This article was co-authored by Monica Morris. Monica Morris is an ACE (American Council on Exercise) Certified Personal Trainer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 15 years of fitness training experience, Monica started her own physical training practice and gained her ACE Certification in 2017. Her workouts emphasize proper warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching techniques.
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Training for a race can be a very exciting and satisfying endeavor--winning that race is even more satisfying. To prepare for a race, you'll need to train well, create a race-strategy, and know some insiders tips to winning a race. Scroll down to Step 1 for more information.
Training for the Race
1Invest in a good pair of running shoes. As silly as this may sound, a good pair of running shoes will get you through a race; a bad pair will give you blisters and kill your determination. Go to a shoe store and have your gait measured so that you know what kind of running shoes will work best for you. You should always look for shoes that are lighter than your average shoe to increase your mobility. [1]
2Ease yourself into running. If you are starting from scratch, do not jump head first into running or sprinting to train. You need to acclimate your lungs and the rest of your body to the motion it will be doing. Begin with two or three days of workouts each week, with the first few workouts being a mixture of walking and running. From there you can build up to running the full length of your race.Advertisement
3Stick to your training schedule. There is no secret, perfect formula for training for a running race--everyone is different, and as such, each training schedule is different. However, your training routine should consist of long distance running where you work on your pace, interval training to build up your strength, cross-training (like biking, swimming, strength training), and shorter runs.[2]
4Train at the pace you hope to run during the race. Your goal should be to reach a pace that you can fall into immediately and that you can keep up throughout the race. Different race lengths will call for different paces. For instance:[3]
- For a 5K: You will want to find the fastest pace that you can run at maintain for the entire 5K.
- For a 15K: Find a pace that you can maintain throughout the entire race without slowing down at all in the second half of the race, which is when most people lose speed.
5Prepare mentally. While you are racing against other runners, you are actually fighting a battle with your own mind. Part of you may want to call it quits halfway through. What you need to do is prepare your mind for the struggle ahead. First, you must overcome your desire to sprint as soon as the race begins--patience it a virtue, particularly when running a half or full marathon.[4]
- While working out, practice maintaining your pace as you get tired--don’t let yourself let up.
- While running longer runs, keep yourself from slowing down in the last miles--this will help you get in the mindset of not letting up during the race, even when you are exhausted.
6Check out the course. Run or walk the course a couple of times to get an idea of what it will be like when you are actually in the race. Plot out port-o-potty locations and hydration stations. You may even want to map out how you will approach each mile. Will you need to save up energy for an uphill mile two-thirds of the way into the race?[5]
7Form a routine before your race. Many avid runners say that it is important not to try anything new on race day. Practice your routine with a few long runs late in your training. This means waking up when you will wake up on race day, put on the outfit you will wear and the shoes you will race in, and eat the breakfast you plan on eating for race day. Figure out what works before for you and plan to stick to it on racing day.[6]
- Good breakfast items to eat before a race include: A bagel with peanut butter, oatmeal with milk, toast, dried fruit, and yogurt. If you tend to feel nervous or nauseous before a race, stick to smoothies or juices.
8Form a plan before the race. It's important to have a plan going into the race. Will you stick with the fastest runners the whole way? Maybe you’ll stay with the second pack and slowly work your way past them. Whatever your plan, have a rough outline of how you will face the race. At the same time, stay flexible--often situations arise that you didn’t plan for. Maybe you feel like you can outrun the second pack quickly so you head up to the group of runners at the front.[7]
Running and Winning
1Run at an even pace. Keeping your pace steady will help you to use oxygen the most efficiently. It also helps to reduce lactate build up. An even pace is especially good for long races when it becomes imperative to keep your body working at the same level of strength for a great distance.[8]
2Hold back in the early stages of the race. It is important to keep your pace steady, even at the beginning of the race when your pace feels easy, and at the end when it feels like a struggle to keep the same speed. Holding back and falling into your groove, rather than sprinting away at start of the race, will help you to conserve the energy you will need to finish first at the end of the race.[9]
- Staying at a steady pace will allow you to catch up to other runners who started the race off too quickly. You’ll be sure to get a boost of confidence every time you pass another runner.
3Keep your mind relaxed during the first parts of the race. This is particularly important if you are running anything longer than a 5K. The second half of the race will be a challenge--you will be tired and your body will start rebelling. Keeping your mind relaxed during the first half of the race will help you to focus and find determination in the second part of the race.[10]
4Stick with a specific racer if you are trying to beat him or her. While it is generally best to try to keep your pace even, if you have a person in mind that you really want to beat, you will want to keep a bit closer pace with that person. If he starts out quickly, make sure that you keep him within your sights without exerting all of your energy. If he gets a little ahead, switch back into your steady pace and plan to catch him later on--his burst of speed at the beginning will probably weigh heavily on him later.[11]
5Know how to pass someone and keep them behind you. When you have someone in front of you and you want to pass them, it's important to feel and appear strong.In order to do this, stay directly behind them until you are ready to pass them. When you do pass them, increase your speed slightly and keep at that pace until you are at least 30 yards (27.4 m) ahead of that runner. That person will mentally write you off as someone who they will either have to catch up to later or who will be finishing before them.
6Keep the weather in mind. Your environment can play a large part in whether you win or lose a race. In particular wind and heat are two factors that can really bring a runner down. If it is very windy on the day of your race, plan to stay in a group. When you run in the middle of a group, the other runners will act as a barrier for the wind, which will help you to conserve energy since you won’t be fighting against the breeze.[12]
- To combat the heat, start out at a conservative pace that is a little slower than you would normally run. Many other runners won’t do this and you will be able to pass them as the fade away from heat and exhaustion.
7Keep your eyes on the prize. No matter how tired you are or how concerned about the proximity of other runners you might be, it is important to keep looking forward. If you look back and other runners see you doing so, it will give them a mental boost because they will know that you are tired and that they can pass you when they choose.
Other Race-Winning Techniques
1Hone your sprinting skills. If long distances aren’t your thing, sprinting might turn out to be a great option for you. Of course, sprinting is taxing on the body, but with tips and tricks, you’ll be speeding your way across the finish line.
2Win a cross country race. Whether you are on a high school, collegiate, or city team, you will need to train hard for your cross country race.
3Walk across a finish line first. If you are more into walking than running, you can still cross a finish line first. Prepare for a walking race and beat your competitors.
4Bike your way to first place. Cycling is a challenging, fun, and incredibly satisfying endeavor. Make it more satisfying by coming in first.
5Win a swim race. Splash your way to gold by following these tips and preparation techniques.
Community Q&A
QuestionHow can I win a race when I am in last place?Community AnswerDon't focus on beating the person in first place. Focus on catching the person nearest you, then the next person, and the next, and so on.
QuestionHow do I beat a very fast runner?Community AnswerTry not to focus on the other runner, but keep your eyes on yur own prize of running to the best of your ability. Use time trials ahead of the race to practice running faster.
QuestionHow do I keep my pace when I am out of breath?Community AnswerUse music. Play a song in your head and keep with the beat. Also, try staying at an 85-90% speed throughout versus 100% in the beginning, which will leave you at 70% by the end.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about winning a race, check out our in-depth interview with Monica Morris.
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About This Article
To win a race, make sure to keep a steady pace so that you're not struggling to keep the same speed at the end. If you want to pass someone, stay directly behind them until you are ready to pass them. Then, increase your speed slightly and stay at that pace until you are at least 30 yards ahead of them. As you reach the finish line, keep your eyes ahead of you and your mind focused on winning instead of the other runners. For tips on how to find your ideal pace according to what type of race you’re running, read on!