List of Odonata of Kerala
The following is a list of the dragonflies and damselflies found in Kerala, a state on the southwestern, Malabar Coast of India.
Suborder: Zygoptera (Damselflies)
Species: Indolestes gracilis davenporti
- male
- young male
- female
- tandem pair
Species: Indolestes pulcherrimus
- male
- female
- mating pair
Species: Lestes concinnus
- Lestes concinnus male
- Lestes concinnus female
Species: Lestes dorothea
- male
- female
- tandem pair
- diffuse stripes on the humeral suture
Species: Lestes elatus
- Adult male with pruinescence
- Sub-adult male
- Hockey stick mark on the thorax
- Anal appendages of the male
- Female
Species: Lestes malabaricus
- Male
- Male
- Appendages
Species: Lestes nodalis
- Lestes nodalis male
- Lestes nodalis female
Species: Lestes patricia
- Male (dorsal view)
- Male (lateral view)
- Female (dorsal view)
- Male (marks on thorax)
Species: Lestes praemorsus
- Lestes praemorsus male
- Lestes praemorsus male
- female
Species: Platylestes kirani
- male
- female
- Black marks on thorax
Species: Platylestes platystylus
- Platylestes platystylus male
- Platylestes platystylus young male
- Platylestes platystylus female
- Platylestes platystylus female
Species: Indosticta deccanensis
- male
- Indosticta deccanensis male
- Indosticta deccanensis female
Species: Protosticta armageddonia
Species: Protosticta cyanofemora
- Male
- Female
- Head
Species: Protosticta davenporti
- Male
- Female
- Anal appendages (male)
Species: Protosticta gravelyi
- Protosticta gravelyi male
- Protosticta gravelyi female
Species: Protosticta hearseyi
- Protosticta hearseyi male
Species: Protosticta monticola
- Protosticta monticola male
- head
Species: Protosticta mortoni
- male
- female
Species: Protosticta ponmudiensis
- Protosticta ponmudiensis male
- Protosticta ponmudiensis male
Species: Protosticta rufostigma
- Protosticta rufostigma male
- Protosticta rufostigma female
Species: Protosticta sanguinostigma
- Protosticta sanguinostigma male
- Protosticta sanguinostigma female
Species: Protosticta sholai
- male
- female
Species: Neurobasis chinensis
- Neurobasis chinensis male
- Neurobasis chinensis female
- Neurobasis chinensis male (wing flashing)
Species: Vestalis apicalis
- Vestalis apicalis male
- Vestalis apicalis female
- ovipositing
Species: Vestalis gracilis
- Vestalis gracilis male
- Vestalis gracilis female
Species: Vestalis submontana
- Vestalis submontana male
- Vestalis submontana sub-adult male
- Vestalis submontana female
Species: Calocypha laidlawi
- male
- Calocypha laidlawi male
- Calocypha laidlawi female
Species: Heliocypha bisignata
- Heliocypha bisignata male
- Heliocypha bisignata female
- Heliocypha bisignata teneral male
- Heliocypha bisignata mating pair
Species: Libellago indica
- Libellago indica male
- Libellago indica female
- Libellago indica juvenile male
- Libellago indica mating pair
- Libellago indica egg-laying
Species: Dysphaea ethela
- Dysphaea ethela male
- Dysphaea ethela female
- female
Species: Euphaea cardinalis
- Euphaea cardinalis male
- male
Species: Euphaea dispar
- Euphaea dispar male
- Female
Species: Euphaea fraseri
- Euphaea fraseri male
- Euphaea fraseri female
- Euphaea fraseri male (wing flashing)
- Euphaea fraseri mating pair
Species: Euphaea pseudodispar
- male
- female
Species: Caconeura gomphoides
- Male
Species: Caconeura ramburi
- Caconeura ramburi male
- Caconeura ramburi female
Species: Caconeura risi
- male
- male
- Caconeura risi female
