Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay

The Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay (Spanish Premio Goya al mejor guión adaptado) is one of the Goya Awards, Spain's principal national film awards.

Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay
Awarded forBest Adapted Screenplay
Presented byAcademy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Spain (AACCE)
Currently held byFran Araújo, Isa Campo, Isaki Lacuesta
One Year, One Night (2022)

For the first two editions of the Goya Awards, only one award for screenplays was presented which included both original and adapted screenplays, with both winners being adaptations, Voyage to Nowhere in 1986 (based on the novel of the same name by Fernando Fernán Gómez) and El Bosque animado (based on the eponymous novel by Wenceslao Fernández Flórez) in 1987. Since the third edition, two awards are presented separately, Best Original Screenplay and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Rafael Azcona has received this award four times, more than any other nominee, winning for ¡Ay Carmela! (1990) with Carlos Saura, Banderas, the Tyrant (1993) with José Luis García Sánchez, Butterfly's Tongue (1999) with Manuel Rivas and José Luis Cuerda and The Blind Sunflowers (2008) with José Luis Cuerda.

Winners and nominees


Best Screenplay
Year English title Original title Recipient(s)
Voyage to NowhereEl viaje a ninguna parteFernando Fernán Gómez
Dear NannyTata míaJosé Luis Borau
Mambru Went to WarMambrú se fue a la guerraFernando Fernán Gómez
1987El bosque animadoRafael Azcona
La guerra de los locosManolo Matji
Moros y cristianosLuis García Berlanga and Rafael Azcona
Best Adapted Screenplay
Year English title Original title Recipient(s) Source material
1988JarrapellejosManuel Gutiérrez Aragón and Antonio Giménez-RicoThe novel of the same name by Felipe Trigo
El túnelAntonio Drove, Carlos A. Cornejo and José A. MahieuThe novel of the same name by Ernesto Sabato
El placer de matarFélix RotaetaThe novel Las pistolas by Félix Rotaeta
Scent of a CrimeEl aire de un crimenAntonio Isasi-Isasmendi, Gabriel Castro and Jorge R. del ÁlamoThe novel of the same name by Juan Benet
El Lute II: Tomorrow I'll be FreeEl Lute II: mañana seré libreVicente Aranda, Joaquim Jordà and Eleuterio SánchezThe memoir Camina o revienta by Eleuterio Sánchez
1989Twisted ObsessionEl sueño del mono locoFernando Trueba, Manuel Matji and Menno MeyjesThe novel Le rêve du singe fou by Christopher Frank
The Sea and the WeatherEl mar y el vientoFernando Fernán GómezThe novel of the same name by Fernando Fernán Gómez
Bajarse al moroJosé Luis Alonso de Santos, Joaquín Oristrell and Fernando ColomoThe play of the same name by José Luis Alonso de Santos
EsquilacheJosefina Molina, Joaquín Oristrell and José SámanoThe play Un Soñador para un Pueblo by Antonio Buero Vallejo
If They Tell You I FellSi te dicen que caíVicente ArandaThe novel Si te dicen que caí by Juan Marsé


