All-time Charleston Battery roster
This list comprises all players who have participated in at least one league match for Charleston Battery since the establishment of the team in 1993. Players who were on the roster but never played a first team game are not listed; players who appeared for the team in other competitions (US Open Cup, CONCACAF Champions League, etc.) but never actually made an USL appearance are noted at the bottom of the page where appropriate.
A "†" denotes players who only appeared in a single match.
Chris Bagley
Seedy Bah
John Ball
Oumar Ballo
David Banks
Brian Bates
Jamar Beasley
Matt Behncke†
Michael Behonick
Glenn Benjamin†
Ian Bennett
Yeniel Bermudez
Gabe Bernstein
Álvaro Betancur
Michael Behonick
Brian Blair
Matt Bobo
Alvin Boisson
Josh Bolton
Eric Bossman
Navion Boyd
Clark Brisson
Derick Brownell
Chris Brunt
Scott Buete
Dan Calichman
Josh Campbell
Scott Cannon
Chad Carithers
Andrew Carleton
Alex Caskey
Juan Castillo
Anthony Catalano
Maikel Chang
Gordon Chin
Ted Chronopoulos
Dominic Cianciarulo
Michael Behonick
Scott Clayton†
Braeden Cloutier
A.J. Cochrane
Levi Coleman
Paul Conway
Judah Cooks
Odisnel Cooper
Kevin Corby
Chris Corcoran
Heviel Cordovés
Mac Cozier
Shane Crawford
Brandon Curran
Omar Daley
Fred DeGand
Davor Delic
John Devereaux
Chris Dias
Linval Dixon
Seamus Donnelly
Christopher Dore
Paul Dougherty
Nick Downing
Christopher Doyle
Graham Dugoni
Andrew Dykstra
Gabe Eastman
Jake Edwards
Chris Errazuriz
Justin Evans
Colin Falvey
Matt Farris
Shawn Ferguson
Marco Ferruzzi
Willy Files
Thomas Finlay
Sean Flatley
Jim Foley
Jamie Franks
Ian Fuller
Mike Gailey
Ricky Garbanzo
Kenny Gasser†
Jason Getz
Gavin Glinton
Jeremy Gold
Chris Goos
Christopher Gores
Michael Green
Quinton Griffith
Jon Gruenewald
Attaulah Guerra
Alioune Gueye
Jeremy Gunn
Rivers Guthrie
Neveal Hackshaw
Chris Handsor
Luc Harrington
Wolde Harris
Tom Heinemann
Tyler Hemmings
Josh Henderson
Ezra Hendrickson
Nigel Henry
Todd Hoffard
David Hoffman
Ben Hollingsworth
Jamie Holmes
Bryan Hoy
Dusty Hudock
Jordan Hughes
Lee Hurst
Kevin Jackson
Vince Jajuga
Nigel James
Gilbert Jean-Baptiste
Henrik Jensen
John Jones
Kelvin Jones
Tim Karalexis
Johnie Keene
Josh Keller
Dane Kelly
Jonathon Kelly
David Kenga
Thabiso Khumalo
Aaron King
Ehren Kilian
Steve Klein
Andrew Kopp
Aleksey Korol
Steve Kraemer
Wojtek Krakowiak
Leonard Krupnik
Ryan Kurtz
Jason Kutney
David Lara
Forrest Lasso
Billy Lesesne
Troy Lesesne
Andrew Lewis
Peter Lewis
Bernie Lilavois
John Limniatis
Rob Lindell
Brian Loftin
Mario Lone
Alon Lubezky
Dino Maamria
J. C. Mack
Dante Marini
Nigel Marples
Jesus Martinez-Morales
Brandon Massie
Jeffrey Matteo
Rudolph Mayard
Chris McClellan
Craig McCully
Ivan McKinley
Teba McKnight
Mike Mekelburg
Tim Melia
Wade Meyers
Rashad Miller
Todd Miller
John Mills
David Minihan
Barry Moore
Lester Moré
Taylor Mueller
Lamar Neagle
Guy Norcott
Caleb Norkus
Amaury Nunes
Kevin Nylen
Kevin O'Brien
Ugochukwu Okoye
Patrick Olalere
Bo Oshoniyi
Keith Parkinson
Ben Parry
Nicki Paterson
Randi Patterson
Jonathon Payne
Clint Peay
Mike Peckich†
Andres Perez-Matto
Cole Peverley
Terry Phelan
Colin Phillips
Reggie Pierre-Jerome
Brian Piesner
Jeremie Piette
Eddie Pigford
Ivan Polic
Garth Pollonais
Justin Portillo
Jamie Posnanski
Zach Prince
Jukka Rantala
Marco Reda
Kyle Reynish
Mike Richardson
Damon Richvalsky
Colin Rocke
Edmundo Rodriguez
Memo Rodriuguez
Louie Rolko
Armando Romero
Jose Romero-Coreas
Robert Rosario
Andrew Rosenband
Warren Russ
Tim Sahaydak
Shea Salinas†
Manny Sanchez
Brent Sancho
Lee Sandwina
Frankie Sanfilippo
Amadou Sanyang
Austin Savage
Darren Sawatzky
Andy Schmetzer
Eric Schmitt
Kevin Scott
Blair Scoullar
Justin Sells
Dean Sewell
Matthew Sheldon
Toni Siikala
Gregory Simmonds
Gregory Smith
Josh Smith
Lawrence Smith
Darren Spicer
Nicky Spooner
Terry St. Louis
Morry Steinbach
Temoc Suarez
Kyle Swords
Alexandros Tabakis
Patrick Tate†
Brian Taylor
Evan Taylor
Jeff Terry†
Scott Thelen
Sébastien Thurière
Rick Titus
Michael Todd
Pearse Tormey
Andre Toussaint
Kenji Treschuk
Ryan Trout
Chris Tsonis
Corey Turnage
David Turner†
Ryan Turner
Kenny Uzoigwe
Gabriel Valencia-Jimenez
Jarad van Schaik
Rob Vartughian†
Usiel Vazquez-Garcia
Tim Velten
Luke Vercollone
Chris Veselka
Gerard Walker
Ryan Walker†
Diego Walsh
Darren Warham *
Jamie Watson†
Mark Watson
Pablo Webster
Shane Weems
Keith Wiggans
Chris Williams
Rob Williams
Romario Williams
John Wilson
Mark Wiltse
Stephen Winters
O'Brian Woodbine
Alex Woods
Other competition
Chris Riley - Played one game in the 1995 Carolina Challenge Cup.
- "USL-1 Team History". United Soccer Leagues. Archived from the original on 2013-02-09. Retrieved 2019-05-14.
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