List of amphibians and reptiles of Dominica

This is a list of amphibians and reptiles found on Dominica, a Caribbean island-nation in the Lesser Antilles. Dominica is one of the few islands in that chain that has retained its original amphibian and reptile fauna over the last 200 years, and reptiles in particular form a significant part of its fauna.[1]

Location of Dominica in the Caribbean


There are four species of amphibians on Dominica, all from the frog family Leptodactylidae. Three are native, and one, Eleutherodactylus amplinympha, is endemic to Dominica.

Frogs (Anura)

Tropical frogs (Leptodactylidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Eleutherodactylus amplinymphaGounoujEndangered.[2] Endemic. First described in 1994. Most abundant in transition zone between montane rainforest and elfin woodland, but range also extends over broader range of altitudes, coexisting with E. martinicensis.
Eleutherodactylus johnstoneiLesser Antillean whistling frog, coqui antillano, Johnstone's whistling frogLeast concern. Recently introduced. Widespread throughout the Lesser Antilles.
Eleutherodactylus martinicensisTink frog, Martinique robber frogNear threatened. Regional endemic. Abundant in rain forest; uncommon in dry coastal forest. Local populations are being displaced by E. johnstonei along part of the west (Caribbean) coast.[3]
Leptodactylus fallaxGiant ditch frog, mountain chickenCritically endangered. Regional endemic. Natural range on the western (Caribbean) side of Dominica from sea level to 400 m elevation. Populations are infected with chytridiomycosis and are in severe decline. Widely eaten in Dominica as a novelty food prior to its legal protection in 2002.[4]


Two of the four extant orders of reptile are represented on Dominica: Squamata and Testudines. Including marine turtles and introduced species, there are a total of 19 confirmed species of reptiles.

Endemic reptile species include the Dominican anole (Anolis oculatus), the Dominican ground lizard (Ameiva fuscata) and the Dominica skink (Mabuya dominicana). The Dominican blind snake (Typhlops dominicanus or T. d. dominicanus) and the Dominican clouded boa (Boa constrictor nebulosis) may also be designated as endemic, though their status as distinct subspecies is unresolved.

Turtles (Testudines)

Tortoises (Testudinidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Geochelone carbonariaRed-footed tortoiseLikely recent introduction, though possibly as long ago as Amerindian settlement of Dominica.[5] Rarely seen in the wild.
Scaly sea turtles (Cheloniidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Caretta carettaLoggerhead turtle, channel turtle (local name)Endangered. Rare in Dominican waters; mainly recorded around Soufriere Bay and from Martinique and Guadeloupe Channels. Not recorded nesting on Dominica.
Chelonia mydasGreen turtleEndangered. Regularly seen in coastal waters; nests on both coasts (though mainly on northern beaches), primarily from June to October.
Eretmochelys imbricataHawksbill turtleCritically endangered. Regularly seen in coastal waters; nests on both coasts (though mainly on northern beaches), primarily from May to October.
Leathery sea turtles (Dermochelyidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Dermochelys coriaceaLeatherback turtleCritically endangered. Fairly rare, mainly recorded from Martinique and Guadeloupe Channels. Nesting recorded from April to June, primarily on south and east (Atlantic) coast beaches.

Lizards and snakes (Squamata)

