Ivanauskas is the masculine form of a Lithuanian family name. It corresponds to the Russian surname Ivanovsky and Polish surname Iwanowski. Its feminine forms are: Ivanauskienė (married woman or widow) and Ivanauskaitė (unmarried woman).
The surname may refer to:
- Jurga Ivanauskaitė (1961–2007), Lithuanian writer
- Rapolas Ivanauskas (born 1998) is a Lithuanian basketball player
- Tadas Ivanauskas (1882–1970), Lithuanian zoologist and biologist
- Valdas Ivanauskas (born 1966, Lithuanian football (soccer) player and coach
- Sofija Ivanauskaitė (1867–1926), birth name of Sofija Pšibiliauskienė, Lithuanian writer
- Marija Ivanauskaitė (1872–1957), birth name of Marija Lastauskienė, Lithuanian writer
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