England at the 1998 Commonwealth Games

England competed at the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between 11 and 21 September 1998.[1][2] England were represented by the Commonwealth Games Council for England (CGCE). England joined the Commonwealth of Nations as part of the United Kingdom in 1931. In this competition England finished second in the medals table behind Australia.

England at the
1998 Commonwealth Games
CGACommonwealth Games England
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Flag bearersOpening: Mark Foster (Swimming)
Closing: John Regis (Athletics)
Ranked 2nd
Commonwealth Games appearances (overview)



Name Event/s Medal/s
Onochie Achiketriple jump1 x gold
Oluwafemi Akinsanyatriple jump
Keith Andersonmarathon
Myrtle Augeeshot put1 x silver
Tracy Axtendiscus
Steve Backleyjavelin1 x silver
Sean Baldock4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
Matthew Belshampole vault
Sarah Bentley10,000m
Rachael Beverleyhammer
Anthony Borsumato400m hurdles
Kristen Bowditch5,000m
Kimberley Braznell10 km walk
William Burnsmarathon
Darren Campbell100m, 4 × 100 m relay1 x gold
Ben Challengerhigh jump1 x silver
Dwain Chambers100m, 4 × 100 m relay1 x gold
Christopher Cheeseman50 km walk
Allyn Condon200m
Andrea Coorelong jump
Clova Courtheptathlon
Keith Cullen5,000m
Tasha Danvers400m hurdles
Christopher Davidsonlong jump
Victoria Day4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
Jared Deacon4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
Marlon Devonish100m, 4 × 100 m relay1 x gold
Bradley Donkin800m
Andi Drake20 km walk
Shelley Drewdiscus
Michelle Dunkleyhigh jump
Spencer Duval3,000m steeplechase
Mark Easton50 km walk
Mark Edwardsshot put
Liz Fairs100m hurdles
Donna Fraser400m, 400m hurdles, 4 × 100 m relay1 x silver, 1 x bronze
Jason Gardener4 × 100 m relay1 x gold
Lynn Gibson1,500m
Julian Golding200m, 4 × 100 m relay2 x gold
Sally Goldsmith10,000m
Julian Golleytriple jump
Dalton Granthigh jump1 x gold
Damien Greaves110m hurdles
Michelle Griffithtriple jump
Ashia Hansentriple jump1 x gold
Andy Hart800m
Paul Headhammer
Connie Henrytriple jump1 x bronze
Mick Hilljavelin1 x bronze
Steve Hollier50 km walk
Kelly Holmes1500 m1 x silver
Shelley Holroydjavelin
Emma Hornbypole vault
Gillian Horovitzmarathon
Kevin Hughespole vault
Mark Hylton400m, 4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
Simmone Jacobs100m, 200m, 4 × 100 m relay1 x bronze
Tony Jarrett110 m hurdles1 x gold
Gary Jennings400m hurdles
Joanne Jenningshigh jump1 x silver
Angela Joiner10,000m
Mick Joneshammer1 x silver
Susan Joneshigh jump
Rafer Josephdecathlon
Tracy Josephlong jump
Kerry Juryheptathlon
Lisa Kehler10 km road walk1 x bronze
Karl Keska5,000m
Du'aine Ladejodecathlon
Denise Lewisheptathlon1 x gold
Jason Lobo800m
Vicky Lupton10 km walk
Margaret Lynesshot put
Chris Maddocks20 km walk
Keri Maddox100m hurdles, 400m hurdles
Joice Maduaka100m, 200m, 4 × 100 m relay1 x bronze
Karen Martinjavelin1 x silver
John Mayock1500 m1 x silver
Kevin McKay1,500m
Emma Merrydiscus
Diane Modahl800m1 x bronze
Kirsty Morrisonjavelin1 x bronze
Judy Oakesshot put1 x gold
Helen Pattinson1500m
Steve Phillipslong Jump
Michelle Pierre400m, 4 × 400 m Relay1 x silver
Mark Proctorshot put
John Regis200 m1 x bronze
Brendan Reillyhigh jump
Gowry Retchakan-Hodge400m hurdles1 x silver
Marcia Richardson100m, 200m, 4 × 100 m relay1 x bronze
Mark Richardson400m, 4 × 400 m relay2 x silver
Mark Robersonjavelin
Danielle Sandersonmarathon
Lorraine Shawhammer1 x silver
Paul Slythe4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
David W. Smithhammer
Glen Smithdiscus
Lyn Spruleshammer
Darrell Stone20 km walk
David Taylormarathon
Barry Thomasdecathlon
Michelle Thomas400m, 4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
Angie Thorp100m hurdles
Glynn Tromans10,000m
Ian Tullettpole vault
Andrew Tulloch110m hurdles
Solomon Wariso400m, 4 × 400 m relay1 x silver
Robert Weirdiscus1 x gold
Craig Wheeler3,000m steeplechase
Ben Whitby3,000m steeplechase
Andrea Whitcombe5000 m1 x silver
Anthony Whiteman1500 m1 x bronze
Janine Whitlockpole vault
Perriss Wilkinsdiscus
Paula Wilsonpole vault
Joanne Wiselong jump1 x gold
Sarah Young5,000m