Species: Copera marginipes
- Copera marginipes male
- Copera marginipes female
- Appendages (male)
- Copera marginipes juvenile male
Species: Copera vittata
- Copera vittata male
- Copera vittata female
- Appendages (male)
- Copera vittata juvenile male
Species: Disparoneura apicalis
- male
- Disparoneura apicalis male
- Disparoneura apicalis female
Species: Disparoneura quadrimaculata
- Disparoneura quadrimaculata male
- Disparoneura quadrimaculata female
Species: Elattoneura souteri
- male
- female
Species: Elattoneura tetrica
- male
- male
- female
Species: Esme cyaneovittata
- Male
- Female
- Face
Species: Esme longistyla
- Male
- Female
- Mating pair
Species: Esme mudiensis
- Esme mudiensis male
- Esme mudiensis female
Species: Melanoneura bilineata
- male
- male
- appendages
Species: Onychargia atrocyana
- Onychargia atrocyana male
- male (sub-adult)
- female
Species: Phylloneura westermanni
- Phylloneura westermanni male
- Phylloneura westermanni mating pair
Species: Prodasineura verticalis
- Prodasineura verticalis male
- Prodasineura verticalis female
- Prodasineura verticalis egg-laying
- Prodasineura verticalis female (emergence)
Species: Aciagrion approximans krishna
- male
- female
- tandem pair
Species: Aciagrion occidentale
- Aciagrion occidentale male
- female
- Aciagrion occidentale female (sub-adult)
Species: Agriocnemis keralensis
- male
- male
- female
Species: Agriocnemis pieris
- Agriocnemis pieris male
- Agriocnemis pieris female
- Agriocnemis pieris female (red form)
- Agriocnemis pieris mating pair (female red form)
- Agriocnemis pieris mating pair (female white form)
Species: Agriocnemis pygmaea
- Agriocnemis pygmaea male
- Agriocnemis pygmaea female
- Agriocnemis pygmaea female (androchrome)
Species: Agriocnemis splendidissima
- Agriocnemis splendidissima male
- Agriocnemis splendidissima female (red)
- Agriocnemis splendidissima female (green)
- Agriocnemis splendidissima sub-adult male
- Agriocnemis splendidissima juvenile male
Species: Amphiallagma parvum
- Amphiallagma parvum male
- Amphiallagma parvum female
Species: Archibasis oscillans
- Archibasis oscillans male
- Female
- Archibasis oscillans mating pair
- Archibasis oscillans egg-laying
Species: Ceriagrion cerinorubellum
- Ceriagrion cerinorubellum male
- Ceriagrion cerinorubellum female
- Intra-male sperm translocation
- Ceriagrion cerinorubellum mating
Species: Ceriagrion chromothorax
- male
- Anal appendages
- female
Species: Ceriagrion coromandelianum
- Ceriagrion coromandelianum male
- Ceriagrion coromandelianum female
- mating pair
Species: Ceriagrion olivaceum
- Ceriagrion olivaceum male
- Ceriagrion olivaceum female
- Ceriagrion olivaceum auraniacum male
Species: Ceriagrion rubiae
- male
- Ceriagrion rubiae male
- Ceriagrion rubiae (tandem pair)
Species: Ischnura rubilio
- Ischnura rubilio male
- Ischnura rubilio female
- Ischnura rubilio mating pair
Species: Ischnura senegalensis
- male
- female (androchrome)
- Female (gynochrome)
- Female (gynochrome, sub-adult)
- Mating pair
Species: Mortonagrion varralli
- Mortonagrion varralli male
- Mortonagrion varralli female
Species: Paracercion calamorum
- Paracercion calamorum male
- Paracercion calamorum female
- male (sub-adult)
Species: Paracercion melanotum
- Paracercion melanotum male
- Paracercion melanotum male (dorsal view)
Species: Pseudagrion australasiae
- male
- anal appendages (male)
- anal appendages (male)
Species: Pseudagrion decorum
- Pseudagrion decorum male
- Pseudagrion decorum female
