List of Doraemon chapters

The Japanese children's manga series Doraemon was written and illustrated by Fujiko F. Fujio. In December 1969, It was serialized in various children's manga magazines published by Shogakukan.

Over 1300 short episodes have been made. Of those, 821 episodes were collected in tankōbon by Shogakukan under Tentoumusi comics (てんとう虫コミックス) imprint. The first volume was published on July 31, 1974[1] and the last forty-fifth volume on April 26, 1996.[2] The series is about a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a pre-teen boy called Nobita Nobi (野比 のび太, Nobi Nobita).

From 2013 to 2016, KE volumes 1-200 translated into English were released in North America.

From 2013 to 2016, Doraemon Kindle Edition volume 1–200 released digitally in English in full-color via the Amazon Kindle e-book service.[3]


English releases

The manga is in full-color available in English on Amazon Kindle in North America. As of October 16, 2016 a total of 200 volumes have been released. On December 27, 2017, the 17 Doraemon Long Stories volumes that were written by Fujiko F. Fujio were also released in full-color on Amazon Kindle.

The same translation of the Doraemon manga used on Amazon Kindle has been published in English in print by Shogakukan Asia. Unlike the Amazon Kindle releases these volumes are in black and white instead of color.

  1. 27 August 2014, ~258-264 pages, ISBN 9789810903107
  2. 27 August 2014, 264 pages, ISBN 9789810903114
  3. 26 November 2014, 248 pages, ISBN 9789810903121
  4. 26 November 2014, ~241-248 pages, ISBN 9789810903138
  • Doraemon Box Set (volume 1 to 4), 2014/11, ISBN 9789810932985

The same translation of the Doraemon manga used on Amazon Kindle has also been published in English in print, in six compilation volumes based on the Japanese 1994 Shogakukan Colo Novel releases, also by Shogakukan Asia, as the Doraemon Theme Series. Unlike the Amazon Kindle releases these volumes are in black and white instead of color.

  1. Romance Collection, 15 January 2020, ~130-132 pages, ISBN 9789811417023
  2. Zero Points & Runaway Collection, 15 January 2020, ~191-192 pages, ISBN 9789811417030
  3. Dinosaurs Collection, 14 February 2020, ~162-163 pages, ISBN 9789811417047
  4. Future & Universe Collection, 14 February 2020, ~137-148 pages, ISBN 9789811421693
  5. Folktales Collection, 16 March 2020, ~123-124 pages, ISBN 9789811421709
  6. Emotions Collection, 16 March 2020, ~132-168 pages, ISBN 9789811421716
  7. Laughter Collection, 17 July 2020, 142 pages, ISBN 9789811421723
  8. Horror Collection, 17 July 2020, 141 pages, ISBN 9789811421730
  9. Esprit Collection, 25 September 2020, 152 pages, ISBN 9789811433504
  10. Fantasy Collection, 25 September 2020, 192 pages, ISBN 9789811433511


There have been two series of bilingual, Japanese and English, volumes of Doraemon by SHOGAKUKAN ENGLISH COMICS called "Doraemon: Gadget Cat from the Future", and two audio versions.

  1. 2002/02/22, ISBN 4092270119
  2. 2002/05/31, ISBN 4092270127
  3. 2002/08/30, ISBN 4092270135
  4. 2002/11/29, ISBN 4092270143
  5. 2003/02/28, ISBN 4092270151
  6. 2003/05/30, ISBN 409227016X
  7. 2003/12/05, ISBN 4092270178
  8. 2004/03/26, ISBN 4092270186
  9. 2004/10/07, ISBN 4092270194
  10. 2005/02/25, ISBN 4092270208
  • Box Set (volume 1 to 10), March 28, 2006, ISBN 9784092270213

Translations of these volumes were published as 英文版哆啦A夢 by 青文出版社 (CHING WIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD.) in Taiwan, in Chinese by Chuang Yi, in Thailand by NED-Comics,[4] in mainland China by 二十一世紀出版社 (21st Century Publishing House), in Hong Kong by 香港青文出版社 and in Vietnam by Kim Dong Publisher as Đôrêmon học tiếng Anh.


  1. A Selection of Touching Stories, 2013/10/18, ISBN 9784092270336
  2. A Selection of Comic Stories, 2013/12/18, ISBN 9784092270343
  3. A Selection of Love Stories, 2014/02/18, ISBN 9784092270350
  4. A Selection of Witty Stories, 2014/04/18, ISBN 9784092270367
  5. A Selection of Scary Stories, 2014/06/18, ISBN 9784092270374
  6. A Selection of Fantastic Stories, 2014/08/18, ISBN 9784092270381

Audio version

  1. 2009/4/22, ISBN 9784092270312
  2. 2009/5/20, ISBN 9784092270329

Doraemon Short Episode List

A list of all episodes of Doraemon short stories based on the Kindle Edition.

Kindle Edition

The series was translated into English and released in North America. Black and white manuscripts are digitally colored. 200 volumes. 1311 episodes. Almost all existing Doraemon short stories are included. Abbreviated as "KE".

