1989 Virginia Slims of Indianapolis – Doubles

Larisa Savchenko and Natasha Zvereva were the defending champions, but Zvereva chose to compete at Worcester during the same week.

1989 Virginia Slims of Indianapolis
ChampionsUnited States Katrina Adams
United States Lori McNeil
Runners-upGermany Claudia Porwik
Soviet Union Larisa Savchenko
Score6–4, 6–4

Savchenko teamed up with Claudia Porwik and lost in the final to Katrina Adams and Lori McNeil. The score was 6–4, 6–4.[1]





First round Quarterfinals Semifinals Final
1 United States K Adams
United States L McNeil
6 6
Poland R Baranski
Peru P Vásquez
3 3 1 United States K Adams
United States L McNeil
6 6
South Africa J Mundel
United States G Purdy
6 4 0 United States S Foltz
Finland P Thorén
3 2
United States S Foltz
Finland P Thorén
4 6 6 1 United States K Adams
United States L McNeil
6 6 6
3 Netherlands M Bollegraf
Bulgaria K Maleeva
6 6 3 Netherlands M Bollegraf
Bulgaria K Maleeva
7 2 3
France S Amiach
Netherlands H Witvoet
4 3 3 Netherlands M Bollegraf
Bulgaria K Maleeva
4 6 6
United States L Antonoplis
Brazil G Miró
2 5 United States K Foxworth
United States T Whittington
6 1 1
United States K Foxworth
United States T Whittington
6 7 1 United States K Adams
United States L McNeil
6 6
United States H Na
United States R Reis
6 7 7 2 West Germany C Porwik
Soviet Union L Savchenko
4 4
United States H Cioffi
United States A Frazier
7 5 6 United States H Na
United States R Reis
4 6 5
United States A Grousbeck
United States M Norwood
2 3 4 Soviet Union N Medvedeva
Soviet Union L Meskhi
6 3 7
4 Soviet Union N Medvedeva
Soviet Union L Meskhi
6 6 4 Soviet Union N Medvedeva
Soviet Union L Meskhi
6 6 4
Sweden C Lindqvist
Czechoslovakia J Pospíšilová
4 3 2 West Germany C Porwik
Soviet Union L Savchenko
7 2 6
Sweden M Lindström
United States H Ludloff
6 6 Sweden M Lindström
United States H Ludloff
3 4
United States D Faber
United States J Thomas
1 6 6 2 West Germany C Porwik
Soviet Union L Savchenko
6 6
2 West Germany C Porwik
Soviet Union L Savchenko
6 3 7


  1. "WTA Indianapolis - Women's Doubles". Grand Slam History. Retrieved June 4, 2023. 1989; ADAMS Katrina, MCNEIL Lori; PORWIK Claudia, SAVCHENKO Larisa; 6-4, 6-4
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