Species: Pseudagrion indicum
- Pseudagrion indicum male
- male
- Pseudagrion indicum mating pair
Species: Pseudagrion malabaricum
- Male
- Female
- Mating pair
Species: Pseudagrion microcephalum
- Pseudagrion microcephalum male
- Pseudagrion microcephalum female
- tandem pair
Species: Pseudagrion rubriceps
- Pseudagrion rubriceps male
- Pseudagrion rubriceps female
- Tandem pair
Suborder: Anisoptera (Dragonflies)
Species: Anaciaeschna jaspidea
- Anaciaeschna jaspidea, male (dorsal view)
- Anaciaeschna jaspidea, male (ventral view)
Species: Anaciaeschna martini
- male
- female
Species: Anax ephippiger
- male
- female
Species: Anax guttatus
- Anax guttatus male
- Anax guttatus female
- Anax guttatus male (in flight)
Species: Anax immaculifrons
- Anax immaculifrons male
- Anax immaculifrons male
- Anax immaculifrons female
Species: Anax indicus
- male
- female
- female
Species: Anax parthenope
- Anax parthenope male
- male
- Anax parthenope female
Species: Gynacantha dravida
- Gynacantha dravida male
- Gynacantha dravida female
Species: Gynacantha millardi
- Gynacantha millardi male
- Gynacantha millardi female
Species: Asiagomphus nilgiricus
- male
Species: Burmagomphus cauvericus
- male
- male
- female
Species: Burmagomphus chaukulensis
- male
- mating pair
Species: Burmagomphus laidlawi
- Burmagomphus laidlawi male
- male
- male
Species: Cyclogomphus flavoannulatus
- male
- female
Species: Cyclogomphus heterostylus
- female
Species: Davidioides martini
- male
Species: Gomphidia kodaguensis
- male
- male
- female
Species: Heliogomphus promelas
- Heliogomphus promelas male
- Heliogomphus promelas male
- Appendages
Species: Ictinogomphus rapax
- Ictinogomphus rapax male
- Ictinogomphus rapax female
Species: Lamelligomphus nilgiriensis
- male
- female
Species: Macrogomphus wynaadicus
- male
- male
- female
Species: Megalogomphus hannyngtoni
- male
- male
Species: Megalogomphus superbus
- male
Species: Melligomphus acinaces
- male
- Onychogomphus acinaces female
- Appendages
Species: Merogomphus longistigma
- male
- female
Species: Merogomphus tamaracherriensis
- male
- female
- male (appendages)
Species: Microgomphus souteri
- Microgomphus souteri male
- Microgomphus souteri female
- Appendages
Species: Nychogomphus striatus
- male
- male
- appendages
Species: Paragomphus lineatus
- Paragomphus lineatus male
- Paragomphus lineatus female
Species: Chlorogomphus campioni
- Male
Species: Chlorogomphus xanthoptera
- Male
Species: Epophthalmia frontalis
- male
- male
Species: Epophthalmia vittata
- Epophthalmia vittata male
- female
- female
Species: Macromia annaimallaiensis
- male
Species: Macromia bellicosa
- male
- male
Species: Macromia cingulata
- male
- female
Species: Macromia ellisoni
- Macromia ellisoni male
Species: Macromia flavocolorata
- Male
- Male
- Female
Species: Macromia ida
Species: Macromia irata
- Dorsal view (male)
- Lateral view (male)
- Anal appendages
Species: Hemicordulia asiatica
- Hemicordulia asiatica male
- Hemicordulia asiatica male
Species: Acisoma panorpoides
- Acisoma panorpoides male
- Acisoma panorpoides female
Species: Aethriamanta brevipennis
- Aethriamanta brevipennis male
- Aethriamanta brevipennis female
Species: Brachydiplax chalybea
- Brachydiplax chalybea male
- Brachydiplax chalybea female
- Mating
- Egg laying
Species: Brachydiplax sobrina
- Brachydiplax sobrina male
- Brachydiplax sobrina female
- Brachydiplax sobrina mating pair
Species: Brachythemis contaminata
- Brachythemis contaminata male
