
Hakken (sometimes Hakkûh) is a form of rave dance originating from the Dutch hardcore and gabber scene.[1][2] The dance is very similar to earlier European folk dance and is thought to be a sub form of zapateo with less airborne moves (unlike jumpstyle, for example, which features the "drunken sailor" style of jazz dance and high kicks). Music one is able to do the dance to is also called hakmuziek. The name is derived from the Dutch verb hakken which means chopping, or hacking, or refers the heels of the feet.

A gabber performing hakken
GenreRave dance

In Australia, the dance is mainly referred to as gabber (noun) or gabbering (verb), named after the gabber subgenre of hardcore it is performed to. Despite the fact that it is called gabber, it is usually performed to music of the rawstyle and frenchcore genre by most ravers in Australia.

The dance consists of small steps that quickly follow each other to the rhythm of the bass drum.[3] The lower body (down from the pelvis) is the most important part, though it is not unusual to move the arms and torso too. Because one is supposed to keep up to the beat of the song, the dance is usually done fairly quickly, since the BPM of this music style can easily reach 190 BPM.[4][5]


  1. De Telegraaf (5 December 2014). "10 jaar Pandemonium: 'Hardcore, hakken én gezelligheid'". De Telegraaf (in Dutch). Telegraaf Media Groep. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  2. Mark van Bergen (September 2013). Dutch Dance (in Dutch). Xander Uitgevers B.V. p. 272. ISBN 978-9-4016-0115-3. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  3. Balli, Riccardo (2014). "How to Cure a Gabba". Dancecult. Retrieved 1 August 2015.
  4. Frank van Gemert; Dana Peterson; Inger-Lise Lien (1 September 2008). Street Gangs, Migration & Ethnicity. Willan Publishing. p. 304. ISBN 978-1-84392-397-8. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  5. Ronald Hitzler; Michaela Pfadenhauer (2001). Techno-Soziologie: Erkundungen einer Jugendkultur (in German). Leske und Budrich. p. 400. ISBN 978-3-8100-2663-7. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
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