Index of articles related to African Americans
An African American is a citizen or resident of the United States who has origins in any of the black populations of Africa.[1] African American-related topics include:
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African Americans |
- Abolitionism in the United States
- Above the Rim
- Acid jazz
- Acting white
- Address to the Negroes of the State of New York
- The Advocate (Portland, Oregon)
- Affirmative action
- African American
- (List of) African-American abolitionists
- (List of) African-American astronauts
- African-American book publishers in the United States, 1960–80
- African-American church
- African American cinema
- African-American culture
- African-American culture and sexual orientation
- African-American dance
- (List of) African-American documentary films
- African-American English
- African-American family structure
- African-American Film Critics Association
- (List of) African-American firsts
- African-American hair
- African-American Heritage Sites (U.S. National Park Service)
- African-American history
- African-American Institute (Northeastern University)
- African-American inventors and scientists
- (List of) African-American jurists
- African-American literature
- (List of) African-American mathematicians
- (List of) African-American Medal of Honor recipients
- African-American middle class
- African American Military History Museum
- African American Museum in Philadelphia
- African American Museum of Iowa
- African American Museum of the Arts
- African-American music
- African-American musical theater
- African-American names
- African American National Biography Project
- African-American neighborhood
- African-American newspapers
- (List of) African-American officeholders during the Reconstruction
- African-American organized crime
- African American Policy Forum
- African-American Research Library and Cultural Center
- African American Review
- African-American studies
- (List of) African-American United States senators
- African-American Vernacular English
- African-American Woman Suffrage Movement
- African-American women in politics
- African-American Women for Reproductive Freedom
- (List of) African-American visual artists
- (Lists of) African Americans
- African Americans and the G.I. Bill
- African American Civil War Memorial
- African Americans at the Siege of Petersburg
- African Americans in Alabama
- African Americans in Atlanta
- African Americans in Baltimore
- African Americans in California
- African Americans in Chicago
- African Americans in Davenport, Iowa
- African Americans in France
- African Americans in Florida
- African Americans in France
- African Americans in Georgia (U.S. state)
- African Americans in Ghana
- African Americans in Kansas
- African Americans in Louisiana
- African Americans in Maryland
- African Americans in Mississippi
- African Americans in New York City
- African Americans in North Carolina
- African Americans in Omaha, Nebraska
- African Americans in San Francisco
- African Americans in South Carolina
- African Americans in Texas
- African Americans in Tennessee
- African Americans in Utah
- African Americans in the United States Congress
- African American National Biography Project
- (List of) African-American Republicans
- African Blood Brotherhood
- African Burial Ground National Monument
- African Cemetery at Higgs Beach
- African Christian Union
- African diaspora
- African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- Africana Cultures and Policy Studies Institute
- Africana philosophy
- Africana womanism
- Africans in Hawaii
- Africatown
- Afro
- Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale
- Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics
- Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
- Afro-American Museum of Pompano Beach
- Afro-American settlement in Africa
- Afrocentrism
- Afro-Cuban jazz
- Afrodite Superstar
- Afrofuturism
- Afro Psalms
- Afro-punk
- Afro-Punk (film)
- Agana race riot
- Ain't I a Woman? (book)
- Ain't Supposed to Die a Natural Death
- Akeelah and the Bee
- Alabama A&M University
- Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
- Alabama Democratic Conference
- Alabama State University
- Albany State University
- Alcorn State University
- Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education
- Alexandria Black History Museum
- All About You (film)
- All God's Children (film)
- All Power to the People
- All the Young Men
- Allen University
- Alliance of Black Jews
- Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority
- Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity
- American Black Film Festival
- American Black Upper Class
- American Civil War
- American Descendants of Slavery
- American Gangster (film)
- American Negro Academy
- American Negro Ballet Company
- American Negro Labor Congress
- American Negro Theater
- American Slavery As It Is
- American Society of African Culture
- American Society of Muslims
- American Tennis Association
- La Amistad
- Amos 'n' Andy
- An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery
- And you are lynching Negroes
- Angola, Florida
- Ann Arbor Decision
- Another Country (novel)
- Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
- Anti-Tom literature
- Antwone Fisher (film)
- A. Philip Randolph Institute
- Apollo Theater
- April Fools (2007 film)
- Are We Done Yet?
- Are We There Yet? (film)
- Apostolic Faith Mission Church of God
- University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
- Arkansas Baptist College
- The Art Movements
- Artworks commemorating African-Americans in Washington, D.C.
