This article was co-authored by Karina Klimtchuk, L.Ac., DACM, Dipl. OM. Dr. Karina Klimtchuk is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, Faculty Member at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Owner of Kai Wellness. She specializes in holistic health, Chinese herbal medicine, and functional medicine. Dr. Klimtchuk also helps patients through emotional and spiritual trauma. She holds a BA in Psychology and Sociology from The University of Massachusetts, Boston, a Master's from Emperor's College in Santa Monica, CA, and a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
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Black seed is a home remedy also known as black cumin or black caraway. It has been used traditionally to treat digestive ailments, respiratory problems and some other inflammatory diseases, though more research needs to be done to determine whether it is effective. To use black seed, you must heat raw seeds and grind them before eating them. You can also combine them with honey, water, yogurt, or other food, or apply black seed oil onto your skin topically.
1Heat the seeds prior to ingestion. You cannot eat whole, raw seeds. They must be heated to protect your stomach and make them taste better. Place the seeds in a pan and turn the stove onto the low setting. Stir the seeds every few minutes.
- You will know that the seeds are done when they taste bland. After you have heated them for around five minutes, start tasting them. If they still have a harsh taste, they need to be heated longer.
2Grind the seeds after heating. Take the seeds and grind them up in a coffee or spice grinder. Grind them to a small enough size that you can easily ingest them. Grinding them into a powder-like substance is usually the easiest way to consume them.[1]
- You can also grind them with a mortar and pestle.
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3Place the powder in an airtight container. You must place the ground black seeds in a container that won’t allow moisture inside. You can put them in pill capsules or keep the powder in a jar so you can easily access it when you need it each day.
4Purchase black seed oil or processed seeds. If you don’t want to heat and grind your own seeds, you can instead buy already heated seeds or black seed oil. You can find these online or at natural food and natural health stores.
- Avoid buying products that suggest taking large amounts. You only need to take small amounts, such as a teaspoon, one to two times a day.
1Ingest one teaspoon of black seed twice each day. Black seed is believed to protect against numerous diseases. A common recommendation is to take one teaspoon of black seeds two times each day.
- You can also use black seed oil. However, the purest form of black seeds is when you have processed your own seeds. This guarantees you are not getting any unnecessary or harmful additives.[2]
2Mix black seed oil with honey. Measure out one teaspoon of black seed oil and mix it with one teaspoon of raw honey. Take this one to three times each day. [3]
- You can also add one teaspoon of crushed black seed powder to the mixture.
3Make black seed water. If you don’t want to crush the seeds but want to heat them and consume them, consider boiling them in water. Boil a small amount of water with a teaspoon of black seeds. After it boils, let it simmer for about five minutes. Then pour into a mug and drink when it cools enough to consume.
4Mix black seed oil with kefir or yogurt.[4] Black seed oil is traditionally used for intestinal and stomach ailments. Try mixing one cup of kefir, Greek yogurt, or plain yogurt with one teaspoon of black seed oil. Eat this twice each day.
5Add black seeds to food. After you have heated and crushed your seeds, you can place the ground seeds into any food. Consider putting a teaspoon into bread, oatmeal, smoothies, or anything else you eat.[5]
Topical Use
1Massage black seed oil onto your skin. Black seed oil may have some anti-inflammatory properties which could help with acne or other skin problems. Massage the black seed oil into your skin daily as part of your beauty routine.
- Remember that all topical uses of black seed oil need more quality research to determine whether it is safe and effective.
2Rub black seed oil onto your chest. Black seed oil is thought in traditional medicine to help with respiratory problems. Rub a thin layer of black seed oil onto your chest. This allows it to soak into your skin and be inhaled.
3Rub the oil on your temples. Black seed oil may help alleviate your headaches. Massage black seed oil onto your temples. You may also try massaging a few drops into your scalp.
- For bad migraines, you can also dab a few drops of oil in your nostrils, which lets you breathe in the black seed oil. Breathing it in may help alleviate your headache.
4Combine crushed black seed with olive oil to help with earaches. Black seed may also help with earaches. Take one teaspoon of heated and crushed seeds and mix with a few drops of olive oil. Stir until combined. Place around seven drops in your ear in the morning and at night.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about using black seed, check out our in-depth interview with Karina Klimtchuk, L.Ac., DACM, Dipl. OM.
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About This Article
Before you use black seeds, heat them in a pan over low heat for around 5 minutes, which will help protect your stomach and make the seeds taste better. After you heat the seeds, grind them up into a powder using a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle. Then, store the black seed powder in an airtight container. Try to ingest one teaspoon of black seed powder twice a day to help boost your immune system. You can mix the powder with honey or water, or you can sprinkle it over your food. To learn how to use black seeds topically, scroll down!