  • All episode list of Doraemon Kindle Edition (with 9 unrecorded episodes).[5]
  • In the "Other Book" column, another book containing that episode is posted.
    • TC - Tentōmushi Comics (てんとう虫コミックス). Volume 1–45.
    • DP - Draemon Plus (ドラえもんプラス). Volume 1–6.
    • DCW - Draemon Color Works (ドラえもんカラー作品集). Volume 1–6.
    • CWF - The Complete Works of Fujiko F. Fujio (藤子・F・不二雄大全集) Doraemon Volume 1–20. Only episodes not published in the above books.
  • "First Release" - The year that episode was first released.
  • "Rel. #" - Release number. Click to sort by publication order.
  • See ja:ドラえもんの漫画エピソード一覧 for Published magazine name.
#VolEpisode TitleOriginal Title (Japanese)Other BookFirst ReleaseRel. #
11All the Way From the Future未来の国からはるばるとTC119691
21Return to Un-sender出さない手紙の返事をもらう方法TC21974274
31Noby's City of Dreamsゆめの町ノビタランドTC31974303
42Lionman's Big Jamあやうし! ライオン仮面TC31971101
62Judo Master Noby黒おびのび太TC51971114
73A World Without Sound音のない世界TC161977514
83A Stone Unturned石ころぼうしTC41973197
93Noby's Brideのび太のおよめさんTC61972133
104Memories of GrandmaおばあちゃんのおもいでTC4197062
124The White Lily Girl白ゆりのような女の子TC3197031
134Planet Builders地球製造法TC51973190
145A High-Speed Slow-Downのろのろ、じたばたTC5197187
155King of the Cavemen石器時代の王さまにTC71971118
165Noby's Birthdayぼくの生まれた日TC21972157
175Fossil Fools化石大発見!!TC111976426
185Defender of Justice: Masked Me!正義のみかたセルフ仮面TC121976444
196The Great Paper War紙工作が大あばれTC171977559
206A Touching Taleジ~ンと感動する話TC91975363
216Polarity PatchesN・SワッペンTC21973213
226The Pocket PatchタタミのたんぼTC21973265
236Animal Transformation Crackers変身ビスケットTC11974288
247A Hermit's Life for Meデンデンハウスは気楽だなTC91975368
257The Over-the-Top OvercoatオーバーオーバーTC131976476
267Topsy Turvy Planetあべこべ惑星TC171978600
277Puddle Powderドンブラ粉TC121976442
298Far, Far From Home家がだんだん遠くなるTC141977507
308The Happy Little Mermaidしあわせな人魚姫TC191979685
318Melody GasメロディーガスTC41971126
328Making a Brother弟をつくろうTC101975407
359Phoony the Typhoon台風のフー子TC61974319
369U.F Yo!未知とのそうぐう機TC171978580
379Noby's Marathonのび太が九州まで走った!!TC181978581
389Fishing Indoors勉強べやのつりぼり(勉強部屋のつりぼり)TC121976473
3910My Little KittyすてきなミイちゃんTC141973185
4010The Curse CameraのろいのカメラTC4197056
4110Tummy Travelersたとえ胃の中、水の中TC101975393
4210Homing Missileミサイルが追ってくるTC121976430
4310Weekly Nobita週刊のび太TC171978588
4411Close Encounterハロー宇宙人TC131976455
4511Amazing MazeホームメイロTC181978637
4611Tales of Future Magazines百年後のフロクTC101976412
4711Noby's Dinosaurのび太の恐竜TC101975385
4912My Home Mountain大雪山がやってきたTC191979699
5012The 2-dehydrator Cameraチッポケット二次元カメラTC201979681
5112Dream Dad夢まくらのおじいさんTC141976477
5212The Girlfriend CatalogガールフレンドカタログTC181978594
5313King of the Night夜の世界の王さまだ!TC61971125
5413Happy Little Planetしあわせのお星さまTC181978628
5513The Six Million Yen Paintingこの絵600万円TC61972176
5613The Action PlannerスケジュールどけいTC31973203
5713The Conscience CricketペコペコバッタTC1197055
5814The Wolf Familyオオカミ一家TC21973254
5914Switching MomsママをとりかえっこTC31974280
6014Reaction Tester Robotテスト・ロボットTC71974339
6114The Lying MirrorうそつきかがみTC2197197
6214You and What Army?おもちゃの兵隊TC41974309
6415The Tax-myna Cometh税金鳥TC221979697
6515The Bottle Cap Collection王かんコレクションTC91975388
6615The Devil CardデビルカードTC221980752
6715Radish RampageだいこんダンスパーティーTC211979654
6816Sokay Stickまあまあ棒TC231980808
6916The Sleep War出木杉グッスリ作戦TC221980787
7016The Stuporsonic Verminator驚音波発振機(狂音波発振機)TC171978582
7116The Vending Time Machine自動販売タイムマシンTC111975401
7216Pandora's Monsterパンドラのお化けTC191979668
7317No Matter the Priceお金がわいて出た話TC181979660
7417The BrYber TacticYロウ作戦TC111976438
7517My Dad the BabyパパもあまえんぼTC161977539
7617Defeat the Giantz!ジャイアンズをぶっとばせTC71974331
7717The Delete KeyどくさいスイッチTC151977517
7818The Amazing Nobyman行け! ノビタマンTC211979695
7918The Gratitude Adjusterありがたみわかり機TC191978625
8018Worse Than MeぼくよりダメなやつがきたTC231980769
8118Moas and Dodos Foreverモアよドードーよ、永遠にTC171978624
8319The Macha-Makerメカ・メーカーTC221980745
8419The Around the World Quizクイズは地球をめぐるTC191979644
8519We Lost the Time Machine!!タイムマシンがなくなった!!TC221980749
8720The Haunted Castleゆうれい城へ引っこしTC121976448
8820"Space Demon" - the Backyard Sci-Fi Spectacle超大作特撮映画「宇宙大魔神」TC201979704
8920Handmade Robot Rampage大あばれ、手作り巨大ロボTC231980728
9021Just Once, a Perfect 100一生に一度は百点を...TC11973260
9121The Prophesies of Doraemonドラえもんの大予言TC119707
9221The Antique-o-Matic古道具競争TC1197038
9321From Hunter... to Warlord?ご先祖さまがんばれTC1197032
9421Hot Snow雪でアッチッチTC11972135
9522Spy Games㊙スパイ大作戦TC1197025
9622The Turvy Topsy FluteコベアベTC11972141
9722Competing Proposalsプロポーズ作戦(プロポーズ大作戦)TC11971121
9822The Make-it-so Day Planner○○が××と△△するTC11974293
9922The Skyhorse走れ! ウマタケTC11973268
10022The Genie RobotランプのけむりオバケTC11971131
10123Memory BreadテストにアンキパンTC21972146
10223Robyn, My Loveロボ子が愛してるTC21971113
10323The Dream ChimeゆめふうりんTC21972153
10423Honest Thomas正直太郎TC21973238
10523Shizuka's Magic RobeしずちゃんのはごろもTC21973262
10623The 100% Accurate Palm Reading Setかならず当たる手相セットTC21974279
10724The Time KerchiefタイムふろしきTC2197067
10824Dinosaur Hunters恐竜ハンターTC2197026
10924Building a Subway地下鉄をつくっちゃえTC21973263
11024To Catch a Coldこのかぜ うつしますTC21974272
11124The Bedroom Avalanche勉強べやの大なだれTC21971129
11225Junior Detective Setシャーロック・ホームズセットTC31974273
11325True Liesうそつ機TC31973195
11425Super Dan!スーパーダンTC31972145
11525Compound Interestボーナス1024倍TC31973258
11625The Guiding AngelミチビキエンゼルTC31973252
11725The Overwriting CrayonそっくりクレヨンTC31971124
11825The Calendar Flipper日づけ変更カレンダーTC31973261
11926Do-it DropsソーナルじょうTC3197044
12026My Teacher, Myselfぼくを、ぼくの先生にTC31973236
12126The Instant Wardrobe CamきせかえカメラTC31974310
12226I, Luh, Luh, Love You!ああ、好き、好き、好き!TC3197049
12326The Myth MedallionsおはなしバッジTC31972149
12426Pero Comes Backペロ! 生きかえってTC31971123
12527The TruthbeakerソノウソホントTC41971107
12627The ReversifierアベコンベTC41971106
12727The Undersea Hike海底ハイキングTC41974308
12827The Bug Concert月の光と虫の声TC41973240
12927Facial Reconstructionお客の顔を組み立てようTC41974287
13027Dealing in Futureしてない貯金を使う法TC41973205
13128The X-Ray Scopeスケスケ望遠鏡TC41971102
13228The Buddy Beacon友情カプセルTC41972165
13328Nobizaemon's Secretのび左エ門の秘宝TC4197073
13428The Phantom of the Future未来世界の怪人TC41973189
13528The BubbleCorderヤカンレコーダーTC41972142
13628The Gamble GunラッキーガンTC41974323
13728The End of the World世界沈没TC41972171
13829Gravity Paint重力ペンキTC51972177
13929The Noby in the Mirrorかがみの中ののび太TC51972166
14029Memory MalletわすれとんかちTC5197061
14129Penalty Boxばっ金箱TC51973211
14229Doraemon's Double TroubleドラえもんだらけTC5197181
143304D Cycling四次元サイクリングTC51973206
14430The Underground Expedition地底の国探検TC51974302
14530The Bounce Back CapeひらりマントTC51973208
14630Badge Bustersバッジを作ろうTC51972147
14730My Tub's an Oceanうちのプールは太平洋TC51974306
14830Sequence SprayつづきスプレーTC51972154
14931The Dreamflipper PillowうつつまくらTC5197050
15031The Big Winner宝くじ大当たりTC51971110
15131The Be-There Phoneおしかけ電話TC51972163
15231The Uncle and the ElephantぞうとおじさんTC51973230
15332Jekyll-Hyde JelliesジキルハイドTC61973204
15432Viral Marketing Virus流行性ネコシャクシビールスTC61974333
15532The Hot Springs Trip温泉旅行TC61972180
15632Tabletop Ski Resortはこ庭スキー場TC61974275
15732Carp StreamersこいのぼりTC61974294
15832Chew-Out GumダイリガムTC61973243
15932The Cannon Expressどこでも大砲TC61972143
16033Nessie's Visitネッシーが来るTC61974314
16133The Girl with the Red Shoes赤いくつの女の子TC61974317
16233The Ace CapエースキャップTC61974318
16333Desert Island Adventureのび太漂流記TC61973220
16433The Undersea Adventure潜水艦で海へ行こうTC61971111
16533Farewell Doraemonさようなら、ドラえもんTC61974282
16634Welcome Back Doraemon帰ってきたドラえもんTC71974286
16834Flying Fish空とぶさかなTC7197199
16934Do You Love Me-ow?好きでたまらニャいTC7197180
17034Sightseeing without Sightseeing行かない旅行の記念写真TC71972162
17135The Diamond Thievesママのダイヤを盗み出せTC71973221
17235The Disaster Detector災難にかこまれた話TC71975342
17335Bomb the MiceネズミとばくだんTC71974322
17435Future Shopper未来からの買いものTC71973253
17535Habit Breaking GasくせなおしガスTC71974327
17635The Ultra MixerウルトラミキサーTC71972151
17736The Trick-or-Tanuki Setタヌ機TC71974299
17836The Eyes Have It手足七本目が三つ(ねこの手もかりたい)TC7197074
17936The Charmed RopeピーヒョロロープTC71974284
18036The Haunted Mountain Village山奥村の怪事件TC71974285
18136The Psychic CapエスパーぼうしTC7197068
18237Rewinder Ragゆっくり反射ぞうきんTC81975358
18337Lighter / Writerライター芝居TC81975359
18437The Wild Watchマッド・ウオッチTC81975343
18537A Graph that Never LiesグラフはうそつかないTC81975344
18637Eat Candy, Sing Dandyキャンデーなめて歌手になろうTC81973228
18737Mutant Maker人間製造機TC81974305
18838The Bad-Luck Diamond悪運ダイヤTC81972161
18938Laugh Long and ProsperわらってくらそうTC81975372
19238The Wish-Hammerうちでの小づちTC81975350
19438The Human Locomotives人間機関車TC81975362
19539The Evo-Devo Beam進化退化放射線源TC81975365
19639Little Match Doraemonマッチ売りのドラえもんTC81974335
19739The SnobshutterめんくいカメラTC81975366
19839The See-Scope見たままスコープTC81974338
19939Gender Bender Potionオトコンナを飲めば?TC81974334
20139Today, I'm Mary!ぼく、マリちゃんだよTC81973222
20340The Pass Loop通りぬけフープTC91974277
20440The Great "Tsuchinoko" Huntツチノコ見つけた!TC91975348
20540Wallpaper Partyかべ紙の中で新年会TC9197077
20640The Play ForkアソボウTC91975389
20740The People Puppeteer人間あやつり機TC9197063
20941The Time-Delay DropsおそだアメTC101975392
21041The Urashima CandyウラシマキャンデーTC91974296
21141How to Make an Island無人島の作り方TC91975374
21241The Moving Mapひっこし地図TC91975384
21341The MoodometerごきげんメーターTC91975382
21441A World Full of Lies世の中うそだらけTC91975371
21541Noby's Nobyのび太ののび太TC91975376
21642The Ghost in the Phone電話のおばけTC91975377
21742I'm Momotaro!ぼく、桃太郎のなんなのさTC91975379
21842The Tracer BadgesトレーサーバッジTC91975381
21943Gimme the Night夜を売りますTC101975349
22043The XYZ-Ray CameraXYZ線カメラTC101976415
22143The Human Splitter人間切断機TC101975403
22243The Underground Apartmentアパートの木TC101973212
22343Water to WineようろうおつまみTC101975402
22443The No-see-um Drops見えなくなる目ぐすりTC101975398
22543The Any Day Diaryいつでも日記TC101972134
22643Bogus Aliensニセ宇宙人TC101976414
22744The Wishing Starねがい星TC10197039
22844The Whatever Weather Boxお天気ボックスTC101971122
22944The Mirage ShowerいないいないシャワーTC101975400
