This article was medically reviewed by Chad Denman. Dr. Chad Denman is a Sleep Medicine Provider and is the Owner of Sleep Cycle Center in Austin, TX. With over ten years of experience and over 500 hours of Continuing Education in Sleep, he specializes in identifying and offering multiple treatment options to patients suffering from sleep issues. Additionally, he previously treated patients as a general dentist for over a decade! Dr. Denman completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at Marquette University and earned an undergraduate degree in Exercise Physiology from Florida State University. He’s also a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the American Dental Association, and the Academy of General Dentistry. In addition, Dr. Chad is the Director of Doctor Success for the International Academy of Sleep (IAOS). There, he coaches other dentists on how they can become healthcare entrepreneurs and lectures nationwide on the importance of treating sleep apnea.
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You desperately need to get some shut-eye, but there's one problem: you're not tired. Don't worry! There are many tricks you can use to relax your mind and body to make yourself fall into sleep mode more easily. If trying to sleep when you are not tired is a constant problem in your life, you can change your routine. It might make it easier to fall asleep at night, even if you feel wide awake.
Relaxing Your Body
1Adjust the lighting.[1] If you prefer a completely dark room, cover all lights such as digital alarm clocks, or any other electronic device in your bedroom that has a light on it and use room blackening curtains or blinds. If you prefer to sleep with dim lighting, wear an eye mask or lower your lights until you are comfortable enough to sleep.Do not sleep with your lights on,as this disrupts sleep and makes it difficult to become tired and relaxed.[2]
2Adjust the sound level. Consider putting on somewhite noise(sound machine, fan blowing, for example), which has been shown to help people fall asleep quicker. Also, people find the ticking of a watch or clock soothing. If you prefer everything quiet, turn off anything that causes noise.
- You can also consider wearing earplugs before you go to bed. It can take some time to get used to them, but they can help block out sounds you were not even aware of that kept you from sleeping. They can also be particularly useful if you share a bed with a partner who can wake you up.
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3Adjust your sleeping position.Keep your back straight, and make sure that your neck is not resting too high or too low.Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as forcing your head to one side is hard on the spine and neck. If you sleep on your side, put a narrow pillow or rolled-up towel between your knees to keep your hips in a neutral position. Even turning from your right side to your left can help you fall asleep if you are feeling wide awake in the same old position.
4Make your bed more comfortable. Swap your over or under-stuffed pillows for the ones you keep in the guest room. If your mattress is lumpy, flip it over or cover it with a foam pad or other blankets. The more conducive your bed is to your sleep, the more likely you will be ready for bed. We have all laid in a nice, cozy hammock in the sunlight and fallen asleep when we were not even feeling particularly tired, have we not? Well, a cozy bed can have the same effect.
- Choose silky, thin sheets if you are too hot at night. Opt for thicker, flannel sheets if you find yourself too cold at night. Also, always pick single-ply sheets over double-ply, because single-ply threads are softer and more durable.[3]
- If you can’t afford a completely new mattress, buy a memory foam mattress topper to provide a layer of support and plushy softness.
- Add a quilted mattress cover, which can both protect your mattress and make your bed feel softer.[4]
- Throwing your sheets in the wash can work wonders to make them feel more comfortable.
5Get some exercise at least 3 hours before bed. Go for a run, hit up the gym, take a long walk, or do some stretches to help you get your heart rate going before you ease into bed.[5] This will work out your body and will make you more tired;doing this at least 3 hours before bedwill keep your adrenaline from pumping right before bedtime and keeping you awake. If you work out shortly before bed, then you will feel more awake than ever.[6]
6Avoid alcohol or caffeine right before bed.[7] Though a glass of wine may initially make you feel drowsy,consuming alcohol right before bed will disrupt your sleep cycleand make you fall into a less deep sleep. If you do like to have a nightcap, just have it 2 to 3 hours before bed, so it does not keep you up. As for caffeine, you shouldavoid caffeine after 2-3 pm,or ideally even afternoon, because it can take up to 8 hours for the caffeine to fully leave your system. This can definitely make you feel awake, even when you want to fall asleep.[8]
7Drink cherry juice. Another option is to snack on a variety of other foods that are rich in melatonin, which is known to help you to feel sleepy and drift off more quickly. Though you should avoid eating right before bed or you may be up with indigestion or general discomfort, eating some of these foods a few hours before bed can help you drift off:[9]
- Other fruits that can boost your melatonin levels are tart cherries, tomatoes, grapes, and pomegranate.