- Aruba (film)
- Ashton Villa
- Jabari Asim
- Association of Black Photographers
- Association of Black Psychologists
- Association of Black Women Historians
- Association for the Study of African American Life and History
- At the Beach LA
- ATL (film)
- Atlanta Compromise
- Atlanta Conference of Negro Problems
- Atlanta Exposition Speech
- The Atlanta Way (film)
- A.U.M.P. Church
- Aunt Phillis's Cabin
- Ausar Auset Society
- Ax Handle Saturday
- Baby Boy (film)
- Baby mama
- Backstreet Cultural Museum
- Back-to-Africa movement
- Bad Boys
- Bait (2000 film)
- Ball culture
- Bamboozled
- Band of Angels
- Banished (film)
- Banjee
- Banjo
- Barber-Scotia College
- Barbershop (film)
- Baseball color line
- Baton Rouge bus boycott
- Battle of Ambos Nogales
- Battle of Baxter Springs
- Battle of Bear Valley
- Battle of Beecher Island
- Battle of Black Jack
- Battle of Olustee
- Battle of Fort Pillow
- Battle of Poison Spring
- Battle of Saltville I
- Battle of Saltville II
- Battle of Fort Tularosa
- Battle of Fort Walker
- Battle of Negro Fort
- Battle of Osawatomie
- Battle of the Saline River
- Bayview-Hunters Point, San Francisco
- Beah: A Black Woman Speaks
- Beale Street Mama
- Bean pie
- Beatboxing
- A Beautiful Soul (film)
- Bébé's Kids
- Bebop
- Beecher's Bible
- Bell v. Maryland
- Belly (film)
- Beloved (1998 film)
- Benedict College
- Bennett College
- The Best Man (1999 film)
- BET Awards
- BET Her
- Bethel Literary and Historical Society
- Bethune-Cookman University
- The Betrayal (1948 film)
- Beyond the Down Low
- Big Ain't Bad
- Big band
- Big River (musical)
- Big Momma's House
- Biker Boyz
- Biloxi wade-ins
- The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings
- Bird (1988 film)
- Bishop State Community College
- Bishop College (historical)
- Black Americana
- Black American Princess
- Black American Racers Association
- Black American Sign Language
- List of black animated characters
- Black-appeal stations
- Black Arts Movement
- Black August (film)
- Black Autonomy Network Community Organization
- Black Betty
- Black billionaires
- Blackbirds of 1928
- Black and Blue (musical)
- Black Bottom
- Black Boy
- The Black Candle
- Black capitalism
- Black Catholicism
- Black church
- Black Coaches & Administrators
- (List of) Black college football classics
- Black Consciousness Movement
- Black conservatism
- Black conservatism in the United States
- Black Cultural Association
- Black Data Processing Associates
- Black Dispatches
- Black doll
- Black elite
- Black Enterprise
- Black Enterprise Business Report
- Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association
- Black Entertainment Television
- Black existentialism
- Blackface
- Black Family Channel
- Black feminism
- Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame
- Black flight
- Black gay pride
- Black Hebrew Israelites
- Black Hispanic and Latino Americans
- Black History Month
- Black Inches
- Black Indians in the United States
- Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity
- Black is Beautiful
- Black is... Black Ain't
- Black leftism
- Black Liberators
- Black Like Me
- Black Like Me (film)
- The Black List (film series)
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Loyalist
- Black Mafia
- Black Mafia Family
- The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius and His Achievements
- Black matriarchy
- Black mecca
- Black middle class
- Black Movie Awards
- Black Music Month
- Black nationalism
- Black orientalism
- Black Panther Party
- Black participation in college basketball
- Black Patriot (American Revolution)
- Black Patti Records
- Black people
- Black people in Ireland
- Black Pioneers
- BlackPlanet
- Black players in American professional football
- Black populism
- Black Power
- Black Power and the American Myth
- Black Power movement
- Black pride
- Black psychology
- Black Radical Congress
- Black Reconstruction in America
- Black Reel Awards
- Black refugee (War of 1812)
- Black Rock Coalition
- The Black Scholar
- Black school
- Black science fiction
- Black Seminoles
- Black Seminole Scouts
- Black separatism
- Black sermonic tradition
- Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism
- Black sitcom
- Black Star Line
- Black supremacy
- Black Swan Records
- Black Theater of Ardmore
- Black theology
- Black Women Organized for Political Action
- The Black World Today
- Blacks and Jews (film)
- Blankman
- Blaxploitation
- Bleeding Kansas
- Bling-bling
- BLK (magazine)
- Blockbusting
- Block party
- The Blood of Jesus
- Bleeding Kansas
- Bloods
- Bluefield State College
- Blue Front Cafe
- Blue Hill Avenue (film)
- Blue note
- Blues
- Blues in the Night (musical)
- The Bluest Eye
- Board of Education of Oklahoma City v. Dowell
- Body and Soul (1925 film)
- Bones (2001 film)
- Bolling v. Sharpe
- Boogie-woogie
- Booker T. Washington Junior College
- Booker T. Washington National Monument
- Book of Love (2002 film)
- Book of Negroes
- Boomerang (1992 film)
- The Boondocks (comic strip)
- Booty Call
- Bop (disambiguation)
- Bossip
- Bouie v. City of Columbia
- Bounce TV
- Bowie State University
- Boynton v. Virginia
- Boy! What a Girl!
- Boyz n the Hood
- Brass Ankles
- Tawana Brawley rape allegations
- Bread and Roses (disambiguation)
- Break (music)
- Breakin' All the Rules
- B-boying or breakdancing
- Br'er Rabbit
- Br'er Rabbit Earns a Dollar a Minute
- Briggs v. Elliott
- Bright Road
- Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk
- The Brute (1920 film)
- Bronner Bros.
- Brother John (film)
- Brother Martin: Servant of Jesus
- The Brothers (2001 film)
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
- Browder v. Gayle
- Brown Paper Bag Test
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Brownsville affair
- Bubbling Brown Sugar
- Buchanan v. Warley
- Buck and the Preacher
- Bud Billiken Club
- Bud Billiken Parade and Picnic
- The Buffalo Saga
- Buffalo Soldier
- Bureau of Colored Troops
- Burlesque in Harlem
- Bush Mama
- Bushwhacker
- Bustin' Loose (film)
- Butler Medal
- Cabin in the Sky (film)
- Cadillac Records
- Café Society
- Cakewalk
- California African American Museum
- Call and response
- Callaloo (journal)
- Cambridge, Maryland
- Camp Ashby
- Camp Lejeune Incident
- Camp Lockett
- Camp Nelson National Cemetery
- Canterbury Female Boarding School
- Carmel Indians
- Carmen: A Hip Hopera
- Carmen Jones
- Carmen Jones (film)
- Caught Up (film)
- Cave Canem Foundation
- CB4
- 4th Cavalry Regiment (United States)
- Central Brooklyn Jazz Consortium
- Central State University
- Char Room (film)
- Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
- Chesapeake pipes
- Chestnut Ridge people
- Chicago stepping
- Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance
- Children, Go Where I Send Thee
- Children of the plantation
- Chitlin circuit
- Chowanoke
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
- The Church of Saint Coltrane
- Civil Brand
- City Mission Society
- Civil Rights Act of 1866
- Civil Rights Act of 1875
- Civil Rights Act of 1957
- Civil Rights Act of 1960
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Civil Rights Cases
- Civil rights movement
- Civil rights movement (1865–1896)
- Civil rights movement (1896–1954)
- Civil rights movement in Omaha, Nebraska
- The Civil War (musical)
- Claflin University
- Clark Atlanta University
- Class Act
- Classical Theatre of Harlem
- Claudine (film)
- Clef Club
- Clinton Junior College
- Clockers (film)