23044The Lie-DePufferハリ千本ノマスTC101975352
23144Playing Dolls人形あそびTC101972178
23244The Animal Escape Drops動物型にげだしじょうTC101975395
23344Human Remote Control人間ラジコンTC101975380
23444The Speed WatchスピードどけいTC101975378
23545The What if? BoxもしもボックスTC111975405
23645The Robot PaperロボットペーパーTC111976428
23745The Houseguest Pestいやなお客の帰し方TC111973267
23945The Werewolf Creamおおかみ男クリームTC111975390
24045The Speedwinderネジまいてハッスル!TC111973199
24145The Chum GumおすそわけガムTC111976431
24246The Disaster Drillerさいなんくんれん機TC111973247
24346The Legendary Sword "Denko-maru"名刀「電光丸」TC111975341
24446The Bring-it-BagとりよせバッグTC111973215
24546The Hypno-SpexさいみんグラスTC111976434
24646Noby's Own TV Stationテレビ局をはじめたよTC111974278
24746The Advance AntennaあらかじめアンテナTC111976424
24847Invasion of the Switcheratorsからだの部品とりかえっこTC111976425
24947Big G's Best Friendジャイアンの心の友TC111976427
25047True ColorsウラオモテックスTC121976439
25147The Remind'ya Birdわすれ鳥TC121976421
25247The Pet Look-Alike PieペットそっくりまんじゅうTC121976452
25347The Tongue Readerベロ相うらない大当たり!TC121975394
25447The Doraemon Encyclopediaドラえもん大事典TC111975353
25548A Real Big Guy大男がでたぞTC121976453
25648The portable ThundercloudカミナリになれようTC121976445
25748The Weather Maker Chart天気決定表TC121976458
25848The Insta-Ghostゆうれいの干物TC121976449
25948The LuvbrellaあいあいパラソルTC121976457
26048The Quickdraw Contestけん銃王コンテストTC121975408
26148The GiddyupperはいどうたづなTC121976416
26248The Replay CameraおくれカメラTC121976423
26349The Grab-a-Scope手にとり望遠鏡TC131977493
26449The Remora Magnetいただき小ばんTC131976486
26549A World without Moneyお金のいらない世界TC131976483
26649The Statics Suitちく電スーツTC131976472
26749Big G's Special StewジャイアンシチューTC131976485
26849The Arrow to School弓矢で学校へTC131976480
26949The Fusion Glue合体ノリTC131977499
27049Turning Straw to GoldチョージャワラシベTC131976466
27150Treasure Mountain宝さがしごっこセットTC131977502
27250The Magical HandsマジックハンドTC131976470
27350The Space Simulatorロケットそうじゅうくんれん機TC131977496
27450The Tripinatorころばし屋TC131977497
27550The Back-to-BasicizerもどりライトTC131977489
27650What Happens at 7:00七時に何かがおこるTC131977490
27750The King of Base Stealers盗塁王をめざせTC131976475
27851The Passport to Evil悪魔のパスポートTC131976436
27951The Soul Slipperタマシイム・マシンTC131976482
28051The Typhoon Fan風神さわぎTC131976456
28151Shedding Like a Snakeからだの皮をはぐ話TC141976471
28251Ads by MirrorかがみでコマーシャルTC141977491
28351The Hard Copy Paper立体コピーTC131975383
28452Runaway Island無人島へ家出TC141976488
28552Toy Car Training Centerミニカー教習所TC141977519
28652The Moodmaker Orchestraムードもりあげ楽団登場!TC141977511
28752The Come-Here Collarヨンダラ首わTC141973191
28852The Psychic Mic念録マイクTC141977492
28952The Secret PenないしょペンTC141975361
29052The Tall Tale Tellerホラふきご先祖TC141977520
29152The Tornader台風発生機TC141974321
29253The Path of Evil悪の道を進め!TC141977495
29353The Man-Eating House人喰いハウスTC141977533
29453Lazy Dayぐうたらの日TC141975364
29553Baseball Ridersボールに乗ってTC141972174
29653The Alien House宇宙人の家?TC141976469
29753The War in the Pondラジコン大海戦TC141976462
29854The Dreamer TVゆめのチャンネルTC151977531
29954Kitty Cat,Incネコが会社を作ったよTC151977537
30054The Treasure of Chinkara Pass珍加羅峠の宝物TC151973229
30154The Hide-A-RoomナイヘヤドアTC151977513
30254The Switch-A-Rope入れかえロープTC151972139
30354Chain Letter Club不幸の手紙同好会TC151977503
30454The Infinity PassオールマイティーパスTC151977505
30555Time Crime Trackerタイムマシンで犯人をTC15197192
30655The Sneaky CameraこっそりカメラTC151973244
30755The Railroad Crossing KitふみきりセットTC151977521
30855The Do-Over Device人生やりなおし機TC151977504
30955The Rank Patches階級ワッペンTC151977506
31055The Graffiti GunらくがきじゅうTC151974301
31155The Expresso Machine表情コントローラーTC151974298
31256The Time Bank時間貯金箱TC161977508
31356Canned Noise騒音公害をカンヅメにしちゃえTC151976437
31456It's a Cat's Cradle Worldあやとり世界TC151977510
31556The Season SelectorオールシーズンバッジTC161977545
31656Best Dad Ever!りっぱなパパになるぞ!TC161977498
31756I Hate Money!お金なんか大きらい!TC161971130
31857The TalksprayモノモースTC161978578
31957The DeluxifierデラックスライトTC161977553
32057The Walksleeper立ちユメぼうTC161977562
32157The Four-Dimensional Pocket四次元ポケットTC161977515
32257The Infinity LassoナゲーなげなわTC161977500
32357The Jack-in-the-Whateverびっくり箱ステッキTC161977548
32457The Leaflectorドロン葉TC161978570
32558The Ultra ArmorウルトラよろいTC161977534
32658The Singer/SongwriterシンガーソングライターTC161977540
32758The Dinky DerbyいっすんぼうしTC161976461
32858The Sahara's No Place to Studyサハラ砂漠で勉強はできないTC161977532
32958Clouds and Crafts雲ざいくで遊ぼうTC161977527
33058The Future Diaryあらかじめ日記はおそろしいTC161977541
33158King of the Space宇宙ターザンTC161978605
33259Adrift in Time大むかし漂流記TC171977524
33359The Make-You-SweatpantsムリヤリトレパンTC171978601
33459Take Care in the Air空で遊んじゃあぶないよTC171978598
33559The Buck-Passing Gloveタッチ手ぶくろTC171977525
33659The Starring Roller主役はめこみ機TC171978587
33760Moving DayあちこちひっこそうTC171977543
33860The Cover-Up SprayかたづけラッカーTC171976487
33960Personal Satellites自家用衛星TC171977564
34060The House-Robo家がロボットになったTC171977555
34160First Come,First Reservedドラやき・映画・予約ずみTC171978568
34261Noby's Personal Theaterのび太の部屋でロードショーTC181978595
34361The Thrill BoomerangスリルブーメランTC181979666
34461The Favori-Treeひい木TC181978607
34561The Spy Satellitesスパイ衛星でさぐれTC181979680
34661The Room SwimmerルームスイマーTC181978599
34761The Little House in the Glacier大氷山の小さな家TC181978612
34861The Reverse ESP NutsテレパしいTC181978617
34961Vroom Vroom Vacuumドライブはそうじ機に乗ってTC181978574
35062The Automstic Pawnshop自動質屋機TC181979655
35162The Virtuality Cap実感帽TC181977518
35262The Daruma Dollあの日あの時あのダルマTC181978576
35362The Yes-M’Lord DropsコーモンじょうTC181978593
35462The Sandman Sleeps at Nightねむれぬ夜に砂男TC181978629
35562The Dandelion's Journeyタンポポ空を行くTC181979673
35663The Home Exerciserアスレチック・ハウスTC191978619
35763The Crowd-be-Gone Gyro人よけジャイロTC191979682
35863Strolling on the Seabed海に入らず海底を散歩する方法TC191978606
35963Space Wars in the Attic天井うらの宇宙戦争TC191978610
36063The Couple Tester BadgesカップルテストバッジTC191979649
36163The All-In-One ApplianceオコノミボックスTC191978640
36264The Stickerbot Rebellionロボッターの反乱TC191977546
36364Noby's Secret Tunnelsのび太の秘密トンネルTC191978630
36464The Delivery Phone出前電話TC191978623
36564The Shadow Catcher影とりプロジェクターTC191979720
36664The Bug Pellets無敵コンチュー丹TC191978586
36764Santa's ChimneyサンタえんとつTC191977561
36865The Blueprint Paper設計紙で秘密基地を!TC201979724
36965Rich Dad,Poor DadふくびんコンビTC201979671
37065The Doc-in-a-Boxお医者さんカバンTC201979642
37165The Samaritan SnapsぼくをタスケロンTC201979690
37265Noby's Windowあの窓にさようならTC191978622
37366Paradise Indoorsへやの中の大自然TC201977526
37466The Medusa Headゴルゴンの首TC201979683
37566The 3D Pinhole Camera実物立体日光写真TC201978639
37666A Night on the Galactic Railwaw天の川鉄道の夜TC201980731
37766The Pick-a-DoorプッシュドアTC201978611
37866The Dream BlasterツモリガンTC201979715
37967The Good Luck Droopsアヤカリンで幸運をTC201980776
38067The Dorayaki as Big as the Ritzへやいっぱいの大ドラやきTC201978638
38167Free Money出てくる出てくるお年玉TC201978636
38267The Balance Shotバランス注射TC201975409
38367Games in Spase宇宙探検すごろくTC201979647
38467The Heart-to-Heart DropsココロコロンTC201979709
38567A Snowcapped Romance雪山のロマンスTC201978618
38768Japan Expandsひろびろ日本TC211980738
38868The Multi-Purpose Charm多目的おまもりは責任感が強いTC211979706
38968Real Dinosaurs!?恐竜が出た!?TC211979677
39068Alone in the Future未来の町にただ一人TC211979674
39169Big Boss Nobyいばり屋のび太TC211979691
39269The Vampire KitドラキュラセットTC211979711
39369The Happy PromenadeハッピープロムナードTC211980733
39469Summer Doll Houseミニハウスでさわやかな夏TC211979684
39569The Long-Distance Mom Dropsママをたずねて三千キロじょうTC211980737
39670The Move MimickerまねコンTC211979717
39770The Santa StationeryサンタメールTC211979712
39870The Sprite Summoner精霊よびだしうでわTC211980735
39970The Mind Camera念写カメラマンTC211979670
40071The Gamechanger CameraカチカチカメラTC221980781
40171The Discipline DropsしつけキャンディーTC221979662
40271Getting Hurt without Getting Hurt無事故でけがをした話TC221977563
40371Little G's Boyfriend...Noby!?ジャイ子の恋人=のび太TC221980727
40471The R/C Run-AroundラジコンシミュレーターでぶっとばせTC221979656
40571Noby's Rescue Partyのび太救出決死探検隊TC221980799
40672The Blue Bird of Happinessしあわせをよぶ青い鳥TC221979707
40772The Long-Distance MirrorうつしっぱなしミラーTC221980798
40872The PretendaxオモイコミンTC221979714
40972The Hot Spring Rope温泉ロープでいい湯だなTC221980784
41072A Home for “Ruff”のら犬「イチ」の国TC221980786
41173The People Player本人ビデオTC231980797
41273The Great Letter-ature Penもはん手紙ペンTC231979713
41373The Rope of Justiceおそるべき正義ロープTC231980750
41473The Mall MalletうちでのデパートTC231980803
41573Happy Birthday,Big G!ハッピーバースデイ・ジャイアンTC231980756
41674The Indoor Aquariumおざしき水族館TC231980766
41774The Cheerleader Gloves勝利をよぶチアガール手ぶくろTC231980770
41874The Water Sculpture Sprinkles水加工用ふりかけTC231980783
41974The See-Through Stickers透視シールで大ピンチTC231980779
42075The Fringe Theory Club Badges異説クラブメンバーズバッジTC231980791
42175The Wakey WakerオキテテヨカッタTC231980801
42275The Holy Hankyぼくのまもり紙TC231980757
42375The Long New Year長い長いお正月TC231979721
42476Noby's Helicopterのび太のヘリコプターTC241980802
42576The Second Girlfriend虹谷ユメ子さんTC241981828
42676The Fire Prevention Alarm火災予定報知ベルTC241981841
4277620th Century Shogun二十世紀のおとのさまTC241980759
42876The Territory MarkerナワバリエキスTC241979719
42976The Candy Ranchおかし牧場TC241977530
43177The Instant Delivery Machine忘れ物おくりとどけ機TC241978627
43277The Sinker Ballsしずめ玉でスッキリTC241981818
43377The Folding HouseおりたたみハウスTC241979723
43477Little G the Comic Artistまんが家ジャイ子TC241980804
43577The Personal Limelightめだちライトで人気者TC241980741
43677Animation Made Easyアニメ制作なんてわけないよTC241980755
43778The Six-Sided Camera六面カメラTC241981847
43878Addicted to Big Gジャイアンリサイタルを楽しむ方法TC241980800
43978Wild Wold Nobyガンファイターのび太TC241980740
44078Doraemon's Rough Patchションボリ、ドラえもんTC241981829
44179Home Away from Nobyのび太のなが~い家出TC251981830
44279The Moneypencil円ピツで大金持ちTC251981833
44379The Spare 4D Pocket四次元ポケットにスペアがあったのだTC251981870
44479Noby's Space Shuttleのび太のスペースシャトルTC251981844
44579Happy Tummy GasヘソリンガスでしあわせにTC251979703
44680Noby Gets an “A”!な、なんと!! のび太が百点とった!!TC251981836
44780The Material Converter材質変換機TC251980732
44880Comics in a CanカンヅメカンでまんがをTC251979698
44980The FriendcenseなかまいりせんこうTC251980790