- Brachythemis contaminata female
Species: Bradinopyga geminata
- Bradinopyga geminata male
- Bradinopyga geminata female
Species: Bradinopyga konkanensis
- male
- female
Species: Cratilla lineata
- male
- Cratilla lineata male
- Cratilla lineata female
Species: Crocothemis servilia
- Crocothemis servilia male
- Crocothemis servilia female
Species: Diplacodes lefebvrii
- Diplacodes lefebvrii male
- Diplacodes lefebvrii female
Species: Diplacodes nebulosa
- Diplacodes nebulosa male
- Diplacodes nebulosa female
- mating pair
Species: Diplacodes trivialis
- Diplacodes trivialis male
- Diplacodes trivialis female
- Diplacodes trivialis sub-adult male
- Diplacodes trivialis mating pair
Species: Epithemis mariae
- Epithemis mariae male
- Epithemis mariae mating pair
- Female
Species: Hydrobasileus croceus
- Hydrobasileus croceus male
- Hydrobasileus croceus female
- Egg laying
Species: Hylaeothemis apicalis
- Hylaeothemis apicalis male
- Hylaeothemis apicalis female
- Hylaeothemis apicalis juvenile male
- Hylaeothemis apicalis mating pair
Species: Indothemis carnatica
- Indothemis carnatica male
- male
- Indothemis carnatica female
Species: Indothemis limbata
- Indothemis limbata male
Species: Lathrecista asiatica
- Lathrecista asiatica male
- Lathrecista asiatica female
Species: Lyriothemis acigastra
- Lyriothemis acigastra male
- Lyriothemis acigastra female
- Lyriothemis acigastra juvenile male
- Lyriothemis acigastra mating pair
Species: Lyriothemis tricolor
- Lyriothemis tricolor male
- Lyriothemis tricolor female
- Breading habitat
Species: Macrodiplax cora
- male
- Macrodiplax cora male
- Macrodiplax cora female
Species: Neurothemis fulvia
- Neurothemis fulvia male
- Neurothemis fulvia female
Species: Neurothemis intermedia
- Neurothemis intermedia male
- Neurothemis intermedia sub-adult male
- Neurothemis intermedia female
Species: Neurothemis tullia
- Neurothemis tullia male
- Neurothemis tullia female
- Neurothemis tullia mating pair
Species: Onychothemis testacea
- Onychothemis testacea male
- female
- Onychothemis testacea female
Species: Orthetrum chrysis
- Orthetrum chrysis male
- Orthetrum chrysis female
- Orthetrum chrysis mating pair
Species: Orthetrum glaucum
- Orthetrum glaucum male
- Orthetrum glaucum female
Species: Orthetrum luzonicum
- Orthetrum luzonicum male
- Orthetrum luzonicum female
- Orthetrum luzonicum juvenile male
- Orthetrum luzonicum mating pair
Species: Orthetrum pruinosum
- Orthetrum pruinosum male
- Orthetrum pruinosum female
- Orthetrum pruinosum mating pair
Species: Orthetrum sabina
- Orthetrum sabina male
- Orthetrum sabina female
- Orthetrum sabina mating pair
Species: Orthetrum taeniolatum
- Orthetrum taeniolatum male
- Orthetrum taeniolatum female
Species: Orthetrum triangulare
- Orthetrum triangulare male
- Orthetrum triangulare female
- Orthetrum triangulare mating pair
Species: Palpopleura sexmaculata
- Palpopleura sexmaculata male
- Palpopleura sexmaculata female
- Palpopleura sexmaculata juvenile male
Species: Pantala flavescens
- Pantala flavescens male
- Pantala flavescens female
Species: Potamarcha congener
- male
- female
- Juvenile male
Species: Rhodothemis rufa
- Rhodothemis rufa male
- Rhodothemis rufa female
- Rhodothemis rufa juvenile male
Species: Rhyothemis triangularis
- Rhyothemis triangularis male
- Rhyothemis triangularis female
Species: Rhyothemis variegata
- Rhyothemis variegata male
- Rhyothemis variegata female
Species: Sympetrum fonscolombii
- male
- Sympetrum fonscolombii male