- Clotel
- Clothing in the Ragtime Era
- Coach Carter
- Coahoma Community College
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
- Coeur d'Alene, Idaho labor confrontation of 1899
- Coffy
- Coleman Manufacturing Company
- Colfax massacre
- The Collegiate 100
- Colonial period of South Carolina
- Colonization Societies
- Color Adjustment
- Color blindness (race)
- The Color of Friendship (2000 film)
- Color line (civil rights issue)
- Colored
- Colored Episcopal Mission
- Colored Music Settlement School
- Colored National Labor Union
- Colored Soldiers Monument in Frankfort
- Colorism
- The Color Purple
- The Color Purple (musical)
- Colors Straight Up
- Columbia Air Center
- Combahee River Collective
- Come Back, Charleston Blue
- Coming to America
- Commitments (film)
- Common Burying Ground and Island Cemetery
- The Communist Party and African-Americans
- Community Reinvestment Act
- Composers of African descent
- Compromise of 1850
- Concordia College, Selma
- Congdon Street Baptist Church
- Congo Square
- Congressional Black Caucus
- Congress of Racial Equality
- The Conjure Woman
- Conk
- Connie's Inn
- Consolidation Coal Company (Iowa)
- Constellation (film)
- Constitution of Virginia
- Constitutional colorblindness
- Contemporary R&B
- The Cookout
- Cool (American Negro aesthetic)
- Cool jazz
- Cooley High
- Coon song
- Cooper v. Aaron
- Coppin State University
- Copp's Hill Burying Ground
- Coretta Scott King Award
- Cornbread, Earl and Me
- The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner-City Neighborhood
- Cornerstone Speech
- Cornrows
- The Cosby Show
- (List of) The Cosby Show characters
- Cotton Club
- Cotton Club (Portland)
- Cotton Comes to Harlem
- Cotton Comes to Harlem (novel)
- The Council (drug syndicate)
- Council of Federated Organizations
- Coushatta massacre
- Cover (film)
- Crack epidemic
- Creole Giselle
- Creole music
- Creoles of color
- Criminal black man
- Crips
- The Crisis
- Crooklyn
- Crossover (2006 film)
- Crossroads Theatre
- Crunk
- Cultural mulatto
- Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education
- Cyrus Gates Farmstead
- D Underbelly
- Daddy's Little Girls
- Dancing for eels
- Dangerous Minds
- Daniel Payne College (Historical)
- Dap greeting
- Dark Girls
- Darktown Revue
- Darlings of Rhythm
- A Daughter of the Congo
- Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County
- Deacons for Defense and Justice
- Death at an Early Age
- Death at a Funeral (2010 film)
- "Deep River" (song)
- Deep River Boys
- Def by Temptation
- Def Jam's How to Be a Player
- The Defiant Ones (film)
- Delaware State University
- Deliver Us from Eva
- Delta blues
- Delta Ministry
- Denmark Technical College
- Denmark Vesey House
- Department of African American Studies – Syracuse University
- DePorres Club
- Desdemona (play)
- Dese Bones G'wine Rise Again
- Desegregation
- Detroit Hair Wars
- Detroit JazzStage
- Diary of a Mad Black Woman (film)
- Dillard University
- Directive 5120.36
- Dirty Gertie from Harlem U.S.A.
- Dirty Laundry (2007 film)
- Disappearing Acts
- Disfranchisement after Reconstruction era
- University of the District of Columbia
- District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act
- Dixieland
- Dobyville
- Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement
- Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
- Do-rag
- Double consciousness
- Double Dutch (jump rope)
- Double-duty dollar
- Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female
- Douglass Place
- Dozens (game)
- Dreadlocks
- Dreamgirls (film)
- Dred Scott v. Sandford
- Dr. Robert Walter Johnson House and Tennis Court
- Drum (1976 film)
- Drumline (film)
- Drums and Shadows
- The Duke Is Tops
- The Dungeon (1922 film)
- Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill
- Dysfunktional Family
- East Coast hip hop
- East Oakland, Oakland, California
- Ebonics (word)
- Ebony (magazine)
- Edge of the City
- Education in Harlem
- Education outcomes in the United States by race and other classifications
- Edward Waters College
- Elaine Race Riot
- Elizabeth City State University
- Emancipation Oak
- Emancipation Proclamation
- Emmett Till
- Emmett Till Antilynching Act
- Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance
- (List of) Enslaved people of Mount Vernon
- Equal Suffrage League (Brooklyn, New York)
- The Ernest Green Story
- Essence magazine
- Ethiopian Regiment
- "Every Time I Feel the Spirit" (song)
- Eve's Bayou
- Executive Order 8802
- Executive Order 9981
- Executive Order 11063
- The Exile (1931 film)
- Exodus of 1879
- Exodusters
- Expelled Because of Color
- Ex-slave repatriation
- Extra Mile Education Foundation
- Eyes on the Prize
- The Fab Five (film)
- Fair Employment Practices Commission
- Fair Game (2005 film)
- Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids
- Faubourg Treme: The Untold Story of Black New Orleans
- Fayetteville State University
- Federal Council of Negro Affairs
- Federation of Black Cowboys
- Fela!
- Festival Sundiata
- Field holler
- Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- The Fighting Temptations
- Finding Me
- Finding Me: Truth
- The Fire Next Time
- First African Baptist Church (Savannah, Georgia)
- First African Baptist Church (Lexington, Kentucky)
- First African Baptist Church (Richmond, Virginia)
- Fisk University
- The Five Heartbeats
- Five on the Black Hand Side
- Flight of the Red Tail
- Florida A&M Hospital
- Florida A&M University
- Florida Black Heritage Trail
- Florida Memorial University
- Florida Slavery Memorial
- Fodder on My Wings
- Folklore
- Foolish (film)
- For Colored Girls
- Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream
- For Love of Ivy
- For Us the Living: The Medgar Evers Story
- Fort Gadsden
- Fort Howell
- Fort Pillow massacre
- Fort Pocahontas
- Fort Robert Smalls
- Fort Valley State University
- Forty acres and a mule
- Forty Acres and a Mule Filmworks
- Fountain Hughes
- Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Four Eleven Forty Four
- Freaknik
- Frederick Douglass and the White Negro
- Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
- Free African Society
- Freedman
- Freedman's Savings Bank
- Freedmen (ethnic group)
- Freedmen's Aid Society
- Freedmen's Colony of Roanoke Island
- Freedmen's Bureau
- (List of) freedmen's towns
- Freedom Riders
- Freedom suits
- Freedom Summer
- Freedom Writers
- Free jazz
- Freeman (Colonial)
- Free Negro
- Free people of color
- Freeport Doctrine
- Free produce movement
- Free Soil Party
- Free-Stater (Kansas)
- Friday (1995 film)
- Friday After Next
- From Black Power to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism
- From Swastika to Jim Crow
- Fudge Farm
- Fugitive slave
- Fugitive Slave Act of 1793
- Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
- Funeral Procession (painting)
- Funk
- The Future of the American Negro
- The Future of the Race
- Gadsden State Community College
- Gag rule
- Gamble Plantation Historic State Park
- Gang of Roses
- Gang system
- Gangsta rap
- Garveyism
- Gas (2004 film)
- Gebhart v. Belton
- Geer Cemetery
- Genius of Universal Emancipation
- George Washington and slavery
- Georgia Alliance of African American Attorneys
- Get down
- Get on the Bus
- A Get2Gether
- Ghetto fabulous
- Ghetto tourism
- Gibbs Junior College
- Gillfield Baptist Church (Petersburg, Virginia)
- Giles v. Harris
- The Girl from Chicago
- The Girl in Room 20
- Glory (1989 film)
- Go Down, Death!
