List of butterflies of Kerala
Family: Papilionidae
Graphium agamemnon (tailed jay)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Graphium antiphates (fivebar swordtail)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Graphium doson (common jay)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Graphium nomius (spot swordtail)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Graphium teredon (southern / narrow-banded bluebottle)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Pachliopta aristolochiae (common rose)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Pachliopta hector (crimson rose)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Prepupa
- Pupa
Pachliopta pandiyana (Malabar rose)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio buddha (Malabar banded peacock)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio clytia (common mime)
- Dorsal view (Form clytia)
- Dorsal view (Form dissimilis)
- Ventral view (Form clytia)
- Ventral view (Form dissimilis)
- Prepupa
- Pupa
Papilio crino (common banded peacock)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Papilio demoleus (lime butterfly)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio dravidarum (Malabar raven)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio helenus (red Helen)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio liomedon (Malabar banded swallowtail)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio paris (Paris peacock)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio polymnestor (blue Mormon)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Papilio polytes (common Mormon)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Ventral view (male)
- Dorsal view (female, form stichius)
- Ventral view (female, form stichius)
- Dorsal view (female, form romulus)
- Ventral view (female, form romulus)
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Troides minos (southern birdwing)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
- Pupa
Family: Pieridae
Catopsilia pomona (common emigrant)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Catopsilia pyranthe (mottled emigrant)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Colias nilagiriensis (Nilgiri clouded yellow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
Eurema andersonii (one-spot grass yellow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Eurema blanda (three-spot grass yellow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larvae
Eurema brigitta (small grass yellow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Eurema hecabe (common grass yellow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Eurema laeta (spotless grass yellow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Eurema nilgiriensis (Nilgiri grass yellow)
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Appias albina (common albatross)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Form semiflava (female)
- Mud puddling
Appias indra (plain puffin)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Appias lalage (spot puffin)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Appias libythea (striped albatross)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Eggs
Appias lyncida (chocolate albatross)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Appias wardii (Indian / Ward's albatross)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Belenois aurota (pioneer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Cepora nadina (lesser gull)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Cepora nerissa (common gull)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Pupa
Colotis amata (small salmon Arab)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
Colotis aurora (plain orange-tip)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Ventral view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (female)
Colotis danae (crimson-tip)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
Colotis etrida (little orange-tip)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Colotis fausta (large salmon Arab)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Ventral view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (female)
Delias eucharis (common Jezebel)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Hebomoia glaucippe (great orange tip)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Ixias marianne (white orange tip)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Ixias pyrene (yellow orange tip)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Leptosia nina (Psyche)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Pareronia ceylanica (dark wanderer)
- Male, Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Pareronia hippia (common wanderer)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Dorsal view (female, form philomela)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Eggs
- Prepupa
- Pupa
Pieris canidia (Indian cabbage white)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Prioneris sita (painted sawtooth)
- Ventral view
- Wing images of Prioneris sita and Delias eucharis
Family: Nymphalidae
Euripus consimilis (painted courtesan)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Pupa
Rohana parisatis (black prince)
- Male (dorsal view)
- Female (dorsal view)
- Male (ventral view)
- Female (ventral view)
- Pupa
Ariadne ariadne (angled castor)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Ariadne merione (common castor)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Byblia ilithyia (joker)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Charaxes agrarius (anomalous nawab)
- Dorsal view with one apical spot missing (left)
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Charaxes athamas/bharata (common/Indian nawab)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Charaxes psaphon (plain tawny rajah)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
Charaxes schreiber (blue nawab)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Charaxes solon (black rajah)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
Cyrestis thyodamas (common map)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Danaus chrysippus (plain tiger)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view (form alcippoides)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Danaus genutia (common/striped tiger)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Euploea core (common crow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Euploea klugii (king crow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Euploea sylvester (double-branded crow)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Idea malabarica (Malabar tree nymph)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Parantica aglea (glassy tiger)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Parantica nilgiriensis (Nilgiri tiger)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Tirumala limniace (blue tiger)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Tirumala septentrionis (dark blue tiger)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Acraea terpsicore/violae (tawny coster)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Argynnis hyperbius (Indian fritillary)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Larva
