1997 Australia Day Honours

The 1997 Australia Day Honours are appointments to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by Australian citizens. The list was announced on 26 January 1997 by the Governor General of Australia, Sir William Deane.[1]

The Australia Day Honours are the first of the two major annual honours lists, the first announced to coincide with Australia Day (26 January), with the other being the Queen's Birthday Honours, which are announced on the second Monday in June.[2]

Order of Australia

General Division

Franco Belgiorno-Nettis, CBE AMFor service to the arts, to Australian business through the engineering and construction industry and to the community[1]
Dr Peter Charles DohertyFor service to scientific research, particularly the role of major histocompatibility complex proteins in cell mediated immunity
The Honourable Justice William Montague Charles GummowFor service to the law as a Justice of the High Court of Australia
Sir (Alan) Charles Mackerras, CBEFor service to music as an operatic conductor and for the promotion of the international status of Australian music

General Division

Professor John Robert BookerFor service to geomechanical engineering, particularly through research, teaching and educational administration[1]
The Honourable Frederick Michael ChaneyFor service to the Parliament of Australia and to the Aboriginal community through the establishment of the Aboriginal Legal Service and mediation with the National Native Title Tribunal
Professor John Paul CoghlanFor service to scientific and medical research and the Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine, particularly in the field of endocrinology and to the arts
Emeritus Professor John Louis DillonFor service to education, particularly in the field of Agricultural economics and international development economics
The Reverend Thomas Michael DoyleFor service to the Catholic Church and education, particularly as the chief executive director and chairperson of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria
Professor John Allan EismanFor service to medical research, particularly in the field of metabolic bone disease and the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Emeritus Professor Bryan Thomas EmmersonFor service to medicine and research in the fields of nephrology and rheumatology
Dr Eric Lancelot FrenchFor service to scientific research
Lady Persia Elspbeth Galleghan, OBEFor service to the community, the arts and youth, particularly through philanthropy and personal support for many organisations including the Australia Red Cross Society, Australian Opera Foundation, Friends of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and the Sydney City Mission
The Honourable Eric Roger GoldsworthyFor service to politics, to the parliament of South Australia and to the community
Hayes Gordon, OBEFor service to the arts, particularly the acting profession and the theatre and to the community
Denis John IvesFor service to industrial development and restructuring policies, to industrial relations, and to public sector management and reform.
Professor David Roy LindsayFor service to agricultural science and to the wool industry in the fields of reproductive physiology and quantitative breeding behaviour of sheep, and to the community
The Honourable Ian William Payne McCallFor service to the law, particularly as Chief Judge of the Family Court of Western Australia, to legal education and to the community
Graeme William McGregorFor service to the accountancy profession, particularly in the improvement of the quality of Australian accounting and auditing standards, and to the community
Dr Heather May MunroFor service to medicine in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, and to the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
His Excellency The Honourable Kerry Walter SibraaFor service to the Parliament of Australia, to international relations and to the community
Hagen Heinz StehrFor service to the commercial fishing industry and to education and training, particularly through the South Australian Fishing and Seafood Industry Skills Centre Inc.
Professor Colin Martin TatzFor service to the community through research into social and legal justice for people disadvantaged by their race, particularly the Aboriginal community, and to promoting the equal participation in community life of all Australians
David Egmont TheileFor service to surgery, particularly through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Sir Ian (Graham) Turbott, CMG, CVOFor service to the community, education, and the arts, particularly through the University of Western Sydney and the Australian Cancer Foundation for Medical Research
The Honourable George Henry WaltersFor service to the law as a judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia, to legal education, and to the community