- Goffe Street Special School for Colored Children
- Go for Broke (2002 film)
- God's Step Children
- Golden age hip hop
- Golden Circle (proposed country)
- Golden Slippers
- Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Building
- Golden Thirteen
- Gold roll
- Go Man Go (film)
- A Good Day to Be Black and Sexy
- Good Deeds
- Good Fences
- Good Hair
- "Good Hair" and Other Dubious Distinctions
- Good hair (phrase)
- Good Times
- Gospel music
- Go Tell It on the Mountain (novel)
- Graffiti in the United States
- Grambling State University
- Grand Contraband Camp
- Greased Lightning
- Great Migration (African American)
- Great Plains Black History Museum
- Greek Picnic
- Green v. County School Board of New Kent County
- The Green Pastures (film)
- The Greensboro Four
- Greensboro sit-ins
- The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Folklore
- Griffin v. County School Board of Prince Edward County
- Griggs v. Duke Power Co.
- Grind (musical)
- Guadalupe College (Historical)
- Guess Who (film)
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- A Guest of Honor (opera)
- Guey Heung Lee v. Johnson
- Guinn v. United States
- Gullah
- Gullah language
- The Gunsaulus Mystery
- Hair
- Hair Show
- Haliwa-Saponi
- Hallelujah! (film)
- Hallelujah, Baby!
- Hamitic League of the World
- Hampton Negro Conference
- Hampton University
- Hard bop
- Hardwood (film)
- The Harimaya Bridge
- Harlem Artists Guild
- Harlem Globetrotters
- The Harlem Globetrotters (film)
- Harlem Renaissance
- Harlem Riot of 1935
- Harlem Riot of 1943
- Harlem Riot of 1964
- Harlem Writers Guild
- Harriet Tubman
- Harriet Tubman National Historical Park
- Harris-Stowe State University
- 1941 Harvard–Navy lacrosse game
- Hate crime
- Hate group
- Hav Plenty
- Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years
- Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States
- Heat Wave (1990 film)
- The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family
- Henderson v. United States (1950)
- Henry Browne, Farmer
- A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich (film)
- Hey, Hey, Hey, It's Fat Albert
- Heyward Shepherd monument
- High Freakquency
- High yellow
- The Highwaymen (landscape artists)
- Hinds Community College at Utica
- Hip hop
- Hip-hop dance
- Hip hop movies
- Hip hop music
- Hip hop production
- (African-American ) Historic Places
- Historically black colleges and universities
- History of African Americans in Atlanta
- History of African Americans in Boston
- History of African Americans in Chicago
- History of African Americans in Dallas-Ft. Worth
- History of African Americans in Detroit
- History of African Americans in Houston
- History of African Americans in Kansas
- History of African Americans in Los Angeles
- History of African Americans in Philadelphia
- History of African Americans in San Antonio
- History of African Americans in Texas
- History of African Americans in Utah
- History of Blacks in ice hockey
- History of the Jews in the African diaspora
- History of slavery in Alabama
- History of slavery in California
- History of slavery in Connecticut
- History of slavery in Georgia (U.S. state)
- History of slavery in Illinois
- History of slavery in Indiana
- History of slavery in Kentucky
- History of slavery in Louisiana
- History of slavery in Maryland
- History of slavery in Massachusetts
- History of slavery in New Jersey
- History of slavery in New York
- History of slavery in North Carolina
- History of slavery in Texas
- History of slavery in Virginia
- Hi-top fade
- Hitsville U.S.A.
- Hokum
- Hollywood Black Film Festival
- Hollywood Shuffle
- Home Girls
- The Homesteader
- Homo hop
- The Honeymooners (2005 film)
- Hood films
- Hoodoo (folk magic)
- Hookers In Revolt
- The House Behind the Cedars
- House dance
- House Negro
- House Part (film)
- Howard University
- How I Spent My Summer Vacation (1997 film)
- House slave
- How Stella Got Her Groove Back
- Huckleberry Finn
- Hully Gully
- Human Rights (journal)
- Hunter v. Erickson
- Hush harbor
- Hustle & Flow
- Huston–Tillotson University
- Hurston-Wright Legacy Award
- " I, Too, Sing America"
- I Can Do Bad All By Myself (film)
- Idlewild, Michigan
- I Do... I Did!
- I Got the Hook Up
- Igbo American
- Igbo people in the Atlantic slave trade
- Imaging Blackness
- The Impending Crisis of the South
- I'm Through with White Girls (The Inevitable Undoing of Jay Brooks)
- Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on African-American communities
- Indian cavalry
- Indian Rocks Dining Hall
- In the Heat of the Night (film)
- In the Heights
- The Inkwell
- In Living Color
- Institute Catholique
- Institute of Responsible Citizenship
- Institute of the Black World
- Institute of the Black World 21st Century
- Institutional racism
- Interdenominational Theological Center
- International Association of Black Actuaries
- International Federation of Black Prides
- Interregional slave trade
- The Interruption of Everything
- Introducing Dorothy Dandridge
- Invisible churches (slavery)
- Invisible Man
- I Shall Not Be Moved
- Isle of Canes
- I Spy (1965 TV series)
- Is That Black Enough for You?!?
