List of patriarchs of Alexandria

The Patriarch of Alexandria (also known as the Bishop of Alexandria or Pope of Alexandria) is the highest-ranking bishop of Egypt. The Patriarchs trace back their lineage to Mark the Evangelist.

Following the Council of Chalcedon in 451, a schism occurred in Egypt, between those who accepted and those who rejected the decisions of the council. The former are known as Chalcedonians and the latter are known as miaphysites. Over the next several decades, these two parties competed on the See of Alexandria and frequently still recognized the same Patriarch. But after 536, they permanently established separate patriarchates, and have maintained separate lineages of Patriarchs. The miaphysites became the Coptic Church (part of Oriental Orthodoxy) and the Chalcedonians became the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria (part of the wider Eastern Orthodox Church).

Therefore, this list only contains those Patriarchs who served up until 536. For later Popes and Patriarchs, follow the links at the bottom of this page.

List of patriarchs (prior to 536)

  1. Mark the Evangelist (43–68)
  2. Anianus (68–85)
  3. Avilius (85–98)
  4. Kedron (98–109)
  5. Primus (109–121)
  6. Justus (121–131)
  7. Eumenes (131–141)
  8. Markianos (142–152)
  9. Celadion (152–166)
  10. Agrippinus (167–178)
  11. Julian (178–189)
  12. Demetrius I (189–232)
  13. Heraclas (232–248)
  14. Dionysius (248–264)
  15. Maximus (265–282)
  16. Theonas (282–300)
  17. Peter I (300–311)
  18. Achillas (312–313)
  19. Alexander I (313–326), First Ecumenical Council occurred
  20. Athanasius I (328–339) Served as a Deacon for the First Council; later became Pope of Alexandria
  21. Gregory of Cappadocia (339–346), an Arian installed by the Emperor.
  22. Athanasius I (restored) (346–373)
  23. Peter II (373–380)
  24. Timothy I (380–385), Second Ecumenical Council occurred
  25. Theophilus I (385–412)
  26. Cyril I (412–444), Third Ecumenical Council occurred
  27. Dioscorus I (444–451), Second Council of Ephesus occurred. Pope Dioscorus was later deposed by the Council of Chalcedon but still recognized by Miaphysites until his death in 454.
  28. Proterius (451–457) Deposed by Coptic (Alexandrian) Synod under Timothy II Aelurus, Chalcedonian
  29. Timothy II Aelurus (457–460), Miaphysite
  30. Timothy III Salophakiolos (460–475), Chalcedonian but not recognized by Miaphysites who continued to recognise Timothy II Aelurus
    Timothy II Aelurus (restored) (475–477), Miaphysite
  31. Peter III Mongus (477), Miaphysite
    Timothy III Salophakiolos (restored) (477–481), Chalcedonian
  32. John I Talaia, (481–482), Chalcedonian but not recognized by Miaphysites who continued to recognise Peter III Mongus
    Peter III Mongus (restored) (482–490), Miaphysite
  33. Athanasius II (490–496), Miaphysite
  34. John I (496–505), Miaphysite
  35. John II (505–516), Miaphysite
  36. Dioscorus II (516–517), Miaphysite
  37. Timothy III (517–535), Miaphysite
  38. Theodosius I (535–536), Miaphysite
    Gainas (536), in opposition to Theodosius

In 536 the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria withdrew their recognition of Theodosius I and elected Paul as Patriarch, while the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria continued to recognize Theodosius. For later succession of (Coptic) Popes and (Greek) Patriarchs, see:

See also

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