General Division

Lynly Sheila AitkenFor service to the community, particularly to nursing and aged care[1]
Susan Marie AlbertiFor services to the community through the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Australia
Emeritus Professor Charlotte Morrison AndersonFor service to medicine in the field of paediatric gastroenterology, particularly through research in the areas of cystic fibrosis and coeliac disease
Walter Edward David BatemanFor service to fishing, particularly through the preservation of fish habitats
George Deas BrownFor service to the community, particularly through the Winston Churchill Fellows Association and the National Trust of Tasmania
Barbara BuickFor service to women, particularly through EEO Tribunal in WA and to librarianship and publishing, particularly through the promotion of children's literature
Professor Margaret Irene BullockFor service in the field of physiotherapy, particularly as a research leader, academic and administrator
Barbara Amy CailFor service to business and management, particularly as an advocate for women as entrepreneurs in business
Patricia Gloria CallaghanFor service to people with disabilities and to community organisations
Alan John CameronFor service to the law, to commerce and to public administration
Brother Kelvin Brian John CanavanFor service to education as the Executive Director of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney
Arthur Edward CarrFor service to the manufacturing industry, particularly in the design and export of furniture and to the community
Leslie Anthony CassarFor service to the travel industry and to the development of Maltese/Australian relations
Roy McGregor ChristieFor service to the law, particularly as Under-Secretary of the Crown Law Department Western Australia
William Joseph ClancyFor service to the community and to health care through promoting education and research
Dr Doreen Veronica ClarkFor service to science, particularly chemical analysis through business and education and as President of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Adele CohenFor service to community health through the Diabetes Research Foundation, to the Jewish community and to the arts in Western Australia
Francis Bertram ColquhounFor service to aeronautical engineering, aviation and air transport industry
Janet Viola CoombsFor service to women in law, particularly through the Women's Lawyers' Association and the St Thomas Moore Society
Evelyn Mary Dill-MackyFor service to swimming as an Olympic team administrator and as President of Australian Swimming Inc.
Garry Keith DownesFor service to the law as a barrister, educator and Executive Officer of many legal organisations, including President of the International Association of Lawyers
George Colliver DunstanFor service to paralympic sports and as Chef de Mission of the Australian team at the Paralympic Games, Atlanta 1996
Dr Brian Eric DwyerFor service to medicine, particularly in the fields of anaesthetics, pain management and palliative care
Donald Frederick EzekielFor service to the optometric profession and to the development of the scleral contact lens
Warren John FaheyFor service to Australian music and Australian folklore, particularly as a record producer, broadcaster, author, collector and performer
Bruce Norman FayFor service to children with disabilities, particularly through the Autistic Children's Association of QLD
Paul Desmond FitzgeraldFor service to art, particularly as a portrait painter
Eudo Carlile FoxFor service to engineering, particularly in the electrical and mechanical fields as a manufacturer and administrator
Rayham Stanley FrancisFor service to primary industry, particularly through the Grazier's Association of South East Queensland and rural industry training
Professor Neil David GallagherFor service to medicine, particularly as Director of the A W Morrow Department of Gastroenterology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Harry Christian Giese MBEFor service to the community, particularly as Chairman of the Menzies School of Health Research
James Ramsay GilesFor service to the community as an advocate for multiculturalism in education and the arts, particularly through the Multicultural Education Co-ordinating Committee
Professor Laurence Murray GillinFor service to engineering and education, particularly in the area of continuing education programs for professional engineers.
George Noel GittoesFor service to art and international relations as an artist and photographer portraying the effects on the environment of war, international disasters and heavy industry
Harold Gerald Goldstein, OBEFor service to the Jewish community particularly through the Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish home
Professor Kenneth Leslie GoodwinFor service to literature, art administration and education
Kenneth Maxwell GrendaFor service to the transport industry, particularly in the area of design and standards for buses and coaches
Franklin Carrick HadleyFor service to the cotton industry, particularly through the Namoi Cotton Co-operative and Cotton Seed Distributors
Harold Rupert HallensteinFor service to the community as State Coroner for Victoria and through involvement with the Victorian Institute of Forensic Pathology
Margaret Elizabeth HamerFor service to the community, particularly as president of the Board of Management of the Queen Victoria Medical Centre
Robin Byrne HartFor service to the beef industry as a producer, administrator and exporter
Professor David Victor HawksFor service to community health in the fields of psychology and the prevention of alcohol and other drug related problems.
Milan HudecekFor service to people with disabilities through the invention of a laptop computer and other technology for use by people who are blind or partially sighted.
Richard Francis JohnsonFor service to motor sports particularly as a multiple winner of the Australian Touring Car Championship and the Bathurst 1000 and to the community through support of charitable organisations.
Associate Professor Alan William JohnstonFor service to people with visual impairment particularly in the field of optometric rehabilitation.
Associate Professor Rodney Leonard JoryFor service to science education, particularly as Executive Director of the National Youth Science Forums and through the International Science Olympiads
Professor Manfred JurgensenFor service to literature as a novelist, poet and critic, and as founder of the journal Outrider
David Simon KarpinFor service to business management and training education mining and the community
Leonard Clifford KeynesFor services to veterans, particularly as President of the Western Australian Branch of the Returned and Services League.
Geoffrey Moore KingFor service to the book publishing industry and to the community
Associate Professor Yean Leng LimFor service to medicine and education, particularly in the field of cardiology
Rabbi Ronald LubofskyFor service to the Jewish community, particularly through the Victorian Council of Christians and Jews, and the Jewish Museum of Australia
Barry John MackinnonFor service to people with hearing impairment through the Disability Services Commission, the Speech and Hearing Centre for Deaf Children and the Deafness Council of Western Australia
Doreen McCarthyFor service to nursing administration through the Royal Perth Hospital and Fremantle Hospital
Patricia Margaret McNaughtonFor service to the community of Newcastle through health, welfare and service organisations
Dr Andre David MenashFor service to the chiropractic profession as a practitioner and educator
Sister Noni MitchellFor service to education, to health care and the Catholic Church, particularly as Worldwide Superior General of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Loreto Sisters
Associate Professor Dennis William Gifford MooreFor service to information technology, particularly as head of the School of Computing Science at the Curtin University of Technology
Harry MorganFor service to primary industry through the apple and pear growing and exporting industries
Frederick Halcomb MoylanFor service to the wool, mohair and cashmere industries, particularly through the marketing and promotion of textile products
Liz MullinarFor service to the performing arts and entertainment as a theatrical and film casting consultant, and to the community
Dr Bruce Martin MunroFor service to the community, particularly the development of youth through the New South Wales Branch of the Scout Association of Australia, and to the Australian sugar industry
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Eric NairnFor service to tertiary education, particularly as Foundation Vice-Chancellor, Northern Territory University, and to veterinary science through the Australian Veterinary Association
Neil David NoyeFor service to local government and to the community of the Tasman Peninsula and for the provision of leadership and support to those affected by the Port Arthur tragedy
Richard John Donald OliverFor service to business and commerce through the insurance industry, particularly through the development of risk management strategies
Andrew George PadgettFor service to the forestry industry and sustainable forest management, and to the promotion of innovations in environmentally sound forest harvesting, transport and replanting techniques
Dr Vicki PearsonFor service to the community in the field of alcohol and drug rehabilitation through the development of innovative programmes to prevent drug-related deaths and to bring about a reduction in the incidence of HIV/AIDS
Godfrey Eugene PriestFor service to veterans, particularly as president of the New South Wales branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Eric Kevin Prince, EDFor service to the valuation and property profession through the Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists, and in the promotion of international valuation and appraisal standards
Dr Lynette Maree RobertsFor service to the community and to health, particularly in the field of health promotion, cancer prevention awareness and lifestyle education
Toni Fae RobinsonFor service to local government and to the community as mayor of the rural city of Murray Bridge since 1989, and as an advocate for improved water resources management in the Murray-Darling River Basin
Mary Eileen SalterFor service to the community as an advocate for the rights of deaf and hearing-impaired people
Dr James Francis ScattiniFor service to medicine and to health care through the provision of medical and surgical care in remote regions of the Northern Territory for over 30 years
Herbert Ronald ShieldsFor service to land development and housing through the Urban Development Institute and the New South Wales Housing Industry Indicative Planning Council
Jeffrey John William (Bill) SigantoFor service to tertiary education and vocational training, particularly as Chairman, Queensland Vocational Education, Training and Employment Commission since 1991, to the air conditioning industry and to the engineering profession
Professor Peter Bryan SpradbrowFor service to veterinary science, particularly in the areas of veterinary education
Professor Charles Thomas StannageFor service to the community, particularly through promoting the study of history in the community and as a contributor to museum development in Australia
Bruce William StannardFor service to community, particularly in promoting community awareness of Australia’s maritime history through the Australian National Maritime Museum and the HM Bark Endeavour Project
Gailene Patricia Stock-NormanFor service to ballet as director of the Australian Ballet School, and to furthering the quality of dance education and performance
June Margaret SwalesFor service to oncology and palliative care nursing and to the community in promoting cancer awareness and education
Professor Ngoc Trang ThomasFor service to the community in the areas of aged care and ethnic affairs
William Michael Chadwick ThomasFor service to medicine through the provision of surgical services in rural Western Australia
Professor Barry Stephen ThorntonFor service to education in the field of applied mathematics and computer science and in the promotion of research through the Foundation for Australian Resources
Geoffrey Arthur TombsFor service to gemmology through the Gemmological Association of Australia and the Jewellers and Allied Trades Valuers' Council
Dr John Edward VercoeFor service to the cattle industry through research into genetic factors affecting the efficiency of beef production in tropical environments
Dr John Powell Waller, RFD, EDFor service to medicine and to medical administration as medical superintendent of the Mater Misericordiae Hospital since 1978 and through the Queensland branch of the Australian Medical Association and the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators
Dr Charles Harold WarmanFor service to engineering and to the mining industry, particularly through the development of slurry pumps, and to the community
Dr Ruth Hilary WhiteFor service to nursing as a pioneer and leader in nursing education and health care, and to the community in the care of the disadvantaged and people with AIDS-related illnesses
Barbara Elizabeth WorleyFor service to the community, as an advocate for the development of sport for people with disabilities
Dr James Edwin WrightFor service to medicine in the field of paediatric surgery medical education and health administration of the Newcastle area for over 30 years