- It Ain't Nothin' But the Blues
- I Will Follow (film)
- Jack and Jill (organization)
- Jackson State University
- Jailhouse Blues
- Jarvis Christian College
- Jason's Lyric
- Jayhawker
- Jazz
- Jazz (novel)
- Jazz funeral
- Jazz-funk
- Jazz fusion
- Jazz Profiles
- Jefferson–Hemings controversy
- The Jeffersons
- Jelly's Last Jam
- Jerkin'
- J. F. Drake State Technical College
- Jheri curl
- J-Setting
- Jet (magazine)
- Jim Brown: All-American
- Jim Crow (character)
- Jim Crow economy
- Jim Crow laws
- (List of) Jim Crow law examples by State
- Jivin' in Be-Bop
- John Brown's last speech
- John Brown's Provisional Conwtitution
- John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
- John Henry (folklore)
- Johnny Bright incident
- Johnson C. Smith University
- Johnson Family Vacation
- The Josephine Baker Story
- Journal of African American History
- Journal of Black Psychology
- Journal of Black Studies
- Journal of Negro Education
- Journal of Negro History
- Journal of Pan African Studies
- Judicial aspects of race in the United States
- Juice (1992 film)
- Juke joint
- Juke Joint (1947 film)
- Julia (American TV series)
- Julian Scott Department Store
- Jump blues
- Jump In!
- Jumping the Broom
- Jumping the broom
- Jump Jim Crow
- Juneteenth
- Juneteenth in Oregon
- The Jungle (1967 film)
- Just Above Midtown
- Just Wright
- Justice for Victims of Lynching Act
- Kalunga Line
- Kansas–Nebraska Act
- Karamu House
- Katherine Dunham Company
- Katzenbach v. McClung
- Kelly Ingram Park
- Kentucky in Africa
- Kentucky State University
- Kevin Hart's Guide to Black History
- A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin
- The KIDflix Film Fest of Bed-Stuy
- King (TV miniseries)
- "Kingdom Coming"
- King's Ransom (film)
- Kissing Case
- Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press
- Kittrell College (Historical)
- Knights of the Clock
- Knights of the Golden Circle
- Know Your History: Jesus Is Black; So Was Cleopatra
- Knoxville College
- Krumping
- Kufi
- Ku Klux Klan
- Kwanzaa
- Lady Sings the Blues
- Lady Sings the Blues (film)
- Lakeview, Illinois
- LaLee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
- Lane College
- Langston Hughes Medal
- Langston University
- L.A. Rebellion
- The Last Angel of History
- Latin jazz
- Lawn jockey
- Lawrence, Kansas
- Lawson State Community College
- League of Revolutionary Black Workers
- League of Struggle for Negro Rights
- Lean on Me (film)
- The Learning Tree
- Leavenworth Constitution
- Lecompton Constitution
- Legacy (2000 film)
- Leland College (Historical)
- Helen Lemme
- LeMoyne-Owen College
- LeRoy Battle
- Let's Do It Again (1975 film)
- Letters to a Young Brother
- Lewis College of Business
- Liberia
- The Liberator (anti-slavery newspaper)
- Liberty Party (United States, 1840)
- Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
- Life as a BlackMan
- "Lift Every Voice and Sing"
- Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum address
- Abraham Lincoln's Peoria speech
- Lincoln's Lost Speech
- Lincoln–Douglas debates
- Lincoln Motion Picture Company
- Lincoln University of Missouri
- Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
- Linconia
- Lindy hop
- Linewatch
- The Links, Incorporated
- Literacy tests
- List of monuments to African Americans
- Little Rock Nine
- Livingstone College
- Livin' Large
- Logan family (historical)
- Walter P. Lomax Jr.
- Long Look Estate
- 1992 Los Angeles riots
- Losing the Race
- The Lost Man
- Louisiana African American Heritage Trail
- Louisiana Creole French
- Louisiana Voodoo
- Louisiana v. United States (1965)
- Love (Toni Morrison novel)
- Love Chronicles (film)
- Love Don't Cost a Thing (film)
- Loving v. Virginia
- A Low Down Dirty Shame
- Lying Lips
- Lynching
- Lynching of John Henry James
- Maafa
- Maafa 21
- Madame Rentz's Female Minstrels
- Madea's Big Happy Family (film)
- Madea's Family Reunion
- Magical Negro
- Mahaffie House
- Mahogany (film)
- The Making of Robert E. Lee
- Malcolm X (film)
- Mama, I Want to Sing! (film)
- Mammy archetype
- Manumission Intelligencier
- Marais des Cygnes massacre
- The March (1964 film)
- March on Washington Movement
- Marching On!
