Angling records of Europe

This list is of the heaviest European freshwater fish caught using the traditional angling method of rod and line.

Drina River in Foča-Ustikolina municipality, East Bosnia. Venue for the capture of the 58 kg European record Huchen (Hucho hucho) in 1938

The criteria for inclusion on this list is that the species, weight, date and venue have been published by a recognized publisher with a genuine photograph and a link to that publication is referenced here. The list is intended to include all categories of coarse and game fish caught by sport anglers.

Current records

Image Species Weight kg Weight lb oz Captor Date Water Country References / Notes
Allis Shad - Grand alose - Maifisch (Alosa alosa)3 kg7 lbMr. Michou2008Blavet River France[1]
Asp - Aspe - Aspio (Leuciscus aspius)10.3 kg22 lb 11 ozMiroslav Šajdák2008Vah River, Nosicky Canal Slovakia[2]
European Eel - Aal - Anguille - Anguilla (Anguilla anguilla) Note 16.04 kg13 lb 5 ozG. Cadora1991Niepkuhle Germany[3][4]
Silver Bream - Güster - Björkna - Brème bordelière - Blicca (Blicca bjoerkna)1.48 kg3 lb 4 ozUlf Ahlinder2010Dal River Sweden[5]
Gareth Evans21 May 2012Mill Farm Fishery, Bury, West Sussex England[6][7]
Bream - Brachse - Braxen - Brème - Abramide (Abramis brama)10.3 kg22 lb 11 ozScot Crook17 April 2012Ferry Lagoon, Fen Drayton Lakes, Cambridgeshire, England[6]
Common Barbel - Barbe (Barbus barbus)9.58 kg21 lb 2 ozColin Smithson7 November 2019Sussex River, Sussex England[6]
Common Iberian Barbel - Barbo Común ibérico (Luciobarbus bocagei)11.5 kg26 lb 6 ozMr. Felix2007Lagunas de Ruidera, Guadiana river Spain[8]
Comizo Barbel - Comizo (Luciobarbus comizo)16.8 kg37 lbDavid Aldana1 March 2017Lago Penarolla Spain[9]
Andalusian Barbel - Barbo andaluz andalusische Barbe - barbeau andalouse (Luciobarbus sclateri)4.1 kg9 lb 1 ozPeter Staggs  Netherlands2000Las Tortugas Lake, Nueva Andalucía Spain[8]
Burbot - Quappe - Lake - Barbotte - Bottatrice (Lota lota)8.5 kg18 lb 12 ozMargit Agren22 Oct 1996Angenmanelren Sweden[10][11]
Chub - Döbel / Färna / Chevaine / Cavedano (Squalius cephalus)5.72 kg12 lb 10 ozFranz Wutte1991Gurk River Austria[12]
Crucian carp - Karausche / Carrassin / Carassio (Carassius carassius)3.64 kg8 lbB. Spörlein2005Lake at Strössendorf Germany[3]
Goldfish - Goudvis / Poisson rouge / Carassio (Carassius auratus)3.2 kg7 lb 1 ozBrian Jensen2006Lake in Denmark TBC Denmark[13]
Bighead Carp - Cardona / Tolstolobec pestrý / Grootkopkarper / carpa testa grossa (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)77.5 kg170 lb 14 ozDiem János14 July 2009Lake Tisza (hu:Tisza-tó), (Kisköre Reservoir) Hungary[14]
