List of Teen Titans members

The Teen Titans is a team of teenage comic book superheroes created by DC Comics. Portrayals of the team have undergone many iterations with different sets of characters. Alternate versions of the team appear in parallel universes, and the team has also been portrayed differently in other media, including television and video games.


Original Team (1960s–1970s)

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Robin / NightwingDick GraysonThe Brave and the Bold #54 (July 1964)
Kid Flash / FlashWally West
Aqualad / TempestGarth
  • Founding member.
  • Died in Blackest Night #2.
  • Disappeared after New 52 relaunch but reappeared in DC Rebirth.
Wonder Girl / Troia / DarkstarDonna TroyThe Brave and the Bold #60 (June/July 1965)
  • Founding member.
  • Former member of the Darkstars as Donna Troy.
  • Died in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3.
  • Resurrected in The Return of Donna Troy #1.
  • Temporarily took up the mantle of Wonder Woman during 52.
  • Former member of the Justice League of America.
  • Disappeared after New 52 relaunch but reappeared in DC Rebirth.
Speedy / ArsenalRoy HarperTeen Titans #4 (August 1966) (early appearance), Teen Titans #19 (February 1969) (officially)
  • Founding member (retcon introduced in Teen Titans #53 (February 1978)).
  • Former member of the Outsiders and Checkmate as Arsenal.
  • Former member of the Justice League of America as Red Arrow.
  • Former member of Red Hood and the Outlaws.
  • Former member of Titans.
Lilith / OmenLilith ClayTeen Titans #25 (January/February 1970)
  • Leader of Titans West.
  • Died in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3.
  • Reestablished in Titans Hunt (second series) #1.
HawkHank Hall
  • Also a member of Titans West.
  • Became the villains known as Monarch and later Extant.
  • Died in JSA #15.
  • Came back to life in Blackest Night #8.
  • Former member of the Birds of Prey
  • Currently in Hawk and Dove Vol. 5.
Dove Don Hall *Died in Crisis On Infinite Earths #12.
Guardian / HeraldMalcolm DuncanTeen Titans #26 (March/April 1970)
  • Also a member of Titans L.A.
  • Member of the Doom Patrol as Vox.
AquagirlTulaTeen Titans #30 (November/December 1970)
  • Honorary member.
  • Many of her adventures with the Titans are uncatalogued.
  • Died in Crisis on Infinite Earths #10.
GnarrkJohn GnaarkTeen Titans #33 (May/June 1971)
  • Also a member of Titans West.
  • Reported dead.
Joker's Daughter / HarlequinDuela DentTeen Titans #46 (February 1977)
  • Former member of Titans East as the Joker's Daughter.
  • Killed by a Monitor in Countdown #51.
BumblebeeKaren Beecher-DuncanTeen Titans #48 (June 1977)
  • Also a member of Titans L.A.
  • Member of the Doom Patrol.
Flamebird Betty Kane Teen Titans #52 (December 1977)
  • Bat-Girl when she joined
  • Later became Flamebird post Crisis
  • Titans West member

New Teen Titans

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Beast Boy / ChangelingGarfield Mark LoganDC Comics Presents #26 (1980)
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
  • Founder of Titans L.A..
Raventakes up alias Rachel Roth to attend high school
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
  • Former member of the Outsiders.
  • Former member of the Justice League of America.
  • Former member of the R.E.B.E.L.S.
  • Currently in the Teen Titans.
CyborgVictor Stone
  • Founding member of the New Teen Titans.
  • Currently a member of the Justice League of America.
  • Currently in Justice League Vol. 2.
TerraTara MarkovThe New Teen Titans #30 (April 1983)
  • Died in Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3 (1984).
  • A version of Terra exists in The New 52 reboot in the series Ravagers.
JerichoJoseph WilsonFirst depicted as a member in The New Teen Titans (vol. 2) #1 (August 1984)
Induction depicted in Tales of the Teen Titans #58 (October 1985)
  • Died in The New Titans #82 (1992).
  • Resurrected in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #40 (2006).
  • Rejoined in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #41 (2006).
RobinJason ToddThe New Teen Titans (vol. 2) #20 (May 1986)
  • Died in Batman #428 (1988).
  • Revealed as the new Red Hood in Batman #638 (May 2005).
  • Posed as Nightwing starting in Nightwing #118.
  • Briefly took up the mantle of Red Robin in Countdown to Final Crisis #16.
  • Currently in Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Danny Chase / Phantasm Danny Chase "The New Teen Titans Annual" #3 (August 1987)
  • Fired from the team in "The New Titans" #55 (June 1989)
  • Faked death and becomes Phantasm in "The New Titans" #73 (February 1991)
  • Died and becomes merged Phantasm entity in "The New Titans" #84 (March 1992)
  • Left team in "The New Titans" #114 (September 1994)
PanthaRosabelle Mendez"The New Titans" #74 (March 1991)
Red StarLeonid KovarThe New Titans #77 (June 1991)
  • Team member during one-year gap.
Baby WildebeestThe New Titans #85 (April 1992)
  • Killed in Infinite Crisis #4 (March 2006).