- Marci X
- Marijuana
- Marcus Garland
- Marcus Garvey: Look for me in the Whirlwind
- Margaret Garner (opera)
- Marian Anderson: the Lincoln Memorial Concert
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Mary Ann Shadd Cary House
- Maryland Constitution of 1864
- Mary Don't You Weep
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- Mississippi-in-Africa
- Maryland State Colonization Society
- Mason County, Kentucky slave pen
- Mason–Dixon Line
- USS Mason (DE-529)
- Massachusetts General Colored Association
- Mass racial violence in the United States
- M-Base
- McComas Institute
- McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green
- McDonogh Three
- McGill family (Monrovia)
- McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents
- M.Dia
- Meat packing industry
- Media Take Out
- Meeting David Wilson
- Meet the Browns (film)
- Meharry Medical College
- Melungeon
- Memphis (musical)
- Menace II Society
- Mendez v. Westminster
- A Mercy
- Mestiza Double Consciousness
- Memorials to Martin Luther King
- The Meteor Man (film)
- Middle Passage
- Midnight Ramble (film)
- Miles College
- Miles of Smiles, Years of Struggle
- Military history of African Americans
- Military history of African Americans in the American Civil War
- Militia Act of 1862
- Milliken v. Bradley
- Million Man March
- Millions More Movement
- Minstrel show
- Miscegenation
- Misogyny in hip hop culture
- Miss Ann
- Miss Black America
- Missing white woman syndrome
- Mississippi Blues Trail
- Mississippi Burning
- Mississippi Damned
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
- Mississippi Valley State University
- Missouri Compromise
- Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada
- Mister Charlie
- Mitchelville
- Mo' Better Blues
- Modal jazz
- Mojo (African-American culture)
- Mo' Money
- Monacan people
- Montage of a Dream Deferred
- Montgomery bus boycott
- Montgomery Improvement Association
- Moore v. Dempsey
- Moorish Orthodox Church of America
- Moorish Science Temple of America
- Morehouse College
- Morehouse School of Medicine
- Morgan State University
- Morris Brown College
- Morris College
- Mosaic Templars Cultural Center
- Mother African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- Motherland (2010 film)
- Motown
- Motown Productions
- Motown Records
- Moulin Rouge Hotel
- Mount Auburn Cemetery (Baltimore, Maryland)
- Mount Hermon Female Seminary (historical)
- Mount Moor African-American Cemetery
- Mount Oread
- MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians
- MPG: Motion Picture Genocide
- Mudsill theory
- Le Mulâtre
- Mulatto
- Mumbo Jumbo (novel)
- Muncy Abolition Riot of 1842
- Murder in Harlem
- The Murder of Fred Hampton
- Murray v. Pearson
- (List of) Museums focused on African Americans
- Mutiny on the Amistad: The Saga of a Slave Revolt and Its Impact on American Abolition, Law, and Diplomacy
- Mutual Black Network
- My Bondage and My Freedom
- My Nappy Roots: A Journey Through Black Hair-itage
- My Past Is My Own
- Mytown (organization)
- NAACP Image Awards
- NAACP in Kentucky
- NAACP Theatre Awards
- Nadir of American race relations
- Nansemond
- Nashville Convention
- Nashville sit-ins
- Nassau Plantation (Texas)
- Nasty C
- Nasty C discography
- Natchez Museum of African American History and Culture
- Nation of Islam
- National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum
- National Action Network
- National African American Archives and Museum
- National African American Leadership Summit
- National Afro-American Council
- National Afro-American League
- The National Alliance of Black School Educators
- National Anti-Slavery Standard
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Alabama
- National Association of Black Accountants
- The National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
- National Association of Black Journalists
- National Association for Black Veterans
- National Association of Colored Women
- National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
- National Black Antiwar Antidraft Union
- National Black Caucus of State Legislators
- National Black Chamber of Commerce
- National Black Child Developmental Institute
- National Black Family Reunion
- National Black Farmers Association
- National Black Feminist Organization
- National Black Law Students Association
- National Black MBA Association
- National Black Network
- National Black Nurses Association
- National Black Police Association (United States)
- National Black Republican Association
- National Black United Front
- National Black United Fund
- National Brotherhood of Workers of America
- National Center of Afro-American Artists
- National Civil Rights Museum
- National Coalition of 100 Black Women
- National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays
- National Colored Base Ball League
- National Conference of Black Lawyers
- National Council of Negro Women
- National Equal Rights League
- National Medical Association
- The National Memorial for Peace and Justice
- National Museum of African American History and Culture
- National Museum of African American Music
- National Negro Business League
- National Negro Committee
- National Negro Congress
- National Negro Labor Council
- National Organization of Black Women in Law Enforcement
- National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
- National Pan-Hellenic Council
- National Society of Black Engineers
- National Urban League
- National Youth Movement
- National Welfare Rights Organization
- Native Son
- Nat Turner's slave rebellion
- Negro
- Negro American League
- Negro Digest
- Negro Factories Corporation
- Negro Fort
- Negro league baseball
- The Negro Motorist Green Book
- Negro Mountain
- Negro National League (1920–1931)
- Negro National League (1933–1948)
- The Negro in the South
- The Negro Speaks of Rivers
- The Negro Star
- Negro World
- Neighborhoods
- Neo-soul
- The Network for Better Futures
- New Communities
- New England Anti-Slavery Society
- New England Emigrant Aid Company
- New Great Migration
- New Jack City
- New jack swing
- New Jersey Drive
- The Negro Soldier
- The New Jim Crow
- The New Negro
- New Orleans African American Museum
- New South
- New-York Central College
- New York Conspiracy of 1741
- New York Manumission Society
- Next Friday
- Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center
- Niagara Movement
- Nigga
- Nigger
- Niggertown Marsh
- Night Catches Us
- Nixon v. Condon
- Nixon v. Herndon
- Nkiru Center for Education and Culture
- No Crossover: The Trial of Allen Iverson
- No Way Out (1950 film)
- Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom
- Nora's Hair Salon
- Norbit
- Norfolk State University
- North Carolina A&T State University
- North Carolina Central University
- Northern Student Movement
- Norwood v. Harrison
- Nothin' 2 Lose
- Notorious (2009 film)
- The Notorious Elinor Lee
- Noyes Academy
- The Nutty Professor (1996 film)
- Oakville, Alabama
- Oakwood University
