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This article will walk you through the process of unlocking Aquaman. To gain access to this character, you need to build his door and obtain 125,000 studs and 70 gold bricks. Read on to learn how!
Collect 70 Gold Bricks.
You will need to collect at least 70 gold Bricks before Aquaman's door appears. You will receive 60 Gold Bricks for completing every objective in Story Mode (beat a Chapter, rescuing a citizen, collecting minikits). You can also find Gold Bricks hidden around the city. There are 250 Gold Bricks total.[1] X Research source
Collect 125,000 Studs.
You will need 125,000 Studs to purchase Aquaman after building his door. You will collect Studs as you explore the game and beat levels.[2] X Research source
Find the door.
Once you have enough Gold Bricks, you will be able to find the deconstructed door that unlocks Aquaman. This door can be found in the northwest area of the city, to the east of Gotham Beach near Ace Chemicals. The door is located on a rooftop, so you will need a flying character in order to reach it.
- The building has a large fan on the top, along with a water tower. The door is located on the lower part of the roof on the north side of the building. There will be a checkered ramp nearby.
- The door may not appear right away. Wait a few moments for it to show up.
Assemble the door.
Purchase Aquaman.
Use Aquaman.
Aquaman is a powerful character. Besides his pointy trident, Aquaman can spray water and is one of the only characters that can dive. You can find a lot of valuable Studs and Gold Bricks by diving in the right areas. Aquaman also has Super Strength, allowing him to interact with objects that require the Super Strength skill.
Community Q&A
QuestionCan you give me some cheats?Community AnswerZHAXFH for Beep Beep. TPJ37T for Character Studs. 9ZZZBP for Clown Goon. BWQ2MS for Disguises.
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About This Article
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 46,147 times.
24 votes - 58%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: June 17, 2022
Views: 46,147
Categories: Video Games