Arsenal's Titans

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Impulse / Kid FlashBart AllenThe New Titans #0 (October 1994)
  • Later a member of Young Justice.
  • Became Kid Flash in his second stint with the Teen Titans.
  • Vanished in Infinite Crisis #4, returned and aged in #5.
  • Later became the Flash.
  • Killed in Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13.
  • Resurrected in Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds as Kid Flash.
DamageGrant Emerson
Green LanternKyle RaynerThe New Titans #116 (December 1994)
  • Former member of the Justice League of America.
  • Formerly possessed by the Parallax fear entity in Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1, but released in Green Lantern (vol. 4) #25.
SupergirlMatrix / Linda DanversThe New Titans #121 (May 1995)
  • Retired.
Rose Wilson / RavagerRose Wilson-WorthThe New Titans #122 (June 1995)
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Rejoins team between Teen Titans (vol. 3) #87 and 88.
MinionJarras MinionThe New Titans #123 (July 1995)

The Atom Titans

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
AtomRay PalmerTeen Titans (vol. 2) #1 (October 1996)
  • Former member of the Justice League of America.
  • Former member of legends of tomorrow.
ArgentToni Monetti
  • Team member during one-year gap.
RiskCody Driscoll
  • Severely injured in Infinite Crisis #4 (March 2006).
  • Member of Titans East.
Slagger / Joto / HotspotIsaiah Crockett
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Changed his name to Hotspot as of Teen Titans (vol. 3) #38 (September 2006).
PrysmAudrey Spears
Captain Marvel Jr. / CM3Freddy FreemanTeen Titans (vol. 2) #17 (February 1998)
  • Member of Titans L.A.
  • Former member of the Outsiders.
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Depowered as of Brave New World #1 (June 2006).
  • Repowered as of Trials of Shazam #1-12 (August 2006 – 2007).
  • Active as Shazam.

The Titans

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Jesse QuickJesse ChambersTitans Secret Files and Origins #1 (1999)
  • Former member of the Justice Society of America as Liberty Belle.
  • Currently a member of The Titans as Jesse Quick.

Teen Titans Post-"Graduation Day"