Carp - karpfen / Karpe / Carpe / Carpa - Common, Mirror, Leather (Cyprinus carpio)51.2 kg112 lb 14 ozMichel Schoenmakers  Netherlands23 Nov 2018Euro Aqua Fishery, Nemesvita Hungary[15]
Silver Carp - Carpe d'argent / srebrny karp / zilveren/ Silberkarpfen (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)41.5 kg91 lb 8 ozWerner Schwingenschlögl2018Baggersee Schweitzer Grube Austria[16]
Dace - Hasel / Stäm / Leuscico comune (Leuciscus leuciscus)0.76 kg1 lb 11 ozMario Grill2007Attersee Austria[17]
Ide or Orfe Aland / L'ide. (Leuciscus idus)5.5 kg12 lb 2 ozV. Korotkovs1989Lubāns Latvia[18]
Grass Carp - Graskarpfen / Amur bílý / Graskarper (Ctenopharyngodon idella)40.5 kg89 lb 5 ozDiem Szeles Sándor21 Aug 1993River Danube Hungary[14]
Grayling - Äsche - Ombre - Temolo (Thymallus thymallus)3.175 kg7 lbH. Baumann1 May 1975Danube Germany[19]
Huchen (Danube salmon) - Hödekin -salmón del Danubio (Hucho hucho) Note 258 kg127 lb 14 ozHalil Sofradžija1938Drina river, Dragojevic buk, Foča-Ustikolina Bosnia[20] photo does not confirm the weight
Mullet - Thin-Lipped Grey / Meeräsche / mulle / triglia (Liza ramada)3.45 kg7 lb 9ozShaun Sillett20 August 2012Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk England[21]
Common Nase - Nose / nasus (Chondrostoma nasus)3.4 kg7 lb 8ozDieter Lindemann10 Feb 2006Rhine Germany[3]
Perch - (Fluß) Barsch / Abborre / Perche / Persico (Perca fluviatilis)3.75 kg8 lb 4 ozStephan Gockel2010Meuse River Netherlands[22]
Pike - Hecht / Gädda / Brochet / Luccio (Esox lucius)26.7 kg58 lb 14 ozLukas MatejkaOctober 2019Lake in Bohemia Czech Republic[23]
Prussian carp - Silver or Gibel karpfen / Karpe / Carpe / Carpa (Carassius gibelio)4.84 kg10 lb 11 ozJan Zablocki2009Kocher River, Germany Germany[24]
Roach - Rotauge / Mört / Gardon / rutilo (Rutilus rutilus)2.625 kg5 lb 12 ozM. Müller1981Weser Germany[3]
Black Sea roach - Perlfisch / Pärlfisk (Rutilus meidingerii)6.57 kg14 lb 8 ozCosimo Radler2015Wolfgangsee Austria[25]
Cactus roach - Neitsisärg (Rutilus virgo)3.34 kg7 lb 6 ozPeter Sagl2021Danube River Austria[26]
Danube Roach - Frauennerfling / Gardon galant / pigo (Rutilus pigus)2.56 kg5 lb 10 ozJurgen Perl3 July 2016Danube River, Bavaria Germany[27]
Rudd - Rotfeder / Sarv / Gardon Rouge / Scardola (pinne rosse) (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)2.7 kg5 lb 15 ozS.Nagel1976Weser Germany[3]
Tench - Barn / Sutare / Tanche / Tinca (Tinca tinca)6.91 kg15 lb 3 oz 6 drDarren WardJune 2001Sheepwalk big pit, Shepperton, Middlesex England[6][28]
Atlantic Salmon - Atlantischer Lachs / Lax / Saumon / Salmone (Salmo salar)35.89 kg79 lb 2 ozHenrik Henriksen1 Jan 1928Tana River Norway[11][29]
Wels Catfish Europäischer Wels / Mal / Silure glane / Siluro (Silurus glanis)134.97 kg297 lb 9 ozAttila Zsedely  Hungary11 March 2010River Po Italy[30]