Geckos (Gekkonidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Hemidactylus mabouiaHouse geckoIntroduced. Widespread, usually around human populations.
Sphaerodactylus fantasticusFantastic least geckoFound at scattered locations along west (Caribbean) coast. Regional endemic; Dominica population has been described as subspecies S. f. fuga.
Sphaerodactylus vincentiVincent's least geckoConfined to wet high elevations. Endemic to the Windward islands.[6]
Thecadactylus rapicaudaTree gecko, turnip-tailed geckoWidespread
Iguanas and Anolids (Iguanidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Anolis cristatellusPuerto Rican crested anoleRecent introduction (between 1997 and 2002); range limited to southwest (Caribbean) coast around capital of Roseau.[7]
Anolis oculatusDominican anole, eyed anole, tree lizardEndemic. Four subspecies described (A. o. oculatus, A. o. cabritensis, A. o. montanus, A. o. winstoni) now recognized as ecotypes. Widespread and abundant in all areas below 900 m elevation. South Caribbean ecotype is being displaced by competition from invasive A. cristatellus.
Iguana delicatissimaLesser Antillean iguana, West Indian iguanaVulnerable. Regional endemic. Common on Dominica in certain areas on both east (Atlantic) and west (Caribbean) coasts; occasionally seen in rain forest.
Whiptails (Teiidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Pholidoscelis fuscatusDominican ground lizard, Dominican ameivaEndemic. Found in dry coastal woodland and associated cultivated areas below 300 m elevation.
Microteiids (Gymnophthalmidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Gymnophthalmus underwoodiUnderwood's spectacled teguVery similar to G. pleii known to be extant on Dominica; variability of scale counts of collected specimens suggest G. underwoodi (or other Gymnophthalmus species) is also present. Presence confirmed 2008 by Turk, Wyszynski, Powell, and Henderson at Batali Beach[8]
Gymnophthalmus pleiiMartinique spectacled teguOfficially recorded only at Cabrits National Park and Dominica Botanical Gardens in Roseau, but likely more widespread, and probably with other Gymnophthalmus species present.[9]
Skinks (Scincidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Mabuya dominicanaDominica skinkIsland endemic. Widespread in coastal regions and in cultivated areas at higher elevations.[10]
Worm snakes (Typhlopidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Typhlops dominicanusDominican blind snake, worm snakeLocal population either described as endemic species, or endemic subspecies T. d. dominicana, with sister subspecies present on Guadeloupe.
Boas (Boidae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Boa constrictorBoa constrictor; Dominican clouded boaLocal population sometimes described as endemic subspecies B. c. nebulosa. Widely distributed in Dominica, though vulnerable to persecution, road accidents, and hunting for snake oil derived from its fat.
Colubrids (Colubridae)
SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Alsophis antillensisAntilles racer, island racer, leeward racer, Dominican racerRegional endemic. Local population described as endemic subspecies A. a. sibonius or as separate species, A. sibonius. Present everywhere except highest elevations; most abundant in dry woodland on west (Caribbean) coast.
Liophis juliaeJulia's ground snake, grove snakePresent everywhere except highest elevations. Local population described as endemic subspecies L. j. juliae, with two sister subspecies present on islands of Guadeloupe.

Unconfirmed or disputed reptile species

SpeciesCommon name(s)NotesImage
Clelia errabundaUnderwood's MussuranaA species from Saint Lucia originally recorded on Dominica (as C. clelia) due to a cataloguing error.[11] Reported sightings are most likely melanistic forms of boa.[12]
Sphaerodactylus microlepisLittle-scaled least geckoMain range is on St. Lucia; only record for presence on Dominica consists of a single specimen with no precise locality.[13]


  1. Malhotra 2007, p. 177.
  2. Conservation status, where available, is from the IUCN Red List and is indicative of the status of the species as a whole, not just populations on Dominica.
  3. Malhotra 2007, p. 181.
  4. Malhotra 2007, p. 180-81.
  5. Malhotra 2007, p. 182. The authors previously doubted there was a viable natural population, attributing its presence to escaped pets. Malhotra 1999, p. 49.
  6. Species Sphaerodactylus vincenti at The Reptile Database .
  7. Malhotra 2007, pp. 182, 187-88.
  8. Turk 2010.
  9. Malhotra 2007, p. 183.
  10. Hedges and Conn 2012, pp. 98-101 revised the taxonomy to M. dominicana and restricted its distribution to Dominica as an island endemic. Formerly referred to as M. bistriata by Malhotra 1999, p. 35, and later called M. mabouya in Evans 1997, p. 20, and Malhotra 2007, p. 183 (listing M. mabouya as the only skink on Dominica ).
  11. Malhotra 2007, p. 184.
  12. Malhotra 1999, p. 50; Evans 1997, p. 20.
  13. Malhotra 2007, p. 185; Malhotra 1999, p. 50. Evans 1997, at p. 18, merely states that its "present Dominican status remains unclear."


Note: Species listed above are presumed to be supported by all references unless otherwise cited.

  • Hedges, S. Blair; Conn, Caitlin E. (2012). "A new skink fauna from Caribbean islands (Squamata, Mabuyidae, Mabuyinae)". Zootaxa. 3288: 1–244. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3288.1.1.
  • Evans, Peter G.H.; James, Arlington (1997). Dominica, Nature Island of the Caribbean: Wildlife Checklists. Dominica Ministry of Tourism. pp. 16–21.
  • Malhotra, Anita; Thorpe, Roger S.; Hypolite, Eric; James, Arlington (2007). "A report on the status of the herpetofauna of the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies". Appl. Herpetol. 4 (2): 177–94. doi:10.1163/157075407780681365.
  • Malhotra, Anita; Thorpe, Roger S. (1999). Reptiles & Amphibians of the Eastern Caribbean. Macmillan Education Ltd. ISBN 0-333-69141-5.
  • Turk, Patrick; Wyszynski, Natalie; Robert, Powell; Henderson, Robert (2010). "Population densities and water-loss rates of Gymnophthalmus pleii, Gymnophthalmus underwoodi (Gymnophthalmidae), and Sphaerodactylus fantasticus fuga (Sphaerodactylidae) on Dominica, West Indies". Salamandra. 46 (3): 125–130.
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