Al Baraka Banking Group

Al Baraka Group B.S.C. ("ABG" / the “Group”) is licensed as an Investment Business Firm – Category 1 (Islamic Principles) by the Central Bank of Bahrain and is listed on Bahrain Bourse. It is a leading international Islamic financial group providing financial services through its banking subsidiaries in 15 countries offering retail, corporate, treasury and investment banking services, strictly in accordance with the principles of Islamic Shari'a.

Al Baraka Group
Founded1978 (1978)
HeadquartersAl Baraka Headquarters

Bahrain Bay P O Box 1882

Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Number of locations
Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Bahrain, Turkey, South Africa, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, and Iraq
Area served
Worldwide over 600 Branches
Key people
Mr. Abdullah Saleh Kamel, Chairman
Mr. Mohamed Ebrahim Alshroogi, Vice Chairman
RevenueIncrease 1.04 Billion USD (2022)
Number of employees
10,663 Employees Worldwide (2022)
ParentDallah Al Baraka Group

The Group has a wide geographical presence with operations in Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Sudan, Turkey, South Africa, Algeria, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Germany, in addition to two branches in Iraq and a representative office in Libya and provides its services in more than 600 branches. ABG’s network serves a population totaling around one billion customers.

The authorized capital of ABG is US$2.5 billion

Global Presence

The global network of Al Baraka Group is present in 14 countries, as well under the Al Baraka and other brand names.[1]

CountryNameFormer NameBranches
JordanJordan Islamic Bank108
EgyptAl Baraka Bank EgyptAl Ahram Bank (also formerly known as Egyptian Saudi Finance Bank)32
TunisiaAl Baraka Bank TunisiaSaudi Tunisian Finance Bank37
SudanAl Baraka Bank Sudan29
BahrainAl Baraka Islamic Bank (AIB)Al Baraka Islamic Investment Bank B.S.C. (E.C.).6
TurkeyAl Baraka Türk Participation BankAlbaraka Türk Özel Finans Kurumu A.Ş.230
South AfricaAl Baraka Bank Limited11
AlgeriaBanque Al Baraka D'Algerie31
LebanonAl Baraka Bank Lebanon6
SyriaAl Baraka Bank Syria (Associate)13
PakistanAl Baraka Bank188
LibyaAl Baraka Bank Representation1 Representative Office
IraqAl Baraka Türk Participation Bank2


  1. "Al Baraka". Al Baraka. Archived from the original on 11 May 2015. Retrieved 22 April 2013.

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