1773 in Sweden

Events from the year 1773 in Sweden

Years in Sweden: 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776
Centuries: 17th century · 18th century · 19th century
Decades: 1740s 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1790s 1800s
Years: 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776
Ulrica pasch
Elisabeth Olin and Carl Stenborg in Orpheus at Bollhuset.






  1. Forser Tomas, Heed Sven Åke, red (2007). Ny svensk teaterhistoria. 1, Teater före 1800. Hedemora: Gidlund. Libris 10415996. ISBN 978-91-7844-739-8 (inb.)
  2. Roser, Max; Ritchie, Hannah; Ortiz-Ospina, Esteban (2013). "World Population Growth". Our World in Data. University of Oxford. Retrieved 23 April 2021.
  3. Dribe, Martin; Olsson, Mats; Svensson, Patrick (2015). "Famines in the Nordic countries, AD 536 - 1875" (PDF). Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues; No. 138. Lund University. p. 19.

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