1997 Marseille Open – Doubles

Jean-Philippe Fleurian and Guillaume Raoux were the defending champions but did not compete that year.

1997 Marseille Open
ChampionsSweden Thomas Enqvist
Sweden Magnus Larsson
Runners-upFrance Olivier Delaître
France Fabrice Santoro
Score63, 64

Thomas Enqvist and Magnus Larsson won in the final 63, 64 against Olivier Delaître and Fabrice Santoro.


  1. South Africa David Adams / Netherlands Menno Oosting (semifinals)
  2. United Kingdom Neil Broad / South Africa Piet Norval (quarterfinals)
  3. Spain Tomás Carbonell / Spain Francisco Roig (quarterfinals)
  4. South Africa John-Laffnie de Jager / Russia Andrei Olhovskiy (first round)



First round Quarterfinals Semifinals Final
1 South Africa D Adams
Netherlands M Oosting
WC France S Grosjean
France H Leconte
      1 South Africa D Adams
Netherlands M Oosting
6 3 6
  South Africa L Bale
South Africa C Ferreira
6 77     South Africa L Bale
South Africa C Ferreira
4 6 1
Q Spain J Alonso
Italy V Santopadre
3 62   1 South Africa D Adams
Netherlands M Oosting
4 4  
4 South Africa J-L de Jager
Russia A Olhovskiy
4 3     France O Delaître
France F Santoro
6 6  
  France O Delaître
France F Santoro
6 6     France O Delaître
France F Santoro
6 6  
  Italy C Brandi
Italy S Pescosolido
6 7     Italy C Brandi
Italy S Pescosolido
4 2  
  Sweden P Fredriksson
Netherlands S Noteboom
2 5     France O Delaître
France F Santoro
3 4  
  Hungary G Köves
Belarus M Mirnyi
4 67   WC Sweden T Enqvist
Sweden M Larsson
6 6  
  Netherlands T Kempers
Netherlands T Nijssen
6 79     Netherlands T Kempers
Netherlands T Nijssen
4 6 6
  South Africa B Haygarth
United States M Keil
5 2   3 Spain T Carbonell
Spain F Roig
6 3 3
3 Spain T Carbonell
Spain F Roig
7 6     Netherlands T Kempers
Netherlands T Nijssen
4 4  
WC Chile M Ríos
Switzerland M Rosset
2 6 1 WC Sweden T Enqvist
Sweden M Larsson
6 6  
WC Sweden T Enqvist
Sweden M Larsson
6 2 6 WC Sweden T Enqvist
Sweden M Larsson
4 6 77
  Federal Republic of Yugoslavia N Djordjevic
North Macedonia A Kitinov
4 5   2 United Kingdom N Broad
South Africa P Norval
6 1 64
2 United Kingdom N Broad
South Africa P Norval
6 7  
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