This article was co-authored by William Gardner, PsyD. William Gardner, Psy.D. is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice located in San Francisco, CA’s financial district. With over 10 years of clinical experience, Dr. Gardner provides individually tailored psychotherapy for adults using cognitive behavioral techniques, to reduce symptoms and improve overall functioning. Dr. Gardner earned his PsyD from Stanford University in 2009, specializing in evidence-based practices. He then completed a post-doc fellowship at Kaiser Permanente.
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The success of a relationship definitely depends upon both the partners, so does the responsibility of facing the adversities that threaten a relation. Thus, it is necessary to first chalk out what are the problems that stop a relation from culminating into marriage, and then find solutions.
1Face the problems that can beset your relationship as it grows. The sorts of problems you might face can include:[1]
2Care about the small things. Small things matter a lot in a relationship, and 'care' and 'love' matter a great deal. Make your beloved feel special.[4] Saying the magical words all the time does not really prove that you care or love. It is the small things that you do in times of need that makes him/her feel that you are the one who is going to be there forever.
- Girls love security, compassion and want someone who would be able to protect them and stand up for them in need.
- On the other hand, boys want a partner who is a reflection of their self, would understand them, stand by them and care for him and the family. The love that you feel needs to be shown as this is a very crucial factor in turning a relationship into a marriage.
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4Share each others' problems. Mental compatibility plays an important role in turning an ongoing relation into a marriage.[7]
- Know each other's likes and dislikes.
- Keep your professional and personal lives separate.
5Devote enough time to one another. Don't take the message to create space to the other extreme and never have time for one another. Everything in moderation.[8]
- Try to adjust to each other's needs for space and togetherness.
6Avoid being dominating.[9]
- Respect each other's beliefs and thoughts.
- Don't try to change your partner according to your values.
- Respect each other's family values.
- Maintain each other's individual identities.
- Communicate how you're feeling instead of being passive aggressive and bottling up your emotions
Community Q&A
QuestionIs it possible to marry a 27-year-old guy if I am just 19? I really love him but I don't know if he loves me too.Community AnswerIt's certainly possible. However, it's not a good idea to marry someone if you don't know for sure that the person loves you.
QuestionIs it possible to marry someone who isn't ready to take responsibility for himself, can't afford his three square meals, and doesn't want to work because he is a preacher who is not recognized in his church?Community AnswerIs it possible? Anything's possible. Is it smart? Probably not.
QuestionI love my current boyfriend a lot. But he keeps on talking about his ex-girlfriend and their physical intimacy. It's difficult for me to hear their past intimate moments. What should I do?Community AnswerHave you expressed your feelings to him? It's really inconsiderate for him to talk to you about things like that, especially if you haven't asked him to. And that he keeps talking about his ex-girlfriend suggests he's not over her and/or not that into you. It probably would be best to break this off, but if you haven't yet, you can try talking to him about it first and figuring out where you both stand in this relationship.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about relationships, check out our in-depth interview with William Gardner, PsyD.
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