Gangadharpur Gram Panchayat

Gangadharpur Gram panchayat is the local self-government of the village. The panchayat is divided into wards and each ward is represented by an elected ward member. The ward members are headed by a Sarpanch. Gangadharpur Gram panchayat areas in Chanditala I CD Block in Srirampore subdivision of Hooghly district in the state of West Bengal, India .

Map of Gangadharpur gram panchayat
Gangadharpur Gram panchayat
TypeGram panchayat
Official language
Bengali, English
Kaberi Das


Gangadharpur gram panchayat located at the Chanditala I CD block . Villages and census towns in Gangadharpur gram panchayat are: Bankrishnapur, Gangadharpur(CT), Malipukur and Manirampur(CT).


Gangdharpur has a Primary Health Centre with 10 beds.[1][2]


  1. "Health & Family Welfare Department". Health Statistics. Government of West Bengal. Retrieved 4 October 2018.
  2. "".

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