2020 North Rhine-Westphalia local elections

Local elections were held in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia on 13 September 2020 to elect district, municipal, and city councils and local boards, as well as mayors in most cities and district administrators in most districts. The 91-member Ruhr Parliament was also elected for the first time. Runoff elections for mayors and district administrators were held on 27 September where necessary.[1]

All EU citizens aged 16 or over on election day were eligible to vote if they had lived in a municipality for at least sixteen days.[1]

Background and electoral system

Local elections take place every five years in North-Rhine Westphalia. However, the previous round of elections had taken place in May 2014. These offices were granted an extraordinary one-time extension to six and a half years in order to synchronise municipal and district council terms with those of mayors and district administrators. The latter offices previously had terms of six years, which was reduced to five years from 2020 onwards. All offices were thus elected simultaneously in September 2020.[1][2]

Most bodies with multiple members, such as councils, are elected via mixed-member proportional representation, with half of the membership elected in single-member constituencies. Voters have one vote, which is cast for both a constituency candidate and associated party list. There is no electoral threshold. Local boards and the Ruhr Parliament are elected via pure party-list proportional representation with a 2.5% threshold. Elections to a single position, such as mayors and district administrators, are conducted via the two-round system.[1]

The number of members on each district and city/municipal council is determined by the number of residents it serves, and may vary between 20 and 90 members, not counting overhang and leveling seats that can emerge during elections. Councils may legislate to reduce their number of members by up to ten relative to the size bracket they fall into, to a minimum of 20 members.[2]


The table below lists the results of the 2014 local elections in the rural districts and the urban districts.[3]

Name Ideology 2014 result
Votes (%) Seats
CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany Christian democracy 37.5%
1,309 / 3,494
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany Social democracy 31.4%
1,109 / 3,494
Grüne Alliance 90/The Greens Green politics 11.7%
396 / 3,494
Linke The Left Democratic socialism 4.7%
164 / 3,494
WG Voter Groups Localism 4.5%
160 / 3,494
FDP Free Democratic Party Classical liberalism 4.7%
159 / 3,494
AfD Alternative for Germany Right-wing populism 2.6%
89 / 3,494
Piraten Pirate Party Germany Pirate politics 1.7%
56 / 3,494
Others 1.2%
52 / 3,494


Party Votes  % Swing Seats +/-
Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) 2,495,743 34.3 Decrease 3.2 1,213 Decrease 96
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 1,766,181 24.3 Decrease 7.1 912 Decrease 197
Alliance 90/The Greens (GRÜNE) 1,452,571 20.0 Increase 8.3 705 Increase 309
Free Democratic Party (FDP) 405,139 5.6 Increase 0.8 198 Increase 39
Alternative for Germany (AfD) 367,433 5.0 Increase 2.5 185 Decrease 96
Voter Groups (WG) 323,825 4.4 Decrease 0.1 170 Increase 10
The Left (LINKE) 277,781 3.8 Decrease 0.8 137 Decrease 27
Die PARTEI 76,317 1.0 Increase 1.0 34 Increase 31
Volt Germany (Volt) 37,590 0.5 New 13 New
Pirate Party Germany (Piraten) 24,815 0.3 Decrease 1.3 10 Decrease 46
Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) 6,990 0.1 Steady 0.0 3 Decrease 1
Human Environment Animal Protection (Tierschutzpartei) 6,751 0.1 Increase 0.1 3 Increase 2
Action Party for Animal Protection (Tierschutz hier!) 5,172 0.1 New 2 New
Family Party of Germany (FAMILIE) 4,907 0.1 Increase 0.1 2 Increase 1
Aufbruch C 3,967 0.1 New 2 New
Alliance for Innovation and Justice (BIG) 3,553 0.0 Decrease 0.1 2 Increase 1
German Communist Party (DKP) 2,886 0.0 Steady 0.0 2 Steady 0
Democracy by Referendum (Volksabstimmung) 3,021 0.0 Steady 0.0 1 Steady 0
The Right (Die Rechte) 2,582 0.0 Steady 0.0 1 Decrease 1
Centre Party (Zentrum) 2,238 0.0 Decrease 0.1 1 Steady 0
Party for Social Affairs and Ecology (SO!) 1,896 0.0 Steady 0.0 1 Steady 0
Other parties 5,197 0.1 Decrease 1.3 0 Decrease 35
Independents 1,667 0.0 Steady 0.0 0 Steady 0
Total 7,277,932 100.0 3,598 Increase 104
Blank/invalid votes 108,285 1.5
Registered voters/turnout 14,235,746 51.9 Increase 1.9
Source: State Returning Officer