Cethosia nietneri mahratta (Tamil lacewing)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Cirrochroa thais (Tamil yeoman)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Cupha erymanthis (rustic)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Phalanta alcippe (small leopard)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Phalanta phalantha (common leopard)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
Vindula erota (cruiser)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Libythea laius (lobed beak)
Libythea myrrha (club beak)
- Collected specimen
- Ventral view
Athyma nefte inara (colour sergeant)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Athyma perius (common sergeant)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Athyma ranga (blackvein sergeant)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Athyma selenophora (staff sergeant)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Dophla evelina (red-spot duke)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Euthalia aconthea (common baron)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (female)
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Euthalia lubentina (gaudy baron)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
Euthalia nais/Symphaedra nais (baronet)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Euthalia telchinia (blue baron)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Moduza procris (commander)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Neptis clinia (clear sailer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Neptis/Phaedyma columella (shortbanded sailer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Neptis hylas (common sailer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
Neptis jumbah (chestnut-streaked sailer)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Neptis nata (sullied sailer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Neptis soma (creamy sailer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Neptis/Lasippa viraja (yellowjack sailer)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
Pantoporia hordonia (common lascar)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Pantoporia sandaka (extra lascar)
- Dorsal view
Parthenos sylvia (clipper)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Tanaecia lepidea (grey count)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Doleschallia bisaltide (autumn leaf)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Hypolimnas bolina (great eggfly)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Larva
- Pupa
Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid eggfly)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Form inaria (female)
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Junonia almana (peacock pansy)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
Junonia atlites (grey pansy)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Mating pair
Junonia hierta (yellow pansy)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Junonia iphita (chocolate pansy)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
Junonia lemonias (lemon pansy)
- Dorsal view (wet-season form)
- Dorsal view (dry-season form)
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
- Pupa
Junonia orithya (blue pansy)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Pupa
Kallima horsfieldii (South-Indian/Sahyadri blue oakleaf)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Kaniska canace (blue admiral)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Vanessa cardui (painted lady)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Vanessa indica (Indian red admiral)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Larva case
Amathusia phidippus (palmking)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
- Pupa
Discophora lepida (southern duffer)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Elymnias caudata (tailed palmfly)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Heteropsis/Telinga adolphei (redeye bushbrown)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Heteropsis/Telinga davisoni (Palni bushbrown)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Lethe drypetis (Tamil treebrown)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Lethe europa (bamboo treebrown)
- Ventral view (male)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Lethe rohria (common treebrown)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Melanitis leda (common evening brown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
- Larva
- Pupa
Melanitis phedima (dark evening brown)
- Dorsal view (wet-season form)
- Dorsal view (dry-season form)
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
Melanitis zitenius (great evening brown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Mycalesis anaxias (whitebar bushbrown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
Mycalesis mineus (dark branded bushbrown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Mycalesis/Telinga oculus (red-disc bushbrown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Mycalesis patnia junonia (glad-eye bushbrown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Mycalesis perseus (common bushbrown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Mycalesis subdita (Tamil bushbrown)
- Illustration
Mycalesis visala (long-brand bushbrown)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
- Brand on the underside of the forewing
- Brand on the upperside of the hindwing
Orsotriaena medus (dark grass-brown / smooth-eyed bushbrown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- mating pair
Parantirrhoea marshalli (Travancore evening brown)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Ypthima asterope (common threering)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Ypthima baldus (common fivering)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
Ypthima ceylonica (white fourring)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Ypthima chenu (Nilgiri fourring)
- Illustarion
- Dorsal view
Ypthima huebneri (common fourring)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Ypthima singala (Sinhalese fivering)
- Ventral view
Ypthima striata (Nilgiri jewel fourring)
- Ventral view
Ypthima philomela/tabella (baby fivering)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Ypthima ypthimoides (Palni fourring)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Zipaetis saitis (Tamil catseye)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Family: Riodinidae
Abisara bifasciata (double-banded Judy)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Abisara echerius (plum Judy)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Family: Lycaenidae
Curetis acuta (angled sunbeam)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Curetis siva (Shiva sunbeam)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Curetis thetis (Indian sunbeam)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Spalgis epius (apefly)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Acytolepis lilacea (Hampson's hedge blue)
- Museum specimen
