This article was co-authored by Imad Jbara and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Imad Jbara is a Dating Coach for NYC Wingwoman LLC, a relationship coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Imad services 100+ clients, men and women, to improve their dating lives through authentic communication skills. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
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Just spotted an “SS” in your texts or on your feed? This acronym has a lot of potential meanings, so it can be tricky to decode this vague abbreviation sometimes. We've got your back, though. Keep reading for an in-depth look at what “SS” most likely means in your texts and social media posts, and what else it could stand for in more specific circumstances. In just a few moments, you’ll be an expert!
What does SS stand for on Snapchat?
1SS typically stands for “screenshot.” Pretty much any phone, tablet, or computer can capture a still image, or screenshot, of the screen. This feature is widely used on sites like Snapchat, where screenshotting happens pretty frequently. So, if you see “SS” in a text or social media setting, it’s pretty safe to assume that it stands for “screenshot.”[1] X Research source
- “SS this gif to see what TV show you should watch”
- “SS this and send it your friends”
- “Please don’t SS this”
- SS can be spelled with all capital letters or with all lowercase letters (ss).
2SS can also mean “speak soon.” Haven’t chatted with someone in a while? They might send over an “SS” to try and strike up a conversation.
- “Long time no see! SS?”
- “It’s been so long! We really gotta ss”
What does SS mean over text?
1SS usually means “screenshot” over text and other chatting platforms. Snapchat is probably the most likely place where you’ll see SS used regularly, but it’s also fair game on over text and other social media apps.[2] X Research source
You: “You’ll never guess what he said to me lol”
Them: “OMG send me a ss!!”
You: “You’ll never guess what he said to me lol”
2SS can occasionally mean “speak soon.” “Screenshot” is definitely the most popular definition of SS, but it’s not the only one. In certain contexts, SS can mean “speak soon” when sent over text.
- “Haven’t heard from you in a long time. We should ss!”
How to Use SS
1Ask someone to screenshot something. Want your followers to screenshot something from your Snapchat or Instagram story? Need your friend to send you all the juicy details from a text convo with their co-worker? SS is a great way to get the message across clearly and quickly.[3] X Research source
- “SS my Story for a fun surprise”
- “Please send me a SS of that lmao”
- Snapchat notifies you when someone screenshots your chats, so you can also use SS to comment on how someone took a picture of your chat.
- “I’m so confused. Lucy just took a SS of our chat??”
2Let a friend know that you’d like to chat with them soon. Reconnecting with an old friend or acquaintance is always tricky, but a quick SS is a simple way to get the conversation going on any chat platform.
- “Miss you so much! We should ss”
- “Are you free this weekend? We need to ss”
Alternate Meanings
1SS can stand for “Schutzstaffel,” a military group from Nazi Germany. One of SS’s most infamous namesakes, the Schutzstaffel was a group of Nazi German soldiers that served under Adolf Hitler and his regime. Throughout Hitler’s reign and WWII, the SS was responsible for countless atrocities, including the Nazi concentration camps.[4] X Research source If you’re chatting with someone about world history, there’s a chance that SS could refer to this military group.
- “Just started a new historical documentary about the SS, and I’m honestly horrified”
2SS can also stand for “Social Security” in America. SS is often seen in the acronym “SSN,” which stands for Social Security Number.[5] X Research source
Person 1: “I think I lost my SS card 💀”
Person 2: “That’s not good…” - “They asked me for my SSN so I hung up on them LOL”
Person 1: “I think I lost my SS card 💀”
3SS sometimes means “steamship.” In British English, “SS” is commonly paired with ship names that aren’t a part of any naval fleet.[6] X Research source If you’re talking about an upcoming cruise or boat trip with someone, SS could be used in the name of the boat.
- SS Agamemnon
- SS Archimedes
4SS is short for “saints” in religious settings. Some churches with multiple saints in their name use SS to abbreviate their official title.[7] X Research source If someone brings up the church they go to, SS could be used in that context.
- “I go to the church of SS Luke and Matthew.”
5SS stands for the Latin word scilicet on legal documents. If you’ve ever gotten a document notarized before, you might have noticed a cursive “S.S.” on the paper. It literally translates to “namely” or “in particular,” and is found next to the venue element on the document, like the county. Typically, “S.S.” means that the notary needs to be more specific about a certain part of the form.[8] X Trustworthy Source American Society of Notaries Non-profit organization providing education, training, and supplies to notaries in the United States. Go to source
- If you saw “S.S. (town/city)” marked next to a “county of ___” form on a document, the notary might need to include the county as well as the town and city name.
- In some cases, SS is just there for show, and the notary doesn’t actually have to do anything.
6SS can refer to the “shortstop” position in baseball. Striking up a conversation with a baseball fan? They might use abbreviations like “SS,” which just refers to the shortstop position on a baseball team (the player who stands in between second and third base).[9] X Research source
- “How do you feel about the SS for the Giants?”
- “Think the Yankees will trade for a new SS?”
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