Cultural depictions of Ulysses S. Grant

The following is a sample of character portrayals of Ulysses S. Grant in popular entertainment.


E. Alyn Warren as Ulysses S. Grant in D.W. Griffith's 1930 film Abraham Lincoln

Grant is the third most popular American president to be portrayed in movies, films, or cinema, his character appearing in 35 movies.[1] He is often portrayed as a drunkard, which is historically inaccurate. Portrayals include:



  1. 30Jun08 (30 June 2008). "Top Five Cinematically Portrayed Presidents". Retrieved February 5, 2011.
  2. "The Assassins: Part One", IMDb, viewed on 02-01-2014
  3. "The Assassins: Part Two", IMDb, viewed on 02-01-2014
  4. The Stranger
  5. "The Day Lincoln Was Shot (TV 1998) – IMDb"., Inc. Retrieved March 29, 2011.
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