Acytolepis puspa (common hedge blue)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Anthene emolus (ciliate blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Anthene lycaenina (pointed ciliate blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Azanus jesous (African babul blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Azanus ubaldus (bright babul blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Azanus uranus (dull babul blue)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Caleta decidia (angled Pierrot)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Castalius rosimon (common Pierrot)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Catochrysops panormus (silver forget-me-not)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Catochrysops strabo (forget-me-not)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Celastrina lavendularis (plain hedge blue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Celatoxia albidisca (white-disc hedge blue)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Chilades lajus (lime blue)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
Chilades parrhasius (small cupid)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Discolampa ethion (banded blue Pierrot)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Euchrysops cnejus (gram blue)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Everes lacturnus (Indian cupid)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Freyeria putli (small grass jewel)
- Ventral view
Freyeria trochylus (grass jewel)
- Ventral view
Ionolyce helicon (pointed lineblue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Jamides alecto (metallic cerulean)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Jamides bochus (dark cerulean)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Jamides celeno (common cerulean)
- Museum specimens
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
- Larva
- Pupa
Lampides boeticus (peablue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Leptotes plinius (zebra blue)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Luthrodes pandava (plains cupid)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Megisba malaya (Malayan)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
- Dorsal view
Nacaduba beroe (opaque six-line blue)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Nacaduba berenice (rounded six-line blue)
- Museum specimen
Nacaduba calauria (dark Ceylon six-line blue)
- Museum specimen
Nacaduba hermus (pale four-line blue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Nacaduba kurava (transparent six-line blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Nacaduba pactolus (large four-line blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Neopithecops zalmora (Quaker)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Petrelaea dana (dingy lineblue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Prosotas dubiosa (tailless lineblue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva and Pupa
Prosotas nora (common lineblue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Prosotas noreia (white-tipped lineblue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Pseudozizeeria maha (pale grass blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Talicada nyseus (red Pierrot)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Tarucus ananda (dark Pierrot)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Tarucus callinara (spotted Pierrot)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Tarucus nara (striped Pierrot)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Udara akasa (white hedge blue)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Zizeeria karsandra (dark grass blue)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Zizina otis (lesser grass blue)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Zizula hylax (tiny grass blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Amblypodia anita (purple leaf blue)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Ancema blanka (silver royal)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Arhopala abseus (aberrant oakblue)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Arhopala alea (Kanara oakblue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Arhopala amantes (large oakblue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Arhopala atrax (Indian oakblue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Arhopala bazaloides (Tamil oakblue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Arhopala centaurus (centaur oakblue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Bindahara phocides (plane)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Catapaecilma major (common tinsel)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Larva attended by ant
Cheritra freja (common imperial)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
- Pupa
Creon cleobis (broadtail royal)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Deudorix epijarbas (cornelian)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Horaga onyx (common onyx)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Horaga viola (brown onyx)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Hypolycaena nilgirica (Nilgiri tit)
- Ventral view
Hypolycaena othona (orchid tit)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Iraota timoleon (silverstreak blue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Loxura atymnus (yamfly)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Pratapa deva (white royal)
- Museum specimen
Rachana jalindra (banded royal)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Rapala iarbus (common red flash)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Rapala lankana (Malabar flash)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Rapala manea (slate flash)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Larva
- Pupa
Rapala varuna (indigo flash)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Rathinda amor (monkey puzzle)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Mating pair
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Surendra vivarna biplagiata (acacia blue)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
- Larva
- Pupa
Tajuria cippus (peacock royal)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Tajuria jehana (plains blue royal)
- Illustration
Tajuria maculata (spotted royal)
- Museum specimen
Tajuria melastigma (branded royal)
- Museum specimen
Thaduka multicaudata (many-tailed oak-blue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Virachola isocrates (common guava blue)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
- Pupa
Virachola perse (large guava blue)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Zeltus amasa (fluffy tit)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Zesius chrysomallus (redspot)
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view
Zinaspa todara (silver streaked acacia blue)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Cigaritis abnormis (abnormal silverline)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Cigaritis elima (scarce shot silverline)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Cigaritis ictis (common shot silverline)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Cigaritis lilacinus (lilac silverline)
- Ventral view