- Rice, rolled oats, barley are grains that are rich in melatonin.
- Add some veggies that boost melatonin as well like asparagus, corn, olives, cucumber, and broccoli.
- You could also snack on some sunflower seeds, mustard seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, or peanuts to boost your levels as well.
8Curl your toes. When you get in bed, curl your toes upward for a few seconds, relax them, and then repeat. This can help you relax your mind and body, so performing a series of 10 of these if you are feeling way too alert for your own good can help you fall asleep when you are not tired.[10]
9Drink herbal tea. Herbal tea, whether it is chamomile or peppermint, has been shown to calm your body and mind and to help you feel tired and relaxed.Have a cup 1 to 2 hours before bed;you do not want to drink too much liquid right before bed or you will be more likely to have to get up to urinate in the middle of the night. If you make a cup of herbal tea part of your pre-bed routine, this will help you fall asleep even faster.
10Eat a healthy, lighter dinner. Get a healthy dose of carbs, proteins, and fruits or veggies with your daily dinner. Avoid spicy or overly heavy meals that are rich in fat or sugars, or your body will be more alert and uncomfortable throughout the night. A healthy, balanced dinner will do the trick in making you feel more tired. Make sure to eat it at least three hours before bedtime, so that your body has time to digest the food. Here are some great dinner options that can help you feel tired while still feeling healthy:[11]
- Lighter pasta with cheese
- Tofu with couscous
- A glass of warm milk with oatmeal
- A kale salad, salmon, and rice noodles
11Try taking a magnesium supplement. Taking a magnesium supplement may also help you to feel more relaxed. Being deficient in magnesium can contribute to mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. Try taking a daily 400 mg supplement of magnesium and see if that helps you.[12]
12Adjust the temperature. The temperature in the room should beslightly cooler than what is comfortable for you.A slight drop in temperature induces sleep. This will really help.[13] Do not let yourself get too cold, however, most especially your feet; cold feet can be disruptive to sleep. It is best to put on some socks. You may wake up and remove the socks in the middle of the night, but that is better than letting cold feet keep you awake.
- It can take several hours for your body temperature to cool down after exercise or exposure to excessive heat, so try to ensure that your body is at normal temperature when you get ready to go to sleep.
Calming Your Mind
1Perform breathing exercises. Try abdominal breathing, yogic pranayam, or a one-minute breathing exercise.Close your eyes and focus on the breath falling in and out of your body.As you do this, picture each part of your body relaxing, one at a time. Focusing on your body will keep you from thinking about anything else from the outside world.[14]
2Visualize something relaxing and repetitive. For example, think of small, warm waves washing over your body at regular intervals to coincide with your breathing. Meditate to calm yourself and clear your head. Do not pick anything too exciting or thrilling, something that may work yourself up.Picture a calming beach, a gorgeous, lush forest or a beautiful rose garden.Imagine yourself walking through it all.
- Think of one of the most beautiful and calming places you have ever been to (a clear stream of running water in a field of wildflowers in the mountains, a peaceful lake, a beautiful beach with a slight breeze in the air). This should help you relax.
3Listen to recorded meditation. There are plenty of recorded, guided meditations that you can listen to in order to relax in the evening. See what’s available on YouTube, for example. Alternatively, you might check out apps like Headspace or Calm, which are digital services that, for a subscription fee, offer guided meditation sessions.
4Recreate boredom. This varies from person to person, but whatever that activity is, it should lull your brain, not engage it. Do whatever you think is the most boring thing possible.
- Listen to slow, calming music or read something that is completely uninteresting to you.
- Do puzzles, like Sudoku or Solitaire
Listen to a very dry podcast. - Try playing a game like tic-tac-toe with yourself.