Military Division

NavyCaptain Brian Lee AdamsFor exceptional service to training and warfare development in a broad range of highly demanding postings and functional areas[1]
Captain Peter Graeme Habersberger RFD, RANRFor exceptional service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly in the integration of members of the Australian Naval Reserve
Lieutenant Paul John WhittakerFor exceptional service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the Warrant Officer of the Navy
ArmyLieutenant Colonel Mark DaveyFor exceptional service to the Army in the field of logistics
Colonel David Keith JamisonFor exceptional service as the Director of Capital Procurement, Melbourne
Brigadier Raymond Leslie McCann OBEFor exceptional service in the field of defence facilities and army accommodation and works
Brigadier Paul Stacy O'SullivanFor exceptional service to the army in the fields of operations and defence representation
Colonel Bruce Charles WhitingFor exceptional service to the Army in the field of logistics
Air ForceWing Commander Tony Kenneth AustinFor service to the aviation and general medicine in the Royal Australian Air Force and the US Air Force Air Combat
Wing Commander Anthony Elvin KempnichFor exceptional service to C130 Hercules pilot training in the Royal Australian Air Force

General Division

Elva Jessie AbrahamsFor services to community health, particularly through the Drug and Alcohol Services Council of South Australia[1]
Nancy Mabel AdamsFor service to the community in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie area, particularly through the Girl Guides Association, the Scout Association, surf life-saving and the Australian Sports Medicine Federation
Peter Houghton AinsworthFor service to the Returned and Services League, Bush Nursing and ARC
Pauline Fay AlbonFor services to the community, particularly through the Australian Red Cross Society
Meryl Lindsay AllworthFor service to the community of Holbrook
Robert Cooper AllworthFor service to music as a composer and as an advocate of other Australian composers' works
Stanley Alexander AmbroseFor service to mechanical engineering, through the development of Australian standards for safety in the pressure equipment industry
Olga Patricia AndersonFor service to the community, particularly through the Coast Centre for Seniors, Soroptomist International and CanTeen
Michelle AndrewsFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Troy AndrewsFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Unity AndrewsFor service to the support and care of widows of ex-servicemen through the St George Sutherland Widow's Club and the Jacaranda Club
Alyson AnnanFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Peter Thomas ArnottFor service to youth through the Wirraway Christian Youth Centre
Julia Antonina Xenia ArnottFor service to youth through the Wirraway Christian Youth Centre
Albert Ralph ArthurFor service to the community, particularly through the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and Meals on Wheels
Hazel St Barbe AtkinsonFor service to people with disabilities and special needs, particularly to access to independent living
Thomas Herbert AtterbyFor service to agriculture and to the Fitzgerald/Jerramungup community
Anthony Thomas AtwoodFor service to the community, particularly through the Wentworth Falls Autumn Festival and other local organisations
Bianca BaldassiFor service to the Italian community, particularly the frail and elderly through the Association of Senior Italian Citizen's Clubs of VIC and the Italian Pensioners Club of Northcote
Donald BarberFor service to the community through fundraising projects and the support of health and aged care services
John BarnettFor service to the community, particularly through the Epilepsy Association of South Australia
Ruth BarrattFor service to the koala habitat of the Northern Rivers area, New South Wales through rescuing, caring for and financing the veterinary and other needs of sick koalas
Neville William BayfieldFor service to the Royal Life Saving Society and to raising standard and awareness of life saving education
Graham Louis BenjaminFor service to education as a teacher and administrator, particularly in relation to Aboriginal students
Dr Vasilios Antonios BerdoukasFor service to paediatric medicine, particularly the diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies
Peter Francis BerginFor service to the community, particularly through the support of charitable organisations and the promotion of fund-raising events
Frank Terence BerrymanFor service to the community and scouting
Hazel Maude BeswickFor service to the community and the aged
Dr John Henry Winter Birrell, ISOFor service to medicine and the community through the introduction of measures to reduce alcohol related road trauma and as an advocate of child abuse as a significant social problem
Fabian John BlattmanFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Rosslyn Lydia Mary BlayFor service to the Parramatta community, to business and to women, particularly through Soroptomist International.
Robert BlytheFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Robert Godier BottomFor service to the community and to journalism through the investigation and reporting of organised crime in Australia
Arthur Edgar Woodfield BowleyFor service to the community, particularly through music and fundraising projects
Norman BraithwaiteFor service to the community, particularly through the arts and local history
Paul Noel BrandyFor service to the community, through improving Police/Aboriginal relations particularly as a member of the Aboriginal Friends Call Out Roster and the Aboriginal Police Liaison Sub Committee.
Dawn Valerie BredenFor service to the welfare of veterans and their families
Allen Maxwell BriceFor service to the community and veterans, particularly through the Honour Avenue Committee
Alexander George BriggsFor service to the community through the Balwyn Returned and Services League, Canterbury Memorial Homes and the Balwyn Community Centre
Donald Leonard BrodieFor service to the sport of athletics, particularly as a coach and to dog training as an instructor and founder of the Tracking and Rescue Dog Club of New South Wales
Kirsty Margaret BrownFor service to the community through the Scout Association, particularly as leader and trainer
Margaret Uriel BrownFor service to the community, particularly through the Canberra Youth Theatre and to motor sports
Daphne Joyce BrownFor service to the community through St John Ambulance Australia
Denis James BuckleyFor service to four successive Governors of QLD as Lodgekeeper and Sergeant-at-Arms, and to the community through the Lyons Club and Cystic Fibrosis Association
Kingsley Haldane BugarinFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Brendan John BurkettFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Damien Alexander BurroughsFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Brian Paul CaddyFor service to local government and to the community of the Riverland area of South Australia
Joy Miriam CairnsFor service to people with disabilities
Beryl CareyFor service to the community, particularly through the Wallamba District Show Society
Melissa Paula CarltonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Patricia Margaret CarrFor service to occupational health and safety in the construction industry through the initiation and implementation of preventive and rehabilitation programmes
Orfeo CecconatoFor services to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Margaret Alison ChambersFor services to the aged, particularly through the Harbison Memorial Retirement Village and to the community through church, school and welfare groups
Jean ChambersFor services to the community and the education of girls through the organisation of fundraising projects
Iris Irene ChappelFor service to the community, particularly in the areas of aged care, the delivery of health and welfare services and support for youth, church and women's groups
Reuben Bernard CharlesFor service to apiculture through the Tasmanian Beekeepers' Association, The Australian Apiarists' Association and the Tasmanian Honey Committee
Margaret Alice CharlesFor service to education, particularly in the area of speech and drama and to the community through Soroptomist International
Joan May CheethamFor service to the aged through the NSW Pensioner's and Superannuants' Federation
Shirley Ruth ChillerFor service to women in sport, particularly through the Active Achievers Programme and the Australian Modern Pentathlon Union
Dr Dorothy Laurel Pauline ChongFor service to the community and to medicine, particularly in the field of general practice and care for the aged
Ruth Chong, MBEFor service to the community, particularly through charitable activities and the promotion of multiculturalism
Josef ChromyFor service to business and industry, particularly the meat processing industry
Barden Thomas ClaffeyFor service to the community through service clubs, sporting and church groups
Francis Western ClarkFor service to local government and the community, particularly through the Copmanhurst Shire Council, the Clarence River County Council and the Shires Association of New South Wales
Anthony Laurence ClarkeFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Jessie Deakin ClarkeFor service to community health and welfare
Albert Joseph Briton CliffFor service to the community through organisations including ex-service, church, women's senior citizens' and sporting clubs
Damien Kevin Giuseppe CodognottoFor service to the Motorcycle Rider's Association of Australia toy drives, blood donation campaigns and road safety promotion