- Sympetrum fonscolombii female
Species: Tetrathemis platyptera
- Tetrathemis platyptera male
- Tetrathemis platyptera mating
- Tetrathemis platyptera egg-laying
Species: Tholymis tillarga
- Tholymis tillarga male
- young male
- Tholymis tillarga female
Species: Tramea basilaris
- Tramea basilaris male
- Tramea basilaris female
Species: Tramea limbata
- male
- Tramea limbata male
- Tramea limbata female
Species: Trithemis aurora
- Trithemis aurora male
- Trithemis aurora female
- Trithemis aurora juvenile male
Species: Trithemis festiva
- Trithemis festiva male
- sub-adult male
- Trithemis festiva female
Species: Trithemis kirbyi
- Trithemis kirbyi male
- Trithemis kirbyi female
Species: Trithemis pallidinervis
- male
- face (male)
- Trithemis pallidinervis female
- face (female)
Species: Urothemis signata
- Urothemis signata male
- Urothemis signata female
- female (andromorph)
Species: Zygonyx iris
- Zygonyx iris male
- male
Species: Zyxomma petiolatum
- Zyxomma petiolatum male
- female
- Zyxomma petiolatum female
Species: Idionyx corona
- male
Species: Idionyx galeatus
- male
Species: Idionyx gomantakensis
- Idionyx gomantakensis male
- Idionyx gomantakensis male
- Idionyx gomantakensis female
Species: Idionyx saffronatus
- Idionyx saffronatus male
Species: Idionyx travancorensis
- Idionyx travancorensis male
- Idionyx travancorensis female
Species: Macromidia donaldi
- Macromidia donaldi male
- Macromidia donaldi female
- Johan Christian Fabricius (1793) Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta. Secundum, Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus - Classis V. Odonata. Hafniae, :impensis Christ. Gottl. Proft.
- Hermann Burmeister (1832-55) Handbuch der Entomologie. Besondere Entomologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha. (Zweite Hälfte; vulgo Neuroptera) G. Reimer; Berlin, Germany.
- Jules Pierre Rambur (1842) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Névroptères. Paris. Roret. (through HathiTrust)
- Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1854) Monographie des Calopterygines. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liége 9:1-292
- Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1858) Monographie des Gomphines. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liége 11:257-713
- Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1850-1883) Synopsis des Gomphines, Synopsis des Cordulines, Synopsis des Aeschnines. Première partie: Classification. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des Sciences de Belgique.
- William Forsell Kirby (1890) A synonymic catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata, or Dragonflies. With an appendix of fossil species. London. Gurney & Jackson.
- René Martin (1906) Collections zoologiques du baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Cordulines. Bruxelles. Hayez.
- René Martin (1909) Collections zoologiques du baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Aeschnines. Bruxelles. Hayez.
- Friedrich Ris (1909-1919) Libellulinen. Collections zoologiques du baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Bruxelles.
- Friedrich Ris (1909) Odonata. Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands; Heft 9. Jena, G. Fischer.
- Robert John Tillyard (1917) The biology of dragonflies (Odonata or Paraneuroptera). Cambridge. University Press.
- Laidlaw, F. F. (1914-1934) Bibliography of Laidlaw, F. F.. Records of the Indian Museum. Zoological Survey of India.
