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Has a pregnancy dream left you feeling confused? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Pregnancy dreams are actually quite common and not limited to one gender. Whether you’ve always dreamt of having a big family or never wanted any kids, a pregnancy dream doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. Important life changes, stressors, and anxiety can all manifest in the form of a pregnancy dream.
So what does your pregnancy dream really mean? From positive pregnancy tests to actually giving birth, we’ve outlined a guide to the top 11 types of pregnancy dreams and their true meanings.
A Positive Pregnancy Test
A positive pregnancy test symbolizes new growth and development. You certainly don’t have to be pregnant in order to take on new responsibilities. Dreaming of a positive pregnancy test can mean your subconscious mind is preparing you for testing times like new responsibilities at work, a big move, or a new relationship.[1] X Research source
Having Morning Sickness
Having morning sickness in your dream represents fear or apprehension. Nausea and vomiting aren’t exactly the most pleasant feelings. If you find yourself having morning sickness in your dreams, it could be a reflection of emotional uneasiness or anxiety about something negative occuring in your personal life.[2] X Research source
- Often, our dreams are a reflection or continuation of experiences in real life.[3] X Research source If you find yourself having repeated dreams of morning sickness, analyze what real-life emotions or situations may be causing you stress and try to minimize them.
- If you find yourself hiding your morning sickness from others in your dream, this could indicate that you’re trying to hide a secret or a new development in your personal life and are anxious that it will be revealed.[4] X Research source
Experiencing Labor Pain
Dreaming of labor pain is a sign you’re emotionally exhausted. Labor pain is an intense physical and emotional experience. If you’re dreaming of labor pain, it could be a sign that you’re experiencing heightened emotional intensity or feeling out of control in your personal life.[5] X Research source
- Typically, labor pain occurs near the end of your pregnancy. Dreaming of labor pain can signal that you’re about to complete a difficult goal or task.
- Painful dreams can also be a result of physical sensations like sleeping in an uncomfortable position, menstrual cramps, or needing to use the bathroom. If you experience painful labor in your dream, take note of any physical pain that you may be experiencing in real life.[6] X Research source
Giving Birth
Giving birth in your dream represents the start of new beginnings. When we give birth in real life, a baby emerges and your hard work comes to fruition. Similarly, dreaming of giving birth can be a metaphor for a fresh start or the birth of a new idea. This could include new personal growth such as earning a raise, starting a new job, or completing your degree.[7] X Research source
- If you are currently pregnant or trying to conceive, dreaming about giving birth could be your mind’s way of preparing you for the big event.[8] X Research source
Having an Evil Baby
An evil baby is a warning sign. Generally, anything evil popping up in your dreams is a manifestation of negative or repressed thoughts and feelings.[9] X Research source If you see an evil baby in your dream, view it as a sign of caution and introspect how to be honest with your feelings.
- Try talking to a loved one about your dream. You might find that walking them through the dream helps you release any pent up emotions that could be causing your evil baby dream.
- If you find yourself constantly having nightmares, try mediating for a few minutes before bed. This will give you a chance to reflect on your day and let go of any negative thoughts before sleeping.[10] X Research source
Hearing a Crying Baby
Crying babies can be a sign of major stress. Let’s face it, crying babies are disruptive and hard to ignore. This is because the human brain is engineered to react and respond to crying baby sounds.[11] X Research source When you hear a crying baby in your dreams, it’s no different. The crying baby is likely a manifestation of your real-life stressors calling out for attention in your dreams.
- A crying baby could also be a reflection of your own unhappiness. Try to examine what is making you feel unsatisfied or unfulfilled in your daily life.[12] X Research source
Breastfeeding a Baby
Breastfeeding in your dreams represents a desire to nurture. Generally, breastfeeding symbolizes a primal need to care for others. If you dream about breastfeeding a baby, it could hint at a desire to nurture relationships, people, and life around you.[13] X Research source
- Breastfeeding dreams don’t have to be limited to nurturing other people. These dreams can also symbolize feeding your creative ideas, tending to your home or personal projects, and even nourishing yourself.
Being Pregnant with Twins or Triplets
Dreaming of having multiple fetuses symbolizes an inner conflict. You may be juggling a lot of things and your subconscious is relaying it to you in the form of being pregnant with twins or triplets. Perhaps you have to make a life decision with several choices or are in two minds about something important in your life.[14] X Research source
- If you're having trouble making an important decision, try a pros and cons list. This will allow you to map out your different options and make a more informed choice.
Being Pregnant with an Inhuman Baby
An inhuman baby represents a foreign development in your life. Having dreams of being pregnant with an inhuman baby can be disturbing or confusing, but it doesn’t have to be worrisome. These dreams are an indication that there is something occurring in your life that feels foreign or new to you.[15] X Research source
- An inhuman baby dream can be a precognitive dream.[16] X Research source This means the dream is your mind’s way of predicting the future and preparing you for what’s to come.
Being Pregnant with Your Ex’s Child
Dreaming of being pregnant with an ex’s child is a sign of growth. While this might seem contradictory and even upsetting to have this kind of dream, it is actually a good indication of new insight and wisdom. In a sense, the pregnancy represents growth and a new life for yourself that allows you to keep forming and developing internally.[17] X Research source
Losing Your Baby
Dreams of losing a baby represent a loss of innocence and trust. Losing a baby is extremely heartbreaking even in a dream. However, this kind of dream can carry some powerful meanings. Losing a baby in a dream can represent your subconscious shedding the innocence and trust that accompanies your own inner child. The dream can also represent a loss of something that you’ve been nurturing or laboring over time.[18] X Research source
- When you have a disturbing dream, try keeping a dream journal to help record your thoughts and work through unprocessed issues.
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