Year English title Original title Recipient(s) Source material
1990¡Ay Carmela!Carlos Saura and Rafael AzconaThe play of the same name by José Sanchis Sinisterra
The Ages of LuluLas edades de LulúBigas Luna and Almudena GrandesThe novel Las edades de Lulú by Almudena Grandes
La sombra del ciprés es alargadaLuis AlcorizaThe novel of the same name by Miguel Delibes
1991The Dumbfounded KingEl rey pasmadoJuan Potau and Gonzalo Torrente MalvidoThe novel Crónica del rey pasmado by Gonzalo Torrente Malvido
Cómo ser mujer y no morir en el intentoCarmen Rico GodoyThe novel of the same name by Carmen Rico Godoy
Prince of ShadowsBeltenebrosMario Camus, Pilar Miró and Juan Antonio PortoThe novel Beltenebros by Antonio Muñoz Molina
1992The Fencing MasterEl maestro de esgrimaFrancisco Prada, Antonio Larreta, Pedro Olea and Arturo Pérez-ReverteThe novel El maestro de esgrima by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Yo me bajo en la próxima, ¿y usted?Adolfo MarsillachThe novel of the same name by Adolfo Marsillach
The Greek LabyrinthEl laberinto griegoRafael Alcázar and Manuel Vázquez MontalbánThe novel of the same name by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
1993Banderas, the TyrantTirano BanderasJosé Luis García Sánchez and Rafael AzconaThe novel of the same name by Ramón María del Valle-Inclán
La febre d'orGuillem-Jordi Graells and Gonzalo HerraldeThe novel of the same name by Narcís Oller
The Bilingual LoverEl amante bilingüeVicente ArandaThe novel of the same name by Juan Marsé
1994Running Out of TimeDías contadosImanol UribeThe novel of the same name by Juan Madrid
Cradle SongCanción de cunaJosé Luis Garci and Gregorio Martínez SierraThe play Canción de cuna by Gregorio Martínez Sierra
The Turkish PassionLa pasión turcaVicente ArandaThe novel La pasión turca by Antonio Gala
1996Stories from the KronenHistorias del KronenMontxo Armendáriz and José Ángel MañasLa novela Historias del Kronen by José Ángel Mañas
El Palomo cojoJaime de ArmiñánThe novel of the same name by Eduardo Mendicutti
El perquè de tot plegatVentura PonsThe novel of the same name by Quim Monzó
11996The Dog in the MangerEl perro del hortelanoPilar Miró and Rafael Pérez SierraThe play of the same name by Lope de Vega
Beyond the GardenMás allá del jardínMario CamusThe novel Más allá del jardín by Antonio Gala
Tramway to MalvarrosaTranvía a la MalvarrosaRafael Azcona and José Luis García SánchezThe novel of the same name by Manuel Vicent
The Chambermaid on the TitanicLa camarera del TitanicBigas Luna and Cuca CanalsThe novel La Femme de chambre du Titanic by Didier Decoin
ActriusVentura Pons and Josep Maria BenetThe play E.R. by Josep Maria Benet
BackroadsCarreteras secundariasIgnacio Martínez de PisónThe novel of the same name by Ignacio Martínez de Pisón
MensakaMensaka, páginas de una historiaLuis MaríasThe novel of the same name by José Ángel Mañas
The GrandfatherEl abueloJosé Luis Garci and Horacio ValcárcelThe novel El abuelo by Benito Pérez Galdós
The Stolen YearsLos años bárbarosFernando Colomo, José Ángel Esteban, Carlos López and Nicolás Sánchez-AlbornozThe novel Otros hombres by Manuel Lamana
MararíaAntonio Betancor and Carlos ÁlvarezThe novel of the same name by Rafael Arozarena
Butterfly's TongueLa lengua de las mariposasRafael Azcona, Manuel Rivas and José Luis CuerdaThe short stories "A lingua das bolboretas", "Un saxo na néboa" and "Carmiña" from the book Que me queres, amor? by Manuel Rivas
Beloved/FriendAmic/AmatJosep Maria BenetThe play Testamento by Josep Maria Benet
No One Writes to the ColonelEl coronel no tiene quien le escribaPaz Alicia GarciadiegoThe novella El coronel no tiene quien le escriba by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Manolito GafotasMiguel Albaladejo and Elvira LindoThe novel of the same name by Elvira Lindo