David Edward ColdbeckFor service to the community through the Hamilton Regional Headquarters of the State Emergency Services, sporting and community groups
Peter George CominosFor service to the community, particularly through the Far North QLD Youth Assistance Fund and as a philanthropist and fundraiser
Beverly Joyce CookFor service to local government and to the community, particularly through school councils, health and welfare services
Norma Kathleen CourtneyFor service to the community, particularly rural women through the Country Women's Association
Emeritus Professor Kenneth Russell CoxFor service to medical education and to the World Health Organisation through the Expert Committee on Human Resources for Health and the Regional Training Centre for Health personnel, Western Pacific Region
Benjamin Richard CoxFor service to veterans
Ian David CraigFor service to the sport of cricket as a player and administrator through the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust
Constance Beatrice CraigFor service to people with visual impairment through transcribing textbooks and novels into Braille
Colin Eric CrawfordFor service to the community, particularly as a fundraiser for the NSW Spastic Centre, Rotary International and to sport
Alva Jean CrebbinFor service to the community, particularly the ACT Cancer Society and the Hospice Palliative Care Society
Harold Joseph CreekFor service to veterans and their families through the RSL and to the community through the 'Australia Remembers 1945-95' ceremonies
Cecil Thomas CrippsFor service to the sport of cycling as a competitor and administrator
Henry James CummingsFor service to the community through the Lions Club International, The White Cane Committee, the Safety House Project, Meals on Wheels and school committees
Walter James CurranFor service to the trade union movement, particularly through initiating improvements in health and safety standards for the meat industry workers and to the support and development of the arts
Commander Geoffrey Edwin CurranFor service to youth, particularly through the Naval Reserve Cadets in Western Australia
Therese Catherine D'ArcyFor service to education as a speech and drama teacher and examiner
Dur-e Najaf DaraFor service to the community and to promotional and fundraising activities for women's groups
Joanne Mavis DashFor service to the sport of netball
Gemma Joan DashwoodFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Neil DavidsonFor service to Fire and Emergency Services in the Mandurah area, and the development of training programmes in high schools
Francis Joseph DavidsonFor service to the arts as an entertainer and to the support of charitable organisations
Ernest DavisFor service to sports administration and coaching of surf lifesaving
Constance Anne de DassellFor service to the community through staging musical entertainments to raise funds for charitable organisations and sports clubs
Ramon De Vere, MCFor service to the veterans, particularly through the Queensland branches of the Returned and Services League of Australian and the Vietnam Veterans’ Association
Warwick Michael Mortimer DeacockFor service to conservation and the environment, particularly through the Chakola Wildlife Refuge, Kangaroo Valley
Michael Constantine DiamondFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Lylah Melrose DiamondFor service to the people with disabilities, particularly in establishing work preparation schemes and facilitating independent living
Dr John Grant DicksonFor service to medicine and to the community, particularly as a surgeon and educator in the field of otolaryngology
Anthony DieniFor service to the community through the St Paul's Drug Rehabilitation Centre for people with addictions to drugs and alcohol
Louise Karen DobsonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
David John Dodds, CMGFor service to the community through sporting clubs, the Scouting movement and the Innisfail District Show Society
Frances Evelyn DonnellyFor service to aged care and to veterans in Queensland, particularly through the Ex-Australian Army Medical Women's Service Association, the Council of Ex-Servicewomen's Association and the War Widow's Guild
Mary Stewart Douglas, OBEFor service to veterans, particularly through the Royal Australian Army Corps Association and the 'Australia Remembers 1945-1995 celebrations
Jeannette DowdaFor service to the community, particularly through the fundraising projects of the Royal North Shore Hospital Ladies' Committee
Alexander Davidson DustanFor service to the sport of cycling as a sports administrator for over 25 years
Phillip Peter DuttonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Leonard John EarleyFor service to the community and local government, particularly through the Meander Valley and Deloraine Councils and the Local Government Association of Tasmania
Jenifer Edna EddyFor service to arts administration, through the management and promotion of opera and concert artists
Evangelos EfstratiadisFor service to the Greek community and to veterans, particularly through the Greek Returned and Services League Sub-Branch
Maisie Wishart EndersFor service to conservation through the care of injured, sick and orphaned native animals and birds
Marjorie Lascelles EslerFor service to the community, particularly through the Cobram District Hospital and Meals on Wheels
David Martin EvansFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Stuart James EwinFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Janelle Cherie FalzonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Renita Maree FarrellFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Leonard Maxwell FisherFor service to veterans through the Tasmanian Branch of the Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Soldier's Association
David Hay FraserFor service to the aged people by assisting residents in nursing homes in Canberra and as a narrator of audio books
Jeffrey Douglas FraserFor service to veterans through the Doncaster RSL Sub-Branch and the 'Australia Remembers 1945-1995' celebrations
Walter Donald FraterFor service to the community, particularly as a member of the Sacred Heart Conference and Inverell Regional Council of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Society
Ralph Arthur FreemanFor service to sport, particularly through Motorcycling Queensland and the community
Andrew Balsillie Frizzell, OBEFor service to the surf life-saving movement, particularly through the establishment and promotion of the junior movement
Catherine Adelaide Marcelle FrostFor service to the sport of lawn bowls at club, state and national levels and to the community
William Robin GalvinFor service to tourism through Tourism Training Australia, the Tourism Council of Australia, the Tourism Taskforce and the Catering Institute of Australia
Neil Arthur GalweyFor service to engineering and to energy research
Rose May Jean GarsideFor service to the community through the St George Anglican Parish, Reservoir, for over 40 years
Mary Ellen GibsonFor service to the community through the Australian Red Cross Society, the local hospital's auxiliaries, the Legacy Widow's Club and the Combined Pensioner's Association
Sonia Ann Gidley-KingFor service to the community as founder and co-coordinator of the project 'Wrap With Love' involving 20,000 people knitting scrap wool into wraps for people in need in Australia and war devastated countries overseas
Drew Cameron GinnFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Joan Mary GiumelliFor service to education, particularly in the field of literacy development
Joan GlennieFor service to the Newtown United Co-operative Building Association Limited since 1960 and to the Panania Corps of the Salvation Army
Keith Norman GloverFor service to the community through the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, 3RPH (Radio Print Handicapped), the Masonic Homes for the Aged and the credit union movement
Kerry Joan GoldingFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Nikola GotovacFor service to the Serbian community
David Ian GouldFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Jack Merton GowenFor service to the community and to the macadamia nut industry
Charles John GraceFor service to veterans through the Umina and District Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers' Association
Robert Douglas GrantFor service to community through the Cerebral Palsy Association of Western Australia
Ernest Hedley GreenFor service to the community, through sporting and service organisations including the fire brigade, school committees, the show society, the Parkes RSL Sub-Branch and the Australia Remembers 1945-95 Committee
Dulcie Phyllis HaganFor service to the community, particularly through the Australian Red Cross Society, the Maroondah Hospital and the Walmsley Residents’ Committee
Mary Isa HallFor service to people with disabilities as president of the Handihome Sunnybank Management Committee responsible for a permanent residence for people with severe disabilities
Noel William Hall, EDFor service to veterans and to the community as president of both the 39th Battalion Association and Hawthorn Small Bore Club, as founder of the Victorian International Rifle Club and as an executive member of the Antique and Historic Arms Collectors’ Guild of Victoria
Mary Galloway HandleyFor service to music, particularly to opera in South Australia
Jeffrey Lewis HardyFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Edward Roy HargreavesFor service to conservation of Australian native orchids and to the Native Orchid Society of South Australia
Councillor Ronald Frederick HarrisFor service to the community, particularly through the Wagga Wagga City Council, and the Shire of Mitchell