Name Event/s Medal/s
Simon Archerdoubles, mixed doubles, team1 x gold, 2 x bronze
Mark Constablesingles, team1 x bronze
Joanne Daviesdoubles, mixed doubles, team1 x gold, 1 x silver
Joanne Goodedoubles, mixed doubles, team3 x gold
Darren Hallsingles, team2 x bronze
Chris Huntdoubles, mixed doubles, team3 x bronze
Tracey Hallamsingles, team1 x gold, 1 x bronze
Donna Kelloggdoubles, mixed doubles, team2 x gold, 1 x bronze
Peter Knowlessingles, team1 x bronze
Julia Mannsingles, team1 x gold, 1 x bronze
Rebecca Pantaneysingles, team1 x gold
Julian Robertsondoubles, team2 x bronze
Nathan Robertsondoubles, mixed doubles, team1 x silver, 2 x bronze
Sara Sankeydoubles, team1 x gold


Name Event/s Medal/s
Tony Allcocksingles
Catherine Antonfours1 x bronze
Jean Bakersingles1 x bronze
John Bellfours
Grant Burgessfours
David Cutlerpairs
Katherine Hawespairs
Mandy Jacklinfours1 x bronze
Brett Morleyfours
John Ottawaypairs
Shirley Pagefours1 x bronze
Mary Pricepairs
Norma Shawfours1 x bronze
Andy Thomsonfours


Name Event/s Medal/s
Chris BesseyLight Middleweight 71 kg1 x gold
Courtney FryLight Heavyweight 81 kg1 x gold
Audley HarrisonSuper Heavyweight 91 kg+1 x gold
James HegneyFlyweight 51 kg
Gary JonesLight flyweight 48 kg1 x bronze
Andrew McLeanLightweight 60 kg1 x bronze
John PearceMiddleweight 75 kg1 x gold
David WalkerWelterweight 67 kg
Nigel WrightLight welterweight 63.5 kg


Name Event/s Medal/s
Sally Boydenroad race, points
Jon Clayteam pursuit1 x silver
Stuart Dangerfieldroad time trial
Ruth Ellwayroad race
Roger Hammondroad race
Rob Haylespoints, team pursuit2 x silver
Angela Hunterroad race
Matt Illingworthpursuit, team pursuit1 x silver, 1 x bronze
Peter Jacquessprint
Maria Lawrenceroad race
Chris Lillywhiteroad race
Yvonne McGregorpursuit1 x bronze
Chris Newtonroad time trial, road race
Craig Percivalsprint
Jason Queally1 km time trial1 x silver
Matt Stephensroad race
Colin Sturgesspoints, team pursuit1 x silver
Sara Symingtonroad race
Melanie Szubrychtroad race, points, sprint
John Tannerroad race
Chris Walkerroad race
Shaun Wallacepoints, scratch1 x silver
Michelle Wardpoints
Bradley Wigginspursuit, team pursuit1 x silver


Name Event/s Medal/s
Tony Ally1m & 3 m springboard1 x bronze
Sally Freeman10 m platform
Mark Shipman1m & 3m springboard
Jane Smith1m & 3m springboard
Karen Smith3m springboard & 10 m platform
Leon Taylor10 m platform1 x bronze
Lesley Ward10 m platform