Year English title Original title Recipient(s) Source material
Lázaro de TormesFernando Fernán GómezThe novella Lazarillo de Tormes by an anonymous author
The GoalkeeperEl porteroManuel Hidalgo and Gonzalo SuárezThe short story of the same name by Manuel Hidalgo
The Other SideEl otro barrioSalvador García RuizThe novel of the same name by Elvira Lindo
Nico and DaniKrámpackCesc Gay and Tomàs AragayThe play Krámpack by Jordi Sánchez Zaragoza
SavagesSalvajesJorge Juan Martínez, Juan Carlos Molinero, Clara Pérez Escrivá and Lola Salvador MaldonadoThe play of the same name by José Luis Alonso de Santos
Anita Takes a ChanceAnita no pierde el trenVentura Pons and Lluís-Anton BaulenasThe short story Bones obres by Lluís-Anton Baulenas
L'illa de l'holandèsSigfrid Monleón, Ferran Torrent, Dominic Harari and Teresa de PelegríThe novel of the same name by Ferran Torrent
Sound of the SeaSon de marRafael AzconaThe novel Son de mar by Manuel Vicent
Common GroundLugares comunesAdolfo Aristarain and Kathy SaavedraThe novel El renacimiento by Lorenzo F. Aristarain
Don Quixote, Knight ErrantEl caballero Don QuijoteManuel Gutiérrez AragónThe second part of the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
The Shanghai SpellEl embrujo de ShanghaiFernando TruebaThe novella Elembrujo de Shanghai by Juan Marsé
You'll Be BackVolverásAntonio ChavarríasThe novel Un enano español se suicida en Las Vegasby Francisco Casavella
My Life Without MeMi vida sin míIsabel CoixetThe short story collection Pretending the Bed is a Raft by Nanci Kincaid
The Weakness of the BolshevikLa flaqueza del bolcheviqueManuel Martín Cuenca and Lorenzo SilvaThe novel of the same name by Lorenzo Silva
The End of a MysteryLa luz prodigiosaFernando MaríasThe novel La luz prodigiosa by Fernando Marías
Soldiers of SalaminaLos soldados de SalaminaDavid TruebaThe book Soldados de Salamina by Javier Cercas
The Motorcycle DiariesDiarios de motocicletaJosé RiveraThe memoir Diarios de motocicleta by Che Guevara
The Year of the FloodEl año del diluvioJaime Chávarri and Eduardo MendozaThe novel of the same name by Eduardo Mendoza
Don't MoveNon ti muovereMargaret Mazzantini and Sergio CastellittoThe novel Non ti muovere by Margaret Mazzantini
Voices in the NightLas voces de la nocheSalvador García RuizThe novel Le voci della sera by Natalia Ginzburg
The MethodEl métodoMarcelo Piñeyro and Mateo GilThe play El mètode Grönholm by Jordi Galceran
NinetteJosé Luis Garci and Horacio ValcárcelThe plays Ninette y un señor de Murcia and Ninette, modas de París by Miguel Mihura
ObabaMontxo ArmendárizThe novel Obabakoak by Bernardo Atxaga
The Longest Penalty Shot in the WorldEl penalti más largo del mundoRoberto SantiagoThe short story El penalti más largo del mundo by Osvaldo Soriano
Salvador (Puig Antich)Lluís ArcarazoThe book Compte enrere. La història de Salvador Puig Antich by Francesc Escribano
AlatristeAgustín Díaz YanesThe series of novels Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Summer RainEl camino de los inglesesAntonio SolerThe novel El camino de los ingleses by Antonio Soler
The Education of FairiesLa educación de las hadasJosé Luis CuerdaThe novel L'éducation d'une fée by Didier van Cauwelaert
Under the StarsBajo las estrellasFélix ViscarretThe novel El trompetista del Utopía by Fernando Aramburu
Barcelona (un mapa)Ventura PonsThe play Barcelona, mapa de sombras by Lluïsa Cunillé
La carta esféricaImanol UribeThe novel of the same name by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
ModestyPudorTristán UlloaThe novel of the same name by Santiago Roncagliolo
La zonaLaura SantulloThe short story of the same name from the book El otro lado by Laura Santullo
The Blind SunflowersLos girasoles ciegosRafael Azcona and José Luis CuerdaThe Los girasoles ciegos by Alberto Méndez
Che: The ArgentineChe: el argentinoPeter BuchmanThe writings Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria and Diario del Che en Bolivia by Che Guevara
The Oxford MurdersThe crímenes de OxfordJorge Guerricaechevarria and Álex de la IglesiaThe novel Crímenes imperceptibles by Guillermo Martínez
One Word from YouUna palabra tuyaÁngeles González-SindeThe novel of the same name by Elvira Lindo
Cell 211Celda 211Jorge Guerricaechevarría and Daniel MonzónThe novel Celda 211 by Francisco Pérez Gandul
The Dancer and the ThiefEl baile de la VictoriaFernando Trueba, Antonio Skármeta and Jonás TruebaThe novel El baile de la Victoria by Antonio Skármeta
El cónsul de SodomaJoaquín Górriz, Miguel Dalmau, Sigfrid Monleón and Miguel Ángel FernándezThe biography Jaime Gil de Biedma by Miguel Dalmau
The Secret in Their EyesEl secreto de sus ojosJuan José Campanella and Eduardo SacheriThe novel La pregunta de sus ojos by Eduardo Sacheri


