Golden Rooster Award for Best Picture

The Golden Rooster Award for Best Picture is an award given to the best film at the Golden Rooster Awards.

Golden Rooster Awards
for Best Picture
Awarded forBest Picture of the year
Presented by
First awarded1981
Last awarded2023
Winner (2022)The Battle at Lake Changjin
WebsiteGolden Rooster Awards

Award winners

CeremonyYearTitleChinese TitleDirector
1st1981Evening Rain巴山夜雨Wu Yonggang,
Wu Yigong
Legend of Tianyun Mountain天云山传奇Xie Jin
2nd1982Neighbor邻居Xu Guming,
Zheng Dongtian
3rd1983Rickshaw Boy骆驼祥子Ling Zifeng
At Middle Age人到中年Wang Qimin
4th1984Voice from Hometown乡音Hu Bingdang
5th1985The Girl in Red红衣少女Lu Xiaoya
6th1986Wild Mountains野山Yan Xueshu
7th1987Dr. Sun Yat-sen孙中山Ding Yinnan
Hibiscus Town芙蓉镇Xie Jin
8th1988Red Sorghum红高梁Zhang Yimou
Old Well老井Wu Tianming
9th1989not awarded
10th1990Founding Ceremony开国大典Li Qiankuan,
Xiao Guiyun
11th1991Jiao Yulu焦裕禄Wang Jixing
12th1992Decisive Engagement: The Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign大决战Li Jun
13th1993The Story of Qiu Ju秋菊打官司Zhang Yimou
14th1994Country Teachers凤凰琴He Qun
15th1995The Accused Uncle Shangang被告山杠爷Fan Yuan
16th1996Red Cherry红樱桃Ye Daying
17th1997The Opium War鸦片战争Xie Jin
18th1998Live in Peace安居Hu Bingliu
19th1999Postmen in the Mountains那山那狗那人Huo Jianqi
20th2000The Road Home我的父亲母亲Zhang Yimou
Roaring Across the Horizon横空出世Chen Guoxing
Fatal Decision生死抉择Yu Benzheng
21st2001Mao Zedong, 1925毛泽东在1925Zhang Jinbiao
22nd2002Pretty Big Feet美丽的大脚Yang Yazhou
Charging Out Amazon冲出亚马逊Song Yaming
23rd2003The River Wild惊涛骇浪Qu Junjie
NuanHuo Jianqi
24th2004Shanghai Story美丽上海Peng Xiaolian
25th2005On the Mountain of Tai Hang太行山上Wei Lian
Shen Dong
Chen Jian
Kekexili: Mountain Patrol可可西里Lu Chuan
The Knot云水谣Yin Li
Assembly集结号Feng Xiaogang
Forever Enthralled梅兰芳Chen Kaige
Shenzhou 11飞天Shen Dong
American Dreams in China中国合伙人Peter Chan Ho-sun
The Story of Zhou Enlai周恩来的四个昼夜Chen Li
Wolf Totem狼图腾Jean-Jacques Annaud
Operation Mekong湄公河行動Dante Lam
The Wandering Earth流浪地球Frant Gwo
Leap夺冠Peter Chan
Island Keeper守岛人Chen Li
The Battle at Lake Changjin长津湖Chen Kaige
Tsui Hark
Dante Lam
36th2023 Hidden Blade无名Cheng Er
Ping Pong: The Triumph中国乒乓之绝地反击Deng Chao
Yu Baimei
Born to Fly长空之王Liu Xiaoshi
A Guilty Conscience毒舌大状Jack Ng
Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms封神第一部:朝歌风云Wuershan
The Wandering Earth 2流浪地球2Frant Gwo


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