1935 Dutch East Indies Volksraad election

Elections to the Volksraad were held in the Dutch East Indies in 1935.

Electoral system

The Volksraad had a total of 60 members, 38 of which were elected and 22 appointed.[1] Seats were also assigned to ethnic groups, with 25 for the Dutch population (15 elected, 10 appointed), 30 for the native population (20 elected, 10 appointed) and five for the foreign Orientals (Chinese and Arab Indonesian) (3 elected, 2 appointed).[2]

Candidates and parties

The candidates and parties could be divided into left, right and centrist groups:[3]

Left group

Centrist group

  • Christian Constitutional
  • Indies Catholic Party
  • Political Economic Union
  • Association of Civil Service Officers
  • Homeland Affairs representative
  • Regents Union

Right group

  • Indo Europeesch Verbond led by Dick de Hoog
  • Fatherland Club led by Feuilleteau de Bruyn
  • Chung Hwa Hui, Chinese Association led by Hok Hoei Kan and Loa Sek Hie
  • Arab representative (Sayyid Ismail bin Sayyid Abdoellah bin Alwi Alatas)
  • Entrepreneurs (plantation owners) representative
  • Independent native representatives, led by R. Sosrohadikoesoemo from Southern Celebes


Party or allianceSeats
Left GroupNationalists100010
Native Administrative Officials Union7007
Minahasan Union1001
Javan Catholic Political Union1001
Chinese Indonesian Party0011
Centrist groupChristian Constitutional Party3205
Political Economic Union3115
Association of Civil Service Officers2002
Indies Catholic Party0101
Regents Union1001
Homeland Affairs representative0101
Independent Catholic representative0101
Middle-class representative0101
Right groupIndo Europeesch Verbond0909
Fatherland Club0505
Chung Hwa Hui0022
Arab representative0011
Entrepreneurs representative0404
Independent native representatives2002
Source: Koloniaal Tijdschrift, Vol. 24, 1935[3]


Chairman: Mr. H.J. Spit.

First Deputy: R.M.A.A. Koesoemo Oetojo.

Second Deputy: F.H. de Hoog.