Dr Digby Ian HarrisFor service to community health, particularly as an executive committee member of the Nhill and District Intellectually Handicapped Persons’ Welfare Association, the Cooinda Day Care Centre, the Avonlea Old Folks’ Home and the Nhill Hospital Board of Management
Brian Harry HarveyFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Juliet HaslamFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Roger Gerard HeagneyFor service to church music as an organist, harpsichordist, composer, choir master and director of music at St Francis’ Church, Melbourne
William Murray HeckFor service to primary industry as a sugarcane farmer/miller and as an executive member of the Australian Sugar Milling Council, and for service to the community
Narelle Christine HendersonFor service to youth through the Thorneside Kids’ Club and the Redlands Referral and Assessment Programme, and to young people with disabilities
Terence HennessyFor service to the community through the Arthritis Foundation, the Nowra Music Club, the Nowra Returned and Services League Sub-Branch, the Historical Society and the Shoalhaven 'Australia Remembers 1945-95' Committee
Gerard Benjamin HewsonFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996.
John Whitefoorde HeyerFor service to the media as a pioneer of documentary film in Australia and as a film producer and film director
Alan Robert HicksFor service to tennis as a former state junior champion and as an executive member of club and state tennis organisations for 40 years
Raymond Leslie HillFor service to the community through the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Australia-Japan Society of Victoria, the Lions Club, the Scout Association and the Uniting Church World Mission
Dr Allan Barry HoganFor service to medicine in the Albury-Wodonga district for over 50 years and for service to the community
Professor Brien Anthony HoldenFor service to optometry, for contact lens research and education
John Frederick Blake HollondsFor service to the community through sporting organisations, the Graziers' Association, the State Emergency Service, the Scout Association and the Anglican Parish Council
Clifford Henry HollowayFor service to the community as founder of a branch of the Catenian Association for Catholic professional and businessmen in Western Australia
Peter David HomannFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Squadron Leader Kenneth Moore Horler, (Ret'd)For service to international relations as president of the Ranfurly Library Service (Australia) which prepares and ships over 100,000 books annually to promote literacy in developing countries
Cecelia Wynette HorneFor service to community music as founder and director of the Waratah Girls' Choir and as a music educator
Ronald Clive HoveyFor service to Australian Rules football as a player for and administrator of the Geelong Football Club
Ronald McKenzie HowellsFor service to surf lifesaving for over 50 years
Maxwell Mountiford HydeFor service to veterans as president of the Returned and Services League, Mascot Sub-Branch since 1965
Jack HyettFor service to conservation and the environment as an active member of the Bird Observers Club of Australia for 60 years and as the author of numerous publications on native fauna
Ronald Keith IrelandFor service to the community through the Cairns Port Authority, the Cairns Regional Gallery Fundraising Appeal, the Far North Queensland Youth Assistance Fund, and to the automotive industry
Jean Aileen JansFor service to Aboriginal health and community services
John Victor JohnsonFor service to Vietnam Veterans and their families, particularly through 'Carry On' Victoria
Dorothy Alleyn Nellie JohnsonFor service to the community through the Combined Pensioners Association, the Senior Citizens Club and Meals on Wheels
Emily JohnstoneFor service to the community through the Legacy Laurel Club the War Widows' Guild and the Australian Red Cross Society
Lachlan Stuart JonesFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Derek JonesFor service to local government and to the community through the City Council, the Senior Citizens Welfare Association and Hospital and Health Services
George William Mansel JonesFor service to community music as the conductor of the Toowoomba Choral Society senior and junior choirs for over 30 years
June JorgensonFor service to veterans through the Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women and the Women's Royal Australian Naval Service
Janice Helen JoyceFor service to the United Graziers' Association, The Graziers' Association of South-Eastern Queensland and the Cattle Council of Queensland
The Reverend Father John KapetasFor service to the aged as chaplain and administrator of the Saint Basil Homes and through the establishment of an outreach care programme
Henry Mervyn KellyFor service to the community through the Port Adelaide Central Mission
David William KingFor service to people with physical disabilities, through the Northcott Society and the New South Wales Wheelchair Sports Association
Dr Edward Phillip KremerFor service to medicine and to the community
Jaromir Jan KusnikFor service to the arts through the Ceramic Study Group of Western Australia, and as a lecturer in ceramic chemistry and technology
Edna LaingFor service to the arts and literature through the Creativity Centre, Brisbane
Robert Hunter Fairbairn LandaleFor service to the community through the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council and the Deniliquin Council
Ann Mary LarkinsFor service to paediatric nursing, the aged and the community
Alan Douglas LarsenFor service to the community, particularly through youth and sporting organisations
Kathleen Annie LaurieFor service to the community, particularly the aged, through Twilight House Hostels for the Aged
Betty LawrieFor service to community health through the support of oncology after-care services in Geelong
Clive Touzeau Le PageFor service to the community through involvement with the local council, church and sporting organisations
Rosa Florence LeeFor service to the community of Balnarring and Hastings, particularly through the Country Women’s Association, the Senior Citizens Club and the Australian Red Cross Society
Jean Dorothea LehmannFor service to music as a violin teacher, examiner and adjudicator
Linton Roy LethleanFor service to the community through involvement in the restoration of the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, and as Chairman of the Victorian Horticultural Export Council
Lisa Christina LlorensFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Arnold Dew LockyerFor service to the community as a member of St John Ambulance South Australia for over 50 years
Lesley Ann LowthFor service to the community as local coordinator of the Queensland Cancer Fund’s Nurse of the Year campaign since 1974, and as chairman of the Ingham Branch
Jessie Sheila LuckmanFor service to the community and to music as a performer and broadcaster
William Patrick LudwigFor service to industrial relations through the Australian Workers’ Union
Dr Rodney Hugh LumerFor service to the arts through the promotion and publication of works by Australian playwrights
Hamish Anderson MacDonaldFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Jack Hamilton MackFor service to St Andrew’s Hospital and to the insurance industry
Clement Francis MacMahonFor service to community health through cancer education programs and to adult education as principal of Sutherland Shire Evening College for 19 years
Charles Douglas MacraeFor service to the Dorrigo district through numerous community and service organisations
Ruth MainsbridgeFor service to the community and to education, through home economics at secondary and tertiary levels
Clover MaitlandFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Timothy Ian MaloneyFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Dorothy Jean MaloufFor service to the Central Council of Lantern Clubs and the Cronulla Lantern Club
Richard Eric MannFor service to sport and to youth as trainer of Goulburn Valley Schoolboys Football Association for 32 years, and as trainer of the Katandra Football Club for 40 years
Russell Andrew MarkFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Karen Elizabeth MarsdenFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Eunice May MarshallFor service to the community through the Girl Guides Association of Western Australia for over 50 years
Merle Honor MartenFor service to the community through involvement and support for charities and community service organisations
Dulcie Elizabeth MartinFor service to the community, particularly through the Coffs Harbour Australia Day Committee, the Friends of the North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens, the Museum Committee and the Historical Society
Irene Emanuel MaskellFor service to the performing arts, to education and to youth
Zoran MaticFor service to sport through the South Australian Soccer Federation and the Adelaide City Soccer Club
Timothy Shaun MatthewsFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Cathy Ann MatthewsFor service to the community, particularly in the area of support for the victims of abuse
Dr Charles Prince MattnerFor service to community health, particularly in the area of general practice in the Woodside and Onkaparinga districts for over 30 years
(Eileen) Marjorie Maughan, CBEFor service to the community, particularly through the Country Women's Association of Western Australia for over 60 years
Marie Josephine Evans McCannFor service to the community through the Australian Church Women, the Melbourne University Alumni and the New South Wales Council for Children’s Film and Television
Marion Betty McCarthyFor service to education through the Health in Schools Parent Reference Group, the Department for Education and Children’s Services and the Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia
