List of Australian Army aircraft

This is a list of all aircraft operated by the Australian Army since its formation.


A Tiger helicopter
A S-70 Blackhawk (left) and CH-47 Chinook (right)
Aircraft Origin Role Versions In service[1] Notes
Boeing CH-47 Chinook  United States Transport helicopter CH-47F 10
One CH-47D was destroyed during operations in Afghanistan on 30 May 2011.[2] Two additional CH-47Ds ordered in December 2011 as attrition replacement and to boost heavy lift capability.[3] The last of 7 new CH-47Fs was delivered in September 2015 and the D models subsequently retired.[4]
Eurocopter Tiger  Europe Attack helicopter Tiger ARH 22
Sikorsky S-70 Blackhawk  United States Utility helicopter S-70A-9 35 Transferred from the Royal Australian Air Force as UH-60L.[5]
MRH 90  Europe Utility helicopter TTH: Tactical Transport Helicopter 40


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Aircraft type Origin Variant Role In service Notes
A50 AAI AerosondeAustraliaAerosonde Mk 2Surveillance2003Four aircraft. Deployed to the Solomon Islands during Operation Anode in 2003. Operated by the 131st surveillance and Target Acquisition Battery.
AeroVironment Wasp IIIUnited StatesWasp EAReconnaissance and battlefield surveillanceCurrentWasp entered service in 2014 for test and evaluation. the Wasp AE entered service with the Australian Army in 2018.
Black Hornet NanoNorwayPD-1000 Black HornetReconnaissance and battlefield surveillanceCurrentThe Black Hornet entered service in 2014 for test and evaluation.
Boeing Insitu ScanEagleUnited StatesReconnaissance and battlefield surveillance– 2012Obsolete, No longer operated by the Australian Army. Operated by the 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
Elbit Systems SkylarkIsraelSkylark IReconnaissance and battlefield surveillanceObsolete, no longer in service with the Australian Army. Replaced by the Wasp EA.
A43 AAI RQ-7 ShadowUnited StatesRQ-7B Shadow 2000 UAVReconnaissance and battlefield surveillance2012-current18 aircraft. The Shadow 200 entered service in 2012 replacing the ScanEagle. Operated by the 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
Phantom (unmanned aerial vehicle series)ChinaPhantom 4Reconnaissance and battlefield surveillance2017–350 aircraft
An Australian Army UH-1 Iroquois helicopter on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.

Fixed Wing Aircraft

Aircraft type Origin Variant Role Service period Notes
A11 Auster Mark IIIUnited KingdomMk III
Two-seat air observation post aircraft1944–195958 aircraft. Operated by the RAAF in support of the Australian Army.
A98 Cessna 180United StatesModel 180A
Model 180D
Model 180E
Two to four seat liaison, observation aircraft1959–197519 aircraft
A14 Pilatus PC-6B Turbo-PorterSwitzerlandPC-6B Turbo PorterEight-seat reconnaissance, light transport aircraft1968–199219 aircraft
Cessna L-19 Bird DogUnited StatesO-1 Bird DogOne or two-seat liaison, observation aircraft1967–1968Three aircraft on loan from the US Army. Operated by the 161st Independent Reconnaissance Flight (Australia)
Beechcraft Queen AirUnited StatesA65 Queen Air
B70 Queen Air
1971–19??Four aircraft. Operated by the Australian Army Survey corps
A18 GAF NomadAustraliaNomad N22B
Nomad N24A
Two-crew twin-engine utility transport, reconnaissance aircraft, capable of carrying 11 passengers1975–199522 aircraft
A32 Beechcraft Super King AirUnited States(King Air B200, B200C and B300)Twin-engine utility transport aircraft1997-current24 aircraft. Including leased civilian aircraft.
Embraer EMB 110 BandeiranteBrazilEMB 100P1 Bandeirante1995 onlyFour aircraft were leased from Flight West Airlines. Operated by the 173rd Aviation Squadron (Australia)
De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin OtterCanadaDHC-6-320 Twin Otter1996–2004Three aircraft were leased from Hawker Pacific 1996. Operated by the 173rd Aviation Squadron (Australia)
CASA C-212 AviocarSpainC-212-4002007-currentTwo aircraft leased from Skytraders since 2013 with two 212-200 formerly leased from Military Support Services.[6][7] Operated by the Australian Defence Force Parachuting School.[6]