Gymnastics Artistic

Name Event/s Medal/s
Andrew Athertonteam, all-around, rings, floor, parallel bars, pommel1 x gold, 2 x silver
Ross Brewerteam, parallel bars1 x gold
Gemma Cuffteam1 x silver
Kelly Hackmanteam, all-around, beam, floor, uneven bars1 x silver
Craig Heapteam, all-around, horizontal bar, vault1 x gold
Lisa Masonvault, team, all-around, beam1 x gold, 1 x silver
Lee McDermottteam, horizontal bar, pommel, rings1 x gold, 1 x bronze
John Smethurstteam, floor1 x gold, 1 x bronze
Melissa Wilcoxteam, uneven bars1 x silver

Gymnastics Rhythmic

Name Event/s Medal/s
Annabel Brownindividual all-around, team
Natasha Hibbittindividual all-around, team
Rebecca Joseteam


Name Event/s Medal/s
Jennie Bimsonteam1 x silver
Kirsty Bowdenteam1 x silver
Karen Brownteam1 x silver
Melanie Clewlowteam1 x silver
Bobby Crutchleyteam1 x bronze
Tina Cullenteam1 x silver
Jackie Empsonteam1 x silver
Guy Fordhamteam1 x bronze
Russell Garciateam1 x bronze
Brett Garrardteam1 x bronze
Fiona Greenhamteam1 x silver
Julian Hallsteam1 x bronze
Stuart Headteam1 x bronze
Michael Johnsonteam1 x bronze
David Luckesteam1 x bronze
Denise Marston-Smithteam1 x silver
Simon Masonteam1 x bronze
Kerry Mooreteam1 x silver
Lucy Newcombeteam1 x silver
Mandy Nicholsonteam1 x silver
Mark Pearnteam1 x bronze
Justin Pidcockteam1 x bronze
Carolyn Reidteam1 x silver
Hilary Roseteam1 x silver
Ben Sharpeteam1 x bronze
Jane Sixsmithteam1 x silver
Jane Smithteam1 x silver
Jimmy Wallisteam1 x bronze
Bill Waughteam1 x bronze
Duncan Woodsteam1 x bronze
Lucilla Wrightteam1 x silver
Jon Wyattteam1 x bronze


Name Event/s Medal/s
Karen Aspinallteam1 x bronze
Lyn Carpenterteam1 x bronze
Lorraine Lawteam1 x bronze
Hellen Manuforteam1 x bronze
Olivia Murphyteam1 x bronze
Fiona Murtaghteam1 x bronze
Tracey Nevilleteam1 x bronze
Amanda Newtonteam1 x bronze
Lucia Sdaoteam1 x bronze
Naomi Siddallteam1 x bronze
Lisa Stanleyteam1 x bronze
Joanne Zinzanteam1 x bronze


Name Event/s Medal/s
Andy Austinskeet pair1 x silver
Nick Baxterair pistol & pair, free pistol & pair2 x gold
Bob Borsleytrap & pair1 x bronze
Lucy Brycerifle 3 position & pair
Peter Clarkcentre fire pistol & pair, rapid fire pistol & pair
Malcolm Cowdreyskeet
Neil Dayrifle prone & pair1 x silver
Richard Filleryrapid fire pistol & pair
Peter Flippantcentre fire pistol & pair
Mick Gaultair pistol & pair, free pistol & pair4 x gold
Drew Harveyskeet1 x silver
Chris Hectorair rifle & pair, smallbore rifle & pair2 x gold, 1 x bronze
Sharon Leerifle prone & pair
Andrew Luckmanfullbore rifle1 x bronze
Louise Minettair rifle & pair2 x bronze
Karen Mortonrifle 3 position & pair
Susan Normanrifle prone & pair
Carol Pageair pistol & pair
Ken Parrsmallbore rifle & pair2 x bronze
Ian Peeltrap & pair1 x silver, 1 x bronze
Helen Prestonair pistol & pair
Antony Ringerfullbore rifle
Philip Scanlanrifle prone & pair1 x silver
Becky Spicerair rifle & pair1 x bronze
Nigel Wallaceair rifle & pair1 x gold