Harold Mervyn McCowenFor service to the local community, particularly through the Tenterfield Shire Council, the New South Wales Farmers’ Association and the Bolivia Progress Association
Stewart Alfred McDonaldFor service to the community, particularly coordinating civic projects using community-based workers
Colin Wellington McIntyreFor service to local government as a councillor on the Beaudesert Shire Council since 1976, and to the community as a visitor to the Palen Creek Correctional Centre, and as president of the Rathdowney Area Development and Historical Association for many years
James Alexander Smith McKenzieFor service to the community and the arts as a painter and illustrator, particularly through the Eden Killer Whale Museum
Gordon McNaughtonFor service to surf-lifesaving at club, branch and state levels
Walter Nicholas MilesFor service to the community and to veterans, particularly through the Doncaster Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League and the Carry On Club
Marjorie MillerFor service to the community as founder member and treasurer/financial adviser of the Wanneroo Employment Skills Training Network
Peter James MinturnFor service to the community, particularly through the Hawkesbury State Emergency Service, and to local government as a councillor on the City of Hawkesbury Council
Eugenia MitrakasFor service to the Greek community through the Australian Greek Society for the Care of the Elderly since 1985, the Australian Greek Welfare Society and the Hellenic Studies Forum
Kieran John ModraFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Joan Bradley MooreFor service to the community, particularly as a pharmacist for over 50 years, and to the aged through the St Andrew’s Nursing Home “Olunda”
Bernice Constant MooreFor service to children with disabilities at the Regency park School, and to the community through Meals On Wheels and Trees for Life
Dorothy Faye MorganFor service to the community of Rossmoyne and to the Palliative Care Unit, Hollywood Hospital and the Cottage Hospice, Shenton Park
Jennifer Lyn MorrisFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Nicholas Hugh MorrisFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Major Hilton Wilfred MorrisFor service with the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association of Queensland
Major Wilga Ruth MorrisFor service to the community through the Salvation Army in rural Australia and the Northern Territory
Dr John Egan MoultonFor service to surgery and medical education, particularly in relation to sports medicine through the New South Wales Institute of Sports Medicine at Concord Hospital
Dr John Stuart NewlindsFor service to medicine in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology for over 40 years, and to the Medical Benevolent Association of New South Wales
Mary Helen NewportFor service to the community through the National Catholic Media Office and the Newman Graduate Association, and for public service
Donald Andrew NicolsonFor service to conservation and the environment as an advocate and practitioner of Landcare programmes, as a contributor to arid land ecology, and to the community
William George NixonFor service to local government in the City of Kingston, and to the community
Julie Dawn NykielFor service to basketball as a player representing Australia on over 150 occasions, and to netball
Melia Helen O'DonnellFor service to youth, particularly through the Girl Guides movement and Ascham School
Elizabeth Groves O'KeefeFor service to the community, particularly through the St Patrick’s Festival Ball Committee, local charities and community organisations
Hugh Ian O'LoanFor service to local government through the Mid-North Local Government Region Inc. and to the community
Susan O'NeillFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Richard Alden OliverFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Geoffrey William OlsenFor service to the Dungog community through service, health and welfare organisations
Kevin John OwensFor service to the community through welfare and sporting organisations including the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Northern Metropolitan Football League
Henry Nan Hung PanFor service to the community, particularly through the Chinese Australian Services Society and the Elderly Australian Chinese Homes Co-Operative Ltd
The Reverend Noel Roy ParkFor service to the community, particularly as director of Lifeline in the Darling Downs and South West Queensland
John Neil ParkerFor service to local government
Gordon Holroyd ParkerFor service to veterans through the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces Japan Association
David George Walter ParkinsonFor service to local government through the Richmond River Shire Council, the Northern Regional Organisation of Councils and the North Eastern Local Government Association
Peter ParrFor service to chess as a player, including six times Australian Olympic Captain, and as an administrator, tournament organiser, columnist and international arbiter
Michael PateFor service to the performing arts as an actor, producer and writer for the Australian film, radio and television industries
Douglas Morley PatrickFor service to the community, particularly in the area of aged care and in the development of youth programmes
Hugh Archibald PattersonFor service to the community through the Society of St Vincent de Paul for over 50 years as a prison, nursing home and hospital visitor
Francis William PayneFor service to pharmacy through the New South Wales Pharmacy Board, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and the Australian Pharmacy Examining Council
Noel Donald PearceFor service to the community through executive membership of sporting organisations and various commemorative celebration committees
Harold George PearceFor service to the community through fundraising for and maintenance of the M.V. Centaur Memorial and the Walk of Remembrance, Point Danger
Morley Asquith Fredrick PereiraFor service to the community through the Sri Lankan organisations in Victoria and the Council of Australian Sri Lankan organisations
Nova Maree Peris-KneeboneFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
John Morley Phillips, RFD, EDFor service to international relations as chairman of the Rotary Kokoda RSL Project Committee responsible for the provision of health facilities in Papua New Guinea
Reginald Ernest PhilpottFor service to veterans through the Blacktown, Epping and Kogarah Sub-Branches of the Returned and Services League
William Beith PierceFor service to music as an organist and choirmaster
Teresa Hilda PooleFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
John PorterFor service to the furniture industry for over 30 years through the South Australian Guild of Furniture Manufacturers and the Confederation of Asian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Furniture Council
Lisa Josephine PowellFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Katrina Maree PowellFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Dr Anthony Swee-Leong PunFor service to the community, particularly through the Australian Chinese Association and the Australian Chinese Forum
John David Andrew PunchFor service to the community through the Gold Coast Tourism Bureau, the Surfers Paradise Chamber of Commerce, the Real Estate Institute of Queensland and the Salvation Army
Thomas Norman QuinnFor service to education, particularly in the field of vocational education and training as inaugural president of Group Training Australia
Alwyn Darley QuoyFor service to the community as foundation president of the Kittyhawk Squadron’s Branch of the Royal Australian Air Force Association for over 40 years and as president of the 77 Squadron Association
Sharon Margaret RackhamFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Thomas Bentley RansomFor service to the community through the Dorset Municipal Council and to the review of local government in Tasmania
Robert Lindsay RennickFor service to the community and to veterans, particularly through the Chincilla Returned and Services League Memorial Club
Dr Keith ReyeFor service to the community as a rural medical practitioner for over 50 years in North-West Queensland and the Shires of Kolan and Mount Perry
Annie ReynoldsFor service to the community, particularly through the Terrigal Senior Citizens and Community Centre, the Gosford District Hospital and the Terrigal-Wamberal Entertainment Group
Eric Alexander RichardsonFor service to the beef industry through the Cattleman’s Union, to local government and to the community
Bruce John Gray RobertsonFor service to the credit union movement, particularly the establishment of the Institute of Credit Union Directors and to the Esso Employees’ Credit Union, and the Association of New South Wales Credit Unions
Danni RocheFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
George Daniel RoseFor service to the Aboriginal community at Walgett, particularly through the Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service Co-operative, the Barwon Aboriginal Community Ltd and the Aboriginal Legal Service
Irene Agnes RoseFor service to the community of Lake Macquarie, particularly through the Australia Day committee, the Clean Up Lake Macquarie committee, the Toronto Wetlands Group, and to children with visual impairments
John RoweFor service to the community through visiting and assisting patients in the psychiatric ward at Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Richard RozenFor service to chess and bridge and to the community, particularly through the Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre
