Index of philosophy of law articles
This is an index of articles in jurisprudence.
- A Failure of Capitalism
- Alf Ross
- American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy
- Analytical jurisprudence
- Anarchist law
- Antinomianism
- António Castanheira Neves
- Archon
- Argumentation theory
- Aristotle
- Arthur Linton Corbin
- Auctoritas
- Bartolomé de las Casas
- Basic norm
- Basileus
- Biblical law
- Biblical law in Christianity
- Boris Furlan
- Bruno Leoni
- Cafeteria Christianity
- Carl Joachim Friedrich
- Carl Schmitt
- Cautelary jurisprudence
- Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu
- Compact theory
- Constitutionalism
- Conventionalism
- Corelative
- Costas Douzinas
- Critical legal studies
- Critical race theory
- Czesław Znamierowski
- Daniel N. Robinson
- Decisionism
- Declaration of Delhi
- Declarationism
- Dignitas (Roman concept)
- Director primacy
- Discourse ethics
- Divine command theory
- Dualism (law)
- Duncan Kennedy (legal philosopher)
- Earth jurisprudence
- Emerich de Vattel
- Ernesto Garzón Valdés
- Ethical arguments regarding torture
- Expounding of the Law
- Eye for an eye
- Felix Kaufmann
- Feminist legal theory
- First possession theory of property
- Francesco D'Andrea
- François Hotman
- Freedom of contract
- Friedrich von Hayek
- Fritz Berolzheimer
- Geojurisprudence
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- George Buchanan
- German Historical School
- Giorgio Del Vecchio
- Global Justice or Global Revenge?
- Gottfried Leibniz
- Gray Dorsey
- H. L. A. Hart
- Habeas corpus
- Hans Kelsen
- Hans Köchler
- Hart–Dworkin debate
- Hart–Fuller debate
- Herman Oliphant
- Homo sacer
- Hozumi Nobushige
- Hugo Grotius
- Immanuel Kant
- Imperium
- Indeterminacy debate in legal theory
- International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
- International legal theory
- Interpretivism (legal)
- Interregnum
- Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis
- Jeremy Bentham
- John Austin (legal philosopher)
- John Finnis
- John Locke
- John Macdonell (jurist)
- John Rawls
- Joseph H. H. Weiler
- Joseph Raz
- Juan de Mariana
- Julius Binder
- Jurisprudence
- Justice
- Justitium
- Labor theory of property
- Law and economics
- Law and Gospel
- Law and literature
- Law as integrity
- Law in action
- Law of Christ
- Law, Legislation and Liberty
- Laws (dialogue)
- Learned Hand
- Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy
- Legal formalism
- Legal humanists
- Legal moralism
- Legal naturalism
- Legal origins theory
- Legal pluralism
- Legal positivism
- Legal process (jurisprudence)
- Legal realism
- Legal science
- Legalism (Chinese philosophy)
- Legalism (theology)
- Legalism (Western philosophy)
- Leon Petrazycki
- Letter and spirit of the law
- Libertarian theories of law
- Lon L. Fuller
- Lorenzo Peña
- Manuel de Lardizábal y Uribe
- Mark Wrathall
- Metaconstitution
- Monarchomachs
- Monism and dualism in international law
- Monopoly on violence
- Muhammad Hamidullah
- Mutual liberty
- Natural justice
- Natural law
- Natural order (philosophy)
- Natural-law argument
- Naturalization
- New Covenant
- New legal realism
- Nicolas Barnaud
- Norm (philosophy)
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
- Organic law
- Original intent
- Original meaning
- Pandectists
- Paternalism
- Paul Johann Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach
- Pauline privilege
- Peter Gabel
- Petrus Cunaeus
- Philippe de Mornay
- Philosophy of copyright
- Plato
- Political jurisprudence
- Political naturalism
- Political sociology
- Polycentric law
- Positive law
- Positivism
- Postglossator
- Prediction theory of law
- Principles of Islamic jurisprudence
- Prohibitionism
- Public policy doctrine (conflict of laws)
- Purposive theory
- R. Kent Greenawalt
- Radomir Lukić
- Rechtsstaat
- Restorative justice
- Retributive justice
- Richard Posner
- Robert Alexy
- Robert P. George
- Roberto Mangabeira Unger
- Ronald Dworkin
- Rule by decree
- Rule of Faith
- Rule of law
- Scepticism in law
- Soft law
- Soft tyranny
- Sovereignty
- State of emergency
- State of exception
- Stephen Guest
- Strict constructionism
- Supersessionism
- Textualism
- The Case of the Speluncean Explorers
- The Concept of Law
- The Golden Rule
- Theodor Sternberg
- Theodore Beza
- Therapeutic jurisprudence
- Thomas Hobbes
- Tony Honoré
- Torture
- Transitional justice
- Translating "law" to other European languages
- Underdeterminacy (law)
- Unitary executive theory
- Virtue jurisprudence
- Wesley Alba Sturges
- Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld
- Wild law
- Zechariah Chafee
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