Cigaritis lohita (long banded silverline)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view (wet-season form)
- Ventral view (dry-season form)
Cigaritis schistacea (plumbeous silverline)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Illustration
Cigaritis vulcanus (common silverline)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Family: Hesperiidae
Badamia exclamationis (brown awl)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Bibasis sena (orange-tailed awlet)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Burara gomata (pale green awlet)
- Ventral view
Burara jaina (orange awlet)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Choaspes benjaminii (Indian awlking)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Hasora badra (common awl)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Hasora chromus (common banded awl)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Eggs
- Larva
Hasora taminatus (white banded awl)
- Ventral view
Hasora vitta (plain banded awl)
- Illustration
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Aeromachus dubius (dingy scrub-hopper)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Aeromachus pygmaeus (pygmy scrub-hopper)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Ampittia dioscorides (bush hopper)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view (male)
- Dorsal view (female)
- Ventral view (male)
- Ventral view (female)
Arnetta mercara (Coorg forest hopper)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Arnetta vindhiana (Vindhyan bob)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva and pupa
Baoris farri (paintbrush swift)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Baracus vittatus (hedge hopper)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Borbo bevani (Beavan's swift)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Borbo cinnara (rice swift)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Caltoris canaraica (Kanara swift)
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Caltoris kumara (blank swift)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Caltoris philippina (Philippine swift)
- Illustration
Cephrenes acalle (plain palm dart)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Cupitha purreea (wax dart)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Erionota torus (rounded palm-redeye)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
Gangara thyrsis (giant redeye)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva (second instar)
- Larva (final instar)
- Pupa
Halpe homolea (Indian ace)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
- Dorsal view
Halpe porus (Moore's ace)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Hyarotis adrastus (tree flitter)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Hyarotis microstictum (brush flitter)
- Ventral view
Iambrix salsala (chestnut bob)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
Matapa aria (common redeye)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Notocrypta curvifascia (restricted demon)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Notocrypta paralysos (common banded demon)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Oriens concinna (Tamil dartlet)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Oriens goloides (Ceylon dartlet)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Parnara bada (Oriental/variable swift)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Pelopidas agna (dark/obscure branded swift)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Pelopidas conjuncta (conjoined swift)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Pelopidas mathias (small branded swift)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Pelopidas subochracea (large branded swift)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Polytremis lubricans (contiguous swift)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Potanthus pseudomaesa (Indian dart)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Psolos fuligo (dusky partwing/coon)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
Quedara basiflava (golden flitter)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Salanoemia sala (maculate lancer)
- Illustration
- Ventral view
Sovia hyrtacus (bicolour/white-branded ace)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Suastus gremius (Indian palm bob)
- Museum specimen
- Ventral view
- Egg
Suastus minuta (small palm bob)
- Illustration
Taractrocera ceramas (Tamil grass dart)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Taractrocera maevius (common grass dart)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Ventral view
Telicota bambusae (dark palm dart)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Pupa
Telicota colon (pale palm dart)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
Thoressa astigmata (southern spotted ace)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Thoressa evershedi (Evershed's ace)
- Illustration
Thoressa honorei (Madras ace)
- Dorsal view
- Lateral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Thoressa sitala (Tamil ace)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Udaspes folus (grass demon)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Zographetus ogygia (purple-spotted flitter)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Caprona agama (spotted angle)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view (DSF)
- Dorsal view (WSF)
- Ventral view (WSF)
Caprona alida (Alida angle)
- Illustration
Caprona ransonnetii (golden angle)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
Celaenorrhinus ambareesa (Malabar spotted flat)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Chrysalis
Celaenorrhinus leucocera (common spotted flat)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
Celaenorrhinus putra (restricted spotted flat)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Celaenorrhinus ruficornis fusca (Tamil spotted flat)
- Dorsal view
Coladenia indrani (tricolour pied flat)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Larva
- Pupa
Gerosis bhagava (common yellowbreast flat)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Larva
- Pupa
Gomalia elma (African marbled skipper)
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Odontoptilum angulata (chestnut angle)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
- Dorsal view
- ventral view
Pseudocoladenia dan (fulvous pied flat)
- Dorsal view
- Larva
- Pupa
Sarangesa dasahara (common small flat)
- Illustration
- Dorsal view
Sarangesa purendra (spotted small flat)
- Dorsal view
- Spotted small flat laying eggs on Lepidagathis keralensis at Madayipara
Spialia galba (Indian skipper)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
Tagiades gana (large/suffused snow flat)
- Museum specimen
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
Tagiades japetus (common snow flat)
- Dorsal view
- Mating pair
Tagiades litigiosa (water snow flat)
- Dorsal view
- Ventral view
- Larva case
- Larva
- Pupa
Tapena thwaitesi (black angle)
- Dorsal view (wet-season form)
- Dorsal view (dry-season form)
- Ventral view
- Larva
- Pupa
See also
- Linnaeus, Carl (1758). Systema Naturae (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Halae Magdeburgicae: Typis et sumtibus Io. Iac. Curt. p. 458.