Results in independent cities

City councils
City CDU SPD Grüne FDP AfD Linke PARTEI Volt WG Others
Mülheim an der Ruhr26.321.323.
City Elected mayor Party/Ticket Result
1st round 2nd round
CologneHenriette RekerIndependent45.1%59.3%
DüsseldorfStephan KellerCDU34.1%56.0%
DortmundThomas WestphalSPD35.9%52.1%
EssenThomas KufenCDU54.3%
BochumThomas EiskirchSPD/Grüne61.8%
WuppertalUwe SchneidewindCDU/Grüne40.8%53.5%
BielefeldPit ClausenSPD39.7%56.1%
BonnKatja DörnerGrüne27.6%56.3%
MünsterMarkus LeweCDU44.6%52.6%
MönchengladbachFelix HeinrichsSPD74.2%
GelsenkirchenKarin WelgeSPD40.4%59.4%
AachenSibylle KeupenGrüne38.9%67.4%
KrefeldFrank MeyerSPD43.4%62.4%
OberhausenDaniel SchranzCDU45.5%62.1%
HagenErik O. SchulzCDU/Grüne/FDP51.1%
HammMarc HerterSPD40.7%63.6%
Mülheim an der RuhrMarc BuchholzCDU25.4%56.9%
LeverkusenUwe RichrathSPD46.1%70.0%
SolingenTim-Oliver KurzbachSPD/Grüne55.4%
HerneFrank DuddaSPD63.4%
BottropBernd TischlerSPD73.1%
RemscheidBurkhard Mast-WeiszSPD/Grüne60.6%

Results in districts

District councils
City CDU SPD Grüne FDP AfD Linke PARTEI Pirate WG Others
Rhein-Kreis Neuss37.823.
Märkischer Kreis38.122.814.
Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis37.218.824.
Oberbergischer Kreis39.421.417.
District administrators
City Elected administrator Party/Ticket Result
1st round 2nd round
RecklinghausenBodo KlimpelCDU/FDP38.3%50.5%
Rhein-Sieg-KreisSebastian SchusterCDU53.2%
AachenNo election
MettmannThomas HendeleCDU51.0%
Rhein-Erft-KreisFrank RockCDU44.5%57.3%
WeselIngo BrohlCDU36.453.5%
Rhein-Kreis NeussHans-Jürgen PetrauschkeCDU49.7^%59.8%
SteinfurtMartin SommerIndependent28.1%68.7%
Märkischer KreisMarco VogeCDU42.1%56.3%
UnnaMario LöhrSPD41.1%61.9%
BorkenKai ZwickerCDU67.2%
GüterslohSven-Georg AdenauerCDU54.4%
LippeAxel LehmannSPD40.3%56.0%
Ennepe-Ruhr-KreisOlaf SchadeSPD/GRÜNE61.6%
KleveSilke GorißenCDU48.7%54.2%
Minden-LübbeckeAnna Katharina BöllingCDU46.363.7%
PaderbornChristoph RütherCDU53.4%
SoestEva IrrgangCDU56.5%
ViersenAndreas CoenenCDU54.1%
Rheinisch-Bergischer KreisNo election
WarendorfOlaf GerickeCDU/FDP63.2%
Siegen-WittgensteinAndreas MüllerSPD54.4%
Oberbergischer KreisJochen HagtCDU63.5%
DürenWolfgang SpelthahnCDU57.8%
HochsauerlandkreisKarl SchneiderCDU58.7%
HeinsbergStephan PuschCDU79.9%
HerfordJürgen MüllerSPD/GRÜNE56.3%
CoesfeldChristian Schulze PellengahrCDU66.7%
EuskirchenMarkus RamersSPD40.1%60.4%
HöxterMichael StickelnCDU72.9%
OlpeTheo MelcherCDU65.8%

Ruhr Parliament

Party Votes  % Seats
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 540,753 29.9 29
Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) 499,847 27.2 27
Alliance 90/The Greens (GRÜNE) 373,953 20.3 20
Alternative for Germany (AfD) 129,822 7.1 7
The Left (LINKE) 75,769 4.1 4
Free Democratic Party (FDP) 68,096 3.7 4
Die PARTEI 39,804 2.2 0
Action Party for Animal Protection (Tierschutz hier!) 36,601 2.0 0
Free Voters NRW (FW) 14,733 0.8 0
Pirate Party Germany (Piraten) 12,963 0.7 0
Volt Germany (Volt) 9,512 0.5 0
Duisburger Alternative List (DAL) 7,308 0.4 0
UWG: Free Citizens 5,528 0.3 0
Independent Citizens Party (UBP) 5,210 0.3 0
Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) 4,949 0.3 0
National Alliance Ruhr Region 4,239 0.2 0
Idea Community Ruhr (iGemRuhr) 3,570 0.2 0
The Violets (DIE VIOLETTEN) 2,671 0.1 0
Alliance C – Christians for Germany (Bündnis C) 1,894 0.1 0
Grassroots Democracy Now (Basisdemokratie jetzt) 1,834 0.1 0
Active (Aktiv) 1,072 0.1 0
Total 1,840,128 100.0 91
Blank/invalid votes 35,191 1.9
Registered voters/turnout 3,983,971 47.1
Source: State Returning Officer


  1. "Local elections". Interior Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia (in German). Retrieved 5 November 2022.
  2. "Local election law in North Rhine-Westphalia". Wahlrecht.de (in German). 31 March 2021.
  3. "Local elections 2014". State Returning Officer (in German). 25 May 2014. Retrieved 5 November 2022.
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