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Robin / Red RobinTim DrakeTeen Titans (vol. 3) #1 (August 2003)
  • Former member and leader of Young Justice.
  • Resigned from the team in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #66
  • Rejoined team as Red Robin in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #92.
Wonder GirlCassandra Sandsmark
  • Former member and second leader of Young Justice.
  • Demi-god daughter of Zeus.
SuperboyKon-El / Conner Kent
  • Clone of Superman And Lex Luthor
  • Former member of Young Justice.
  • Died in Infinite Crisis #6 (May 2006).
  • Resurrected in Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4 (June 2009).
SpeedyMia DeardenTeen Titans (vol. 3) #21 (April 2005)
ZataraZachary Zatarabetween Teen Titans (vol. 3) #33 & #34 (seen in #38 (September 2006))
  • Team member during one-year gap.
OffspringLuke O'Brien
  • Team member during one-year gap.
DoveDawn Granger
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Formerly a member of the Birds of Prey.
Miss MartianM'gann M'orzz / Megan Morse
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Rejoined in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #69.
  • Rendered comatose and taken to Cadmus for care in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #87.
BombshellAmy Allen
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed by Batgirl in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #43.
  • Resurrected in Teen Titans (vol.3) #63.
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Member of Titans East.
OsirisAmon Tomaz
  • Eaten by Sobek in 52 #43.
  • Restored to life in Blackest Night #8.
FlamebirdMary Elizabeth "Bette" Kane
  • Former member of Titans L.A. and Titans West (see below).
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Briefly went into retirement, but returned to costumed heroics in Detective Comics #863.
Wendy, Marvin and Wonder DogTeen Titans (vol. 3) #34 (May 2006)
  • Became caretakers of Titans Tower during one-year gap.
  • Marvin died after an attack by the demonic pet of King Lycus. #62
  • Wendy was paralyzed after an attack by the demonic pet of King Lycus. #62
  • Wendy took on the moniker Proxy in Batgirl #12.
Red DevilEddie Bloomberg
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Changed his name to Red Devil as of Teen Titans (vol. 3) #61.
SupergirlKara Zor-ElTeen Titans (vol. 3) #50 (September 2007)
Blue BeetleJaime ReyesTeen Titans (vol. 3) #61 (May 2008)
  • Began appearing as a non-member in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #50, but was not formally offered membership until #61.
  • Left to spend time with family in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #83.
StaticVirgil Ovid HawkinsTeen Titans (vol. 3) #69 (June 2009)
  • Formerly a resident of the Milestone universe.
  • Left team after losing powers in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #87.
Kid EternityChristopher Freeman
  • Kidnapped by the Calculator in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #73.
  • Revealed to have been beaten to death by the Calculator in Batgirl #12 (2010).
Aqualad Kaldur'ahm / Jackson Hyde Teen Titans (vol. 3) #88 (November 2010)
  • Joins in a flashforward.
RobinDamian WayneTeen Titans (vol. 3) #89 (December 2010)
  • Left team after Tim Drake rejoined in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #92.
  • Died in Batman Inc. #7
  • Returned to life in Batman and Robin #37
SolsticeKiranTeen Titans (vol. 3) #93 (January 2011)

Ancillary teams

Titans West

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Lilith / OmenLilith ClayTeen Titans #50 (October 1977)
  • Leader of Titans West.
  • Joined original team in Teen Titans #25 (January/February 1970).
  • Died in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3.
HawkHank Hall
  • Joined original team in Teen Titans #25 (January/February 1970).
  • Became the villain known as Monarch and later Extant.
  • Died in JSA #15.
  • Resurrected in Blackest Night #8.
FlamebirdMary Elizabeth "Bette" Kane
  • Former member of Titans L.A.
  • Joins main team during one-year gap.
Golden EagleCharley Parker / Ch'al Andar
Beast BoyGarfield Logan
  • Went on to join New Teen Titans in- DC Comics Presents #26.
  • Leader in the short-lived Titans L.A.
  • Member of the Doom Patrol.

Team Titans

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
MirageMiriam DelgadoThe New Titans #79 (September 1991)
  • Joined main team in The New Titans #0 (1994).
  • Team member during one-year gap.
TerraTara Markov (imposter)
  • Joined main team in The New Titans #0 (1994).
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed by Black Adam during World War III.
RedwingCarrie Levine
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
Dagon / NightriderDavid
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
KillowatCharlie Watkins
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
Prestor JonJon Levine
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
BattalionAlexander LyonsTeam Titans #2 (October 1992)
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.
Wonder BoyTeam Titans #19 (April 1994)
  • Erased from history in Zero Hour.

Titans L.A.

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
Hero CruzThe Titans Secret Files #2
BushidoRyuku Orsono
  • Killed in Infinite Crisis #4 (March 2006).
Captain Marvel, Jr. / CM3Freddy Freeman
  • Member of Titans L.A.
  • Former member of the Outsiders.
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Depowered as of Brave New World #1 (June 2006).
  • Repowered as of Trials of Shazam #1-12 (August 2006 – 2007).
  • Active as Shazam.
Beast BoyGarfield "Gar" Logan
  • Former member of Titans West and the main team.
  • Leader of team during one-year gap.
  • Member of the Doom Patrol.
TerraTara Markov (imposter)
  • Was a member of Team Titans and the main team.
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed by Black Adam in World War III.
BumblebeeKaren Beecher-Duncan
  • Former member of main team.
  • Member of the Doom Patrol.
HeraldMalcolm Duncan
  • Former member of main team.
  • Member of the Doom Patrol as Vox.
FlamebirdMary Elizabeth "Bette" Kane
  • Former member of Titans West.
  • Team member during one-year gap.