- Drury, Dru; Westwood, John Obadiah (1773). Illustrations of Exotic Entomology. Vol. 1. Westwood, J. O. (John Obadiah).
- Fabricius, Johann Christian (1775). Systema Entomologiae. Flensbvrgi et Lipsiae : In Officina Libraria Kortii.
- Cramer, Pieter; Stoll, Caspar (1775–1782). De uitlandsche kapellen, voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America. Amsteldam: Chez S.J. Baalde.
- Boisduval, Jean Baptiste; Guenée, Achille (1836–57). Histoire naturelle des insectes. Spécies général des lépidoptères. Paris: Roret.
- Hügel, Charles von; Kollar, Vincenz (1840). Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek: Aufzählung und Beschreibung der von Freih. Carl v. Hügel auf seiner Reise durch Kaschmir und das Himalayagebirge gesammelten Insekten. Stuttgart, Hallberger. pp. 393–564, 582–585.
- Delessert, Adolphe (1843). Souvenirs d´un voyage dans l´Inde exécuté de 1834 à 1839. Paris: Bétrune et Plon for Fortin, Masson et Cie & Langlois et Leclerq.
- Doubleday, Edward; Westwood, John Obadiah; Hewitson, William Chapman (1846–1850). The Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera: Comprising Their Generic Characters, a Notice of Their Habits and Transformations, and a Catalogue of the Species of Each Genus. Vol. I. Vol. 1. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.
- Doubleday, Edward; Westwood, John Obadiah; Hewitson, William Chapman (1850–1852). The Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera: Comprising Their Generic Characters, a Notice of Their Habits and Transformations, and a Catalogue of the Species of Each Genus. Vol. II. Vol. 2. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.
- Moore, Frederic; Horsfield, Thomas (1857). A Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the Museum of the Hon. East-India Company. Vol. I. Vol. 1. London: W.H. Allen and Co.
- Moore, Frederic; Horsfield, Thomas (1858–1859). A Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the Museum of the Hon. East-India Company. Vol. II. Vol. 2. London: W.H. Allen and Co.
- Felder, Baron Cajetan von; Felder, Rudolf (1859). Lepidopterologische Fragmente. Carl Gerold's Sohn. pp. 390–405.
- Felder, Baron Cajetan von; Felder, Rudolf; Rogenhofer, Alois Friedrich (1867). Reise Fregatte Novara. Lepidoptera. Three volumes (1865-1867) (PDF). Carl Gerold's Sohn. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-11. Retrieved 2018-04-18.
- Felder, Rudolf (1868). "Diagnose neuer von E. Baron v. Ransonnet in Vorder-Indien gesammelter Lepidopteren". Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. 18 (1): 281–286.
- Butler, Arthur Gardiner (1868). Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera of the Family Satyridae in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Zoology.
- Butler, Arthur Gardiner (1869). Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera Described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Zoology.
- Kirby, William Forsell (1871). A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera. London: J. Van Voorst.
- Kirby, William Forsell (1871–1877). A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Supplement. London: J. Van Voorst.
- Butler, Arthur Gardiner (1874). Lepidoptera Exotica. London: E.W. Janson.
- Hewitson, William C. & Moore, Frederic (1879). Descriptions of New Indian Lepidopterous Insects: From the Collection of the Late Mr. W.S. Atkinson, M.A., F.L.S., &c. The Asiatic Society of Bengal. OCLC 9625544 – via Internet Archive.