Name Background Residence Membership
Abdul RasjidNative medical doctor (private)Padangsidempoean15 June 1931
Ir. Said Mohamad bin Abdullah AlatasProfessionalBatavia15 June 1931
Dr. D.H.J. ApituleyArmy medic officerBatavia16 May 1927
Th. van ArdenneRetired Army infantry officerBatavia10 January 1934
Arifin Gelar Soetan Saidi MaharadjaNative medical doctor (government)Fort de Kock15 June 1931
W. van BaalenChairman of a private companyBatavia16 May 1927
C.E. BarreResidentBuitenzorg15 June 1931
N. BeetsAssistant ResidentBatavia16 May 1927
Mr. P. A. BlaauwElected delegateBatavia16 May 1927
H.J. de DreuHeadmaster of government schoolBatavia1 March 1930
R.W. DwidjosewojoRetired teacher and Former Secretary to Sultan of DjokjakartaPoerwokerto18 May 1918
Dr. W.K.H. Feuilletau de BruynArmy infantry colonelBatavia15 June 1931
Ir. F.L.P.G. FournierElected delegateBandoeng30 June 1930
Mr. R.A.A. FruinElected delegateBandoeng20 May 1924
P.A. GandasoebrataFormer RegentBanjoemas15 June 1931
K.P.H. HadiwidjojoElected delegateBatavia20 May 1924
Mr. P.M.C.J. HamerProfessionalin Europe15 June 1931
Mr. B.Th.W. van HasseltChief representative from B.P.M. (Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij)Batavia10 January 1934
Mr. C.C. van HelsdingenElected delegateBatavia20 May 1924
H.J. van Holst PellekaanChairman of advisory committee for rubber regulationBatavia15 June 1931
F.H. de HoogElected delegateBandoeng20 May 1924
C. HoogenboomFinancial administrator for Governor of West JavaBatavia14 May 1934
R. Oto Iskandar di NataElected delegateBatavia15 June 1931
Joebhaar Gelar Datoek PerpatihDistrict head of AlahanpandjangPadang20 June 1931
Hok Hoei Kan (H. H. Kan)Elected delegateBatavia18 May 1918
I.J. KasimoDeputy of farming consultantSolo15 June 1931
R.M.A.A. Koesoemo OetojoElected delegateBatavia18 May 1918
Dr. H. KolkmanChairman of A.V.R.O.S. (Association of rubber planters in East Coast of Sumatra)Medan11 January 1932
Loa Sek HieProfessionalBatavia15 June 1929
G.J. van LonkhuyzenChairman of Association of European EmployeesBatavia20 May 1924
Toeanku MahmoedCivil servant for Governor of AtjehKutaradja15 June 1931
P.A. MandagieDistrict head of Minahasa with title of MajorManado17 May 1921
Mochtar bin Praboe Mangkoe NegaraElected delegateBatavia16 May 1927
Ir. Goesti Mohamad NoorEngineer working in Water DepartmentBandjermasin15 June 1931
J.A. Monod de FroidevilleElected delegateBandoeng16 May 1927
Ir. R.C.A.F.J. NesselMayor of MagelangMagelang15 September 1934
R.A.A. Mohamad NotoadisoerjoRetired regent of BanjoewangiSemarang15 November 1934
R.M. NotosoetarsoAccountant of Netherlands Trade UnionMeester-Cornelis15 June 1931
G. PastorChief of Labor Inspector for Java and MadoeraMeester-Cornelis15 June 1931
G. PrawotosoemodilogoElected delegateSemarang15 June 1931
G.S.S.J. Ratu LangieProfessionalManado16 May 1927
L.L. RehattaCivil servant 1st classAmboina10 January 1934
B. RoepElected delegateLembang16 May 1922
E. SmithRetired legal secretary 1st classBandoeng26 June 1934
Abdoel Firman Gelar Mangaradja SoangkoeponElected delegateBatavia16 May 1927
R. Soekardjo WirjopranotoProfessionalMalang15 June 1931
Tjokorde Gde Rake SoekawatiCivil servant and advisor to Resident of Bali-LombokDen Pasar20 May 1924
R.P. SoerosoChairman of East Indies Trade UnionModjokerto20 May 1924
Mas Soetardjo KartohadikoesoemoElected delegateBatavia15 June 1931
R.Ng. SosrohadikoesoemoDelegate from Central Java representative councilSemarang15 June 1931
E. StraatemeierDirector of K.P.M. (Royal Netherlands Packing Company)Batavia2 September 1933
Mohamad Hoesni ThamrinElected delegateBatavia16 May 1927
R.A.A. TjakraningratRegentBangkalan16 June 1931
Tjia Tjeng SiangRetired titular Major of ChinesePontianak16 May 1927
G.A.Th. WeijerElected delegateBatavia10 September 1934
R. Demang WiradiatmadjaPatihMadjalengka15 June 1931
R.A.A. WiranatakoesoemaElected delegateBatavia11 September 1922
R. Wiwoho PoerbohadidjojoEmployee of N.I.S.(East Indies train company)Semarang15 June 1931
Dr. W.L. WolffTeacher of M.O.in Europe15 June 1931
Yo Heng KamElected delegateBatavia16 May 1927
Source: Regeeringsalmanak voor Nederlandsch-Indië 1935 Part 2 [4]


  1. S.L. van der Wal & J.B. Wolters (1965) De Volksraad en de staatkundige ontwikkeling van Nederlands-Indië 2e Stuk 1927-1942, p372
  2. Schmutzer, Eduard J. M. (1977). Dutch colonial policy and the search for identity in Indonesia 1920-1931. The Netherlands: Brill. p. 68. ISBN 9789004054011.
  3. Koloniaal Tijdschrift, Vol.24 p372
  4. Regeeringsalmanak voor Nederlandsch-Indië 1935 Part 2 p57
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