Name Event/s Medal/s
Mark Cairnsdoubles1 x bronze
Mark Chalonersingles, doubles1 x gold
Linda Charmansingles, doubles
Suzanne Hornersingles, mixed doubles1 x silver
Cassie Jackmansingles, doubles1 x gold, 1 x bronze
Paul Johnsonsingles, doubles,1 x gold, 1 x bronze
Jane Martindoubles
Simon Parkesingles, mixed doubles1 x silver
Chris Walkerdoubles1 x bronze
Sue Wrightsingles, doubles1 x gold, 1 x bronze


Name Event/s Medal/s
Roger Ashcroft200m butterfly
Andrew Clayton200m freestyle, 4x200 freestyle relay1 x silver
Sarah Collings800m freestyle1 x bronze
Lyndsey Cooper4 × 200 m freestyle relay1 x silver
Joanne Deakins200m backstroke
Helen Don-Duncan100/200m backstroke1 x bronze
Caroline Foot100m butterfly, medley relay1 x bronze
Mark Foster50m freestyle1 x gold
Robert Greenwood100m butterfly
Martin Harris100m backstroke, medley relay1 x silver
James Hickman100/200m butterfly, 200/400m medley, medley relay1 x gold, 3 x silver
Linda Hindmarsh100/200m breaststroke
Vicky Horner400m freestyle1 x silver
Anthony Howard4 × 100 m freestyle relay1 x bronze
Claire Huddart200m freestyle, 4x100/200m freestyle relay2 x silver
Ben Lafferty400m medley
Jaime King100/200m breaststroke, medley relay1 x bronze
Georgina Lee100/200m butterfly
Karen Legg200m freestyle, 4x100/200m freestyle relay2 x silver
Brett Lummis200m medley
Richard Maden100/200m breaststroke, medley relay1 x silver
Gavin Meadows50/100/200m freestyle, 4x100/200m freestyle relay, medley relay2 x silver, 2 x bronze
Darren Mew100/200m breaststroke, medley relay1 x silver, 1 x bronze
Simon Militis200m backstroke
Samantha Nesbit200/400m medley
Stephen Parry200m butterfly1 x bronze
Margie Pedder100/200m butterfly, 400m freestyle
Karen Pickering50/100/200m freestyle, 4x100/200m freestyle relay3 x silver
Sarah Price100m backstroke, medley relay1 x bronze
Sue Rolph50/ 100m freestyle, 200 medley 4 × 200 m freestyle relay, medley relay2 x gold, 1 x silver, 2 x bronze
Adam Ruckwood100/200m backstroke
James Salter200/400m freestyle, 4 × 200 m freestyle relay1 x silver
Katy Sexton200m backstroke1 x gold
Nicholas Shackell50/100m freestyle, 4 × 100 m freestyle relay, medley relay1 silver, 1 x bronze
Helen Slatter100m backstroke
Mark Stevens100m freestyle, 4x100/200m freestyle relay1 x silver, 1 x bronze
Adrian Turner200/400m medley
Adam Whitehead200m breaststroke1 x bronze
Aaron Wiles100m butterfly
Neil Willey100/200m backstroke, medley relay1 x silver
Ian Wilson1500m freestyle

Synchronised swimming

Name Event/s Medal/s
Gayle Adamsonsolo1 x bronze
Adele Carlsenduet1 x bronze
Katie Hooperduet1 x bronze

Ten-pin Bowling

Name Event/s Medal/s
Pauline Bucksingles, doubles, mixed doubles1 x silver
Gemma Burdensingles, doubles, mixed doubles
Wayne Greenallsingles, doubles, mixed doubles
Richard Hoodsingles, doubles, mixed doubles1 x silver


Name Event/s Medal/s
Anthony Arthur94 kg1 x silver
Andrew Callard94 kg2 x silver
Stewart Cruickshank69 kg1 x silver
Karl Grant105 kg1 x bronze
Giles Greenwood105 kg+1 x silver, 1 x bronze
Leon Griffin85 kg2 x gold, 1 x silver
Stephen Ward85 kg1 x gold, 2 x silver
Thomas Yule105 kg3 x silver

See also


  1. "1998 Athletes". Team England.
  2. "England team in 1998". Commonwealth Games Federation.
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