- Fraser, F.C. (1919-1933) Bibliography of Fraser, F. C.. Records of the Indian Museum. Zoological Survey of India.
- Fraser, F.C. (1917-1934). Indian dragonflies. The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 25: 454-471, 25: 608-627, 26: 141-171, 26: 488-517, 26: 734-744, 26: 919-932, 27: 48-56, 27: 253-269, 27: 492-498, 27: 673-691, 28: 107-122, 28: 481-492, 28: 610-620, 28: 899-910, 29: 36-47, 29: 324-333, 29: 659-680, 29: 982-1006, 30: 106-117, 30: 397-405, 30: 657-663, 30: 846-857, 31: 158-171, 31: 408-426, 31: 733-747, 31: 882-889, 32: 183-196, 32: 311-319, 32: 450-459, 32: 683-691, 33: 47-59, 33: 288-301, 33: 576-597, 33: 834-850, 34: 87-107, 34: 752-753, 34: 965-972, 35: 66-76, 35: 325-341, 35: 645-656, 36: 141-151, 36: 607-617, 37: 553-572.
- Fraser, F.C. (1922-1924). Dragonfly collecting in India. The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 28: 889-898, 29: 48-69, 29: 474-481, 29: 741-756
- Fraser, F.C. (1924) A Survey of the Odonate (Dragonfly) Fauna of Western India and Descriptions of Thirty New Species. Records of the Indian Museum.
- Fraser, F.C. (1931) Additions to the Survey of the Odonate (Dragonfly) Fauna of Western India, with Descriptions of Nine New Species. Records of the Indian Museum.
- Fraser, F.C. (1933) The fauna of British India, including Burma and Ceylon, Odonata Vol. I. Taylor and Francis. London. (Zygoptera)
- Fraser, F.C. (1934) The fauna of British India, including Burma and Ceylon, Odonata Vol. II. Taylor and Francis. London. (Gomphidae and Calopterygoidea)
- Fraser, F.C. (1936) The fauna of British India, including Burma and Ceylon, Odonata Vol. III. Taylor and Francis. London. (Aeshnidae and Libellulidae)
- James George Needham (1932) A Key to the Dragonflies of India Records of the Indian Museum. Zoological Survey of India. 34(2):0195-0228.
- Hsiu-fu Chao (1953) The external morphology of dragonfly Onychogomphus ardens Needham. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 122(6): 1–56.
- Lieftinck, M.A. (1960) On the identity of some little known southeast Asiatic Odonata in European museums described by E. de Selys Longchamps with descriptions of new species. Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana. 38: 229–256.
- Kimmins, D. E. (1966) A list of the Odonata types described by F. C. Fraser, now in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 18. Pages: 173-227.
- Kimmins, D. E. (1968) A list of the type-specimens of Libellulidae and Corduliidae (Odonata) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 22. Pages: 277-305.
- Kimmins, D. E. (1969) A list of the type-specimens of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History) Part II. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 23. Pages: 287-314.
- Kimmins, D. E. (1970) A list of the type-specimens of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History) Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 24. Pages: 171-205.
- Philip S. Corbet. 1991. A brief history of Odonatology. Advances in odonatology, vol 5 (1991) nr. 1 p. 21-44
- Norman W. Moore. (1997) Dragonflies: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN. SBN: 2-8317-0420-0
- Chandran; M. D. Subash. (1997). On the ecological history of the Western Ghats. Current Science. 73 (2): 99-212
- Emiliyamma, K.G., Radhakrishnan, C. and Palot, M.J. 2005. Pictorial Handbook on Common Dragonflies and Damselflies of Kerala. p. 1-67. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
- K. A., Subramanian (2005). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Peninsular India - A Field Guide. Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi.
- Mitra, T.R. 2006. Handbook on - Common Indian Dragonflies (Insecta Odonata) 1-124.