- Oberlin–Wellington Rescue
- Ocoee massacre
- Of One Blood (film)
- Olathe, Kansas
- Old City Cemetery (Lynchburg, Virginia)
- Old West Baltimore Historic District
- Ol' Man River
- Omaha Star
- Omega Psi Phi
- Once Upon a Time...When We Were Colored
- One-drop rule
- One More River to Cross
- One People's Project
- Oneida Institute
- Opportunity (journal)
- Orangeburg massacre
- The Organization (film)
- Organization of Afro-American Unity
- Original 33
- Origins of the American Civil War
- Origins of the blues
- Origins of rock and roll
- Ostend Manifesto
- Othermother
- Oui Be Negroes
- Our Nig
- Out-of-Sync
- The Outsider (Wright novel)
- Pacific Movement of the Eastern World
- The Pact (2008 film)
- Paine College
- Pan-African colors
- Pan-African flag
- Pan-Africanism
- Pan-African Film Festival
- Paper bag party
- Paradise (Morrison novel)
- Paradise Park, Florida
- Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1
- Paris Blues
- Partus sequitur ventrem
- Passing (racial identity)
- Passing Strange (musical)
- A Patch of Blue
- Patting juba
- Paul Mooney: Analyzing White America
- Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist
- Paul Quinn College
- PeaceOUT World Homo Hop Festival
- Pearl incident
- Peculiar institution
- Peg Leg Joe
- Pennsylvania Abolition Society
- Peoples Temple
- The Perfect Holiday
- Perry race riot
- Personal liberty laws
- Person of color
- Peters-Graham House
- Petition of Free Negroes
- Phat Beach
- Phemza The Kween
- Philander Smith College
- Philipsburg Proclamation
- Philosophia Africana
- Phylon
- Pick Up the Mic
- A Piece of the Action (film)
- Piedmont Sanatorium
- Pinkster
- Pioneers of African-American Cinema
- Pipe Dreams (1976 film)
- Piscataway v. Taxman
- Plantocracy
- Playhouse Theatre (Seattle)
- Political hip hop
- Political views of Paul Robeson
- Polly (1989 film)
- Pomo Afro Homos
- Porgy and Bess
- Porgy and Bess (film)
- The Portal (community center)
- Port Chicago disaster
- Portrayal of black people in comics
- Port Royal Experiment
- Post-blackness
- Post-bop
- Post–Civil Rights Era African-American history
- Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing
- Pottawatomie massacre
- Pottawatomie Rifles
- Pound Cake speech
- Powell v. Alabama
- Prairie Mission
- Prairie View A&M University
- Prayer kettle
- Preacher's Kid (film)
- The Preacher's Wife
- Premium (film)
- President's Committee on Civil Rights
- Pressure Point (1982 film)
- Pride (2007 film)
- Princess Tam Tam
- Progressive Black & Journalists (PB&J)
- Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America
- Project 21
- Project Brotherhood
- Proslavery
- Provisional Constitution (John Brown)
- Pullman Company
- Punks (film)
- Purlie
- Purple drank
- Race & Class
- Race and crime in the United States
- Race and ethnicity in the NBA
- Race and ethnicity in the United States Census
- Race movie
- Race record
- Racial integration
- Racial Integrity Act of 1924
- Racial liberalism era
- Racial segregation
- Racial segregation in Atlanta
- Racial segregation in the United States
- Racial steering
- Category:Racially motivated violence against African Americans
- Racism in the United States
- Raid at Combahee Ferry
- Racism in the United States
- A Rage in Harlem (film)
- Ragtime
- Ragtime (musical)
- Raid at Combahee Ferry
- Rainbow Coalition (Fred Hampton)
- Rainbow/PUSH
- The Rainbow Sign
- Raisin (musical)
- A Raisin in the Sun
- A Raisin in the Sun (1961 film)
- A Raisin in the Sun (2008 film)
- Rapping
- Rawdon Street Methodist Church
- Ray (film)
- Rebecca's Revival
- Recitatif
- Red Ball Express
- Redbone (ethnicity)
- Red Summer of 1919
- Red Tail Project
- Red Tail Reborn
- Regional Council of Negro Leadership
- Religion of Black Americans
- Rent party
- Reparations for slavery
- Representation of African Americans in media
- Representations of African Americans in movies
- Republic of Maryland
- Republic of New Afrika
- Research on the African-American Family
- Resignation of Shirley Sherrod
- Restrictive covenant
- Reverse freedom rides
- Reverse Underground Railroad
- Revolution '67
- Revolutionary integrationism
- Rhythm and blues
- Ride (1998 film)
- Ride with the Devil (film)
- The Rights of All
- Right Place, Wrong Time (film)
- Ring shout
- River Road African American Museum
- Rivers Wash Over Me
- Riverside School (Elkins, West Virginia)
- Rize (film)
- Roanoke Island
- Roger Williams College (Historical)
- Roll Bounce
- Roots: The Saga of an American Family
- Rosenwald Schools
- Rosewood massacre
- Rough Crossings
- Roxbury Film Festival
- Rubyfruit Jungle
- Rufus Jones for President
- Runaway slave
- Runyon v. McCrary
- Rust College
- Sacking of Lawrence
- Sagging (fashion)
- Saint Paul's College
- The Salon (film)
- Salsa Soul Sisters
- Salute (2008 film)
- Sambo (racial term)
- Sampling (music)
- Samuel Osgood House
- Sanankuya
- Sanford and Son
- Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company
- Savannah State University
- Scat singing
- School Daze
- Scottsboro Boys
- The Scottsboro Boys (musical)
- S-Curl
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
- Second Great Migration (African American)
- Second line (parades)
- The Secret of Selling the Negro Market
- Secret Six
- Seddity
- Segregated prom
- Selma University
- Separate Car Act
- Sepia Cinderella
- Set de flo'
- Seventeen Again
- Sexual slavery
- Shaw University
- Shelton State Community College
- Sherman's Special Field Orders, No. 15
- She's Gotta Have It
- Shields Green
- Shotgun house
- Show Boat
- Show Boat (1929 film)
- Show Boat (1936 film)
- Show Boat (1951 film)
- Show Boat (novel)
- Showtime at the Apollo
- Showtime Steppers
- Shuckin' and jivin'
- Shuffle Along
- Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham
- Siege of Charleston Union order of battle
- Sierra Leone Company
- (List of) singers
- Signifyin'
- Signifying monkey
- Silent Parade
- Sit-in
- Sister Wife
- Skirmish at Island Mound
- The Ski Trip
- Slater Fund
- 1733 slave insurrection on St. John
- 1842 Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation
- Slave breeding in the United States
- The Slave Community
- Slave and free states
- The Slave's Friend
- Slave health on American plantations
- Slave insurance in the United States
- Slave name
- Slave narrative
- Slave patrol
- Slave Power
- Slave rebellion
- Slave Trade Act of 1794
- Slavery
- Slavery and the Making of America
- Slaveryinamerica
- Slavery among Native Americans in the United States
- Slavery during the American Civil War
- Slavery in the colonial United States
- Slavery in the United States
- Slow drag (dance)
- Slow jam
- Smalls Paradise
- Smith v. Allwright
- Smith's Fly Boys
- Smooth jazz
- Snap music
- Snow Hill Site
- Snow on tha Bluff
- Society for the Prevention of Calling Sleeping Car Porters "George"
- "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child"
- Songs of the Underground Railroad
- Song of Solomon (novel)
- Songs of My People
- A Son of Satan
- Sons of Haiti
- Soul!