Titans East

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
AnimaCourtney MasonTitans East Special #1 (January 2008, one-off issue)
  • Killed in Faces of Evil: Prometheus one-shot.
HawkHolly Granger
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed in Blackest Night: Titans #1.
  • Active as Black Lantern in Blackest Night: Titans #2.
  • Destroyed in Blackest Night: Titans #3, reintroduced in New 52 relaunch of 2011.
DoveDawn Granger
Lagoon Boy
  • Left in a coma at end of Titans East Special, reintroduced in New 52 relaunch of 2011.
Little Barda
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Left in critical condition at end of Titans East Special, returned to action in Titans #21 (March 2010)
Power Boy
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Killed in Titans East Special.
Son of VulcanMiguel "Mikey" Devante
  • Left in a coma at end of Titans East Special, reintroduced in New 52 relaunch of 2011.
CyborgVictor Stone
  • Former member of the main team.
  • Team leader.

Deathstroke's Titans

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
CinderCarla MorettiTitans: Villains For Hire Special
  • Pyrokinetic supervillainess created specifically for the series
CheshireJade Nguyen
Deathstroke the TerminatorSlade Wilson
  • Former member of Secret Society of Super Villains.
  • Former member of Injustice League.
  • Former member of Titans East.
  • Team leader.
OsirisAmon Tomaz
  • Team member during one-year gap.
  • Eaten by Sobek in 52 #43.
  • Restored to life in Blackest Night #8.
Tattooed ManMark Richards
ArsenalRoy HarperTitans Vol. 2 #28

The New 52 / DC Rebirth

"Forgotten" Teen Titans

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Aqualad Garth Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Cyborg Victor Stone Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Cave Boy Gnarrk Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Dove Don Hall Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #8; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Hawk Hank Hall Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Herald Malcolm Duncan Confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Hot Spot Isaiah Crockett Confirmed to be a part of the team in Sideways (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Kid Flash Wally West I Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in DC Universe: Rebirth (vol. 1) #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Magenta Frances Kane Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Omen Lilith Clay Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Ravager Rose Wilson Confirmed to be a part of the team in Deathstroke (vol. 4) #18; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Robin Dick Grayson Founding member; former leader; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Speedy Roy Harper Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Starfire Koriand'r Confirmed to be a part of the team in The Flash (vol. 5) Annual #1; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Terra Tara Markov Confirmed to be a part of the team in Deathstroke (vol. 4) #21; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions
Wonder Girl Donna Troy Founding member; confirmed to be a part of the team in Titans Hunt (vol. 1) #4; forgotten by the world after Mister Twister's actions

Teen Titans (New 52)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Red RobinTim DrakeTeen Titans (vol. 4) #4Founding member and leader of the Teen Titans. Former sidekick of Batman. Former member of Batman Inc. Currently active with the Bat family.
Wonder GirlCassandra SandsmarkRevealed to be related to Wonder Woman in Vol. 4 #19.
Kid FlashBart Allen / Bar TorrLeft in Vol. 4 #30.
SkitterCeline Marjorie PattersonLeft in Vol. 4 #9, returned in #29, and left again in Annual Vol. 4 #3.
BunkerMiguel Jose BarraganLeft in Vol. 4 #24, and returned in Vol. 4 #30.
SolsticeKiran SinghLeft in Vol. 4 #30.
SuperboyKon-ElTeen Titans Annual (vol. 4) #1Former Operative of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. Presumed dead in Superman (vol. 3) #25. Revealed to be the Herald of the Oracle in Annual Vol. 4 #3.
Danny the Street"Danny"Teen Titans (vol. 4) #7Destroyed in Vol. 4 #10. Currently active in the Doom Patrol as Danny the Ambulance.
Beast BoyGarfield LoganTeen Titans (vol. 4) #23Former member of the new Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
RavenRachel RothFormer member of the new Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
SuperboyJon Lane KentTeen Titans Annual (vol. 4) #2Died in Superboy (vol. 6) #34
ChimeraRa’ut L’lwerDC Sneak Peek Teen Titans (vol. 5) # 1Left in Vol. 5 #16.
Power GirlTanya SpearsTeen Titans (vol. 5) #5Former member of Defiance.