5Read. Reading can help calm your mind and take your thoughts off of anything that might have been troubling you that day. Read something light and not too gripping, such as the local news, a paperback, or a piece of historical non-fiction. If you read a gripping thriller or an emotionally disturbing news story, that will keep you up even longer and will make you feel even more awake if you just cannot stop reading.[15]
- Challenge yourself and read the most boring thing you can find, from your old chemistry textbooks to a dry report about the state of another country's economy.
6Turn off all visual stimuli at least an hour before bed. Put away the iPad, phone, computer with Netflix all queued up, and turn off that television. Your eyes should begin to start to rest and to stop seeing all of the images that will make you feel more awake, jumpy, and less able to relax.[16] Stop being the person who drifts off while watching television or with a cell phone in her hand. Get rid of all of those high-sensory distractions, which are guaranteed to make your mind feel more alert when it is time for bed.[17]
7Stick to the fifteen-minute rule. This rule is simple:if you have been lying in bed for more than fifteen minutes and are unable to fall asleep because you are not tired, then try something else.If you continue to lie there, your mind will continue churning, and you may even work yourself up and feel even more awake than you did when you first closed your eyes.[18] Once fifteen minutes have passed and you are no closer to catching those zzz's, do something else that is not very taxing. Read a magazine. Pace around your room. Drink some herbal tea. Hum to yourself. Sit up and stare at your hands. Do something new and you will start to drift off.
- Whatever you do, though, make sure to keep the lights dim - even reasonably dim if you are reading.
8Avoid intense conversations before bed. Five minutes before bedtime is not the time to get into a big fight with your significant other or to call up your best friend and complain about all of the stress you are facing at work in great detail. If you live with someone and have to talk right before bed, make sure youdo not bring up anything more intense than the type of herbal tea you are going to buy at the store tomorrow.Otherwise, the conversation will make you feel even more alert and awake, and it will take you even longer to fall asleep.
- If you live with someone who loves intense conversations right before bed, talk to them about having these conversations two to three hours before bed instead. When they learn of the issues that you have with sleep, they will (hopefully) be happy to make that concession.
9Think about everything you did that day. Another way to calm your mind is to go through everything you did that day,up to the most boring little detail.Start with how many blackberries you placed in your morning oatmeal and end with which quadrant of your teeth you decided to brush last. Try to break it down hour by hour and see how specific you can get and how many things you can end up remembering. Unless you are a superhero or an ER doctor for a living, chances are that this alone will be boring enough to put you to sleep.
- If you have gone through your whole day and still feel wide awake, try going through your entire week. Surely that should be boring enough to make you drift off.
10Use aromatherapy. Pleasant scents, such as lavender can help your body to relax by triggering your brain to release serotonin and endorphins.[19] Try keeping a scented candle in your bedroom, add a few drops of essential oil to your bath, or use some scented pillow mist before you go to bed.
Developing a Sleep-Friendly Routine
1Find your sleepy time routine. If you want to feel tired when you want to go to bed, then you have to find a routine that helps you decompress and fall right into bed that startsat least half an hour before it is time to get some shut-eye.This can include some light reading, listening to classical music, reading the newspaper, or doing whatever light, low-intensity activities that may help you forget your problems and start to recognize that your body needs rest.[20] [21] [22]
- Once you find this routine, stick to it. If you know you have to get to bed a little earlier one night though you are not tired, start the routine earlier and you can trick your mind into feeling tired a bit faster.
2Go to bed around the same time every night.[23] You may not be feeling tired because you are trying to go to bed earlier than you normally do, maybe because you have to start waking up earlier. If you want to make it easier for yourself to fall asleep, then you have to get used to falling asleep at around the same time every night and waking up around the same time every morning. That way, your body will get used to feeling tired at the same time every night or more alert at the same time every morning.[24]
3Only use your bed for sleeping.[25] Even if you are not tired, do not watch TV in bed, do your homework in bed, talk to friends on the phone in bed, or do anything but sleep in your bed. It will be easier for you to drift off when you close your eyes, because it will tell your body that your bed is solely for sleeping.
- Find a space in your home or room that is designated for "work only." This will help you save the relaxing stuff for your bed.