- Soul food
- Soul Food (film)
- Soul jazz
- Soul music
- Soul of the Game
- Soul Plane
- Soul Train
- Soundtrack for a Revolution
- South Carolina State University
- Southern Claims Commission
- South Pacific (musical)
- Southern University at New Orleans
- Southern University at Shreveport
- Southern University and A&M College
- Southwestern Christian College
- Space Jam
- Sparkle (2012 film)
- Speed-Dating
- Spelman College
- Spingarn Medal
- The Spirit Moves
- Spiritual (music)
- Spoken word
- The Spook Who Sat by the Door (film)
- The Spook Who Sat by the Door (novel)
- "Stagger Lee" (song)
- The Star of Ethiopia
- State of the Black Union
- St. Augustine's University
- Stepping (African-American)
- Steppin: The Movie
- Stereotypes of African Americans
- Stick dance (African-American)
- Still I Rise: A Cartoon History of African Americans
- Stillman College
- St. Mary's Beneficial Society Hall (Upper Marlboro, Maryland)
- St. Mary's Honor Ctr. v. Hicks
- Stomp the Yard
- Stono Rebellion
- Storer College (Historical)
- Storytelling
- St. Philip's College (United States)
- "Strange Fruit"
- Strapped
- Street Fight (film)
- Stride piano
- Strivers' Row
- (List of black) superheroes
- Student African American Brotherhood
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- The Sugar Babies
- Sugar Chile Robinson, Billie Holiday, Count Basie and His Sextet
- Sula (novel)
- Sundown town
- Superspade
- Supreme Team (gang)
- Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
- Sweet Honey in the Rock: Raise Your Voice
- Sweet sorghum
- Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
- Swing!
- "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"
- Swing (jazz performance style)
- Swing music
- Take a Giant Step
- Take This Hammer (film)
- The talk (racism in the United States)
- Talladega College
- Tallahassee bus boycott
- The Talented Tenth
- Talkin' Dirty After Dark
- Tantiusques
- Tap dance
- Tar baby
- Tar Baby (novel)
- Tennessee State University
- Texas College
- Texas Slavery Project
- Texas Southern University
- That's Black Entertainment
- Their Eyes Were Watching God
- They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!
- Thicker than Water (1999 film)
- A Thin Line Between Love and Hate
- Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- This Christmas (film)
- This Bridge Called My Back
- This Is the Life (2008 film)
- Three Can Play That Game
- Three-Fifths Compromise
- Thurgood Marshall College Fund
- Timeline of African-American history
- Timeline of the civil rights movement
- Timeline of racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska
- Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery
- Tobacco marketing and African Americans
- Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680–1800
- Tongues Untied
- Topeka Constitution
- To Sir, with Love
- Tougaloo College
- Traci Townsend
- Tradition Is a Temple
- Traditional black gospel
- Transition Magazine
- Trash talk
- A Treatise on the Patriarchal, or Co-operative System of Society
- Treatment of the enslaved in the United States
- Treemonisha
- Trenholm State Technical College
- Tresillo (rhythm)
- Triple oppression
- Trippin' (film)
- Trois
- Tulsa race riot
- Tuskegee & Its People
- Tuskegee Airmen
- The Tuskegee Airmen
- Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site
- Tuskegee University
- Tutnese
- Twelfth Street YMCA Building
- Twelve Years a Slave
- Tyson (1995 film)
- Uncle Jasper's Will
- Uncle Remus
- Uncle Tom
- Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Underground Railroad
- United Negro College Fund
- United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God, Incorporated
- United States National Slavery Museum
- United States v. The Amistad
- United States v. Cruikshank
- United States Colored Troops
- (List of) United States Colored Troops Civil War units
- (List of) U.S. communities with African-American majority populations
- (List of) U.S. counties with African American majority populations
- (List of) U.S. metropolitan areas with large African-American populations
- United States v. Johnson (1968)
- United States v. Montgomery County Board of Education
- Unity Day (Philadelphia)
- Unity Fellowship Church Movement
- Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League
- Up from Slavery
- Uptown Saturday Night
- Uptown Theater (Philadelphia)
- Urban Bush Women
- Urban contemporary music
- Urban contemporary gospel
- Urban fiction
- The urbanization of blacks in America
- US Organization
- USS Kitty Hawk riot
- USS PC-1264
- Vanguard Justice Society
- Veiled Aristocrats
- (List of black) video game characters
- The Virgin of the Seminole
- University of the Virgin Islands
- Virginia State University
- Virginia Union University
- Virginia University of Lynchburg
- The Voice of the Negro
- Voorhees College
- Voter Education Project
- Voting Rights Act
- Voting rights in the United States
- Vogue (dance)
- Wages of Sin (1929 film)
- Waist Deep
- Waiting to Exhale
- Walkaround
- The Wanderer (slave ship)
- A Warm December
- Fenwick Henri Watkins
- Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust
- Watts Riots
- "The Weary Blues"
- Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
- We-Sorts
- West Indian American
- West Coast hip hop
- West Oakland, Oakland, California
- West Virginia State University
- Western University (Kansas) (Historical)
- Weyanoke, Virginia
- What's Love Got to Do with It (film)
- When Men Betray (1929 film)
- The White Negro
- Whiteface (performance)
- White guilt
- Who's the Man?
- Who's Your Caddy?
- Why Did I Get Married Too?
- Why Did I Get Married?
- Why Do Fools Fall in Love (film)
- Why I Hate Abercrombie and Fitch
- Why We Bang
- Wigger
- Wilberforce University
- Wiley College
- Wilfandel
- William Lynch speech
- Williams v. Mississippi
- William and Mary Hosmer House
- William E. Harmon Foundation award for distinguished achievement among Negroes
- Winks Panorama
- Winston-Salem State University
- With or Without You (2003 film)
- The Wiz
- The Wiz (film)
- Wolf ticket
- A Woman Called Moses
- Womanist theology
- Women of Color Policy Network
- Women's Political Council
- Woo (film)
- The Wood
- Working With the Hands
- Work song
- Wyandotte Constitution
- McKinnon, Jesse. "The Black Population: 2000 United States Census Bureau" (PDF). United States Census Bureau. Retrieved October 22, 2007.
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