Ellen Lola RussellFor service to the arts and to education in the areas of drama and theatrical production
The Reverend Father John RyanFor service to the Catholic Church and to the community as a priest of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland for over 70 years
Troy SachsFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Wendy Lynn SchaefferFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Christopher Ian ScottFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Sister Genevieve SeckerFor service to people with disabilities and to the establishment of Ain Karim, an independent residential community
David Thomas SelbyFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Udo SellbachFor service to art as an artist, to the development of printmaking and to art education
Thomas Otto SemseiFor service to business through marketing in the tyre industry.
Pasquale SergiFor service to people with disabilities through the Italian Affair Committee which raises funds for the Spastic Centre of New South Wales
Ian Eric SeymourFor service to local government through the Muswellbrook Shire Council and the Local Government Association of New South Wales
Heather Gladys ShakespeareFor service to the community through the Arthur Shakespeare Foundation for Scouting, Soroptomist International of Canberra, and involvement with other local organisations
Ronald Hempton SidesFor service to the development of a new breed of sheep, the Elliottdale, which produces wool suitable for carpet manufacture
Major Doreen Hilda SigleyFor service to the development of community health programmes and vocational training for women in three South African countries for over 25 years while serving with the Salvation Army
Veronica SladdinFor service to charity, the community and the Catholic Women’s League of South Australia for over 60 years.
Kate Elizabeth SlatterFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Sandra Narelle SmithFor service to sport as gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Elsie Joy SmithFor service to the community, particularly through local government and the promotion of tourism
Dora Margaret SpencerFor service to community health through research work in the area of malaria entomology and mosquito-borne diseases
Brigadier John Anthony Springhall, MBE RFD ED (ret’d)For service to the community, particularly through St John Ambulance Australia, and to tropical veterinary science
June StaceyFor service to women diagnosed with breast cancer and to the development of the Breast Cancer Support Service Volunteer Programme in Queensland
David George StaffordFor service to junior rugby union football, and to sports administration
Kate StarreFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Mavis Doreen StevensonFor service to the community, particularly through the Country Women’s Association, ‘The Land’ cookery committee, the Australian Red Cross Society and the Albion Park Agricultural Horticultural and Industrial Show Society
Megan Leanne StillFor service to sport as gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Betty Esther StirtonFor service to the community through St John Ambulance Australia for over 50 years and as chairman of the Community Care Branch
Judith StokesFor service to the Aboriginal community on Groote Eylandt as a missionary and linguist
June Stone, BEMFor service to veterans, particularly through the Council of the Ex-Servicewomen’s Associations of New South Wales and the Royal Australian Air Force
Geoffrey Kenneth StonehouseFor service to veterans and the associations that represent them, and to the development of community awareness about young people with physical disabilities
Allan Dean StringerFor service to floriculture through promoting knowledge and appreciate of rose cultivation, and to community health as a member of the Board of Management of Modbury Hospital
Helen Vivienne StruttFor service to the Scout Association of Australia, New South Wales Branch, particularly in the formation of the Joey Scouts
Ross Collin John SwayneFor service to the community through the Keep South Australia Beautiful and the Tidy Towns programmes
Kathleen Jean SwiftFor service to the Mount Isa branch of the Leukaemia Foundation, particularly through serving as secretary, treasurer and quest coordinator
Kenneth John Graham TandyFor service to the communities of Mudgeeraba and Springbrook through the School of Arts Memorial Hall, the Progress Association and the Lions Club
Bradley James ThomasFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Dr John Robert ThompsonFor service to medicine and hospital administration through the Port Augusta Hospital for over 35 years
Hugh ThomsonFor service to the community of Warracknabeal and district for over 50 years in a wide range of activities, including serving on the Anzac Park Trust and the establishment of an aerodrome and aero club and the Australian Rules football club committee.
Geoffrey Francis Trevor-HuntFor service to veterans, particularly as National Secretary of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia
Sydney John Trigellis-SmithFor service to military history as a researcher, author and publisher of several unit histories of campaigns of World War II
Owen Hobart TuckeyFor service to the community of Mandurah through the Peel Inlet Management Authority and sporting and commercial organisations
Kemarre Margaret Mary TurnerFor service to the Aboriginal community of Central Australia, particularly through preserving language and culture, and interpreting
William Russell TysonFor service to the community through the support of many charities, including the Queensland Society for Crippled Children, the Aid and Recreation Association for the Disabled, the Endeavour Foundation and the New South Wales Blind and Deaf Society
Albert Henry UllinFor service to the promotion of children’s literature in Australia and overseas
William Robert WatkinsFor service to the community and to local government, through the Kapinnie Country Fire Service, sporting clubs, church and school committees
Betty Mitchell WatsonFor service to the development of Women’s Basketball in Australia, particularly as an administrator with the Australian Women’s Basketball Council and the Victorian Women’s Basketball Association
Katrina Lea WebbFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Belinda Joy WebsterFor service to the music industry through the establishment of the record company ‘Tall Poppies’ which promotes the work of Australian composers and musicians
Douglas Bruce WellerFor service to the community, particularly through the support and sponsorship of local charities and sporting groups for the past 30 years
Bruce WemyssFor service to community health through the support of oncology after-care services in Geelong
Laurus Vant WestendeFor service to the community and to business and commerce, particularly through the ACT Legislative Assembly, the ACT Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rotary, and the National Gallery of Australia
Edna Madge WhiteFor service to the community through the Manning Senior Citizens Association, assisting with fund-raising projects
Donald Victor WhitehouseFor service to education, particularly as the principal of Marsden State High School, and to the community
Berniece Louise WhitsonFor service to the community, particularly through sporting activities for young people at the Ulinga Park Complex
Trevor Henry WholohanFor service to cricket administration for over 40 years at club, district and state levels
John Charles WielandFor service to the community and to veterans, particularly through the Kogarah Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia for over 40 years
John Cecil WilliamsFor service to the community, particularly through the Naval Association of Australia
Robert Ian WilsonFor service to the community and to local government, particularly as mayor of Parkes Shire Council since 1985
Councillor Keith James WilsonFor service to the community of Whyalla and to local government, particularly as Whyalla City Council mayor, 1970-1973 and again since 1994
Robert WilsonFor service to the community, particularly through the Australian Services Union since 1969
Brigadier Colin David Francis Wilson, RFD, ED (Ret'd)For service to the Australian Light Horse Association
Herbert George Winders, MBEFor service to the Tweed Heads and district community through the initiation of fundraising projects by the Twin Towns Service Club to assist educational, sporting and community organisations
Roy Charles WinstedFor service to the community for over 50 years, assisting organisations including the Mount Victoria Fire Brigade, the Queen Victoria Hospital Auxiliary and the Blue Mountains Food Services
Amy Louise WintersFor service to sport as a gold medallist at the Atlanta Paralympic Games, 1996
Todd Andrew WoodbridgeFor service to sport as gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Mark Raymond WoodfordeFor service to sport as gold medallist at the Atlanta Olympic Games, 1996
Dorothy Margaret Godwin WoodgerFor service to the community in the area of aged care as a volunteer at the Lady Gowrie Nursing Home, Gordon, for over 35 years
Dr Gwendolyn Marion WoodroofeFor service to women through the ACT Association of the Australian Federation of University Women and UNICEF-ACT
Philip Greatrex WoodsFor service to the community through music for over 50 years, particularly the Wahroonga District Music Club and the Federated Music Clubs of Australia
Mieczyslaw ZurekFor service to the Polish community through the Polish Sport, Recreation and Community Association
Ronald Frank ZwarFor service to veterans, particularly through the Ex-Prisoners-of-War Association at State and Federal levels since 1946