Teen Titans (DC Rebirth)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
RobinDamian WayneTeen Titans (vol. 6) #1Founding member. Former leader of the Teen Titans. Left in Teen Titans (vol. 6) Annual #2. Former member of Batman Inc. Also active with the Bat family.
StarfireKoriand'rFounding member. Left the team between Teen Titans (vol. 6) #19 and Teen Titans (vol. 6) Special #1. Currently mind controlled by Darkseid in Justice League Odyssey.
RavenRachel RothFounding member. Left the team between Teen Titans (vol. 6) #19 and Teen Titans (vol. 6) Special #1. Former member of the original Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
Beast BoyGarfield LoganFounding member. Left the team in #17. Former member of the original Teen Titans. Currently active in the Titans.
Kid FlashWally West IIFounding member. Active. Left the team in Annual Vol. 6 #1, and rejoined in issue #14. Former member of Defiance. Active with the Titans and the Flash family.
AqualadJackson HydeTeen Titans (vol. 6) #7Left the team between Teen Titans (vol. 6) #19 and Teen Titans (vol. 6) Special #1. Currently active in the Titans.
SuperboyJonathan Samuel KentSuper Sons (vol. 1) #7Voted against as an official member of the team in Super Sons (vol. 1) #12. Currently active with the Super family. Active with Titans reserves.
Red ArrowEmiko QueenTeen Titans (vol. 6) #20Active with the Titans and the Arrow family.
DjinnN/ALeft the team in Teen Titans (vol. 6) #41
RoundhouseBilly WuActive with the Titans.
CrushXiomara RojasLeader of the Teen Titans as of Teen Titans (vol. 6) #45. Quits team in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #3. Active as a reserve member of the Titans.
BunkerMiguel Jose BarraganTeen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #1Becomes new leader of the Teen Titans. Active with the Titans.
Jakeem ThunderJakeem WilliamsActive.

Titans (DC Rebirth)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
NightwingDick GraysonTitans (vol. 3) Rebirth #1Founding member. Left the team when shot through the head by KGBeast in Batman (vol 3.) #50, which caused him to develop amnesia. Rejoined prior to Teen Titans (vol 6) #47. Current leader of the Titans. Formerly Robin. Former member of Batman Inc. Active with the Bat family.
Donna TroyDonna Troy Founding member. Active. Formerly Wonder Girl.
FlashWally West Founding member. Formerly Kid Flash. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1. Currently active with the Flash family. Rejoins in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #13.
TempestGarth Founding member. Formerly Aqualad. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1. Rejoins in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #12.
ArsenalRoy Harper Founding member. Formerly Speedy. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1. Rejoins in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #9.
OmenLilith Clay Founding member. Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1.
BumblebeeKaren Beecher-DuncanTitans (vol. 3) #9Left between Titans (vol. 3) #22 and Titans (vol. 3) Special #1.
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Titans (vol. 3) Special #1 Active. Former member of the Teen Titans. Merges with Cyborg to become Cybeast in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #14. Got better sometime before Dark Crisis.
Raven Rachel Roth Active.
Steel Natasha Irons Left the team prior to Teen Titans (vol 6) #47.
Miss Martian M'gann M'orzz Liaison with the Justice League. Left the team prior to Teen Titans (vol 6) #47.
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner Titans (vol 3) #31 Left the team prior to Teen Titans (vol 6) #47.
Starfire Koriand'r Teen Titans (vol 6) #47 Active
Cyborg Victor Stone Active. Merges with Beast Boy to become Cybeast in Teen Titans Academy (vol. 1) #14. Got better sometime before Dark Crisis.
Bunker Miguel Jose Barragan Teen Titans Academy #14 Active
Kid Flash Wally West II Active
Red Arrow Emiko Queen Active
Roundhouse Billy Wu Active
Aquaman Jackson Hyde The Flash #786 Active

Defiance (Deathstroke's Titans)

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Deathstroke the TerminatorSlade WilsonDeathstroke (vol. 4) #21Founder and leader of Defiance. Currently active on his own.
JerichoJoseph WilsonFounding member.
RavagerRose Wilson
TerraTara Markov
Power GirlTanya SpearsFounding Member. Former member of the Teen Titans.
Kid FlashWally West IIFounding Member. Currently active in the Titans.