45080The Peace Antenna平和アンテナTC251981840
45180An Ants’ Life羽アリのゆくえTC251981835
45281The Indoor Expressブルートレインはぼくの家TC251978608
453818 Days at the Dragon King's Palace竜宮城の八日間TC251980767
45481Tomorrow's News Todayあしたの新聞TC251981848
45581The Night before Noby's Weddingのび太の結婚前夜TC251981857
45682The TV GrabberテレビとりもちTC261981883
45782The Quakefish地震なまずTC261980806
45882The Flag of Truth「真実の旗印」はつねに正しいTC261980807
45982Riding a UnicornユニコーンにのったTC261981890
46082The Puddle SprayどんぶらガスTC261980765
46182The Shellfish Submarineアワビとり潜水艦出航TC261981866
46282The EqualizerビョードーばくだんTC261980778
46383Shizuka the Friendly Witch魔女っ子しずちゃんTC261981862
46483The Heavy-LightおもかるとうTC261981845
46583The Parachute RaceぼうけんパラシュートTC261979722
46683Air around the World空気中継衛星TC261981887
46783The Living Forest森は生きているTC261980811
46883What the Water Saw水は見ていたTC261981880
46984Walking to the Moon歩け歩け月までもTC261981827
47084Black Hole Nobyのび太のブラックホールTC261981813
47184The Snow Filters雪アダプターいろいろあるよTC261979718
47284Noby's Underground Empireのび太の地底国TC261980726
47384The Time CapsuleタイムカプセルTC261981878
47485The 4D Expansion Blocks四次元たてましブロックTC271982908
47585Noby the Trainerのび太の調教師TC271981872
47685Doraemon in Love恋するドラえもんTC271982914
47785The Cuckoo EggカッコータマゴTC271982934
47885The Dividing Hammer分身ハンマーTC271980764
47985The Bug Ridersコンチュウ飛行機にのろうTC271981858
48085A Ropey Friend細く長い友だちTC271981869
48186The Time Scopeきりかえ式タイムスコープTC271979667
48286The No-Zone SignsキンシひょうしきTC271981822
48386The Real-Time Maproscopeポラマップスコープとポラマップ地図TC271981834
48486The Human Book Cover人間ブックカバーTC271982915
48586The Aptitude Armband職業テスト腕章TC271981826
48686The Real Life Video Game本物電子ゲームTC271982920
48786Endangered Species Nobyのび太は世界にただ一匹TC271981819
48987Hush,Little Big Gジャイアンよい子だねんねしなTC271981815
49087A World without Mirrorsかがみのない世界TC271981825
49187The Time-Delayed Psychic10分おくれのエスパーTC271982899
49287The Lucky Cardsしあわせトランプの恐怖TC271982907
49388The Word-Change Capsulesしりとり変身カプセルTC281983989
49488The Horizon Tape地平線テープTC281982928
49588The Bro Badges兄弟シールTC281978573
49688The Name-Changerいれかえ表札TC281982919
497881 Push=100 Yenポカリ=百円TC281980753
49888Discovering a New Species新種図鑑で有名になろうTC281982913
49988Shizuka's Secretしずちゃんの心の秘密TC281982956
50089The Ninja Training Kitニンニン修業セットTC281982926
50189The Dream Ladder夢はしごTC281982906
50289The Automatic Theaterなぜか劇がメチャクチャにTC281981877
50389Sneech's Secret大ピンチ!スネ夫の答案TC281982950
50489The Master Board家元かんばんTC281982927
50589Noby Airlinesのび太航空TC281982949
50690The Hermit Bot神さまロボットに愛の手を!TC281981865
50790The Merchandise Makerキャラクター商品注文機TC281982953
50890The Life-Size Model Island百丈島の原寸大プラモTC281982933
50990The Pearl Maker Shellしんじゅ製造アコヤケースTC281982964
51091The Peephole Boardのぞき穴ボードTC2919831047
51191The Machine Copy Machine機械化機TC291982922
51291Instant RobotsインスタントロボットTC291982939
51391Space Explorers宇宙探検ごっこTC291982965
51491Life as a Ghostユーレイ暮らしはやめられないTC291982970
51591The Gread Model Escapeプラモが大脱走TC291982921
51692Big G's Big RomanceグンニャリジャイアンTC291981854
51792The Buyback-Bot自動買いとり機TC2919831017
51892The Insta-Freeze Cameraあいつを固めちゃえTC291982946
51992Space Swimming広~い宇宙で海水浴TC291982943
52092The Monster Bunniesうら山のウサギ怪獣TC291981864
52192First Time Fun思いだせ! あの日の感動TC291982942
52293The Flying Carpet Cloth空飛ぶうす手じゅうたんTC291982962
52393The Flat IronペタンコアイロンTC291982904
52493The Noby Swallowツバメののび太TC291981879
52593Tsubasa's Big Visit翼ちゃんがうちへきたTC291982932
52693Little G,Pro Cartoonistまんが家ジャイ子先生TC291982967
52794The Mini-Pedia実物ミニチュア大百科TC301982978
52894Celebrity Bodyprints人気スターがまっ黒けTC301982976
52994The Sandlot Shark空き地のジョーズTC3019831041
53094The Booster Bankフエール銀行TC301982975
53194The King of Sleepねむりの天才のび太TC301982918
53294The Midnight Caller真夜中の電話魔TC3019831004
53395The Wild Pet House野生ペット小屋TC301982981
53495Blue Screen NobymanクロマキーでノビちゃんマンTC301983985
53595Big G's Big Debutジャイアンテレビにでる!TC301982974
53695The Happy CapホンワカキャップTC3019831039
53795The Reunion BriefcaseひさしぶりトランクTC301982912
53895The Room Switcher SwitchへやこうかんスイッチTC3019831008
53996The Little-Later LensすることレンズTC3019831035
54096The Junior Hang-Gliderお子さまハンググライダーTC3019831026
54196The Good Old Days昔はよかったTC301981850
54296The Invention Inventorハツメイカーで大発明TC301981873
54397The Time Valve時門で長~~い一日TC311981851
54497Catching a Sea Monster海坊主がつれた!TC3219831020
54597The Mess of MonstersつめあわせオバケTC311980777
54697Sneech the Psychicエスパースネ夫TC311980763
54898The Sea-Parting StaffモーゼステッキTC3119831014
54998Good House,Bad Houseよい家悪い家TC311979643
55098The Experience Recoder録験機で楽しもうTC311979676
55198Home is Where the Tree isやどり木で楽しく家出TC311981843
55298The After-the Fact AlbumあとからアルバムTC3119831027
55398Pants of the JungleターザンパンツTC311981888
55498The Thread that Bindsむすびの糸TC311981885
55599The Personal Shield SystemバリヤーポイントTC311982971
55699The Wallpaper Scenery Changerかべ景色きりかえ機TC311983999
55799The Next ChapterまんがのつづきTC311982925
55899Custom Toy Cars改造チョコQTC311982969
55999Parting is Sweet SorrowためしにさようならTC311983988
560100Into the Silver Screen巨大立体スクリーンの中へTC3219841065
561100Noby the Geniusのび太も天才になれる?TC321982968
562100The Lost-and-Found Fishing Pond落とし物つりぼりTC321982898
563100The Hotel Fixer-Uppersオンボロ旅館をたて直せTC321980748
564100The War of the Dioramas超リアル・ジオラマ作戦TC3219831052
565100The Real Life Remoteビデオ式なんでもリモコンTC321983995
566101The Featherweight PlaneフェザープレーンTC321982910
567101The Zero-Gravity House野比家が無重力TC321978616
568101The Anything Airportなんでも空港TC321981867
569101The World Time Clock時差時計TC3219831015
570101Sneech's Missing Buttスネ夫のおしりがゆくえ不明TC321982951
572101Noby Gets Rich大富豪のび太TC321981849
573102The Desire Detectorほしい人探知機TC321982948
574102The Smooth-Talking Ventrilo-Bot腹話ロボットTC311981876
575102Delicious Reading本はおいしくよもうTC321983983
576102The Associative Deduction Magnifying Glass連想式推理虫メガネTC321982905
578103The Noby Posterポスターになったのび太TC331981837
579103Big G's Fan Clubフィーバー!! ジャイアンF・CTC331982963
580103The Dry Light Empire地底のドライ・ライトTC331981897
581103The Roll Anywhere SkatesどこでもだれでもローラースケートTC3319831006
582103The Routine Rerouterあの道この道楽な道TC331981871
583103The Grown-Up Scolding Pass大人をしかる腕章TC331980785
584103The Future CameraユクスエカメラTC331980768
585104The Boy in the Mirror鏡の中の世界TC331982929
586104Everything in Its Place横取りジャイアンをこらしめようTC331982947
587104Halley's TailハリーのしっぽTC3319841088
588104The Liqi-Vape DropsサンタインTC331982936
589104The Get Started PistolすぐやるガンTC331980751
590105The Personal FuseいやになったらヒューズをとばせTC331982955
591105The Freight Train FedoraSLえんとつTC331983998
592105The Winnining Postcardだせば当たる!! けん賞用ハガキTC331981891
593105Enter the Studymanガッコー仮面登場TC3319841069
594105Farewell,Mon Arborさらばキー坊TC3319841068
595106The Arctic Extractエスキモー・エキスTC3419831023
596106The Rubberneck RacerヤジウマアンテナTC3419831045
597106Enter the OwlmanフクロマンスーツTC341980739
598106Art Assistみたままベレーで天才画家TC341979700
599106Magic HandkerchiefタネなしマジックTC3419831033
600107The Strange Persimmon Tree一晩でカキの実がなったTC3419831040
601107How Time Flies「時」はゴウゴウと流れるTC3419831005
602107Rain Man Blue雨男はつらいよTC3419841057
603107The Auto-Returner Tag自動返送荷札TC3419841105
604107The Soul Control Gunたましいふきこみ銃TC3419831003
605107The Wish CardシテクレジットカードTC3419841117
606108The Transformade変身・変身・また変身TC341982960
607108Noby's Dilemmaのび太もたまには考えるTC341983991
608108Eartquake Training Paper地震訓練ペーパーTC3419841083
609108Nopper's paradiseひるねは天国でTC3419831044
610108Big Fish,Little Pond水たまりのピラルクTC341981892
611109The Massage Cannon大砲でないしょの話TC3519841077
612109The Talk’n TypewriterききがきタイプライターTC3519841115
613109Echoes in the Nightま夜中に山びこ山が!TC3519831050
614109The Lazy New Year Kitぐ~たらお正月セットTC3519841125
615109The Slope Switchさか道レバーTC351979716
617109Noby's Do-Over空ぶりは巻きもどして...TC3519841070
618110The Forced Cash CardムリヤリキャッシュカードTC3519841081
619110Sweet Home ShizukaしずちゃんとスイートホームTC351983984
620110Stop the World,I Want to Get Off地球下車マシンTC3519841058
621110Big G's Fan MailジャイアンへのホットなレターTC3519831046
622110The Animal Payback Drops動物変身恩返しグスリTC3519831021
623110Doraemon's Day Offドラえもんに休日を!!TC3519841100
624110The Cray-BotネンドロイドTC3519841097
625111The Plushie Makerなんでもぬいぐるみに...TC3519841093
626111Wind-Up Subterrineゼンマイ式潜地艦TC3519831016
627111Meanie Juice悪魔のイジワールTC3519831029
628111Hurricane Big Gジャイアン台風接近中TC3519841101
629111Hoy's Villageドンジャラ村のホイTC3519841092
630112The Charter Chip貸し切りチップTC3619831011
631112Opposite Dreamersサカユメンでいい夢みようTC361981886
632112Gulliver's TroublesめいわくガリバーTC3619831034
633112The Copycan「そんざいかん」がのぞいてるTC3619841111
634112Dorama Sprayもりあがれ!ドラマチックガスTC3619841107
635112The Mind Tuning ForkツモリナールTC3619841118
636112Gentle Big Gジャイアン反省・のび太はめいわくTC3619841106
637113Please Forgive–Beeシズメバチの巣TC3619841120
638113The Time PeepholeタイムふしあなTC3619841102
639113The Prophecy大予言・地球の滅びる日TC3619841087
640113Advernture Tea Timeアドベン茶で大冒険TC3619841094
641113Playing God神さまごっこTC361982935
642113The Prank Makerいたずらオモチャ化機TC3619841096
643113The Ghost TimerオバケタイマーTC3619851154
644114Noby's Son Runs Awayのび太の息子が家出したTC3619841064
645114The Cross-Section Viewer断層ビジョンTC3619851129
646114Booze River酒の泳ぐ川TC3619841056
647114The Woodcutter's Pondきこりの泉TC3619841122
648114The Skypoke Statue天つき地蔵TC361982961
649115The Magic-Pedia魔法事典TC371982930
650115The Ultra Handyman Companyなんでもひきうけ会社TC3719841113
651115The Feelie Fez感覚モニターTC3719841074
652115The Robot Guardian Angelロボット背後霊TC3719841062
653115The Elevator Plateエレベーター・プレートTC3719851144
654115The Doubt Transmitter自信ぐらつ機TC3719841112
655115The Gift-KerchiefおみやげフロシキTC371981824
656116The Lift StickリフトストックTC3719851184
657116The Whammy CamドッキリビデオTC3719841082
658116The Truth-Be-Told SpeakerアトカラホントスピーカーTC3719851183
659116Noby's Rock-Houndかわいい石ころの話TC371980729
661116Come-Here ChowカムカムキャットフードTC3719841108
662116The Ventrilophoneふきかえ糸電話TC3719851157
663117Imprinting Shizukaたまごの中のしずちゃんTC3719841123
664117Escape from Score Zeroのび太の0点脱出作戦TC3719851160
665117Clone JuiceクローンリキッドごくうTC371982952
666117Real Ghost!しかしユーレイはでた!TC371982941
