | Swift (programming language) |
SWM | split Windows Imaging Format | ImageX, DISM, 7-Zip, wimlib |
SXC | XML spreadsheet | Calc |
SXD | XML drawing | Draw |
SXG | XML master document | |
SXI | XML presentation | Impress |
SXM | XML formula | Calc |
SXP | 3DS Process file | 3D Studio |
SXW | XML text document | Writer |
SYLK | Symbolic Link (SYLK) file | Windows |
SYMBOLICLINK | Replace file for a symbolic link | Unix-like OSs |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
TAK | Audio codec, Lossless audio file format | Winamp (+Plugin), foobar2000 (+Plugin), Media Player Classic – BE |
TAR | tar archive | tar and other file archivers with support |
TAZ[9] | tar archive compressed with compress | tar and other file archivers with support |
TB2[9] | tar archive compressed with Bzip2 | tar and other file archivers with support |
TBZ[9] | ||
TBZ2[9] | ||
TC | Theme Colour file | Saturn CMS |
TER | Terragen heightmap file | Terragen scenery generator |
TGA | Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter image | |
TGT | Target configuration file | Target active security software |
TGZ[9] | tar archive compressed with gzip | tar and other file archivers with support |
THM | Thumbnail File | GoPro, Android, some versions of iOS (Accessible via computer or Jailbreak, on User/Media/PhotoData/Metadata/DCIM) |
TIF | See TIFF | |
TIFF | Tag Image File Format image | |
TLB[10] | Type library | A binary file with information about a COM or DCOM object so other applications can use it at runtime. Created by Visual C++ or Visual Studio. Used by many Windows applications. |
TLZ[9] | tar archive compressed with LZMA | tar and other file archivers with support |
TMP[11] | Temporary file | |
TORRENT[12] | Torrent file | BitTorrent clients (various) |
TS | MPEG transport stream | Video broadcasting, digital video cameras |
TS[13] | TypeScript | |
TSV[14] | Tab-separated values | |
TTC | TrueType Font collection | |
TTF | TrueType Font file | |
TXZ[9] | tar archive compressed with xz | tar and other file archivers with support |
TZ2[9] | Same as TBZ | |
TZST[9] | tar archive compressed with Zstandard |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
UI | Espire source code file | Geoworks UI Compiler Geos |
UI | Qt Designer's UI File | Trolltech Qt Designer |
UMP | Umple UML Programming Language Format | Umple |
UNV | Text file containing finite elements nodal coordinates and more See notes | Originally used by SDRC for its I-deas software; a lot of simulation software use it today |
UOS | Uniform Office Format spreadsheet | |
UOT | Uniform Office Format text | |
UPS | ROM patch file | |
URL | Remote file shortcut | Microsoft Windows |
USDZ | Augmented Reality (AR) File | Apple, Pixar |
UST | Vocal synthesis track data | UTAU |
UT! | datafile | uTorrent |
UXF | UML Exchange Format |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
V | Coq source file | |
V | Verilog source file | |
V4P | vvvv patch | vvvv |
VB | Visual Basic .Net source file | Visual Basic .NET |
VBOX[15] | virtual machine settings file (in XML format) | VirtualBox |
VBOX-EXTPACK[16] | VirtualBox extension package | VirtualBox |
VBPROJ | Visual Basic .Net project file | Visual Basic .Net Express and Visual Studio 2003-2010 Project |
VBR | Visual Basic Custom Control file | Visual Basic |
VBS | VBScript script file | VBScript |
VBX | Visual Basic eXtension | Visual Basic |
VC6 | Graphite – 2D and 3D drafting | Ashlar-Vellum |
VCLS | VocaListener voice scanner file | VocaListener Plug-in (Vocaloid3) |
VDA | Targa bitmap graphics | many raster graphics editors |
VDI | Virtual Disk Image | VirtualBox |
VDW | Visio web drawing | Microsoft Visio |
VDX | Visio XML drawing | Microsoft Visio |
VFD | Virtual Floppy Disk | Windows Virtual PC (among others) |
VI | Virtual Instrument | LabVIEW |
VMCZ | Hyper-V Exported Virtual Machine | Microsoft |
VMDK[17] | Virtual Disk file | VMware |
VMG | Nokia message file format | Text Message Editor (Nokia PC Suite) |
VOB[18][19] | Video Object | DVD-R, DVD-RW |
VMX | virtual machine configuration file | VMware |
VPK | Valve package | Source engine games |
VPM | Garmin Voice Processing Module | |
VPP | Visual Paradigm Project | Visual Paradigm for UML |
VPR | Vocal synthesizer track data | Vocaloid 5 |
VQM | Hardware description language | Altera |
VRB | LateX Beamer file containing verbatim commands | LaTeX Beamer |
VRB | Veeam reversed incremental backup archive | Veeam software |
VS | Vellum Solids | Ashlar-Vellum |