Year English title Original title Recipient(s) Source material
Black BreadPa negre (Pan negro)Agustí VillarongaThe novel Pa negre by Emili Teixidor
Elisa KJordi CadenaThe novel Elisa Kiseljak by Lolita Bosch
Room in RomeHabitación en RomaJulio MedemThe screenplay from the movie In Bed by Julio Rojas
Three Steps Above HeavenTres metros sobre el cieloRamón SalazarThe novel Tres metros sobre el cielo by Federico Moccia
WrinklesArrugasÁngel de la Cruz, Ignacio Ferreras, Paco Roca and Rosanna CecchiniThe comic book Arrugas by Paco Roca
The Skin I Live InLa piel que habitoPedro AlmodóvarThe novel Mygale by Thierry Jonquet
Kathmandu LullabyKatmandú, un espejo en el cieloIcíar BollaínThe autobiography Una maestra en Katmandú by Vicki Sherpa
The Sleeping VoiceLa voz dormidaIgnacio del Moral and Benito ZambranoThe novel La voz dormida by Dulce Chacón
Tad, The Lost ExplorerLas aventuras de Tadeo JonesJavier Barreira, Gorka Magallón, Ignacio del Moral, Jordi Gasull and Neil LandauThe graphic novel Tadeo Jones y el secreto de Toactlum by Javier Barreira, Gorka Magallón, and Enrique Gato
The EndFinSergio G. Sánchez and Jorge GuerricaechevarríaThe novel Fin by David Monteagudo
Tengo ganas de tiRamón SalazarThe novel of the same name by Federico Moccia
All Is SilenceTodo es silencioManuel RivasThe novel of the same name by Manuel Rivas
InvaderInvasorJavier Gullón and Jorge ArenillasThe novel of the same name by Fernando Marías
All the WomenTodas las mujeresAlejandro Hernández and Mariano BarrosoThe television series of the same name by Mariano Barroso
Scorpion in LoveAlacrán enamoradoCarlos Bardem and Santiago A. ZannouThe novel Alacrán enamorado by Carlos Bardem
CannibalCaníbalManuel Martín Cuenca and Alejandro HernándezThe novel Caníbal by Humberto Arenal
Zip & Zap and the Marble GangZipi y Zape y el club de la canicaJorge Lara and Francisco RoncalThe comic book series Zipi y Zape by José Escobar Saliente
Mortadelo and Filemon: Mission ImplausibleMortadelo y Filemón contra Jimmy el CachondoJavier Fesser, Claro García and Cristóbal RuizThe comic series Mortadelo y Filemón by Ibañez
A esmorgaCarlos Asorey and Ignacio VilarThe novel of the same name by Eduardo Blanco Amor
Anochece en la IndiaChema Rodríguez, David Planell and Pablo BurguésThe novel Anochece en Katmandú by Chema Rodríguez
Traces of SandalwoodRastres de sàndalAnna Soler-PontThe novel of the same name by Anna Soler-Pont and Asha Miró
A Perfect DayUn día perfectoFernando León de AranoaThe novel Dejarse Llover by Paula Farias
B, la películaDavid IlundainThe play Ruz-Bárcenas by Jordi Casanovas
The King of HavanaEl rey de La HabanaAgustí VillarongaThe novel of the same name by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez
The BrideLa noviaPaula Ortiz and Javier García ArredondoThe play Bodas de sangre by Federico García Lorca
Smoke & MirrorsEl hombre de las mil carasAlberto Rodríguez and Rafael CobosThe book Paesa, el espía de las mil caras by Manuel Cerdán
JulietaPedro AlmodóvarThe short stories "Chance", "Silence" and "Soon" from the book Runaway by Alice Munro
Kiki, Love to LoveKiki, el amor se hacePaco León and Fernando PérezThe film The Little Death by Josh Lawson
A Monster CallsUn monstruo viene a vermePatrick NessThe novel of the same name by Patrick Ness
The BookshopLa libreríaIsabel CoixetThe novel of the same name by Penelope Fitzgerald
The MotiveEl autorManuel Martín Cuenca and Alejandro HernándezThe novel El móvil by Javier Cercas
Uncertain GloryAgustí Villaronga and Coral CruzThe novel of the same name by Joan Sales
Holy Camp!La llamadaJavier Ambrossi and Javier CalvoThe musical La llamada by Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo
A Twelve-Year NightLa noche de 12 añosÁlvaro BrechnerThe book Memorias del calabozo by Mauricio Rosencof and Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro
JefeMarta Sofía Martíns and Natxo López
SuperlópezBorja Cobeaga and Diego San JoséThe comic series of the same name by Jan
Yuli: The Carlos Acosta StoryYuliPaul LavertyThe autobiography No Way Home by Carlos Acosta
Out in the OpenIntemperieBenito Zambrano, Daniel Remón and Pablo RemónThe novel of the same name by Jesús Carrasco
Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the TurtlesBuñuel en el laberinto de las tortugasEligio R. Montero and Salvador SimóThe graphic novel Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas by Fermín Solís
MotherMadreIsabel Peña and Rodrigo SorogoyenThe short film Madre by Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Advantages of Travelling by TrainVentajas de viajar en trenJavier GullónThe novel of the same name by Antonio Orejudo


