2014 Belarusian municipal elections
27th convocation local councils of Republic of Belarus elections were held on 23 March 2014. 1328 Local Deputy Councils were filled with 18,816 representatives. Moreover, at the same time elections of single deputy to House of Representatives of National Assembly were held in Gomel-Navabielicki 36 electoral district where government-favoured candidate was removed from elections just before 2012 parliamentary election, and the only candidate left did not receive enough support.
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Turnout | 77.4% | ||||||||||||||||||
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![]() Results of Local Councils of Deputies elections |
The elections were held under plurality vote.
The last time significant representation of independent from executive power deputies in Councils could have been observed after 2003 Municipal elections, resulted in a lot of candidates from opposition UCP, BPF, Assembly parties elected. After that, 2007, 2010, 2014 elections resulted in only single elections to Councils of opposition parties representatives.
General information
Alexander Lukashenko signed decree on holding elections on 16 December 2013.[2] On 17 December CEC approved budget of expenditure for elections as BYR 100 billion (USD 10.5 million), having 60% of budget to be spent on electoral commissions reimbursements; deputy by-election in Gomel expenditures were set as high as BYR 1.25 billion (USD 130 thousand).[3]
Out of 18,816 deputies of 1328 local Councils most represent rural councils:
- Rural councils — 1160 councils and 13,638 seats;
- Town councils — 19 councils and 237 seats;
- Local city councils — 14 councils and 248 seats;
- Regional city councils — 10 councils and 368 seats;
- District councils — 118 councils and 3913 seats;
- Regional councils and Minsk City Council — 7 councils and 412 seats.[4]
On 8 December 2013, in a week before decree on holding elections signed, amendments to electoral legislation entered into effect, and upcoming elections were held under the new rules. For example, agitation for elections boycott was prohibited; also candidates were obliged to print agitation materials at their own cost, however, limited to BYR 1.3 or 3.9 million (USD 135 or 405 respectively) depending on the council level.
Candidates nomination. Electoral campaign

Deputy candidates nomination started on 12 January 2014 and went on till 10 February. Candidates registration was hold on 11–20 February; after the later the agitation campaign started and went on till 22 March. Preliminary voting was held on 18–22 March.[5]
23,799 applications were provided for 18,816 seats, among which 22,784 were approved. Thus, there were on average 1,2 candidates for seat in total in Belarus. The lowest competition was for places in rural and town councils (1.1 candidate per seat), with a bit higher rate in local city councils (1.2) and district councils (1.3). Other councils had much higher competition: regional city councils — 2.1, regional councils — 2.3. The highest competition appeared to be in Minsk, where seats in 57 electoral districts were applied by 345 candidates, among which 270 registered, resulting in 4.7 candidate per seat.[6]
80% of districts had non-alternative elections.
63,8% deputy candidates were nominated by citizens via signatures collection, 32,7% were nominated by workers' associations, 3,4% were nominated by political parties. Among other parties the most nominations were made by Communist Party of Belarus (277), Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus (159), Belarusian Left Party "A Just World" (119), United Civic Party of Belarus (111), Republican Party of Labour and Justice (51), Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly) (50) and BPF Party (35).[6]
47,3% candidates were acting local councils' deputies, with the share of women among candidates as large as 46,3%, citizens under 30 — 5,2%. The highest number of candidates worked in social sphere (education, culture, science, healthcare) — 28,2%, and agriculture — 22,7%. 11,8% of candidates worked in government authorities and institutions, and 9,7% in manufacturing, transport, and construction. However, among Minsk City Council candidates, 24,1% represent social sphere, 20,7% — manufacturing, transport, and construction, 16,3% — private businesses.[6]
In Gomel-Navabielicki 36 electoral district 7 candidates contested single deputy seat in House of Representatives.[8]
Under the Law "On the status of Local Council deputy" the Council deputy is responsible and reports to the voters. The Council deputy shall periodically, at least semi-annually report to the voters on his/her activities and progress with electoral programme implementation.
Elections process. Turnout
On 18–21 March 24,92% Belarusians voted preliminary. According to human rights advocates and independent observers, практикуется vote enforcement was imposed during municipal elections to students, state institutions employees and military servicemen.[9]
In total, 5,591,103 people, or 77,3% voters participated in elections, taking into account preliminary election.
Incidents and events
- Upon the end of deputy candidates registration one of the candidates died leaving the district with no other candidates to participate.

- On 19 March CEC started sending SMS with call to come for elections via all three mobile service providers (see photo).[11]
- Ballots with no entries were printed for Brest City Council elections.[12]
- In Lahoysk an independent observer, who passed the accreditation, was not let to the voting station.[13]
- On 21 March a candidate from United Civic Party of Belarus was detained in Minsk near "Traktarny zavod" metro station and transported to Partyzanski DDIA for giving away invitations to legal meeting with voters.[14]
- В Pinsk agitation to participate in elections were located on ATMs.[15]
- In Mikashevichy, Brest Region an independent candidate was prohibited to hold meeting with voters in the only officially authorized location. The prohibition was imposed by the head of Mikashevichy City Executive Committee, who participated in the elections himself.[16]
- On 16 March 9 participants of campaign demonstration were detained in Minsk near Komarowka market: according to law enforcement version, they called for an election boycott. The head of United Civic Party of Belarus Anatoly Lebedko, who participated in demonstration, was sentenced to 15-days arrest (10 for «disturbance of public meetings», and 5 for «disorderly conduct»), four other participants were sentenced to 10-days arrest (only for «disturbance of public meetings»), two other were fined.[17]
Elections took place in 18,809 districts, in 7 other districts re-elections were appointed: in 3 districts no candidate received majority vote, in 4 districts elections did not take place due to absence of candidates.