Titans Academy

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Black Ice Summer Zahid Infinite Frontier #0 Also active as a reserve member of the Titans.
Bolt Alinta
Bratgirl Merissa Cooper Also active as a reserve member of the Titans.
Gorilla Gregg Gorilla Gregg Quits in Dark Crisis #2.
Jakeem Thunder Jakeem Williams Currently active in the Teen Titans.
Matt Price Matthew Price
Megabat Lucas LaPorte
Red X Brick Pettirosso Foster son of Red X II who enters Titans Academy to destroy the Titans. Killed by his own father in Teen Titans Academy #12.
Tooby Marvin Murakami
Bunker Miguel Jose Barragan Teen Titans Academy #1 Former leader of the Teen Titans. Graduated in Teen Titans Academy #14. Currently active in the Titans.
Chupacabra Diego Perez
Crush Xiomara Rojas Former leader of Teen Titans. Quits in Teen Titans Academy #3.
Dial H Miguel Montez
Kid Flash Wally West II Graduates in Teen Titans Academy #14. Currently active in the Titans.
Nevermore Dane (surname unknown
Red Arrow Emiko Queen Graduates in Teen Titans Academy #14. Currently active in the Titans.
Roundhouse Billy Wu
Shazam Billy Batson
Stitch Unknown Also active as a reserve member of the Titans.
Cybruh Addison (surname unknown) Teen Titans Academy #2 Originally from Earth-12.
Joely Webster Joely Webster Dies in Teen Titans Academy #10.
Tress Unknown
Mark Radley Mark Radley Teen Titans Academy #4 Dies in Teen Titans Academy #10.
Black Adam, Jr. Teth-Adam Teen Titans Academy #15 Originally from Future State timeline.
The Hound Lebowitz Whistle's dog.
Primer Ashley Rayburn
Whistle Willow Zimmerman

Titans reserves

Character Real name Joined in Notes
Black Ice Summer Zahid Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 Active at Titans Academy.
Blue Beetle Ted Kord
Booster Gold Michael Carter
Bratgirl Merissa Cooper Active at Titans Academy.
Captain Atom Nathaniel Adam
Crush Xiomara Rojas
Firestorm Ronnie Raymond
Frankenstein Frankenstein
Jesse Quick Jesse Chambers Active with the Flash Family.
Stitch Unknown Active at Titans Academy.
Supergirl Kara Zor-El Active with the Superman Family.
Wonder Girl Yara Flor
Vixen Mari McCabe

Titans not in mainstream continuity

Kingdom Come & The Kingdom

The Kingdom Come Titans first appeared in 1996.

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
BatmanDick GraysonKingdom Come #1
  • Team leader.
  • Returned as Batman after Kingdom Come.
Wonder GirlDonna Troy
  • Returned as Troia after Kingdom Come.
FlashWally West
  • His costume from Kingdom Come is similar to Jay Garrick's costume.
  • Became Tempest after Kingdom Come.
Red ArrowRoy Harper
  • Second-in-command.
NightstarMar'i Grayson
  • Daughter of Nightwing/Dick Grayson and Starfire.
Kid FlashIris West
  • Second Kid Flash in non-canon.

Titans Tomorrow

The Titans Tomorrow team is a future, anti-hero version of the Teen Titans and was first seen in 2005. The group, which is from "10 years in the future," first appeared prior to Infinite Crisis in the Titans Tomorrow storyline.