Aircraft type Origin Variant Role Service period Notes
A22 Aerospatiale AS.350B SquirrelFranceAS.350B SquirrelTwo-crew light utility, training helicopter1990–199818 helicopters. Operated by the Australian Defence Force Helicopter School
A1 Bell 47 SiouxUnited StatesModel 47G-2 Sioux
Model 47G-2A Sioux
Model 47G-3B1 Sioux
Three-seat light utility, training helicopter1960–197747 helicopters
A17 Bell / CAC CA-32, OH-58A KiowaUnited States
CAC CA-32, OH-58A Kiowa
Model 206B-1 Kiowa
Light observation, reconnaissance helicopter1971–201864 helicopters. Including eight US built helicopters, which were leased to the Australian Army.
A2 Bell UH-1 IroquoisUnited StatesUH-1H IroquoisMulti-role utility transport helicopter1990–200725 helicopters. Transferred from the RAAF to the Australian Army in 1990
A17 Boeing CH-47 ChinookUnited StatesCH-47D Chinook
CH-47F Chinook
Twin-rotor medium-lift transport helicopter1995-current18 helicopters
A25 Sikorsky S-70 BlackhawkUnited StatesS-70A-9 Black HawkFour-crew multi-role battlefield support helicopter, capable of carrying 10 troops1990-current39 helicopters. Transferred from the RAAF to the Australian Army.
A38 Eurocopter TigerEuropeTiger ARHArmed reconnaissance, attack helicopter2004-current22 helicopters
A40 NHIndustries NH90EuropeTTH: Tactical Transport HelicopterUtility transport helicopter2007-current40 helicopters
Bell 412United States
Bell 412
AB 412
2007-currentTwo helicopters. Operated by the Army Aviation Training Centre

List of Guided Missiles of the Australian Army

Model Variants Origin Role Service period Notes
AGM-114 HellfireAGM-114KUnited StatesAir-to-surface anti-tank missileCurrentCarried by the Tiger ARH helicopter
ENTACENTACFranceWire-guided anti-tank missile1964–1985Replaced by the MILAN anti-tank missile in 1985.
FGM-148 JavelinUnited StatesMan-portable fire and forget, guided anti-tank missile2006-CurrentPrior to deploying to Afghanistan in 2001, the Special Air Service Regiment was equipped with the javelin. It entered service with infantry and cavalry units in 2006.
FIM-43 RedeyeFIM-43C RedeyeUnited StatesMan-portable surface-to-air missile1973–1987Obsolete, no longer in service with the Australian Army. The Redeye was operated by the 16th Air Land Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
M712 CopperheadUnited StatesCannon launched guided projectile1995–Obsolete, no longer in service with the Australian Army
M982 ExcaliburUnited States
guided artillery shellCurrent
MILANFrance and GermanyWire-guided anti-tank missile1984-1990sUsed by the infantry, mounted on vehicles. Obsolete, no longer in service with the Australian Army
RBS 70SwedenMan-portable short-range surface-to-air missile1987-CurrentOperated by the 16th Air Land Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
RapierUnited KingdomSurface-to-air missile1979–2005Obsolete, no longer in service with Australian Army. The Rapier was operated by the 16th Air Land Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery
SMArt 155GermanyGuided artillery shell2007-current

See also


  1. "World Military Aircraft Inventory", Aerospace Source Book 2007, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 15 January 2007.
  2. "Australian Chinook crashes in Afghanistan". Australian Aviation. 1 June 2011. Retrieved 28 June 2011.
  3. "Defence to buy two more Chinook choppers". ninemsn. 12 December 2011. Archived from the original on 14 March 2012. Retrieved 11 December 2011.
  4. "Australian Army receives final CH-47F Chinook". Australian Aviation. 10 September 2015. Retrieved 12 September 2015.
  5. Leoni 2007, pp. 250–256.
  6. "Defence". Skytraders. Retrieved 18 February 2020.
  7. "Army Constructiones Aeronauticas S A CASA 212 Aviocar". ADF-Serials. 26 January 2014. Retrieved 18 February 2020.


  • Leoni, Ray D. (2007). Black Hawk, The Story of a World Class Helicopter. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. ISBN 978-1-56347-918-2.
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