667117Christine Goda,Comis Artist大人気!クリスチーネ先生TC3719851167
668118Twinkle Twinkle夜空がギンギラギンTC3819861202
669118Big G's Big ConcertまたもジャイアンコンサートTC3819841080
670118A Clock is Hatched時計はタマゴからかえるTC381981838
671118The DreamplayerドリームプレイヤーTC3819841124
672118Rest for the Wickedじゃま者をねむらせろTC381981882
673118The Transmogrify Ray物体変換銃TC3819851142
674118Revenge Vouchersしかえし伝票TC3819851138
675119The Circle of Friends友だちの輪TC3819841095
676119The Liar Matcherどっちがウソか! アワセールTC381980761
677119The Safety Charm Stickerききめ一番やくよけシールTC3819841089
678119The Hypno-PillowcaseねながらケースTC3819851168
679119The Adventure Game Book冒険ゲームブックTC3819851159
680119The Plantain Fanバショー扇の使いみちTC3819851156
681119The Pickup RodかるがるつりざおTC381982917
682120The Mushroom Miniscape箱庭で松たけがりTC3819841114
683120The All Alone-ade無人境ドリンクTC3819851191
684120The Stone Age Hotel石器時代のホテルTC381982957
685120The Shine SolidifierカチンカチンライトTC3819851147
686120The Invincible Cannonスネ夫の無敵砲台TC3819851179
687121Fairytale Land Ticketsメルヘンランド入場券TC3919861215
688121Noby Plays Godのび太 神さまになるTC391983996
689121The Memory DiscメモリーディスクTC3919831009
690121The Handi-CapハンディキャップTC3919861219
691121The Ten Rules of the Rock十戒石板TC391983997
692121The Deflation Needle厚みぬきとりバリTC3919861226
693121Shoe Riders乗りものぐつでドライブTC391982916
694122Just the TruthジャストホンネTC3919851130
695122Handmade Clouds手作りの雲は楽しいねTC3919841126
696122The Secret Tunnel Penぬけ穴ボールペンTC3919861201
697122The Mind-WhisperさとりヘルメットTC3919851172
698122Balloon Express Mail風船がとどけた手紙TC3919861220
699122The Slider StickずらしんぼTC3919861208
700122The 4D Junior Driver Sticker四次元若葉マークTC3919861210
701123Cushions Have Feelings,TooざぶとんにもたましいがあるTC391983982
702123The Case of the Killer Songジャイアン殺人事件TC3919851131
703123Noby's Train Setのび太の模型鉄道TC3919861240
704123The Castaway SetロビンソンクルーソーセットTC3919831002
705123A Clockwork Typhoonねじ式台風TC391982959
706123The Idiomator具象化鏡TC3919861209
707123Rainbow Violetta虹のビオレッタTC3919881258
708124The Personal Nation Kitおこのみ建国用品いろいろTC4019891276
709124Mr.S Returnsまたまた先生がくるTC4019881256
710124The Buck Passerあとはおまかせタッチ手ぶくろTC4019831028
711124Terror Tonic恐怖のたたりチンキTC4019851166
712124Fictional Character Eggs架空人物たまごTC4019851165
713124Looks,Power,or IQ顔か力かIQかTC4019881259
714124Big G's Decisionふつうの男の子にもどらないTC4019851148
715125The Reporter RobotレポーターロボットTC4019851143
716125The Free-Size Costume CameraフリーサイズぬいぐるみカメラTC4019891265
717125The Typhoon Trap and the Wind Fridge台風トラップと風蔵庫TC4019831032
718125Home Nature Theater環境スクリーンで勉強バリバリTC4019891264
719125The Blind Spot Starモーテン星TC4019851153
720125The Time Roomタイム・ルーム 昔のカキの物語TC4019881254
721126The Perfect Sneechスネ夫は理想のお兄さんTC4019841099
722126The Mini Hot Air Balloonミニ熱気球TC4019891267
723126The Human Piggy Bank Maker人間貯金箱製造機TC4019891263
724126Flying Comics空とぶマンガ本TC4019891269
725126Little G's Big Crush泣くなジャイ子よTC4019891266
726126Winning Back ShizukaしずちゃんをとりもどせTC4019891270
728127The Invisible BodyguardみえないボディガードTC4119851155
729127The Pied PipertronハメルンチャルメラTC4119841072
730127The Future Library Card未来図書券TC4119891285
731127Keep-It-Up GlovesつづきをヨロシクTC4119891271
733127The Remote Eyelips出ちょう口目TC4119851150
734128Real Magicマジックの使い道TC4119891284
735128A 30-Story House野比家は三十階TC4119891277
736128The Time-Dumb時限バカ弾TC4119851162
737128International Bug Hunters世界の昆虫を集めようTC4119861231
738128Retune to Owner Spray落としものカムバックスプレーTC4119891278
739128The Omni-SketchbookいつでもどこでもスケッチセットTC4119891272
740129The Dinner Show of Terror恐怖のディナーショーTC4119891275
741129The Any Day Calendar気まぐれカレンダーTC4119891273
742129The Weighter-UnweighterふんわりズッシリメーターTC4119891288
743129The Neighborhood under the Sea深夜の町は海の底TC4119901296
744129Monster Island無人島の大怪物TC411981863
745130The Great Escape町内突破大作戦TC4219901299
746130The Abstainer's Shrine断ち物願かけ神社TC4219891261
747130The Scene StealerけしきカッターTC4219861207
748130A Feast for the Eyes目は口ほどに物を食べTC4219901306
749130Mine All Mine Sprayあなただけの物ガスTC4219891287
750130The Hide-and-Stickかくれん棒TC4219871249
751131Digging for Clam-Packsもぐれ! ハマグリパックTC4219901307
752131The Whatsit Tabsツーカー錠TC4219871244
753131The Ultra-Eraser万能クリーナーTC4219901295
754131The Paper Submarine深海潜水艇たった二百円!!TC4219891289
755131The Nervous System Controller運動神経コントローラーTC4219831022
756131Half and Half and Half and...半分の半分のまた半分...TC4219891279
757131The Mini-Car Set実用ミニカーセットTC4219861232
758132Boy Becomes Girl男女入れかえ物語TC4219851161
759132The Wish Granterやりすぎ! のぞみ実現機TC4219891281
760132The Emotional Energy Tank感情エネルギーボンベTC4219851177
761132Noby Gets Jealousふたりっきりでなにしてる?TC4219891282
762132The Course Checker右か左か人生コースTC4219851137
763132The Universal Encyclopedia宇宙完全大百科TC4219901303
764133Noby the Catネコののび太いりませんかTC4319901300
765133Perfect Pictures万能プリンターTC4319901314
766133The Time Adjustin’ Acorn上げ下げくりTC4319851135
767133The Charter Phoneかしきり電話TC431980794
768133The Copybrainコピー頭脳でラクしようTC431982900
769133Resolve and Determination男は決心!TC431982977
770134The Weather Concentratorまわりのお天気集めようTC4319901293
771134The Insta-Guru Course仙人らくらくコースTC4319901305
772134The Time CopierタイムコピーTC431982901
773134The Human Remote Control人間リモコンTC4319871242
774134The All-You-Can-Mine Mix合成鉱山の素TC4319841076
775134Rock Hard Willpower強〜いイシTC4319851149
776135The Fakeit-Makeit SprayへたうまスプレーTC4319851141
777135The Luck-ing Glassラジ難チュー難の相?TC4319901302
778135Noby's Invaders宇宙戦艦のび太を襲うTC4319901298
779135Bio-Can Blossoms食べて歌ってバイオ花見TC4319901304
780135Erasing Nobyのび太が消えちゃう?TC431981814
781135Jack,Betty,and JanieジャックとベティとジャニーTC4319901315
782136The Place-Trader Pistol人の身になるタチバガンTC4419861217
783136Realtime Picture Books現実中継絵本TC4419901301
784136The Ticked-Off TimerムシャクシャカーッとしたらTC441977558
785136The 10 Yen Store十円なんでもストアTC441982979
786136Big G in Love恋するジャイアンTC4419901320
787136The Fate-flipping Horseサイオー馬TC441981812
788136The Courier CapたくはいキャップTC4419861229
789136The CartoonerアニメばこTC4419851139
790137Big upGradeおれさまをグレードアップTC4419861228
791137Noby's Finest Hourのび太の名場面TC441977552
792137Homemade Missile Defense手作りミサイル大作戦TC441979669
793137True Hunger腹ぺこのつらさ知ってるかいTC441977550
794137The Dino Discovery恐竜の足あと発見TC4419851163
795137The Bug Boards虫よせボードTC4419831019
796137The Balance TrainerバランストレーナーTC4419901316
797137Canned Seasons季節カンヅメTC441978613
798138Little G's New Comicジャイ子の新作まんがTC4419901312
799138Hawaii Comes to NobyハワイがやってくるTC4419901311
800138A Slice of Ocean海をひと切れ切りとってTC4419851182
801138Treasure Planet宝星TC441980754
802138The Blackhole Pen and Whitehole Penブラック・ホワイトホールペンTC4419871241
803139The Bubble PipeうきわパイプTC4519851151
804139Doraemon Gets Sickドラえもんが重病に?TC4519891283
805139The Superlungs強力ハイポンプガスTC451979675
806139South Seas Adventure南海の大冒険TC451980780
807139The Nature Model Series自然観察プラモシリーズTC4519911325
808139The 4D Trash Can四次元くずかごTC4519851185
809140The Ship-in-a-bottle Battleボトルシップ大海戦TC4519901319
810140The Time CrankタイムワープリールTC4519851189
811140The Real Board Game人間すごろくTC451974336
812140Decoy Dolls身がわり紙人形TC4519911326
813140Cherry Blossoms...No Matter What何が何でもお花見をTC4519861216
814140The Noby Virus人間うつしはおそろしいTC451975346
815140The Map Injector地図ちゅうしゃきTC4519851193
816141Liquid LiquidトロリンTC451976450
817141The Man from Planet Galapaガラパ星からきた男TC4519941328
818142The Gourmet TableclothグルメテーブルかけDP11981823
819142Tickle Glovesコチョコチョ手袋DP11974290
820142Noby vs. Nobyぼくを止めるのび太DP11977557
821142The In-and-Out Cloud半分おでかけ雲DP119871243
822142Heart ChocolatesココロチョコDP11980747
823142The Secret Dogヒミツゲンシュ犬DP11980746
824142Substitute Stickers代用シールDP11982909
825143The Homing CameraおいかけテレビDP1197019
826143Focus Bubbles集中力増強シャボンヘルメットDP119861222
827143The Perfect Photo Printerおこのみフォト・プリンターDP119861225
828143Elephant Lipstickゾウ印口べにDP11975373
829143The Flowercorderろく音フラワーDP11975375
830143The Trick Candlestickしん気ろうそく立てDP119841090
831143The Rescue BeeハチにたのめばなんとかなるさDP119851174
832144The Future RadioみらいラジオDP11976459
833144The Taxi-kerchiefふろしきタクシーDP11974315
834144Chiller TicketsスリルチケットDP119861238
836144The World's Strongest Pet強いペットがほしいDP11979701
837144The Bug Listeners虫の声を聞こうDP11974316
838144The Room Guard SetルームガードセットDP119841063
839144The One-Step-at-a-Timerきらいなテストにガ〜ンバ!DP119851190
840145The Substitute-Me TV身がわりテレビDP219901308
841145The Invisi-Scrollドロン巻き物DP21976433
842145Go On and Hit MeなぐられたってへっちゃらだいDP21977501
843145The Change of Heart Fan変心うちわDP21975369
844145Button ThiefバッジどろぼうDP21973219
846145Optical Ivy光ファイバーつたDP219861227
847145The Misery Meterいやな目メーターDP21974292
848146The Order Gun命れいじゅうDP219831000
849146The Dream Director ChairユメかんとくいすDP219861213
850146The Restorelixir全体復元液DP219891286
851146Super Big GスーパージャイアンDP21979657
852146The Earth Escape Plan地球脱出計画DP21977512
853146Find the Concentrator夢中機を探せDP21974330
854146The Call Button呼びつけブザーDP21976464
855147Program Freckles人間プログラミングほくろDP219851198
856147The Pinch RunnerピンチランナーDP219891291
857147The Pet PenペットペンDP219831053
858147The Time Pistolタイムピストルで“じゃまもの”は消せDP219901297
859147Big Noby vs. Little Big G大きくなってジャイアンをやっつけろDP21973184
860147The Payday Problem月給騒動DP21973245
861148The Audio CameraサウンドカメラDP31978614
862148Scare SpecsきもだめしめがねDP319851171
863148Who Needs Doraemon?ドラえもんがいなくてもだいじょうぶ!?DP319901309
864148Attraction Reactionみせかけモテモテバッジで大さわぎDP31980762
865148Where Was It WhenそのときどこにいたDP319891274
866148The Monster Trunkお化けツヅラDP31979689
867149The Comeback Kaboom一発逆転ばくだんDP319841086
868149Around the World in 80 Square Feet室内世界旅行セットDP319851181
869149Halo of GratitudeアリガターヤDP31971109
870149The Portable Police Car正義のパトカーDP31974325
871149Travel PaperトビレットペーパーDP319841109
872149The Remote Control Double-oonあやつりそっくりふうせんDP31980809
873149Baggage Check Tags一時あずけカードDP319851196
874149Uber PepperばくはつこしょうDP31977554
875150The Phantomizerホログラ機DP319841078
876150The Phobia-Maker苦手つくり機DP31979661
877150Speed Gogglesスピード増感ゴーグルDP319891290
878150The Pet-a-lizerペッターDP319861223
879150Stick-with-it GumシャラガムDP31976420
880150The Muscle Controller筋肉コントローラーDP31978575
