This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. Amber Crain has been a member of wikiHow’s writing staff for the last six years. She graduated from the University of Houston where she majored in Classical Studies and minored in Painting. Before coming to wikiHow, she worked in a variety of industries including marketing, education, and music journalism. She's been a radio DJ for 10+ years and currently DJs a biweekly music program on the award-winning internet radio station DKFM. Her work at wikiHow supports her lifelong passion for learning and her belief that knowledge belongs to anyone who desires to seek it.
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Curious about what SFS means? Typically, SFS is used on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok as a self-promotion tool. In this article, we'll go into more detail about SFS, including what it means and how to use it successfully. We'll also note a couple of alternative meanings, just in case you run into another usage. Read on for our comprehensive guide!
What does SFS mean on Snapchat?
On Snapchat, SFS means “snap for snap.” SFS is often used by social media influencers, although anyone on the platform can use it. Typically, a user will post a snap and caption it with #SFS. They're asking their followers to repost their snap as a way to get more attention and increase their reach.[1] X Research source
- If you respond, they’ll promote your profile/content in return to help you get more likes/followers, too.
- A user might tag you in a #SFS post to get your attention (especially if you’re a fellow influencer) so you’ll share their content.
What does SFS mean on Instagram?
On Instagram, SFS means “shoutout for shoutout” or “spam for spam.” Even though the translation is slightly different (after all, only Snapchat has snaps), the basic meaning of SFS is exactly the same on IG—a user who captions a post with #SFS is asking their followers to reshare their content. If you help them out, they’ll cross-promote you in return.[2] X Research source
- SFS is almost always paired with a hashtag, especially on Insta.
- A user may DM or tag you in an SFS post if they want to get your attention.
- The meaning and intention behind SFS is the same on TikTok, WhatsApp, Twitter, and all other social media platforms.
How to Use SFS on Snapchat and Instagram
Caption a post with #SFS to ask your followers to share your content. Posting content on social media with the caption #SFS is an easy way to ask all of your followers to promote you. Since the idea is cross-promotion, you’ll be expected to promote other users (especially other influencers) in return.
- For example, to promote your street art photography, post an image and caption it with #SFS. It also helps to include additional hashtags like #photography, #photooftheday, #streetartimages, #artwork, #streetstyle, and so on.
- If you want to get a specific user’s attention, tag them in your #SFS post.
- Many people consider SFS posts to be annoying clickbait, so be choosy! Only use #SFS if your story or post is actually worth sharing.[3] X Research source
Responding to SFS on Snapchat and Instagram
Repost the user’s content if you want to promote them. If you want to help out another influencer or promote a friend, share their SFS-labeled content with your followers. They'll share your profile and content with their followers in return. Hopefully, both of you will get tons of new likes and follows as a result!
- You can also just ignore #SFS posts if you prefer. Even if you’re tagged in a post like this, you aren’t obligated to share the content. It’s totally up to you.
Other Possible Meanings of SFS
1So f*cking stressed. Keep in mind that if you see “SFS” paired with a hashtag, it always means “shoutout for shoutout,” “snap for snap,” or “spam for spam.” However, you might see this usage in a text message or DM from a friend who’s super anxious about something. For example:
- ”Got an algebra test tomorrow and SFS about it. Come over and help me study?”
2Seriously funny sh*t. You might see this alternative usage in a text message or DM from a friend. Luckily, it's pretty easy to tell if someone is trying to say “so f*cking stressed” or “seriously funny sh*t” by paying attention to the context.[4] X Research source
- A friend might send a text like, “Wait until you hear what my brother did today, this is some SFS...”
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