Titans West

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
BatmanTim DrakeTeen Titans (vol. 3) #17
  • Team leader.
FlashBart Allen
  • Traitor to Titans East.
SupermanConner Kent / Kon-El
Wonder WomanCassandra Sandsmark
Dark RavenRaven
  • Member of Titans Army.
Animal ManGarfield Logan
  • Member of Titans Army.
AquawomanLorena Marquez
  • Member of Titans Army.
Flash"Bart Allen"Teen Titans (vol. 3) #50
  • Clone of Bart Allen.
Superman"Conner Kent / Kon-El"
  • Clone of Kon-El.
Martian ManhunterM'gann M'orzz / Megan MorseTeen Titans (vol. 3) #51
  • White Martian.
Red DevilEddie Bloomberg

Titans East

CharacterIdentityIssue joinedNotes
BumblebeeKaren BeecherTeen Titans (vol. 3) #17
  • Member of Titans Army.
  • Co-leader.
RavagerRose Wilson
FlashBart AllenTeen Titans (vol. 3) #18
  • Spy in Titans West.
Cyborg 2.0Victor Stone
  • Member of Titans Army.
BatwomanBette KaneTeen *Team leader.
  • Member of Titans Army as Flamebird.

In other media

Teen Titans animated series

The main team consists of Robin (as leader), Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire. They were joined by Terra for a brief period in the second season (she betrayed the Titans in the episode "Betrayal", but in "Aftershock Pt. 2" she sacrificed herself to save them and defeated Slade for the time being). Titans East was formed at the end of the third season with Bumblebee (as leader), along with Aqualad, Más y Menos, and Speedy. Several Titans were given honorary membership over the course of the series, and they were all seen in the episode "Calling all Titans".

CharacterEpisode joinedNotes
  • Team leader and a good friend. Assumed to be Dick Grayson, and this is supported by several in-episode references.
Beast Boy
  • Originally a member of the Doom Patrol.
  • Started getting weird transformations in "Transformation" and left Earth.
  • Forced (but it ended up not happening) to marry Glgrdsklechhh by Blackfire in "Betrothed".
Thunder and Lightning"Forces of Nature"
  • Brothers who are evil at first, but Beast Boy convinces them otherwise and they become good.
Aqualad"Deep Six"
  • Titans East member.
Tramm"Deep Six"
  • Aqualad's partner
Terra"Titan Rising"
  • Went out with Beast Boy
  • Betrayed and left team in "Betrayal".
  • Fought the Teen Titans and won in "Aftershock".
  • Turned to stone in "Aftershock (Part 2)".
  • Thought to have returned in "Things Change" with memory-loss; although it has never been confirmed that this is the real Terra, some hints lead to conclude it is, as she still has her powers and memory, but she chooses not to use them or remember.
Speedy"Winner Take All"
  • Titans East member.
Hot Spot
  • Honorary Titan.
  • Honorary Titan.
  • Titans East leader.
Más y Menos"Titans East"
  • Titans East members.
Red Star"Snowblind"
  • Brought to space by Starfire.
  • Returned in "Titans Together".
  • Kole has the ability to turn into a crystal, but in this form she is unable to move, which is why she partners with Gnaark.
Melvin, Timmy Tantrum, Bobby, and Teether"Hide and Seek"
Kid Flash"Lightspeed"
Wonder Girlbefore "Calling All Titans"
  • Had two cameos but could not show up due to legal issues; makes full appearance in Teen Titans Go #36.
Killowatbefore "Calling All Titans"
  • Shown briefly for two episodes, but never talked. In the episode "Calling All Titans", Killowat is attacked and captured by Control Freak and the Puppet King. He is turned in to the Brotherhood of Evil and is frozen into a statue, but was later saved by Más y Menos.
Argent"Calling All Titans"
  • Shown briefly for two episodes, where it is revealed she can shoot Plasma Energy. In episode "Calling All Titans", she is the first Titan that is attacked. Argent was attacked and captured by General Immortus and his army of robots. She is turned in to the Brotherhood of Evil and is frozen into a statue, but was later saved by Más y Menos.
Bushido"Calling All Titans"
Herald"Calling All Titans"
Jericho"Calling All Titans"
Pantha"Calling All Titans"
Jinxbefore "Titans Together"
  • Thought possessing bad luck does not mean she should be bad with it in "Lightspeed" and left H.I.V.E. Five in the same episode.