VSD | Visio drawing | Microsoft Visio |
VSDX[20] | Visio drawing | Microsoft Visio |
VSM | Visual Simulation Model | VisSim |
VSQ | Vocal synthesizer track data | Vocaloid 2 |
VSQx | Vocal synthesizer track data | Vocaloid 3, Vocaloid 4 |
VST | Truevision Vista graphics | many raster graphics editors |
VSTO | Microsoft Office add-in file | Microsoft Visual Studio |
VSVNBAK | VisualSVN Server repository backup | VisualSVN Server |
VTF | Valve Texture Format file[21] | Valve Corporation |
VUE | Visual Understanding Environment map | Visual Understanding Environment |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
WAD | Default package format for Doom that contains sprites, levels, and game data | Doom and Doom II |
WAV | Sound format (Microsoft Windows RIFF WAVE) | Media Player |
WEBM | Royalty-free video/audio container | HTML5 |
WITNESS_CAMPAIGN | Game save file for The Witness | The Witness |
WK1 | Spreadsheet | Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x – Lotus Symphony 1.1+ |
WK3 | Spreadsheet | Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x |
WKS | Spreadsheet | Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A – Lotus Symphony 1.0, Microsoft Works |
WLMP | Windows Live Moviemaker Project, contains paths from where the images/audios/videos of the project are located | Windows Live Movie Maker[22] |
WMA | Windows Media Audio file Advanced Systems Format | |
WMDB | Windows Media Player database | Windows Media Player |
WMF | Windows MetaFile vector graphics | |
WMV | Windows Media Video file Advanced Systems Format | |
WOS | WoS bibliographic reference file | ISI/Clarivate Analytics |
WTX | Text document | |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
X | LEX source code file | |
X | XBasic Source code file | Xbasic |
X3D | x3d and xdart Formats | |
XAR | Xara graphics file | Files created by Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (formerly Xara Xtreme and Xara Studio); early versions used the extension ART |
XAR | eXtensible ARchive | xar, 7-Zip |
XBRL | eXtensible Business Reporting Language instance file | eXtensible Business Reporting Language |
XCF | Gimp image file | GNU Image Manipulation Program |
XDM | Directory Manipulator for 32-bit Protected Mode | Xenotech Research Labs |
XE | Xenon – for Associative 3D Modeling | Ashlar-Vellum |
XEX | Xbox 360 Executable File | |
XLS[23] | Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet | Microsoft Excel |
XLSB | Microsoft Excel 2007 Binary Workbook (BIFF12)(Spreadsheets) | Microsoft Excel 2007 (see Microsoft Office 2007 file extensions) |
XLSM | Microsoft Excel 2007 Macro-Enabled Workbook (Spreadsheets) | Microsoft Excel 2007 (see Microsoft Office 2007 file extensions) |
XLSX[24] | Office Open XML Workbook (Spreadsheets) | Microsoft Excel 2007 (see Microsoft Office 2007 file extensions) |
XM | FastTracker 2 extended module | AWAVE, Mod4Win, FastTracker, ImpulseTracker |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language file | |
XMF | eXtensible Music Format | |
XP | eXtended Pattern | FastTracker 2 |
XPL | X-Plane system file | Laminar Research |
XPS | Open XML Paper Specification / OpenXPS | Open standard document format initially created by Microsoft and similar in concept to Adobe PDF files |
XSD[25][26] | XML schema description | |
XSF | data | Microsoft InfoPath file |
XSL[27] | XSL Stylesheet | |
XSLT[27] | XSLT file | |
XSN | Microsoft InfoPath template | Microsoft InfoPath |
XSPF | XML Sharable Playlist Format | |
XX | XX-encoded file (ASCII) | XXDECODE |
XXE | XX-encoded file (ASCII) | XXDECODE |
XXX | Singer Embroidery Format | Embroidermodder |
XYZ | Molecular coordinates | XMol, RasMol |
XZ | a lossless data compression file format incorporating the LZMA/LZMA2 compression algorithms. | xz |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
Y | YACC grammar file | Yacc/Bison |
YML[28] | YML markup file | domain specific language output to XML |
YAML[29] | YAML source file | YAML (data serialization language) |
Ext. | Description | Used by |
ZIP[30] | Zip (file format) | PKZip – WinZip – Mac OS X |
ZRX | REXX scripting language for ZOC_(software) | ZOC terminal emulator |
ZS | Script for Minecraft mod MineTweaker[31] and CraftTweaker[32] | Minecraft Mods |
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- Hebben, Stan. "Tutorial:Introduction". Minetweaker 3. Retrieved 28 September 2014.
- "Crafttweaker Documentation". Retrieved 2019-11-17.
External links
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.