4Get out in the sunlight as soon as you wake up. Once you roll out of bed, head for the window or the balcony as soon as you can. The bright light from the sun will tell your body's biological clock that it is wakey-wakey time, and this same clock will help you get to bed in about 14–16 hours, helping you stabilize your waking up and going to bed routine.[26]
5Set aside a "worry time" for earlier in the day. If one of the reasons you do not feel tired when you go to bed is because you stay up for two hours worrying about your relationship, your health, your status at work, that kind of thing. Then you need to work on setting aside a "worry time" earlier in the day so that there is nothing on your mind by the time you are ready to hit the hay. It may sound silly, but if you say, "I'm going to worry from 5-5:30 PM every day" and do nothing but worry, write down your worries, or say them aloud during that time, then you will get them off your chest.
- If you wait until bedtime to slow down and really think about your troubles, then yeah, you're bound to feel wide awake for a long time.
6Try taking a warm bath or shower before bed. Either of these will raise your body's core temperature some. After your shower or bath, move to your cooler bedroom. This will cause your temperature to drop, which is the cue that tells your body it is time to sleep.[27]
7Get all the pets out of the room. Another way to develop a healthy routine that keeps you from staying awake for longer than necessary is to stop letting your dog or cat share the bed with you. Though you may love nothing more than the feeling of this furry, cuddly creature sleeping beside you, studies show that people who sleep with their pets have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep because those cuddly creatures can wake you up in the middle of the night.[28]
- You may think that having your dear pet next to you will help you fall asleep when you are not feeling tired, but it will actually make you even more awake.
Expert Q&A
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QuestionHow do I know if I have insomnia?Jeremy Bartz, PhDDr. Jeremy Bartz is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice based in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Bartz specializes in treating depression, anxiety, OCD, mind-body syndromes, chronic pain, insomnia, relationship difficulties, attachment trauma, and resolving the effects of narcissistic trauma. He received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Brigham Young University and completed a fellowship In Pain Psychology at Stanford's premier pain management clinic.
Clinical PsychologistBy definition, insomnia has to last for multiple days. Everybody has occasional bad nights. That's not considered insomnia. But if you've been getting only a few hours of sleep for something like a week or more, then something's wrong. That’s not normal and is more of a clinical issue. You really want to intervene as early as possible, because with insomnia in particular, it's habitual. -
QuestionWhat should I do if I can't sleep?Jeremy Bartz, PhDDr. Jeremy Bartz is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice based in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Bartz specializes in treating depression, anxiety, OCD, mind-body syndromes, chronic pain, insomnia, relationship difficulties, attachment trauma, and resolving the effects of narcissistic trauma. He received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Brigham Young University and completed a fellowship In Pain Psychology at Stanford's premier pain management clinic.
Clinical Psychologist -
QuestionI get hot really easily and my room only has a mid-size fan. I can't fall asleep even when I turn the fan on high. What should I do?Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MSLuba Lee, FNP-BC is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) from the University of Tennessee in 2006.
Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
- Do not stress out about falling asleep, thinking "I have to sleep now or else". This creates anxiety and prevents sleep. Instead, be laid back about it: "It'd be great to sleep right now, but if I don't, no big deal. At least I'll get some rest, and have a chance to relax."⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about falling asleep easier, check out our in-depth interview with Chad Denman.
- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
- ↑ Sleep Foundation on melatonin
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- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
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- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
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- ↑ Web MD on sleep temperature
- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
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- ↑ Jeremy Bartz, PhD. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 8 January 2021.
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- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
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- ↑ Jeremy Bartz, PhD. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 8 January 2021.
- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
- ↑ Jeremy Bartz, PhD. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 8 January 2021.
- ↑ Chad Denman. Sleep Medicine Provider. Expert Interview. 8 December 2022.
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About This Article
The best way to sleep when you’re not tired is by relaxing your body. Start by lowering the temperature in the room, and turn off the lights. Adjust the sound level to whatever you’re comfortable with, like white noise or complete silence. When you get in bed, find a comfortable position and do some breathing exercises to relax your mind and body. If it takes you longer than 15 minutes to fall asleep, do a low-impact task, like having a cup of herbal tea, reading a magazine article, or simply sit up in bed. For tips on creating a sleep-friendly routine for the evenings, read on!