Legio XVI Gallica

Legio XVI Gallica ("Gallic Sixteenth Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.[1] The legion was recruited by Julius Caesar's adopted son, Octavian in 41/40 BC. It was disbanded after surrendering during the Batavian rebellion (AD 70);[2] Emperor Vespasian created a new legion, the XVI Flavia Firma.

Attested members

Name Rank Time frame Province Source
Quintus Trebellius Catulus legatus legionis between 39 and 54 Germania CIL VI, 31771
Lucius Cornelius Pusio Annius Messalla legatus legionis before 69 Germania CIL VI, 31706
Numisius Rufus legatus legionis 69-70 Germania Tacitus, Histories IV.22, 59, 70, 77
Publius Quinctius tribunus angusticlavius during the Triumvirate?  ? CIL VI, 3533
Claudius Sanctus tribunus angusticlavius 69 Germania Tacitus, Histories, IV.62
Marcus Helvius Geminus tribunus laticlavius between 38 and 54 Germania CIL III, 6074

See also


  1. Stephen Dando-Collins (3 September 2013). Legions of Rome. Quercus. pp. 136–. ISBN 978-1-62365-201-2.
  2. Matthew Bunson (1 January 2009). Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire. Infobase Publishing. pp. 313–. ISBN 978-1-4381-1027-1.
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