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- Kiran, C. G.; V. Raju, David (2011). "Checklist of Odonata of Kerala with their Malayalamnames". Malabar Trogon. 9 (3): 31–35.
- Kiran, C. G.; V. Raju, David (2013). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Kerala (First Edition ed.). Kottayam, Kerala: Tropical Institute of Ecological Sciences (TIES). ISBN 978-81-920269-1-6.
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- Dijkstra, K-D. B., G. Bechly, S. M. Bybee, R. A. Dow, H. J. Dumont, G. Fleck, R. W. Garrison, M. Hämäläinen, V. J. Kalkman, H. Karube, M. L. May, A. G. Orr, D. R. Paulson, A. C. Rehn, G. Theischinger, J. W. H. Trueman, J. van Tol, N. von Ellenrieder, & J. Ware. 2013. The classification and diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata). Zootaxa 3703(1): 36-45.
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- Joshi, Shantanu; Subramanian, K. A.; Babu, R.; Sawant, Dattaprasad; Kunte, Krushnamegh (2020). "Three new species of Protosticta Selys, 1885 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from the Western Ghats, India, with taxonomic notes on P. mortoni Fraser, 1922 and rediscovery of P. rufostigma Kimmins, 1958". Zootaxa. Magnolia Press, Auckland, New Zealand. 4858 (2): 151–185. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4858.2.1. PMID 33056228. S2CID 222837723.
- Jose, Jeevan; Chandran, Vivek; A. (2020). Introduction to Odonata with Identification Keys for Dragonflies & Damselflies Found in Kerala. Society for Odonate Studies, Kottayam.
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- Gopalan, Sujith V.; Sherif, Muhamed; Chandran, A. Vivek (2022). "A checklist of dragonflies & damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of Kerala, India". Journal of Threatened Taxa. 14 (2): 20654–20665. doi:10.11609/jott.7504.14.2.20654-20665. S2CID 247148535.
External links
- John W. H. Trueman; Richard J. Rowe. Tree of Life - Odonata: Dragonflies and damselflies
- Odonata of India. National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India.
- India Biodiversity Portal
- Paulson, D.; Schorr, M.; Abbott, J.; Bota-Sierra, C.; Deliry, C.; Dijkstra, K.-D.; Lozano, F. (2023). "World Odonata List". OdonataCentral, University of Alabama. Retrieved 14 Mar 2023.
- Bridges, C. A. 1993. Catalogue of the family-group, genus-group and species-group names of the Odonata of the world (Second Edition). C. A. Bridges, Urbana, Illinois.
- Davies, D.A.L., & P. Tobin. 1984. The dragonflies of the world: A systematic list of the extant species of Odonata. Vol. 1. Zygoptera, Anisozygoptera. Societas Internationalis Odonatologica Rapid Comm. (Suppl.) No. 3, Utrecht.
- Davies, D.A.L., & P. Tobin. 1985. The dragonflies of the world: a systematic list of extant species of Odonata. Vol. 2. Anisoptera. Soc. Int. Odonatol. Rapid Comm. (Suppl.) No. 5., Utrecht.
- Garrison, R. W. 1991. A synonymic list of the New World Odonata. Argia 3(2): 1-30.
- Tsuda, S. 1991. A distributional list of World Odonata. Published by author, Osaka.
- Steinmann, Henrik. 1997. World Catalogue of Odonata, Vol. I. Zygoptera. – Das Tierreich. The Animal Kingdom, Part 110. – Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York.
- Steinmann, Henrik. 1997. World Catalogue of Odonota, Vol. II. Anisoptera. – Das Tierreich. The Animal Kingdom, Part 111. – Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York.
- Matti Hämäläinen. 2016. Calopterygoidea of the World: A synonymic list of extant damselfly species of the superfamily Calopterygoidea (sensu lato) (Odonata: Zygoptera)
- Media related to Odonata of Kerala at Wikimedia Commons
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