881150The Cockroach CostumeゴキブリカバーDP31979705
882151The Million-Volt Eyes百万ボルトひとみDP41978631
883151The Dramaticam「チャンスカメラ」で特ダネ写真を...DP41981893
884151The Holo-Fakerみせかけ落がきペンDP419851195
885151Noby's Best FriendチューケンパーDP41976465
886151Mini SantaミニサンタDP41978641
887151Treasure Hunt Paper宝さがしペーパーDP419841127
888151The Coldbeater Crown風の子バンドDP41974340
889152Abominable Snow Job雪男のアルバイトDP41979710
890152The TV TelephoneテレテレホンDP419841121
891152The Calamity-Caster災難予報機DP41980760
892152Animal Training動物くんれん屋DP41978604
894152The Carrier PlaneでんしょひこうきDP41982944
895152Traffic Sign Stickers交通ひょうしきステッカーDP419851169
896153The E-Z Hot Air Balloonエネルギーせつやく熱気球DP419841060
897153The Curse CapウラメシズキンDP41974291
898153Buddy BadgesなかまバッジDP419871251
899153The All-Seeing Glasses万能グラスDP41980725
900153The Human Timer人間用タイムスイッチDP41975396
901153Dorami and DoraemonドラえもんとドラミちゃんDP41979696
902154The Say and Obey CapsイイナリキャップDP51973259
903154The Boot Camp Fear Trainers「スパルタ式にが手こくふく錠」と「にが手タッチバトン」DP519831051
904154The DreamcorderユメコーダーDP51974281
905154The War of the Whispersないしょ話...DP519851192
906154Photos that FeelエアコンフォトDP519891262
907154Secrets of Idol Singers人気歌手翼ちゃんの秘密DP519851197
908154The Shooting Star Catcher流れ星ゆうどうがさDP519901323
909155The So-be-it Shellsそうなる貝セットDP519851199
910155Snow in March三月の雪DP51976418
911155The SweetbotいたわりロボットDP51975387
912155The Test Talker架空通話アダプターDP51977551
913155The Magic Mapまほうの地図DP5197194
915156The Traffic TimerこうつうきせいタイマーDP519871247
917156Fusion Glue Hiking合体のりでハイキングDP51976451
918156Pencil Missiles and Countermeasure Radarペンシル・ミサイルと自動しかえしレーダーDP51982954
91915645 Years from Now45年後...DP519851173
920156The Uber-Strongman Pill強力ウルトラスーパーデラックス錠DP519891280
921156The Confession HatざんげぼうDP519851145
922157The Self-AlarmセルフアラームDP619891268
923157The RoachfluteごきぶりふえDP61975391
924157Bride of TutorzillaにっくきあいつDP61976432
925157The Every Bit Helper「チリつもらせ機」で幸せいっぱい?DP619901322
926157My Little Newsroom新聞社ごっこセットDP61978592
927157The Sticky-Boatdeckペタリ甲板DP61979687
928158The E-Z Collect-o-Box標本採集箱DP61981874
930158The Freckle FlipperうつしぼくろDP61974326
931158The Temper HeaterカッカホカホカDP61977556
932158The Fatigue-FroggerケロンパスDP61974337
933158The Time Bomb BadgeチクタクボンワッペンDP61976463
934158The New Year's Sunrise Set初日の出セットDP61979645
935158The Robot Snowmanロボット雪だるまDP61977494
936159Emotion ElixirカンゲキドリンクDP61982911
937159The Dreampleter Chipユメ完結チップDP619861221
939159The Revenge Houseチューシン倉でかたきうちDP61980734
940159The Owner Identifier持ち主あて機DP61977549
941159Identical Pet FoodそっくりペットフードDP619901317
942159The Body-Swap Bar身がわりバーDP61979650
943160Bird CapsバードキャップDCW119841073
944160Chameleon Teaカメレオン茶DCW119851200
945160Jack Beansジャック豆DCW119851188
946160The Japanese RhymelightゴロアワセトウDCW119831013
947160Tank Pants戦車ズボンDCW11982931
948160The Role PlateなりきりプレートDCW119851164
949160The Invisible HandsとうめいハンドDCW119841098
950160Maglev ChalkリニアモーターチョークDCW11982945
951160The Inny-OutieナカミスイトールDCW119841091
952160The Pop-Out Animal Farm生き物しいくジオラマブックDCW119851170
953161The Ocean Controller海水コントローラーDCW11980782
954161The Enlargifying Glass大きくなる虫めがねDCW119831007
955161Trampoline SprayトランポリンゲンDCW119831043
956161The Cordless Can Phone糸なし糸でんわDCW119851194
957161The Fountain of Maturity Ropeとしの泉ロープDCW119831049
958161Mirror Worldあべこべ世界ミラーDCW119831037
959161Chasing Thumbelinaお話バッジ(おやゆび姫をおいかけろ)DCW11981896
960161Smoke ManモクモクマンDCW119871252
961161The Task-Traderすること入れかえ機DCW11979708
962161The ButterflapterバタバタフライDCW11978585
963162Travel PaperハイレールペーパーDCW219831025
964162Waterproofing SprayカサイラズDCW219861236
965162The Shadow Snapper影ぼうしフラッシュDCW219851176
966162The Shrink-Grow Cup中身ごとのびちぢみカップDCW219861239
967162The Georeplicator箱庭フレームDCW21981875
968162The Total Safety Umbrellaぜったい安全がさDCW21982938
969162The Picture-Portal Projector写真入りこみスコープDCW21981839
970162Pet PaintペットペンキDCW219831001
971162The Weight Remover重さすいこみじゅうDCW219841085
972162Pic Mic ElixirシャシンシャベールDCW219841061
973163Sleepwalk StickersいねむりシールDCW219851146
974163The Fortune Card DealerうらないカードボックスDCW219861206
975163Reality Scissors実物はさみDCW219841110
976163Into the Mirror出入りかがみDCW21982924
977163The Morph-Bot変身ロボットDCW219851158
978163Inny Outy Dust中身ポンDCW21977560
979163The Reverse KiteあげられたこDCW21983987
980163Date Line Chalk日づけ変更チョークDCW219841128
981163The Landboat陸上ボートDCW21982980
982163The Balloon ExpressどこでもふうせんDCW219871248
983164Projection PaintデカチンキDCW31979664
984164Breakit and Fixit Stickers「なおしバン」と「こわしバン」DCW319851134
985164The Personal TV Stationミニテレビ局DCW319831055
986164The Anywhere-o-rama実物ジオラマDCW319861224
987164The Anything Controllerなんでもそうじゅう機DCW319841116
988164The Escape Dumplingお助けだんごDCW319851152
989164Water StridersあめんぼうDCW31980744
990164The MarionetterマリオネッターDCW319841104
991164The Shadow Solidifier影ふみオイルDCW319831031
992164A 3D Experience実体げんとう機(本物げんとう機)DCW31980775
993165R/C Heart PartsラジコンのもとDCW31979686
994165The Warp PenワープペンDCW319861230
995165My Own GenieまじんのいないまほうのランプDCW319861212
996165Animal Finger Puppets動物指キャップDCW319861218
997165The Robot Suitロボット服DCW31980758
998165The Hyperbolic Camera大げさカメラDCW319841079
999165The Inanimator Wand無生物しきぼうDCW319851140
1000165The Dream Hole夢ホールDCW319841067
1001165Pathfinder Cards道すじカードDCW31980730
1002165The Dandelion Fuzz CombたんぽぽくしDCW31979672
1003166Air Crayons空気クレヨンDCW41981846
1004166The Nagging RodこごとひらいしんDCW41981889
1005166The Pocket Traffic Lightポケット信号機DCW41983994
1006166Plant Walker Liquid植物あるかせ液DCW41981861
1007166The Friend-CallerおとりケースDCW41981853
1008166Slide SprayスベールガスDCW41981868
1009166Playing with Typhoons台風遊びDCW41979694
1010166R/C TVラジコンテレビDCW41980810
1011166Never-Lose Labels持ちぬしシールDCW41980789
1012166The Animal Dress-Up Set動物セットDCW41979702
1013167The Snow Cloudrider雪ぐもベースDCW41981817
1014167The Reversi-MirrorとりかえミラーDCW41980796
1015167The Thought Projectorイメージ灯DCW41978590
1016167Go Parts乗り物アクセサリーDCW41979646
1017167The Correcto-Perfecto完全しゅうせいきDCW41982937
1018167Smackdown Spray自動ぶんなぐりガスDCW41981895
1019167The Thinking CapイメージベレーぼうDCW41983986
1020167Cloud ChowきんとフードDCW41980743
1021167The Wish BlasterノゾミルじゅうDCW41978632
1022167The Elevator Buttonsエレベート・ボタンDCW41983993
1023168Doraemon: the Robot from the Future未来から来たドラえもんDCW519693
1024168The Spook Detectorお化けたん知機(弱いおばけ)DCW5197033
1025168The Beach in the Closetふしぎな海水浴DCW5197045
1026168The Tickle Me FleaくすぐりノミDCW5197051
1027168Silly PepperネンドロンDCW5197076
1028168The FlubagかぜぶくろDCW5197182
1029168The Robot Carロボット・カーDCW5197193
1030168The Christmas Tree SeedクリスマスツリーのたねDCW51971128
1031168The Magnet Mirror引きよせかがみDCW51972173
1032169The Medicine Maker薬製造機(ふしぎな薬)DCW51972182
1034169The Ultra RingウルトラリングDCW51973192
1035169Cloud Clay雲ねんどDCW51973200
1036169Telekinesis Drops念力目薬DCW51973198
1037169The Self-Confidence Helmet自信ヘルメットDCW51973214
1038169Reality Crayons本物クレヨンDCW51973224
1040169Time TravelerタイムマシンDCW51972158
1041169The Star Sledgehammer流れ星製造トンカチDCW51972172
1042170The Treasure-FinderたからさがしカウンターDCW61977566
1043170Noby's WebクモノイトンDCW61978572
1044170R/C ArmyラジコンでやっつけろDCW61978584
1045170Mini GarageミニカーガレージDCW61978591
1046170Fun with Cloud ClayふわりねんどDCW61979659
1047170Paper HouseふしぎなかみのいえDCW61978597
1048170The Plant Pen植物ペンDCW61978596
1049170Mr. RopeまほうのひもDCW61973186
1050170Pep PelletsげんきえさDCW61979665
1051170Circus ShoesサーカスぐつDCW61977522
1052171The Hypnosis PendulumさいみんふりこDCW61973223
1053171Air Gloves空気てぶくろDCW61979679
1054171The Cloud Oven雲やきなべDCW61982923
1055171The Ultra Super Batteriesウルトラスーパー電池DCW61978602
1056171The Roller PatrollerパトローラーDCW61980774
1057171Puddle CreamドンブラクリームDCW61974313
1058171The Course Markerコース決定機DCW61978620
1059171Leaf Money木の葉でお買い物DCW61978626
1060171The Training RingごくうリングDCW61979652
1061171The Auto-Puppet Show自動人形劇DCW61980736
1062172The Street Fighting SetけんかマシンCWF1197013
1063172Doraemon's Desk-Drawer Debut机からとび出したドラえもんCWF119692
1064172My Beloved Little G愛妻ジャイ子!?CWF119708
1065172Noby Gets Strongのび太が強くなるCWF1197014
1066173Baseball Dream TeamやきゅうそうどうCWF119709
1067173The Robot God of Fortuneロボット福の神CWF1197037
1068173The Okey MikeyオーケーマイクCWF1197015
1069173Doraemon Goes Homeドラえもん未来へ帰るCWF1197186
1070173The Peeping Ghostのぞきお化けCWF1197043
1071174The Comic Artistまんが家CWF1197020
1072174Doraemon Sings!ドラえもんの歌CWF11971117
1073174No More Doraemon?!ドラえもんがいなくなっちゃう!?CWF11972137
1074174Doraemon's Debut!ドラえもん登場!CWF219694
1075174The Never-misserアタールガンCWF2197010
1076174The Time TVタイムテレビCWF2197016
1077175Sticky Shoes and Grabby Glovesペタリぐつとペタリ手ぶくろCWF2197021
1078175The Gravity Twister引力ねじ曲げ機CWF2197057
1079175Iron DropsがんじょうCWF2197069
1080175The Teleporter物体瞬間移動機CWF21972138
1081175Let's Go Hiking!ハイキングに出かけようCWF21973196
1082175The Trick-less Trickたねのない手品CWF2197198
1083176Buried Treasure宝さがしCWF21973266
1084176World "Peace" Association世界平和安全協会?CWF21974311
1085176Possessing Big Gジャイアン乗っとりCWF21974328
1086176Scaredy CatねずみこわーいCWF3197022
1087176The Vend-Anything Machine役立つもの販売機CWF31971103
1088177I Wanna Be a DogいぬになりたいCWF3197046
1091177Walking through WallsかべぬけきCWF3197070
1092177The Magic Magnifying Glass虫めがねCWF3197183
1093177The Magic ClockまほうのとけいCWF3197189
1094178Bad Medicineいんちき薬CWF31971115
1095178The Truth TransmitterショージキデンパCWF31971119
1096178The Earth Diving Suit潜地服CWF31972150
1097178The Happy HeaterしあわせカイロでにっこにこCWF31973251
1098178Searching for a TsuchinokoツチノコさがそうCWF31974304
1099178The Reset RollerフリダシニモドルCWF31972181
1100178Mountain Rescue雪山遭難を助けろCWF31973227
1101178The Ultra StopwatchウルトラストップウォッチCWF31973235
1102179Instant PitfallそくせきおとしあなCWF4197195
1103179Magic FaucetまほうのじゃぐちCWF41971100
1104179Shadow PuppetsかげえごっこCWF41971104
1105179The Disguise Suit変装服CWF41971108
1106179Doraemon's PocketドラえもんのポケットCWF41971112
1107179The Trickerchief手品ふろしきCWF41971116
1108179Animal Candy動物キャンディーCWF41971120
1109179Face-Off Soapふくわらい石けんCWF41971132