Siberian sturgeon - Sibirischer Stör / Esturión siberiano / Esturgeon sibérien / Storione siberiano (Acipenser baerii) Note 232 kg70 lb 8 ozcatcher ?2012Fishing paradise, Pielachtal Austria[16]
Adriatic sturgeon - Adriastör / Adriatisk stör / Esturgeon de l'Adriatique / Storione (Acipenser naccarii) Note 119 kg41 lb 14 ozJosef Hotzl2012Fishing paradise, Pielachtal Austria[32]
Sterlet - Kleiner Stör / Sterlett / Esturgeon du Danube / Storione sterleto (Acipenser ruthenus)7.85 kg17 lb 5 ozGábor Burián-Kozma2002River Danube Hungary[33]
European sturgeon - Europäische Stör / Esturgeon d'Europe / Sturys (Acipenser sturio) Note 1176 kg388 lbAlec Allen1932River Towy, Nantgaredig, Carmarthenshire Wales[34]


Trout, Brown - Seeforelle / Truite De Lac / Trota Di Lago / Insjööring (Salmo trutta)17 kg37 lb 8 ozKurt Stenlund16 Oct 1991Storsjön, Gällivare kom Lappland Sweden[10]
Vendace - Kleine Maräne / Corégone blanc / Muikku (Coregonus albula)0.55 kg1 lb 3 ozunknown1 Oct 2004Inarijärvi Finland[36]
Vimba - Zährte / Vimma / Vimbe (Vimba vimba)2.325 kg5 lb 2 ozJ. Müller21 May 1975Weser Germany[3]
Whitefish - Renke / Sik / Siika (Coregonus lavaretus)7.08 kg15 lb 10 ozMarkku Taponen15 July 2000Sodankylä Finland[36]
Zander - European Pikeperch / Gös / Sander / Luccioperca (Sander lucioperca)18.7 kg41 lb 4 ozFriedrich Kraus1990Danube Austria[37]
Ziege - Rasoir / Garda / Ožka (žuvis) (Pelecus cultratus)0.91 kg2 lbMarkku Pesonen2008Saimaar Lake Finland[38]
Blue Bream - Zope (Ballerus ballerus)2.2 kg4 lb 14 ozAlexander Schulz2022Elbe Germany[39]

Previous records

Image Species Weight kg Weight lb oz Captor Date Water Country References / Notes
Barbel (Barbus barbus)9.58 kg21 lb 1 ozGrahame King22 April 2006Great Ouse, Adam's Mill, Gayhurst, Buckinghamshire England[40]
Carp - karpfen / Karpe / Carpe / Carpa - Common, Mirror, Leather (Cyprinus carpio)49 kg108 lbMarco Eichner  Austria21 Oct 2017Euro Aqua Fishery, Nemesvita Hungary[41]
48 kg105 lb 13 ozThomas Krist  Czech RepublicMay 2015Euro Aqua Fishery, Nemesvita Hungary[42]
45.93 kg101 lb 4 ozRoman Hanke  Austria2 June 2012Euro Aqua Fishery, Nemesvita Hungary[43]
45.49 kg100 lb 8 ozColin Smith  EnglandApril 2013Etang La Saussaie, Champagne (province) France[44][45]
44.91 kg99 lbAmbrose Smith  England5 June 2010Les Graviers, Dijon France[46]
42.64 kg94 lbMartin Locke  England6 January 2010Rainbow lake, Bordeaux France[47]
41.28 kg91 lbNick Greenall  EnglandApril 2009Les Graviers, Dijon France[48]
41.28 kg91 lbAndre Komornicki  EnglandApril 2009Les Graviers, Dijon France[49]
40.09 kg88 lb 6 ozGraham Slaughter  England22 May 2007Rainbow lake, Bordeaux France[50]
Pike - Hecht / Gädda / Brochet / Luccio (Esox lucius)25.3 kg55 lb 12 ozPetar FilipovJanuary 20195 hectare Lake Bulgaria Bulgaria[51]
25 kg55 lb 1 ozLothar Louis16 October 1986Lake of Grefeern, Buhl Germany[3][52]
Wels Catfish - Europäischer Wels / Mal / Silure glane / Siluro (Silurus glanis)113.5 kg250 lb 3 ozRoberto Godi5 Feb 2010River Po, Mantua, Lombardy Italy[53]
112 kg246 lb 14 ozChristophe Dubreuil  FranceSeptember 2009River Ebro, Mequinenza, Province of Zaragoza Spain[54]
110 kg242 lb 5 ozJakub Vagner  Germany5 February 2009River Po Italy[53]

See also

Angling records in the UK United Kingdom


Note 1 - European eel (Anguilla anguilla), Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) and European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) are listed as Critically Endangered species (IUCN) status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Any of these fish caught, must be photographed, then returned to the water immediately.

Note 2 - Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) and Huchen (Danube salmon) (Hucho hucho)are listed as Endangered species (IUCN) status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Any of these fish caught, must be photographed, then returned to the water immediately.


