A+ chat-up lines to impress any teacher
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Do you have a crush on a teacher? If so, we’re here to help you make the first move! In this article, we’ve compiled a list of clever, creative lines that don’t feel cheesy or basic (believe us, teachers have heard it all). Break the ice with one of these openers, and chances are you’ll have a study date very soon.
Section 1 of 3:
1Are you my student loans? Because I want you around the rest of my life.
2Are you an exam? Because I’ve been studying you like crazy.Advertisement
3Do you have a pencil? Because I want to erase your past and write our future.
4Can I put you down as my emergency contact number?
5If I had to write a report card on you, I’d give you straight F’s….for Fineee.[1] X Research source
6Are you my perfect test score? Because I’d love to show you to my parents.
7I’m bad at math, but I can give you the value you deserve.
8You must be an Ivy League… because there’s no way I have a chance with you.
9Are you an important passage? Because you’re the highlight of my day.
10Are you my college loans? Because you definitely have my interest!
11You must be an overdue library book, cause you got fine written all over you.
12I’m learning about important dates in history, do you want to be one of them?
13Are you an AP exam? Because I would gladly sit in a room with you for three hours.
Section 2 of 3:
1If you were my teacher, I’d have 100% attendance.
2I’d do anything to get an A in your class.
3I see why you’re teaching math… your curves are exponential.
4It’s kind of unfair that I know all the digits of Pi, but I still don’t know your number.
5Care to evaluate each other?[2] X Research source
6If you were an exam, I’d give you more than 100 points.
7Can you teach me how to dial your number?
8How does it feel to be the most attractive person in this school?
9I bet you’re great at teaching people how to fall in love.
10Since you’re a math teacher, can you add your number to my phone?
11Want to get together and conjugate some verbs?
12I didn’t know they let angels into public schools.
13I would totally stay with you after class.
14So, when’s our next study date?
15If you were my teacher, I could write a 100-page paper about how attractive you are.
16I can make it feel like Teacher's Appreciation Day every day.
17How’s this for a topic sentence? You have one of the most beautiful faces I've seen in a long time.
Section 3 of 3:
1I wanna A, B, C you later.
2Oh, you’re a science teacher… that explains the chemistry between us.
3I know I’m not a teacher, but I can teach you how to fall in love.
4I know you’re a history teacher, but can you help me out with grammar? I’m trying to get U and I together.
5I was taught happiness starts with an “h,” but I guess it really starts with “u.”
6You don’t even have to teach me about gravity. I’m already attracted to you.
7Since you’re so good at math, can you replace my X without asking Y?
8If I had to score your exam, I would give you a 14… because I’m the 1 4 U.
9Are you a geometry teacher? Because you’re acute-y!
10No wonder you’re a math teacher, you’re pretty from every angle.
11If you were an SAT exam, you’d be a perfect 1600.
12I finally understand why kids pull fire alarms at school… you’re smoking hot.
13Are you my grades? Because I care way too much about you.
14Know what’s on the cafeteria menu next week? Me-N-U.
15You should go to sleep… Tomorrow, you have to teach the sun to shine.
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About This Article

Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 2,505 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: February 18, 2023
Views: 2,505
Categories: Flirting