- Moore, Frederic (1880). The Lepidoptera of Ceylon. Vol. I. London: L. Reeve & co.
- G. F. L., Marshall; Nicéville, Lionel de (1882). The Butterflies of India, Burmah and Ceylon. Vol. I, II, III. Calcutta: Central Press Co., ld.
- Wood-Mason, James; Nicéville, Lionel de (1887). "List of the lepidopterous insects collected in Cachar by Mr. J. Wood-Mason". Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 55: 343–393.
- Moore, Frederic; Swinhoe, Charles (1890–1913). Lepidoptera Indica (10 volumes). London: Lovell Reeve and Co.
- Hampson, G. F. (1888). Butterflies of the Nilgiri District. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal. pp. 346–368.
- Hampson, G. F. (1891). Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum. VIII: The Lepidoptera of the Nilgiri District. British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology.
- Watson, E. Y. (1891). Hesperiidae Indicae: Being a Reprint of Descriptions of the Hesperiidae of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Madras: Vest and Company.
- Davidson, J.; Bo, C S; Aitken, E H (1890). "Notes on the Larvae and Pupae of Butterflies of the Bombay Presidency". The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. 5: 260–286, 349–375.
- Rothschild, Lionel Walter (1895). Novitates Zoologicae. Vol. II. A Revision of the Papilios of the Eastern Hemisphere, Exclusive of Africa. Vol. 2. London: Natural History Museum at Tring. pp. 167–463.
- Davidson, J.; Bell, T R; Aitken, E H (1896). "The butterflies of the North Canara District of the Bombay Presidency. I, II, III". The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. 10: 237–259, 372–393, 568–584.
- Davidson, J.; Bell, T R; Aitken, E H (1897). "The butterflies of the North Canara District of the Bombay Presidency. IV". The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. 11: 22–63.
- Bingham, C. T. (1905). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Butterflies Volume I. London: Taylor & Francis. - Family Nymphalidae
- Bingham, C. T. (1907). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Butterflies Volume II. London: Taylor & Francis. - Families Papilionidae, Pieridae and Lycaenidae
- Young, L. C. H. (1906–1907). "The Common Butterflies of the Plains of India". The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. 16–17: 570–579. Vol. 17: 418-424, 921-927.
- Bell, Thomas Reid Davys (1909–1927). "The Common Butterflies of the Plains of India (Including Those Met with in the Hill Stations of the Bombay Presidency)". The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. 19–31. Vol. 19: 16-58, 438-474, 635-682, 846-879, Vol. 20: 279-330, 1115-1136, Vol. 21: 517-544, 740-766, 1131-1157, Vol. 22: 92-100, 320-344, 517-531, Vol. 23: 73-103, 481-497, Vol. 24: 656-672, Vol. 25: 430-453, 636-664, Vol. 26: 98-140,438-487, 750-769, 941-954, Vol. 27: 26-32, 211-227, 431-447, 778-793, Vol: 29: 429-455, 703-717, 921-946, Vol. 30: 132-150, 285-305, 561-586, 822-837, Vol. 31: 323-351, 655-686, 951-974.
- Yates, J.A. (1931). "The Butterflies of Coorg". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 34 (4): 1003–1014 – via BHL.
- Yates, J.A. (1931). "The Butterflies of Coorg - II". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 35 (1): 104–114 – via BHL.
- Evans, W. H. (1932). The Identification of Indian Butterflies (2nd ed.). Mumbai, India: Bombay Natural History Society.
- Sevastopulo, D G (1938–1947). "The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 40–46 – via BHL.
- Talbot, G. (1939). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Butterflies Volume I (2 ed.). London: Taylor & Francis. Family: Papilionidae, Pieridae
- Talbot, G. (1947). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma: Butterflies Volume II (2 ed.). London: Taylor & Francis. Family: Danaidae, Satyridae, Amathusiidae and Acraeidae
- Evans, W. H. (1949). A Catalogue of the Hesperiidae from Europe, Asia, and Australia in the British Museum. London: British Museum (Natural History). Department of Entomology.