Year English title Original title Recipient(s) Source material
Ane Is MissingAneDavid Pérez Sañudo and Marina Parés PulidoThe short film of the same name by David Pérez Sañudo
The People UpstairsSentimentalCesc GayThe play Los vecinos de arriba by Cesc Gay
The EuropeansLos europeosBernardo Sánchez and Marta Libertad CastilloThe novel Los europeos by Rafael Azcona
Unknown OriginsOrígenes secretosDavid Galán Galindo and Fernando NavarroThe novel Orígenes Secretos by David Galán Galindo
OutlawsLas leyes de la fronteraDaniel Monzón, Jorge GuerricaechevarríaThe novel Las leyes de la frontera by Javier Cercas
AmaJúlia de Paz Solvas, Núria Dunjó LópezThe short film of the same name by Júlia de la Paz
The Belly of the SeaEl vientre del marAgustí VillarongaThe novel Ocean Sea by Alessandro Baricco
Lemon and Poppy Seed CakePan de limón con semillas de amapolaBenito Zambrano, Cristina CamposThe novel of the same name by Cristina Campos
One Year, One NightUn año, una nocheFran Araújo, Isa Campo, Isaki LacuestaThe book Paz, amor y death metal by Ramón González
PiggyCerditaCarlota PeredaThe short film of the same name by Carlota Pereda
IratiPaul Urkijo AlijoThe book El ciclo de Irati by J. L. Landa and J. Muñoz
God's Crooked LinesLos renglones torcidos de DiosGuillem Clua, Oriol PauloThe novel Los renglones torcidos de Dios by Torcuato Luca de Tena
Staring at StrangersNo mires a los ojosDavid Muñoz, Félix ViscarretThe play Desde las sombras by Juan José Millás


  1. "El viaje a ninguna parte". Premios Goya (in Spanish). Retrieved December 16, 2017.
  2. B. Montañés, Jorge; Izeddin, Daniel. "El viaje a ninguna parte: homenaje a los cómicos". El Mundo (in Spanish). Retrieved December 16, 2017.
  3. Valero Martínez, Tomás. "El viaje a ninguna parte" (PDF) (in Spanish). CineHistoria. ISSN 2385-4197. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  4. "'La librería' de Isabel Coixet. Goya 2018 a Mejor guión adaptado". Radiotelevisión Española (in Spanish). February 4, 2018. Retrieved February 5, 2018.
  5. "Isabel Coixet gana el Goya al mejor guion adaptado por 'La librería'". El Economista (in Spanish). EcoDiario. February 3, 2018. Retrieved February 5, 2018.
  6. "Premios Goya 2019: lista completa de ganadores". eldiario.es (in Spanish). February 4, 2019. Retrieved February 4, 2019.
  7. Zas Marcos, Mónica. "Dolor para Amenábar y gloria para Almodóvar en unos Goya 2020 que ignoraron a su niño mimado". eldiario.es. Retrieved 26 January 2020.
  8. "Premios Goya 2021: consulta aquí la lista completa de ganadores". eldiario.es (in Spanish). Retrieved March 7, 2021.
  9. "'El buen patrón' bate el récord histórico de los Goya con 20 nominaciones". RTVE (in Spanish). Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  10. "Nominaciones a los Premios Goya 2023, en directo: estos son los nominados". El Confidencial (in Spanish). 1 December 2022. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
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