List of banks in Israel

The following is a list of banks in Israel:

Central Bank

Logo Bank Established
Bank of Israel1954

Major banks

Logo Bank Established
Bank Hapoalim1921
Bank Leumi1902
Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot1923
First International Bank of Israel1972
Israel Discount Bank1935

Other banks

Bank Est. Remarks
Arab Israel Bank1961Arab Israel Bank was wholly owned by Bank Leumi and was merged into Leumi in 2016
Mercantile Discount Bank1971Mercantile Discount Bank is a subsidiary of Israel Discount Bank
Bank of Jerusalem1963
Bank Otsar Ha-Hayal1946Bank Otsar Ha-Hayal is a brand of First International Bank
Union Bank (Bank Igud)1951Acquired by Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot.
Bank Massad1929Bank Massad is a subsidiary of First International Bank (51%), jointly owned with Histadrut HaMorim (Israel's teachers Trade Union)
Bank Yahav1954Bank Yahav for Government Employers is a subsidiary of Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot (50%), jointly owned with Israel's government employers trade union and State of Israel
Dexia Israel Bank1953Acquired by Discount Bank; merged into Mercantile Bank brand.
Poaley Agudat Israel Bank1977Poaley Agudat Israel Bank is a brand of First International Bank, serving mainly the Jewish Orthodox community
U-Bank1934U-Bank is a brand of First International Bank, specializes in private banking
One Zero Digital Bank2019A digital-only bank with no branches

Postal Bank

Logo Bank Est. Remarks
Postal Bank (Bank Ha-Doar)1951Postal bank is a part of government-owned Israel Postal Company and supervised by the Ministry of Communications according to the postal service laws, like other postal services.

Foreign banks

Logo Bank Branch opened in Israel
BNP Paribas Israel1996
Southeast Global Nà Ni Bank2019
Citibank Israel1996/2000
HSBC Israel2001
State Bank of India2006
Barclays Bank2011
UBS Israel

Credit card companies

Cal - Israel Credit Cards
Leumi Card
Europay (Eurocard) Israel
Poalim Express
Diners Club Israel

See also

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