  1. "largest Allis Shad captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World 18 October 2013.
  2. "Naj úlovky rybár MO SRZ Púchovský. (Top angler catches MO SRZ Púchovský, Slovakia)". 11 December 2013.
  3. "Deutsche rekord liste". 2013. Archived from the original on 3 February 2017.
  4. "Deutsche Rekordliste – Aal" (in German). 7 March 2016.
  5. "largest White Bream captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World 26 March 2023.
  6. "British Record Coarse Fish List July 2021" (PDF). 19 July 2021.
  7. "New Records ratified at Latest meeting of the BRFC 20.12.12". Angling Trust. 12 December 2012. Archived from the original on 14 June 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  8. "Dutch barbel site - World Barbus XXL". 14 October 2009. Archived from the original on 25 December 2011.
  9. "Giant Comizo Barbel From Spain". 1 March 2017.
  10. "Sportfiskerekord i Sötvatten. Swedish fish records". 1 December 2013. Archived from the original on 23 July 2013. Retrieved 1 December 2013.
  11. "all Tackle records freshwater fish". 2005.
  12. Heinz Machacek (ed.). "Squalius cephalus European Chub". Fishing World
  13. "largest Goldfish captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World 18 October 2013.
  14. "Magyar rekordok. Hungarian Records". 2013. Archived from the original on 5 December 2013.
  15. "Biggest carp in the world tops 112lb at Euro Aqua". 23 November 2018.
  16. "Rekord Fische Österreich - Sibirische Stör" (in German). 9 November 2013.
  17. "largest Dace captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World 18 October 2013.
  18. "Latvijas rekordzivis. Latvia record fish". 1 July 2013.
  19. "Deutsche Rekordliste – Äsche" (in German). 7 March 2016.
  20. "Hucho hucho-only for skilled fishermen". 15 November 2013.
  21. "Shaun captures world record mullet at Oulton Broad". 2012. Archived from the original on 25 August 2012.
  22. "largest Perch captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World 18 October 2013.
  23. "World record pike claimed by Czech Lukas Matejka at 58lb 14oz". 1 November 2019.
  24. "Prussian Carp". 2016.
  25. "largest Perlfisch captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World
  26. "largest Danubian roach captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World
  27. "Roach, Danube (Rutilus pigus)". International Game Fish Association.
  28. "Top Tench Captures (As at January 2012)". 2012. Archived from the original on 20 October 2013. Retrieved 27 October 2013.
  29. "Salmo salar Atlantic salmon". University of Michigan. 2020.
  30. "Giant wels catfish from Italy Attila Zsedely". 20 October 2010.
  31. "A 297-pound catfish Attila Zsedely". 18 October 2010. Archived from the original on 8 March 2014.
  32. "Rekord Fische Österreich - Adriastör" (in German). 27 March 2023.
  33. "largest Sterlet captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World
  34. "MONSTER - Big Fish". riverannan. 6 December 2013. Archived from the original on 12 December 2013.
  35. "Did Sturgeon ever breed in British waters?". Alan Knight. Retrieved 2 November 2013.
  36. "ennätyskalalutakunnan. Finnish Fish Records" (PDF). 6 December 2013.
  37. "Zander(Sander lucioperca) 1990". 12 January 2011.
  38. "largest Ziege captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published". Fishing World 18 October 2013.
  39. "Ballerus ballerus Zope, Blue Bream". Fishing World Records. Retrieved 26 April 2023.
  40. "Top 50 Biggest Fish Hall of Fame April 2015". Angler's Mail. 21 April 2015. Archived from the original on 28 April 2015.
  41. "Biggest carp ever caught weighs in at 108lb-plus [VIDEO] Marco Eichner". 2017.
  42. "World carp record rises to over 105 lb! Thomas Krist". Anglers Mail. 19 May 2015. Archived from the original on 16 September 2015.
  43. "New world record carp at 101 lb 4oz Roman Hanke". 9 June 2012.
  44. "World-record carp caught twice in a week by different anglers". 2020.
  45. "Colin Smith 100 lb 8oz World carp Record + country records". 17 May 2017.
  46. "The Scar new world record carp at 99lb Ambrose Smith". 7 June 2010.
  47. "New world record carp Rainbow Lake France 94 lb Martin Locke". 11 January 2010.
  48. "The Scar World record carp 91lb Les Graviers France Nick Greenall". 14 December 2009.
  49. "New 91lb Mirror Carp World Record Set Andre Komornicki". 23 October 2008.
  50. "World records freshwater fishing 2007 Graham Slaughter" (PDF). 2007.
  51. "World Record Pike 25.3 kg and 140 cm – interview with Petar Filipov". 1 February 2019.
  52. "Lothar Louis Lake of Grefeern Germany 16th October 1986". 2010.
  53. "New World Record Wels Catfish at 250.3 Pounds - Roberto Godi". 25 May 2010.
  54. "World Record Wels catfish caught from Spain's River Ebro - Christophe Dubreuil". 15 September 2009.
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