It’s important to keep your dog safe and properly identifiable, but the clanking of dog tags can be really annoying. Luckily, there are many modifications you can make to your current tags so that they make less of a racket. You can also purchase new silencing tags in order to get some peace and quiet. Either way, you’ll be able to solve your noisy dog tag problem once and for all.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting a New Collar Tag

  1. 1
    Buy velcro-like collar tags. Velcro-like tags remain quiet because they attach to the collar instead of dangling from it. This type of collar tag comes in two pieces, one that stays attached to the collar and another that has the identification information on it. The two pieces stick together like velcro, which makes this type of tag very versatile, as it can stick to collars of different shapes and sizes.[1]
    • You can find this type of collar tag online or at a pet supply store.
  2. 2
    Get collar tags that slide on. Similar to velcro-like tags, slide-on tags stay close to the collar which keeps them from creating a lot of noise. Check online or at your local pet store to find these tags, which have vertical slits on each side. To try these, hold the tag so that the information is facing you. Feed one end of the collar into the left slit, pull it horizontally across the back of the tag, and then pull it towards you through the right slit.[2]
  3. 3
    Rivet the tags onto your dog’s collar. Some collar tags have a hole on either end that you can secure to the collar using rivets and a hammer. Screws may work better if your dog’s collar is exceptionally thick.[3] Either way, the tags won’t jingle because they’re tightly bonded to the collar. Look online or in pet stores for rivet-on tags.
  4. 4
    Have your information embroidered onto the collar. If none of these options sound appealing, consider ordering a customized collar online that has your identification information printed on it. This way, your dog’s ID tags can be a part of the collar itself.[4] This ensures silence because nothing is hanging from the collar and no metal is involved at all.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Muffling the Metal

  1. 1
    Get rubber silencers to put around the outside of the tags. Members of the military silence their tags by placing a stretchy, durable rubber band around the outside edges.[5] You can purchase a product like this for your dog online or at a local pet supply store to keep the metal tags from banging together and creating sound.[6]
  2. 2
    Adhere felt to the back of the tags. If you love your tags the way they are but just want to eliminate that clanking, adhere some fabric discreetly to the back of each tag to create a buffer. Go online and order some felt that has an adhesive backing. Trace around the outside of the tag onto the felt with a pen or marker. Then cut it out and peel and stick the felt onto the back of the tag.[7]
  3. 3
    Put the tags in a small pouch. There are products online and in pet supply stores that act as small storage pouches that hang from your dog’s collar and contain the tags.[8] Try one of these if you want the tags silenced and also want to prevent your tags from fading and/or tarnishing.
    • One product that holds the tags in a pouch is Quiet Spot Pet Tag Silencer.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Opting for Alternative Materials

  1. 1
    Get a plastic tag clip. There are multiple brands of plastic tag clips available for purchase online and in pet stores. Consider replacing your metal ring for a snap-on, snap-off tag slip that’s easier to handle and also doesn’t create noise every time it comes in contact with your metal tags.[9]
    • FreezeTag is one brand of plastic tag clips that you may be interested in trying.
  2. 2
    Purchase silicone dog tags. After metal, silicone is likely one of the most popular dog tag materials. Silicone tags are silent, bendable, and fashionable.
    • Brands like SiliDog offer a wide variety of silicone tags with varying shapes, sizes, and colors.
  3. 3
    Buy plastic dog tags. Many websites, such as, and pet stores offer dog tags made of plastic. These are beneficial because they’re quiet and also aren’t as heavy as metal tags. However, they may not always last as long as metal tags.[10]
    • You can also purchase plastic tags with a light-reflecting material on them to keep your dog safe and visible at night.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it a good idea to use a clip if my dog has more than one tag?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sure! Very creative. Just check with your vet, as this might affect the dog's breathing.

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18 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 29,888
Article SummaryX

To silence your dog's tags, put rubber silencers around the outside of the tags if they're made of metal. You can also try putting some felt on the back of the tags to create a buffer. Alternatively, buy a small pouch made specially for holding the tags from your local pet stores. If you’re willing to buy new tags, try silicone or plastic ones, which aren't as noisy as metal. For a more versatile option, purchase velcro tags that adhere directly to the collar. Another choice is to embroider your information directly onto the collar. To learn how to rivet the tags onto your dog’s collar, keep reading!

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