Character Identity Status Notes
Changeling Garfield Logan Unknown
  • Vaguely referenced to in the Static Shock episode "Romeo in the Mix" as "the green one"
  • Explicitly referenced in Teen Titans Academy #13
Cyborg Victor Stone Inactive
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
Nightwing Dick Grayson
Robin Tim Drake Active
Starfire Koriand'r Inactive
  • Active in Justice League Beyond

Injustice series

Character Identity Status Notes
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Inactive (Regime Earth)
  • Deceased
Cyborg Victor Stone Active (Earth One)

Inactive (Regime Earth)

Kid Flash Bartholomew "Bart" Allen Inactive (Regime Earth)
  • Deceased
Nightwing Richard "Dick" Grayson Active (Earth One)

Inactive (Regime Earth)

  • Also a member of the Justice League (Earth One)
  • Former leader (Regime Earth)
  • Deceased (Regime Earth)
Red Arrow Roy Harper Inactive (Regime Earth)
Red Robin Timothy "Tim" Drake
  • Former leader
  • Deceased
Starfire Koriand'r
Superboy Kon-El
Wonder Girl Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark

DC Animated Movie Universe's Teen Titans

Character Identity Film joined Status Notes
Robin / Nightwing Richard "Dick" Grayson Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Beast Boy Garfield Logan Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Kid Flash Wally West Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Bumblebee Karen Beecher Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Speedy Roy Harper Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Starfire Koriand'r Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Raven Rachel Roth Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes Before Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Robin Damian Wayne Justice League vs. Teen Titans Active
Cyborg Victor "Vic" Stone Justice League vs. Teen Titans Inactive
Terra Tara Markov After Justice League vs. Teen Titans Inactive
Wonder Girl Donna Troy Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. Active
Superboy Conner Kent After Reign of the Supermen. Active
Kid Flash Wallace West Before Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. Active

Titans series

In order of joining the team, then order of appearance in the series.

Character Identity Actor Episode first joined Status Notes
Robin / Nightwing Richard "Dick" Grayson Brenton Thwaites 5+ years before 1x01 "Pilot" Active
  • Member of the original team
  • Leader
Dove Dawn Granger Minka Kelly Inactive
  • Member of the original team
  • Left team in 3x04 "Blackfire" following Hank's death
Hawk Hank Hall Alan Ritchson
  • Deceased; Killed by Red Hood in 3x03 "Hank and Dove"
Wonder Girl Donna Troy Conor Leslie
  • Member of the original team
  • Deceased; killed in action in 2x13 "Nightwing"
  • Resurrected in 3x09 "Souls"
  • Temporarily rejoined in 3x13 "Purple Rain" before leaving to visit Dawn in Paris
Aqualad Garth Drew Van Acker
  • Member of the original team
  • Deceased; fatally shot by Deathstroke in 2x04 "Aqualad"
Raven Rachel Roth Teagan Croft 2x01 "Trigon" Active
  • Left in 2x13 "Nightwing"; looking for a way to revive Wonder Girl
  • Rejoined in 3x10 "Troubled Water"
Beast Boy Garfield "Gar" Logan Ryan Potter
Robin / Red Hood Jason Todd Curran Walters Inactive
  • Left in 2x09 "Atonement"
  • Killed by Joker in 3x01 "Barbara Gordon"
  • Resurrected by Scarecrow and operating as Red Hood as of 3x02 "Red Hood"
Ravager Rose Wilson Chelsea Zhang 2x03 "Ghosts"
  • Also a host for Jericho's conscious
  • Initially Deathstroke's mole
  • Current status unknown as of 3x01 "Barbara Gordon"
Starfire Koriand'r / Kory Anders Anna Diop 2x13 "Nightwing" Active
Jericho Jericho Wilson Chella Man Inactive
  • His consciousness now lives inside Rose's body
  • Current status unknown as of 3x01 "Barbara Gordon"
Superboy Subject 13 / Conner Joshua Orpin Active
Krypto Krypto Pepsi, Wrigley, and Ziva
Blackfire Komand'r Damaris Lewis 3x06 "Lady Vic" Inactive
  • Left in 3x13 "Purple Rain" to return to Tamaran
Robin Tim Drake Jay Lycurgo 3x13 "Purple Rain" Active


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