- Evans, W. H. (1957). "A revision of the Arhopala group of Oriental Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). London: British Museum (Natural History). Department of Entomology. 5: 85–141. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.1508.
- Wynter-Blyth, Mark Alexander (1957). Butterflies of the Indian Region. Bombay, India: Bombay Natural History Society. ISBN 978-8170192329.
- Hemming, Arthur Francis (1967). The Generic Names of the Butterflies and Their Type-Species (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). London: British Museum (Natural History). pp. 5–509.
- Eliot, John Nevill (1973). "The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative arrangement". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). London: British Museum (Natural History). Department of Entomology. 28: 371–505. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.11171.
- D'Abrera, Bernard (1982). Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part 1: Papilionidae, Pieridae & Danaidae. Melbourne: Hill House Publishers.
- D'Abrera, Bernard (1983). Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part 2: Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Amathusidae. Melbourne: Hill House Publishers.
- D'Abrera, Bernard (1986). Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part 3: Lycaenidae, Riodinidae. Melbourne: Hill House Publishers.
- Larsen, T. B. (1987–88). "The butterflies of the Nilgiri Mountains of southern India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)". Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 84 (3): 26-54, 291-316, 560-584 & 85 (1): 26-43.
- Yata, Osamu (1989–1995). "A Revision of the Old World Species of the Genus Eurema Hubner (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Part I." (PDF). Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-04-20. Retrieved 2018-04-19.; Part II Archived 2018-04-20 at the Wayback Machine; Part III Archived 2018-04-20 at the Wayback Machine; Part IV Archived 2018-04-20 at the Wayback Machine; Part V Archived 2018-04-20 at the Wayback Machine
- Gaonkar, Harish (1995). An Annotated Bibliography of the Butterflies of the Indian Region, Including Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and North Burma. OCLC 488215574.
- Gaonkar, Harish (1996). Butterflies of the Western Ghats, India (including Sri Lanka) - A Biodiversity Assessment of a Threatened Mountain System. Bangalore, India: Centre for Ecological Sciences.
- Honey, Martin R.; Scoble, Malcolm J. (2001). "Linnaeus's butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 132 (3): 277–399. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2001.tb01326.x.
- Vane-Wright, R. I.; de Jong, R. (2003). "The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna". Zoologische Verhandelingen. 343: 3–267.
- Gasse, Paul Van (2013). "Butterflies of India – Annotated Checklist" (PDF). Flutters. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-04-02. Retrieved 2018-04-02.
- R.K., Varshney; Smetacek, Peter (2015). A Synoptic Catalogue of the Butterflies of India. New Delhi: Butterfly Research Centre, Bhimtal & Indinov Publishing, New Delhi. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3966.2164. ISBN 978-81-929826-4-9.
- Kehimkar, Isaac (2016). Butterflies of India (2016 ed.). Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society. ISBN 9789384678012.
- Kasambe, Raju (2018). Butterflies of Western Ghats (Second ed.). ISBN 978-93-5300-856-7.
- Ravikanthachari Nitin; V.C. Balakrishnan; Paresh V. Churi; S. Kalesh; Satya Prakash; Krushnamegh Kunte (2018-04-10). "Larval host plants of the buterfies of the Western Ghats, India". Journal of Threatened Taxa. 10 (4): 11495–11550. doi:10.11609/jott.3104.10.4.11495-11550.
- Bhakare, Milind; Ogale, Hemant (2018). A Guide to Butterflies of Western Ghats (India) Includes Butterflies of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat state (May 2018 ed.). Mumbai: Self. pp. x+496. ISBN 9789353115425.
External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lepidoptera of Kerala.
- Butterflies of India. Indian Foundation for Butterflies.
- India Biodiversity Portal. Biodiversity Informatics Platform.
- Beccaloni, G.; Scoble, M.; Kitching, I.; Simonsen, T.; Robinson, G.; Pitkin, B.; Hine, A.; Lyal, C. "The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex)". The Natural History Museum, London.
- Robinson, G. S.; Ackery, P. R.; Kitching, I. J.; Beccaloni, G. W.; Hernández, L. M. "HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants". The Natural History Museum, London.
- Ziegler, Heiner. "Lepidoptera Literature & Authors". Euroleps.
- Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society hosted at Yale
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