Military Division

NavyLieutenant Victor Brian JefferyFor meritorious service to the RAN in the field of public relations[1]
Captain David John RamsayFor meritorious service to Naval Aviation leading to the formation of Commander Australian Naval Aviation
ArmyWarrant Officer Class One Peter Meredith AllenFor service to the Army, particularly at the Defence Centre Sydney
Warrant Officer One David Christopher Joseph DockendorFor service to the Army, particularly the 5th/7th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Thomas LawFor meritorious service to the Army and the Royal Australian Corps of Signals, particularly as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the 1st Signal Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Joseph Jacques Michael LeckningFor meritorious service to the Army, Air Defence Branch, Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery and particularly as the Regimental Sergeant Major of 16th Air Defence Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Stephen Kenneth PriggFor meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force as Head of Physical Training, Army and Course Implementation Officer for the Defence Force Physical Training School, HMAS Cerberus
Warrant Officer Class Two Michael James SuggFor meritorious service to the Army in the field of small arms training and development
Air ForceOfficer Cadet Dean CollinsFor service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of avionics systems
Squadron Leader John Alexander MacartneyFor meritorious service to the C130 Hercules aircraft maintenance in the Royal Australian Air Force
Squadron Leader Brian Charles O'ConnellFor meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force as officer-in-charge of the pathology section at No 6 RAAF Hospital, Williamstown
Warrant Officer John Robert WieringaFor meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the fields of technical and personnel management


  1. "The Australia Day 1997 Honours". Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. Special (National : 1977 - 2012). 26 January 1997. p. 1. Retrieved 30 August 2019.
  2. "Announcing and presenting awards". www.pmc.gov.au. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Retrieved 30 August 2019.
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