This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Aly Rusciano is a Creative Writer based outside of Nashville, Tennessee. She has over ten years of experience in creative, academic, and professional writing. Aly’s writing has been nationally recognized in the Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle and featured in Blue Marble Review, The Sunshine Review, PopMatters, and Cathartic Literary Magazine. She graduated from The University of Tennessee at Martin with a BA in English, focusing in Creative Writing and minoring in Theatre.
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So, you’re messaging a girl when she sends you a <3—what could it possibly mean? Whether you’re DMing on social media or texting, a <3 could mean a handful of things coming from a girl. Maybe she likes you as more than a friend, but how can you know for sure? In this article, we’ll tell you what the <3 really means and how to respond in any situation.
<3 Meanings from a Girl
1The <3 says she’s your friend. Not every girl uses hearts to say, “I love you.” More often than not, a girl will send you a <3 in a friendly way. But before you jump to conclusions, look for context clues. Does she call you “friend”? Did she pair the heart with a “thank you” or “you’re welcome”? If so, she could be using a <3 to show she appreciates you as a friend.
- “You’re such a good friend <3”
- “You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help <3”
2A <3 shows she cares about you. Some girls use a <3 to express their want for you to be safe and happy. Maybe you sent her a text saying you’ve had a long day, and she responds with a heart. This could mean she’s sending you hugs and well wishes. Look for messages like:
- “I’m so sorry to hear that! Hopefully, tomorrow’s better <3”
- “My heart goes out to you and your family. If you need anything, I’m here <3”
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3The <3 is a sign she’s flirting with you. Sending you a <3 might be her way of testing the waters before she admits to liking you. Notice if she’s using other flirtatious emojis like a ;) or 😉 complimenting you more than usual. These could be signs she’s flirting.[1] X Research source
- “You’re too cute! <3”
- “It’s impossible not to think about you ;) <3”
4A <3 means she loves you. For many girls, sending a <3 is a way of saying, “I like you as more than a friend.” Maybe she’s crushing on you and finally has the courage to say how she feels, or she’s your girlfriend sending a quick “I love you” text. Either way, make sure the <3 is romantically affectionate before you respond.[2] X Research source She might say something like:
- “Love you, baby <3”
- “Miss you! Can’t wait for our date tonight <3”
How to Respond to <3 from a Girl
1Send her a :) or 🙂. Keep things casual and friendly with a simple smiley face. This is perfect if you’re unsure what she means or don’t reciprocate her romantic feelings. Stick to the topic of conversation but steer away from compliments and flirtatious emojis.
- “Not a problem! I knew I could count on you as a friend :)
- “You’re a lifesaver! 🙂 Professor Chin would’ve failed me if I didn’t turn in the right assignment.”
2Tell her you like her too. If you like her and you think she’s texting you a <3 because she has a crush too, why not shoot your shot? Pair a sweet reply, compliment, or flirt with a <3 or ;) to say, “Hey! I like you too.”
- “Nobody’s as sweet as you ;)”
- “I kinda <3 you too.”
3Send her a <3 or ❤️ back. Try sending a heart of your own to express your love or gratitude.[3] X Research source If she’s been flirting with you for a while, this could be your chance to make things official. If she’s your girlfriend, show her you still love her. If she’s just a friend you care for, reply with a <3 to emphasize your friendship.
- “What do you say we meet up tomorrow after school? <3”
- “Love you too, baby girl! ❤️”
- “I couldn’t have asked for a better friend <3”
4Ask her on a date. So, she’s been flirting with you and finally sent a <3; now it’s time to put yourself out there! Take the leap and ask her if she wants to hang out with you sometime.
- “So, I’ve been thinking. Maybe we should hang out sometime.”
- “Are you doing anything Saturday? I’d love to catch a movie with you :)”
Possible Variations
The <3 isn’t the only heart emoji a girl could send you. A girl with an emoji keyboard will most likely text or message you using a colored heart emoji like ❤️. But, unlike the classic <3 emoticon, graphic emojis have secret meanings on top of their traditional intentions. Consider these correlations on top of what you’ve learned about the <3 if she texts you with one of these emojis:[4] X Research source
- ❤️: Romance
- 🧡: Support
- 💛: Friendship
- 💚: Gratitude
- 💙: Happiness
- 💜: Appreciation
- 💗: Growing love
- 💘: Shot by cupid
- 💕: Love is in the air
- 💞: Two hearts beating as one
Community Q&A
QuestionHow should I express my feelings for her if I don't like her?EveeCommunity AnswerIf you want to hint you're not interested, avoid being with her. She'll understand without words that you don't like her.
- The more "3s" a girl uses in her <3, the more love or affection she’s sending. For example, an “I <333 U!” means she loves you three times as much!
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