1110179Homework PajamasべんきょうねまきCWF41972136
1111179Rocket GumロケットガムCWF41972140
1112179The Wacky WalletタヌキさいふCWF41973246
1113179Ghost IncenseオバケせんこうCWF41972155
1114179The Payback Handsお返しハンドCWF41972159
1115180The Magic BoxマジックボックスCWF41974297
1116180The Sickness Simulator仮病薬CWF41976413
1117180The Re-Action Recorderアクト・コーダーCWF41976419
1118180Bloomin' Ashes花さくはいCWF51972144
1119180Going BuggyむしめがねでへんしんCWF51972148
1120180The Height Competitionうちでの小づちでせいくらべCWF51972152
1121180Mole Mittensもぐら手ぶくろCWF51972156
1122180The Snow CloudゆきぐもCWF51972160
1123180The Real Light本物ライトCWF51972164
1124180The Never-Fall Tightrope落ちないつなCWF51972168
1125180Playing with Fish魚と遊ぼうCWF51972179
1126180Animal Drops動物ドロップCWF51972183
1127180The Doppelgang-erみがわりペンダントCWF51973231
1128180The Jack-in-the-BoxびっくりばこCWF51973239
1129181Powermax MintsスーパーパワーゲンCWF51973255
1130181Sidestep Socksヒラリくつ下CWF51974276
1131181The Human Magnet人間磁石CWF51974283
1132181Echo Mountain山びこ山CWF51974289
1133181The Detour Arrowsこいこいマークでお中元CWF51974300
1134181The Instant Pearl MakerしんじゅせいぞうロボットCWF51973269
1135181The Swapper String引っ越しひもCWF51974324
1136181Fruit ThieveryカキどろぼうCWF51974329
1137181Noby Broadcasting Corporationのび太放送協会CWF51975386
1138182Dreaming with DoraemonゆめまくらでドッキリCWF61973216
1139182The Mind ReaderココロをのぞいちゃえCWF61973248
1140182Power GlassesふしぎなめがねCWF61973256
1141182The Donation BoxおとしだまぼきんCWF61973270
1142182The R/C Paper Airplane折り紙ラジコンCWF61974307
1143182Arm & Leg Heads手足につけるミニ頭CWF61975345
1144182The Tele-Tagger実物射的で狙い撃ちCWF61977538
1145182The Impasse-a-pole通せんぼうCWF61974295
1146182The InvincibathジークフリートCWF61977544
1147183The Creature CommunicatorどうぶつごヘッドホンCWF71975351
1148183Wild Beast-Taming Pellets桃太郎印のきびだんごCWF71975357
1149183The Creature Teacher Glove猛獣ならし手ぶくろCWF61978569
1150183The Mirrorizerかわり絵ミラーCWF71976422
1151183The Round Stuff MagnetまるいものじしゃくCWF71975367
1152183The Badge of GratitudeサンキューバッジCWF71976478
1153183The Bouncing HoleとばしあなCWF81975397
1154183The ElastiscopeのびちぢみスコープCWF81975404
1156184Noby's Tankふしぎな戦車CWF81976417
1157184The Tickle-me-fleaくすぐりノミで笑おうCWF81976440
1158184The Pain Reflector痛みはね返りミラーCWF81976460
1159184The Pop-Through PillowつきぬけざぶとんCWF81976479
1161184The "Open! Sez Me" KeyゴマロックCWF81978577
1162184Ask the Fate Forecaster答え一発! みこみ予ほう機CWF81979648
1163184Noby's Kingdomのび太王国誕生CWF81981821
1164185Float SprayふんわりガスCWF91976429
1165185Racing FunふしぎなじどうしゃCWF91976435
1166185Gone FishingさかなつりCWF91976441
1167185The Delivery DishとりよせつぼCWF91976447
1168185Karate Juice空手ドリンクCWF91976454
1169185Mini TyphoonsミニたいふうCWF91976468
1170185Monkeying AroundキングコングCWF91976474
1171185The Fantasy Lens空想レンズCWF91977547
1172185The Psychic RobotテレパスロボットCWF91978589
1173186The Air Stair Maker空気ブロックせいぞう機CWF91979651
1174186The Obedient Robotすなおなロボットがほし〜い!CWF91980792
1175186The Human Camera人間カメラはそれなりに写るCWF91981820
1177186The Forced Savings Planむりやり貯金箱CWF101977516
1178186Aquarium Spray水族館ガスCWF101977529
1179186Waterproof Origami防水折り紙CWF101977535
1180186The Dream Pillow夢まくらCWF101977542
1181186The Springbringer FanはるかぜうちわCWF101978579
1182187The Viddy-Me Deckわりこみビデオでテレビ出演CWF101979663
1183187The Moneyballオトシ玉CWF101980805
1184187Shape Your Bodyからだねん土でスマートになろう!CWF101981842
1185187The All-Purpose Tent万能テントですてきなキャンプCWF101979692
1186187The Crayon-CutterきりがみクレヨンCWF111978635
1187187The Multi-planterフエールうえ木ばちCWF111978603
1188187The Thunder DrumかみなりだいこCWF111978609
1189187Yacht Adventureヨット大冒険CWF111978615
1190188R/C ClayラジコンねんどCWF111978621
1191188The Emotion MagnumゲラメソプンピストルCWF111978633
1192188Making Snow雪ふらしCWF111979653
1193188The Shockwave Shooterしょうげき波ピストルCWF111979658
1194188The Body Battery力をためる力電池CWF111981855
1195188The Photo-Holo ProjectorさかさカメラCWF111981884
1196188The Happiness Insurerしあわせ保険機CWF111983990
1197188The Completer BeamかんせいウェーブCWF121980795
1198189Snow Costumes雪だるまのぬいぐるみを作ろう!CWF121981816
1199189The Dimensional Roller次元ローラーCWF1219841119
1200189The Body-Double GuardそっくりかかしCWF131981831
1201189Air Hooks空中フックCWF131981852
1202189Animation SprayアニメスプレーCWF131981881
1204189Medal of PityカワイソメダルCWF1319831038
1205189The Case of the Missing Savingsのび太のへそくりが消えた!?CWF131983992
1206190Little Monster's Hat怪物くんぼうしCWF141982903
1207190The Super Coupon Bookなんでも割引券CWF1319841075
1208190The Fighter Finder暴力エネルギー探知器CWF1319851136
1209190The Anti-Grav Belt逆重力ベルトCWF1319861203
1210190The Mynah-Mic九かんマイクCWF141981832
1211190The Pog Printer & Pogwashメンコプリンター・無敵メンコレータムCWF141982958
1212190The Stop-BotヤメサセロボットCWF141982972
1213190The Locker CutterロッカーカッターCWF1419841059
1214191Comet Huntersコメットハンターに挑戦!CWF1419861233
1217191The Invisible Bodyguard RobotとうめいボディガードプラモCWF1519831018
1218191The Tornado StrawたつまきストローCWF1519831024
1219191The Instant Ocean Makerそくせき海つくり機CWF1519831030
1220191The Heli-CameraヘリカメラCWF1519831036
1221191The Travel Screen観光旅行まどCWF1519831042
1222191Ultra GuyウルトラヒーローCWF1519831054
1223192The Chair Customizerいすかいりょう機CWF1519841066
1224192The Human Magnet Belt人間じしゃくベルトCWF1519841071
1225192The Costume Camera and Costume Paste「ぬいぐるみカメラ」と「クルーム」CWF1519851132
1226192The Tele-Megaphone望遠メガフォンCWF1519861214
1227192Skink InkトカゲロンCWF1519841084
1228192Lightning GreaseデンコーセッカCWF1519841103
1229192Evil-Banishing Beans鬼は外ビーンズCWF1519851133
1230192The Pointer ArrowついせきアローCWF1519851180
1231193Time Glove Revengeタイム手ぶくろでしかえしをCWF1519851186
1232193The Gimme HandチョーダイハンドCWF1619851175
1233193The Costume-Maker CameraぬいぐるみせいぞうカメラCWF1619851187
1234193The R/C Any-tennaラジコンアンテナCWF1619861205
1235193Weather PensアメダスペンCWF1619861211
1236193The Friend RingみかたゆびわCWF1619861234
1237193The EZ-Hiking HatらくらくとざんぼうCWF1619861237
1238193The Star Rocketねがい七夕ロケットCWF1619861235
1239194The Heart Changer MicこころふきこみマイクCWF1619871246
1240194The Travel Window Set旅行窓セットCWF1619871250
1241194Return to Mirrorland入りこみミラーIICWF1619881253
1242194The Autopilot Footprint Stampゆうどう足あとスタンプCWF1619881255
1243194The Dream Time MachineタイムドリーマーCWF1619881257
1244194Playing with Shadows「影ぶんちん」と「影実体化液」CWF1619881260
1245194The Memory Lens記憶とり出しレンズCWF1619901318
1246195The High Rise Escape高層マンション脱出大作戦CWF1719891292
1247195The Sky Frame空まです通しフレームCWF1719901324
1248195Back to the Past七万年前の日本へ行こうCWF1719901310
1249195The Daruma Capダルマさんころんだ帽CWF1719901313
1250195Handmade Toys手作りおもちゃCWF1719901321
1251195Haunted Stuffこわ〜い! 「百鬼線香」と「説明絵巻」CWF1719911327
1252196Meet DoraemonドラえもんがやってきたCWF1819695
1253196The Robo-PenロボットえんぴつCWF18197011
1254196Cake Farmersケーキを育てようCWF18197017
1255196Fishing with Gadgetsふしぎな道具で魚つりCWF18197023
1256196The Anything Eggなんでもたまごに...CWF18197029
1257196The Super Toothbrush歯みがきで強くなろうCWF18197035
1258196Robot Legsロボット足CWF18197041
1259196Swimming in Pictures絵の中で海水浴CWF18197047
1260196The Mail-botゆうびんロボットCWF18197053
1261196The Personal Trainせん用電車で行こうCWF18197059
1262196The Jump BowジャンプゆみCWF18197065
1263196Building a Robotロボットを作ろうCWF18197071
1264196Magic Picturesふしぎなお絵かきCWF18197078
1265196Cloud-Skis and Cloud-Shoes雲スキーと雲ぐつCWF18197184
1266196Paper, Rock... Box?じゃんけん箱CWF18197190
1267196Growing Up Quick早く大きくなあれCWF181973201
1268197Really Real Pictures写したものを出すカメラCWF181973209
1269197The Morphing Set変身セットでヒーローにCWF181973217
1270197The Snow Maker雪を作れる機械CWF181973225
1271197Dorami's PlayhouseドラミおおはりきりCWF181973233
1272197An Amazing AquariumへんなすいぞくかんCWF181973241
1273197Graffiti Erasing Gasらくがきを消すガスCWF181973249
1274197Toys for Oneひとりで遊べる道具CWF181973257
1275197Fire TruckしょうぼうしゃCWF181973264
1276197A Doraemon for YouドラえもんあげるCWF1819696
1277197Turning Invisibleひっぱると消えるしっぽCWF18197012
1278197Playing Flatペタンコになって遊ぼうCWF18197018
1279197The String Travel Phoneすいこむ糸電話CWF18197024
1280197As Seen on TVテレビからお客さまCWF18197030
1281197The Patrol CarパトロールカーCWF18197036
1282197Mysterious MirrorふしぎなかがみCWF18197042
1283197The Flying Zoo空とぶ動物園CWF18197048
1284197Firework Seeds花火のたねCWF18197054
1285197The Wind Rocket風のロケットCWF18197060
1286198Making Things Biggerなんでも大きくなるライトCWF18197066
1287198The Magic ZipマジックチャックCWF18197072
1288198Ricecake RobotsもちつきロボットCWF18197079
1289198The Magic RopeなんでもロープCWF18197185
1290198What Time is It?いま、なん時?CWF18197191
1291198Air Crayon Crazy空気クレヨンで大さわぎCWF18197196
1292198The Anything TreeなんでもツリーCWF181972170
1293198Wear-and-Wash Spray着たまませんたくできるスプレーCWF181972175
1294198Robot OniロボットのおにCWF181973188
1295198Sand Gloves手ぶくろですな遊びCWF181973194
1296198Flower Boys and Girls花さか灰そうどうCWF181973202
1297198The Bird Catcher鳥とり機CWF181973210
1298198The Police CarパトカーCWF181973218
1299198Beach Balloons風船で海水浴CWF181973226
1300198The Arm ConditionerうでクーラーCWF181973234
1301198The Rain Vacuum雨そうじ機CWF181973242
1302198Lion TamersネコみたいになるえさCWF181973250
1303198What If? Box Nighttime Editionもしもボックスで昼ふかし!?CWF181976481
1304199The Unscrewdriver分解ドライバーCWF181977523
1305199African Adventureターザンパンツで大活躍!?CWF181977536
1306199Doraemon's Birth!ドラえもん誕生CWF201978634
1308200Sonic Solidifier声のかたまりTC121976467
1309200Portable Parliamentポータブル国会TC151976484
1310200The Hundred Trials Timer百苦タイマーTC181978583
1311200Alphabet Jets「ワ」の字で空をいくTC341982940
1312-(Robot Gachako)[6]ロボットのガチャ子CWF2197027
1313-(Doraemon vs Gachako)[6]ドラえもん対ガチャ子CWF3197028
1314-(Dinosaur Came)[6]きょうりゅうが来たCWF3197034
1315-(Magic Mirror)[6]まほうのかがみCWF3197040
1316-(Funy Elctricity Wave)[6]おかしなでんぱCWF3197064
1317-(Doraemon New Year's gift)[6]ドラえもんのおとしだまCWF1197075
1318-(A Tree That Becomes An Amusement Park)[6]遊園地になる木CWF181972169
1319-(Paste Picture Book Doraemon)[6]はりええほんドラえもんCWF181973193
1320-Dorami: (Order Replacement Device)[6]ドラミちゃん じゅん番入れかわりそうちCWF201973271
1322-(Jack and the Beanstalk)[6]ジャックと豆の木(世界名作童話)CWF*[8]1975399
1323-(Doraemon's Big Secret)[6]ドラえもんの大ひみつCWF41975406
1324-Dora. Q. Perman [6][9]ドラQパーマンCWF201979688
1325-(Road Rays)[6][10]道路光線CWF111980771
1326-(Goodbye Handkerchief)[6][10]さよならハンカチCWF111980772
1327-(Shoes Set)[6][10]シューズセットCWF111980773
1328-(Human-like Egg)[6][10]人間そっくりたまごCWF121981859