4 pro-presidential parties succeeded. Agrarian Party (Belarus) (6), Belarusian Socialist Sporting Party (2), Communist Party of Belarus (206), Republican Party of Labour and Justice (34).
Agrarian Party (Belarus) 6 deputies (0.03% of total number.)
Belarusian Socialist Sporting Party 2 deputies (0,01% of total number.)
Communist Party of Belarus 206 deputies (1,1% of total number.)
Republican Party of Labour and Justice 34 deputies (0,2% of total number.)
- On 18 March BPF Party reported an interim elections assessment, pointing a number of organizational violations:
«...withdrawal of printed agitation materials of candidates; low-quality production of printed agitation materials; unjustified agitators detention, including candidates detention; obstruction of media use by opposition candidates; electoral commissions spread of inconsistent information on candidates' criminal record, including publication of scandalous reports on candidates with no criminal conviction; unjustified withdrawal of candidate registration, and unjustified rejections to register candidates»[18]
- On 20 March independent observers from "Human rights advocates for free elections" campaign mentioned vote enforcement with use of administrative power, significant (tenfold in some voting stations) inconsistency of preliminary vote turnout in protocols with real observations, as well as obstruction of observers' activities.[19]
- Public campaign "Right to choose" declared mass manipulations with turnover, untransparent votes count and voting procedure violations.[20]
- Representatives of "Monitoring elections: theory and practice" campaign declared a lot of violations observed during elections.
- Independent observers continually registered significant (up to 500 people) excess of protocolled turnover over real.[21]
- Лукашенко подписал указ о проведении местных выборов — 23 марта 2014 года (in Russian - Lukashenko signed decree on holding municipal elections — 23 March 2014)
- Центризбирком утвердил смету расходов в 100 млрд. рублей на подготовку и проведение местных выборов (in Russian - CEC approved budget of expenditure for preparation and holding elections as BYR 100 bln)
- "Сведения о количестве местных Советов депутатов и о количестве образуемых избирательных округов (in Russian - Information on number of local Counsils' deputies and on number of electoral districts created)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-03-08. Retrieved 2021-02-16.
- 12 января начнется выдвижение кандидатов в местные советы (in Russian - Candidates to Local councils nomination will start on 12 January)
- "Сведения о выдвижении кандидатов в депутаты местных Советов депутатов (in Russian - Information on candidate nomination for Local Councils deputies)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-03-08. Retrieved 2021-02-16.
- В Гомеле 7 человек идут в Палату представителей, среди них — оппозиционеры (in Russian - 7 people nominated to the House of Representatives in Gomel with opposition among them), Еврорадио (Euroradio) (12 February 2014)
- На досрочных выборах депутатов в местные советы уже проголосовали почти 25% белорусов (in Russian - Almost 25% Belarusians have already voted in preliminary local councils' deputies elections)
- Цэнтравыбаркам запрашае на выбары эсэмэскамі (фота) (in Belarusian - CEC invites to elections with text messages (photo))
- Кандидат в депутаты Брестского горсовета считает, что бюллетени без выходных данных — это основа для фальсификаций (in Russian - Deputy candidate to Brest City Council considers ballots with no entries to be a fundament for fraud)
- Председатель комиссии на одном из участков посоветовал наблюдателю «сходить в одно место» со своей жалобой (in Russian - The head of commission on one of voting stations advised an observer to go "do something" with his complaint)
- Кандыдат у дэпутаты запрашаў на сустрэчу — яго затрымалі (in Belarusian - Deputy candidate had been inviting to meeting and was detained)
- У Пінску на выбары запрашаюць праз банкаматы (фота) (in Belarusian - In Pinsk people are invited to participate in elections via ATMs (photo))
- Незалежнаму кандыдату забаранілі сустрэчу з выбарцамі ў ПК "Граніт" (in Belarusian - Independent candidate was prohibited to hold meeting with voters in "Granite" community center)
- Вынік мінскіх судоў: 5 чалавек за кратамі, 2 — аштрафаваныя (фота) (in Belarusian - Minsk court verdict: 5 people arrested, 2 fined (photo))
- Избирательная кампания проходит в худших традициях белорусских выборов, считают в Партии БНФ (in Russian - BPF party considers electoral campaign to run in worst traditions of Belarusian elections)
- Правозащитники сообщают о принуждении, приписках и давлении на наблюдателей (in Russian - Human rights advocates report on enforcement, stuffing and pressure on observers)
- «Право выбора»: итоги выборов в местные советы недействительны (in Russian - "Right to choose": results of local councils elections are invalid)
- Местные выборы-2014. Система делает результат (in Russian - Municipal elections-2014: system provides result)
- СВЕДЕНИЯ о составе избранных депутатов местных Советов 27 созыва (in Russian - INFO on 27th convocation Local Councils' deputies composition) Archived 2014-07-14 at the Wayback Machine
- Выборы 23 марта 2014 года на сайте Центральной комиссии Республики Беларусь по выборам и проведению республиканских референдумов (in Russian - 23 March 2014 Elections on Central Commission of Republic of Belarus on elections and republican referendums organization)