Other Tankōbon

Tentōmushi Comics (Normal)

First Tankōbon series. 45 volumes in total. 821 episodes. Selection of masterpieces. Abbreviated as "TC".

No. Release date ISBN
01 August 1, 1974[1]4-09-140001-9
  • 001 "All The Way From a Future World" (未来の国からはるばると, "Mirai no Kuni Kara Harubaruto")
  • 002 "The Prophecy of Doraemon" (ドラえもんの大予言, "Doraemon no Daiyogen")
  • 003 "Transforming Biscuits" (変身ビスケット, "Henshin Bisuketto")
  • 004 "Operation: Secret Spy" (秘(丸囲み)スパイ大作戦)
  • 005 "Kobe Abe" (コベアベ, "Kobeabe")
  • 006 "Antique Competition" (古道具きょう争)
  • 007 "Peko Peko Grasshopper" (ペコペコバッタ, "Peko Peko Batta")
  • 008 "Chin Up To The Ancestors" (ご先祖さまがんばれ, "Gosenzo-sama Ganbare")
  • 009 "Hunting Shades" (かげがり, "Kagegari")
  • 010 "Flattering Lipstick" (おせじ口べに, "Oseji Kurabeni")
  • 011 "Full Points for Once In A Lifetime" (一生に一度は百点を, "Ishō ni Ichido wa Hyakuten o")
  • 012 "Operation: Propose" (プロポーズ大作戦, "puropōzu Taisakusen")
  • 013 "Hypnosis Glasses" (◯◯が××と△△する)
  • 014 "Hot hot in the Snow" (雪でアッチッチ, "Yuki de Acchicchi")
  • 015 "A Ghost in the Lamp's Smoke" (ランプのけむりオバケ, "Ranpu no Kemuri Obake")
  • 016 "Run Run Bamboo Horse" (走れ! ウマタケ, "Hashire! Umatake")
02 September 1, 1974[11]4-09-140002-7
  • 017 "Memory Bread for Testing" (テストにアンキパン, Tesuto ni Ankipon)
  • 018 "I Love Roboko!" (ロボ子が愛してる, Roboko ga Aishiteru)
  • 019 "Horror Story Lamp" (怪談ランプ, Kaidan Ranpu)
  • 020 "Dream Lamp" (ゆめふうりん, Yume Fuurin)
  • 021 "The Day of my Birth" (ぼくの生まれた日, Boku no Umareta Hi)
  • 022 "Truth Doll" (正直太郎, Shoujiku Tarou)
  • 023 "Shizuka-chan's Hagoromo" (しずちゃんのはごろも, Shizuka chan no Hagoromo)
  • 024 "Liar's Mirror" (うそつきかがみ, Usotsuki Kagami)
  • 025 "Time Cloth" (タイムふろしき, Taimu Furoshiki)
  • 026 "One Hundred Percent Accurate Palm Reading Set" (かならず当たる手相セット, Kanarazu Ataru Tesou Setto)
  • 027 "Wolf's Home" (オオカミ一家, Ookami Ikke)
  • 028 "N-S Crest" (N・Sワッペン, NS Wappen)
  • 029 "Building a Subway" (地下鉄をつくっちゃえ, Chikatetsu o Tsukucchae)
  • 030 "Tatami Paddy Field" (タタミのたんぼ, Tatami no Tanba)
  • 031 "I Will Transfer My Cold to You" (このかぜうつします, Kono Kaze Utsushimasu)
  • 032 "Avalanche in the Study Room" (勉強べやの大なだれ, Benkyou no Dainadare)
  • 033 "Dinosaur Hunter" (恐竜ハンター, Kyouryū hantaa)
  • 034 "How to get a Reply Without Sending a Letter" (出さない手紙の返事をもらう方法, Dasanai Tegami no Henji o Morau Houhou)
03 October 1, 1974[12]4-09-140003-5
  • 035 "Danger! Lion Mask" (あやうし! ライオン仮面, Ayaushi! Raion Kamen)
  • 036 "Date Changing Calendar" (日づけ変更カレンダー)
  • 037 "Mama Swap" (ママをとりかえっこ, Mama o Torikaekko)
  • 038 "Sherlock Holmes Set" (シャーロック・ホームズセット)
  • 039 "Schedule Watch" (スケジュールどけい)
  • 040 "Lying Machine" (うそつ機, Usotsu Ki)
  • 041 "Super Dan" (スーパーダン, Suupaa Dan)
  • 042 "1024 Times Bonus" (ボーナス1024倍, Boonasu 1024 Bai)
  • 043 "Guiding Angel" (ミチビキエンゼル, Michibiki Enjeru)
  • 044 "Just-Like-This Crayon" (そっくりクレヨン, Sokkuri Kureyon)
  • 045 "Dress-Up Camera" (きせかえカメラ, Kisakae Kamera)
  • 046 "Ah, I love you, I love you, I love you!" (ああ、好き、好き、好き!, Aa, Suki,Suki, Suki)
  • 047 "Dream Town Nobitaland" (ゆめの町、ノビタランド, Yume no Machi, Nobitarando)
  • 048 "Imagination Pills" (ソウナルじょう, Sounarujou)
  • 049 "I am My Own Tutor" (ぼくを、ぼくの先生に, Boku o, Boku wa Sensei ni)
  • 050 "The Girl Like a White Lily" (白ゆりのような女の子, Shiroyuri no Youna Onna no ko)
  • 051 "Talking Badge" (おはなしバッジ, Ohanashi Bajji)
  • 052 "Live Again, Pero!" (ペロ! 生きかえって, Pero! Ikikaette)
04 November 1, 1974[13]4-09-140004-3
  • 053 "Cursed Camera" (のろいのカメラ, Noroi no Kamera)
  • 054 "That Lie is True" (ソノウソホント)
  • 055 "Toy Soldiers" (おもちゃの兵隊, Omocha no Heitai)
  • 056 "Abeconbe" (アベコンベ, Abekonbe)
  • 057 "Undersea Hiking" (海底ハイキング, Kaitei Haikingu)
  • 058 "Light of the Moon and the Calls of the Bugs" (月の光と虫の声, Tsuki no Hikari to Mushi no Koe)
  • 059 "Change Your Face to Look Like Someone Else" (お客の顔を組み立てよう, Okyaku no Kao o Kumitateyou)
  • 060 "The Way to Get More Money" (してない貯金を使う法, Shitenai Chokin o Tsukau-hō)
  • 061 "Friendship Capsule" (友情カプセル, Yūjō Kapuseru)
  • 062 "The World's end" (世界沈没, Sekai Chinbotsu)
  • 063 "Bypass Spyglass" (スケスケ望遠鏡, Sukesuke Bōenkyō)
  • 064 "Melody Gas" (メロディーガス, Merodeī Gasu)
  • 065 "Nobizaemon's Treasure" (のび左エ門の秘宝, Nobizaemon no Hihō)
  • 066 "Mysterious Person from the Future" (未来世界の怪人, Mirai Sekai no Kaijin)
  • 067 "Kettle Recorder" (ヤカンレコーダー, Yakan Rekōdā)
  • 068 "Pebble Hat" (石ころぼうし, Ishikoro Bōshi)
  • 069 "Lucky Gun" (ラッキーガン, Rakkī Gan)
  • 070 "Memories of Grandma" (おばあちゃんのおもいで, Obā-chan no Omoide)
05 December 1, 1974[14]4-09-140005-1
  • 071 "Too Fast, Too Slow" (のろのろ、じたばた)
  • 072 "Gravity Paint" (重力ペンキ)
  • 073 "The Earth Creation Kit" (地球製造法)
  • 074 "Nobita in the mirror?" (かがみの中ののび太)
  • 075 "Memory Hammer" (わすれとんかち)
  • 076 "The Super Money Can" (ばっ金箱)
  • 077 "The Five Doraemons" (ドラえもんだらけ)
  • 078 "The 4th Dimension Tricycle" (四次元サイクリング)
  • 079 "The Underground Adventure" (地底の国探検)
  • 080 "The Cape of Evasion" (ひらりマント)
  • 081 "Let's make badges" (バッジを作ろう)
  • 082 "Let's swim in the Pacific ocean!" (うちのプールは太平洋)
  • 083 "Continuing perfume" (つづきスプレー)
  • 084 "The Reality Pillow" (うつつまくら)
  • 085 "Black Belt Nobita?!" (黒おびのび太)
  • 086 "The Winning Lottery Ticket" (宝くじ大当たり)
  • 087 "The Tele-Telephone" (おしかけ電話)
  • 088 "Uncle Elephant" (ぞうとおじさん)
06 December 25, 1974[15]4-09-140006-X
  • 089 "The Emperor of the Night"
  • 090 "The Fashion Virus"
  • 091 "The Dream Holiday"
  • 092 "The Model Snow Mountain"
  • 093 "The Replica Encyclopedia"
  • 094 "The 6 Million Yen Painting"
  • 095 "Koinburi"
  • 096 "Representative Gum"
  • 097 "Anywhere Cannon"
  • 098 "The Girl with the Red Shoes"
  • 099 "Ace Cap"
  • 100 "The Coward Adventurer"
  • 101 "The Adventure By Submarine"
  • 102 "The Loch Ness Monster"
  • 103 "Typhoon Fuuku"
  • 104 "Jekyll and Hyde"
  • 105 "Nobita's Bride"
  • 106 "Adieu, Doraemon"
07 May 2, 1975[16]4-09-140007-8
  • 107 "Return of Doraemon"
  • 108 "Tiny Robots"
  • 109 "Let's fight against Gian's"
  • 110 "Flying Fishes"
  • 111 "I Loved a Cat"
  • 112 "Unravel the World"
  • 113 "Stealing Mother's Diamond"
  • 114 "Catastrophe"
  • 115 "Mouse And Bomb"
  • 116 "Gift Log from the Future"
  • 117 "Return to the Stone Age"
  • 118 "The Magnify Bad Habits Gas"
  • 119 "The Fusion Machine"
  • 120 "Super Power Cap"
  • 121 "Robot Tester"
  • 122 "Leopard Cat Machine"
  • 123 "Seven Limbs, Three Eyes"
  • 124 "Charmed Snake Rope"
  • 125 "The Mystery Case of the Village Deep in the Mountains"
08 July 3, 1975[17]4-09-140008-6
  • 126 "Reflection-delay Dustcloth"
  • 127 "Lighter Play"
  • 128 "Mad Watch"
  • 129 "Graph don't Lie"
  • 130 "Becoming a Singer Sucking Candy"
  • 131 "Human Manufacturing Machine"
  • 132 "Bad luck Diamond"
  • 133 "Live with a Laugh"
  • 134 "Invisibility Eye Drops"
  • 135 "Likeable"
  • 136 "The Mallet Of Good Luck"
  • 137 "Hard Working Money Bees"
  • 138 "Human Engine"
  • 139 "Evolution-Devolution Radiation Source"
  • 140 "Little Match Doraemon"
  • 141 "Pretty People Camera"
  • 142 "The Eye-Witness Scope"
  • 143 "Boygirl"
  • 144 "I Am Mari-chan!"
  • 145 "The Face Eraser'
  • 146 "If You're Praised By The Robot"
  • 147 "Hardship Soybean Paste"
09 November 1, 1975[18]4-09-140009-4
  • 148 "Ching and Impressive Talk"
  • 149 "We Found Tsuchinoko!
  • 150 "Celebrating New Year on the Wallpaper"
  • 151 "Bottle Cap Collection"
  • 152 "Pass-through Hoop"
  • 153 "Enjoy Yourself"
  • 154 "Human Controller"
  • 155 "Forgetting Grass"
  • 156 "Urashima Candy"
  • 157 "How To Make An Unpopulated Island"
  • 158 "Move The Map"
  • 159 "Mood Meter"
  • 160 "The World is Full of Lies"
  • 161 "Nobita's Nobita"
  • 162 "Tracer Badge"
  • 163 "A Snail House is Comfortable"
  • 164 "The Telephone Ghost"
  • 165 "Hi, I'm Momotaro."
10 March 29, 1976[19]4-09-140010-8
  • 166 "Later Candy"
  • 167 "Human Cutter"
  • 168 "Apartment Tree"
  • 169 "Yoro Otsumami"
  • 170 "Invisible Eye Drops"
  • 171 "Anytime Diary"
  • 172 "The 100 Years Later Appendix"
  • 173 "Selling the Night"
  • 174 "XYZ Camera"
  • 175 "Fake Alien"
  • 176 "Weather Box"
  • 177 "Invisible Shower"
  • 178 "Thousand Needles Trout"
  • 179 "Playing With Dolls"
  • 180 "Make a Little Brother!"
  • 181 "Running Away Like Animals"
  • 182 "Inside the Stomach, Inside the Water"
  • 183 "Wishing Star"
  • 184 "Human Radio Control"
  • 185 "Speed Clock"
  • 186 "Nobita's Dinosaur"
11 June 30, 1976[20]4-09-140101-5
  • 187 "The "What if" Phone Booth"
  • 188 "Robot Paper"
  • 189 "Politely Kick Out the Unwanted Guest"
  • 190 "Walking on Clouds"
  • 191 "Warewolf Cream"
  • 192 "Crank Up the Speed!"
  • 193 "The Legendary Sword: Lightning Bolt"
  • 194 "Disaster Training Machine"
  • 195 "The Sharing Gum"
  • 196 "The Hypnosis Glasses"
  • 197 "The Making of a Television Channel (Dorami Version)"
  • 198 "Plan Y"
  • 199 "Antenna of Prediction"
  • 200 "The bag of Taking Things"
  • 201 "Swapping Body Parts"
  • 202 "Machine That Sells Things Through Time"
  • 203 "Discovery of Antics"
  • 204 "Gian's Close Friends"
  • 205 "Doraemon's Secret"
12 November 27, 1976[21]4-09-140102-3
  • 206 "The Seeking Missile"
  • 207 "Fortune Telling Through Tongue Reading"
13 March 31, 1977[22]4-09-140103-1
14 December 20, 1977[23]4-09-140104-X
15 June 27, 1978[24]4-09-140105-8
16 December 22, 1978[25]4-09-140106-6
17 June 27, 1979[26]4-09-140107-4
18 December 20, 1979[27]4-09-140108-2
19 June 28, 1980[28]4-09-140109-0
20 December 20, 1980[29]4-09-140110-4
21 April 25, 1981[30]4-09-140501-0
22 July 25, 1981[31]4-09-140502-9
23 December 19, 1981[32]4-09-140503-7
24 March 27, 1982[33]4-09-140504-5
25 July 28, 1982[34]4-09-140505-3
26 December 20, 1982[35]4-09-140506-1
27 March 28, 1983[36]4-09-140507-X
28 July 28, 1983[37]4-09-140508-8
29 December 16, 1983[38]4-09-140509-6
30 March 28, 1984[39]4-09-140510-X
31 July 28, 1984[40]4-09-140801-X
32 December 15, 1984[41]4-09-140802-8
33 March 28, 1985[42]4-09-140803-6
34 July 27, 1985[43]4-09-140804-4
35 December 16, 1985[44]4-09-140805-2
36 March 28, 1986[45]4-09-140806-0
37 July 28, 1986[46]4-09-140807-9
38 December 16, 1986[47]4-09-140808-7
39 December 16, 1988[48]4-09-140809-5
40 December 18, 1989[49]4-09-140810-9
41 July 28, 1990[50]4-09-141661-6
42 December 18, 1990[51]4-09-141662-4
43 December 14, 1991[52]4-09-141663-2
44 April 27, 1993[53]4-09-141664-0
45 April 26, 1996[2]4-09-141665-9

Tentōmushi Comics (Doraemon Plus)

Doraemon Plus is one of many tankōbon series. It's just the title of the book, not the title of the sequel to Doraemon. 6 volumes. 125 episodes. Abbreviated as "DP". All episodes of DP are included in KE(Kindle Edition).


  1. "ドラえもん(TC) / 1" [Doraemon 1] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Archived from the original on January 12, 2013. Retrieved January 27, 2010.
  2. "ドラえもん(TC) / 45" [Doraemon 45] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 26 April 1996. Archived from the original on 25 February 2014. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  3. "SDCC 2013: Kids Manga Fave Doraemon to be Published in English - Manga Comics Manga | Manga Comics Manga". Archived from the original on 2015-05-08. Retrieved 2014-02-28.
  4. "NED". Archived from the original on 2016-12-20. Retrieved 2016-12-08.
  5. Fの森の歩き方 [How to walk in the forest of F] (in Japanese). Tokyo: Shogakukan. 2010. p. 271. ISBN 9784091434340.
  6. Not included in the Doraemon Kindle Edition.
  7. For the microscope in the appendix.
  8. CWF "Shonen SF Short Story" Volume 2.
  9. Drawn by Hideo Shinoda
  10. Reader's suggestion gadget.
  11. "ドラえもん(TC) / 2" [Doraemon 2] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Retrieved January 27, 2010.
  12. "ドラえもん(TC) / 3" [Doraemon 3] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Retrieved January 27, 2010.
  13. "ドラえもん(TC) / 4" [Doraemon 4] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Retrieved January 27, 2010.
  14. "ドラえもん(TC) / 5" [Doraemon 5] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Retrieved January 27, 2010.
  15. "ドラえもん(TC) / 6" [Doraemon 6] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 25 December 1974. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  16. "ドラえもん(TC) / 7" [Doraemon 7] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 2 May 1975. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  17. "ドラえもん(TC) / 8" [Doraemon 8] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 3 July 1975. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  18. "ドラえもん(TC) / 9" [Doraemon 9] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. November 1975. Archived from the original on September 28, 2011. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  19. "ドラえもん(TC) / 10" [Doraemon 10] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 29 March 1976. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  20. "ドラえもん(TC) / 11" [Doraemon 11] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 30 June 1976. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  21. "ドラえもん(TC) / 12" [Doraemon 12] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 27 November 1976. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  22. "ドラえもん(TC) / 13" [Doraemon 13] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 31 March 1977. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  23. "ドラえもん(TC) / 14" [Doraemon 14] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 20 December 1977. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  24. "ドラえもん(TC) / 15" [Doraemon 15] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 27 June 1978. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  25. "ドラえもん(TC) / 16" [Doraemon 16] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 22 December 1978. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  26. "ドラえもん(TC) / 17" [Doraemon 17] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 27 June 1979. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  27. "ドラえもん(TC) / 18" [Doraemon 18] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 20 December 1979. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  28. "ドラえもん(TC) / 19" [Doraemon 19] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 28 June 1980. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  29. "ドラえもん(TC) / 20" [Doraemon 20] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 20 December 1980. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  30. "ドラえもん(TC) / 21" [Doraemon 21] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 25 April 1981. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  31. "ドラえもん(TC) / 22" [Doraemon 22] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 25 July 1981. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  32. "ドラえもん(TC) / 23" [Doraemon 23] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 19 December 1981. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  33. "ドラえもん(TC) / 24" [Doraemon 24] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 27 March 1982. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  34. "ドラえもん(TC) / 25" [Doraemon 25] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 28 July 1982. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  35. "ドラえもん(TC) / 26" [Doraemon 26] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 20 December 1982. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  36. "ドラえもん(TC) / 27" [Doraemon 27] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 28 March 1983. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  37. "ドラえもん(TC) / 28" [Doraemon 28] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 28 July 1983. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  38. "ドラえもん(TC) / 29" [Doraemon 29] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 16 December 1983. Archived from the original on 29 October 2010. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  39. "ドラえもん(TC) / 30" [Doraemon 30] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 28 March 1984. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
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  53. "ドラえもん(TC) / 44" [Doraemon 44] (in Japanese). Shogakukan. 27 April 1993. Archived from the original on 8 March 2012. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
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