This article was written by Cher Gopman and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz. Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Coach, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Fox, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post.
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There’s an infinite amount of ways a person can say “I love you” even without actually saying those 3 little words. Even if the man in your life doesn’t explicitly say he loves you every day, he’s more than likely telling you the same thing through his actions. After looking through this list of signs that a man is deeply in love with you, you’ll likely start noticing the little things he does every day to show you how much he adores you.
This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach, Cher Gopman, founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
- A guy who deeply loves you is eager to spend time with you and wants to know what’s happening in your life.
- He’s happy to let you know what’s going on in his life and isn’t afraid to come to you for advice and support.
- He’s respectful of any boundaries you’ve set and respects your opinions even if they’re different from his.
- He loves to reminisce about happy memories you’ve had together as well as make plans with you for the future.
He wants to spend time with you.
He loves being in your company—he can't get enough of you. Whether it’s sitting on the couch or going out on a date, he’s up for anything. He’s telling you that just your presence is enough to make his day so much better, and that it doesn’t matter how you spend your time, so long as you’re together.[1] X Research source
- If you haven’t been able to spend as much time together as you’d like, set aside some specific times for dates or to just hang out together. Our lives can get pretty busy and hectic, and there’s nothing wrong with needing to schedule out some quality time with loved ones.
He asks about your day.
He's endlessly curious about you, and wants to know what you're up to. Another sign that shows how much he loves you is his eagerness to hear all about how you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. When he asks “How was your day?” it’s an open invitation. He wants you to tell him everything, from the best parts of your day to the worst. He’ll listen to every single detail with rapt attention, and that’s how you know he’s fallen hard for you.[2] X Research source
- If he’s showing genuine interest in your life and how you’re doing, don’t be afraid to open up to him. It’s easy to feel like you’re burdening someone with your problems, but a man who really loves you will want to know what’s really going with you.
He checks in on you.
He really cares about your feeling, so he makes an effort. Maybe you told him you had a big presentation coming up and were nervous. Or maybe you off-handedly mentioned that you’re trying a new fitness regime. Whatever it is, he’ll be sure to ask you how it went and be ready to cheer you up, hype you up, or do anything else you may need.
- Reciprocate the action to show that you love and care about him as well. Give him little reminders about important appointments or events he has coming up. Or send a small message during the day to remind him to eat well and stay hydrated.
He remembers small details about you.
Your favorite dessert, best memory, dream vacation; he knows them all. Even if you just mention something in passing, he’ll most likely commit it to memory. And oftentimes he’ll use this information to do sweet things for you, making them all the more meaningful since they come from a place of deep understanding and love.
- Maybe one day he makes your favorite meal for you because he knows you eat it when you need comfort. Or maybe he brings home a bouquet of your favorite flowers in your favorite color. All of these are ways to show that he loves you and cherishes every small detail about you.
He goes out of his way to make you happy.
He puts your needs above his, and that's a sign of love. We all have those small details that become an important part of our daily routine. If he loves you deeply, he’s willing to make changes to his own routine so that you always feel comfortable. For example, maybe he’ll start leaving his shoes by the door or start doing the dishes before leaving for work because he knows you prefer that.
- He might even do things that aren’t as convenient for him, but still won’t ask for anything in return. Maybe he’ll drive a little farther than usual to pick you up from work, or spend a little more money than he normally would to buy the type of laundry detergent you like.
He wants to try new things with you.
He wants to share life's exciting moments with you because he cares. Life is all about trying new things, even if they seem scary or strange at first. The fact that he wants you by his side for all these new experiences shows just how much he loves you and finds comfort in you. Whatever it is you two try together, be proud knowing that his first memories of that experience will always include you.[3] X Research source
- Going to a new restaurant, traveling to a foreign country, or learning a new skill together are all new things he might want to experience with you.
He’s eager to make plans with you.
When he thinks of the future, you’re a big part of it. These can be vacations, holiday plans, or next steps in your relationship. Maybe he hasn’t reached the point of thinking about big things like marriage just yet, but he still sees your relationship and love lasting for quite some time.
- For example, when he thinks about future living situations, he might look at locations that are not only convenient for him, but you as well.
- Even if you can’t afford a vacation at the moment, he’s ready to make plans for maybe a year from now and start saving.
He supports your dreams.
You're one of his top priorities, so your life goals are important to him. He doesn’t consider his dreams or aspirations any more important than yours, and he certainly doesn’t look down on you and your hopes for the future. How do you know this? He’s always there ready to cheer you on even when you hit a snag. He’ll ask you what he can do to help, and you feel like you can be honest with him about your dreams.[4] X Research source
- Instead of saying things like “Are you sure?” or “That sounds really difficult. Maybe try something else,” a guy who deeply loves you will say encouraging things like “I think that’s something that really fits you” or “I can see you’re really excited about this, and I’m excited for you.”
He respects your point of view.
He trusts you, and as a result, he trusts your opinions too. A guy who not only loves you but also respects you will also respect your opinion, even if he doesn’t agree 100%. He’ll listen to what you have to say, and he won’t criticize you just because you don’t think the same way as him.[5] X Research source
- Sometimes engaging in friendly debates over a certain subject can actually open your eyes to new possibilities. If a man really loves and respects you, he likely won’t be put off if you want to discuss more controversial and difficult topics.
He understands your way of thinking.
He rarely misunderstands you, because he really gets you as a person. He understands the way you process thoughts and can likely guess the reasons for why you did something without even having to ask you. This shows that he’s attentive to your thoughts and feelings and cares for you a lot.[6] X Research source
- For example, if you told him you’re quitting your job, he might be a bit surprised, but likely won’t question your decision. He probably already knows that you’ve thought long and hard about this decision, and that you probably have a good reason for making such a move.
He makes you a priority.
He's willing to compromise in life if it means keeping you happy. Someone who loves you deeply will always put you and your happiness at the top of their list. Whenever it’s time to make a big decision, he’ll consult you and ask for your opinion. To him, how you feel is likely just as important as his own feelings. He gives you his full attention, and listens attentively to what you have to say.[7] X Research source
- One small thing he might do to make you feel like a priority is put down whatever he’s doing when you want to talk.
- He also might set aside time during his week specifically to spend quality time with you.
He’s affectionate.
He shows love through hand holding, cuddling, and cute pet names. A guy who loves you deeply isn’t afraid to show how much he loves you, even in front of others. While it’s probably not heavy PDA, he’ll probably hold your hand when you go out or use a cute pet name that’s special to just the two of you. He’ll probably also not be opposed to some good quality cuddling time.
- Physical intimacy is also another way he can show his affection and love for you. Making time to be intimate with one another shows that he cares about your pleasure, comfort, and well-being.
He’s open to receiving feedback from you.
He knows he isn’t perfect, but he wants to be perfect for you. When you bring up something that may not be working in your relationship or want to point out something he does that you wish he’d change, he doesn’t immediately get defensive or aggressive. Instead, he’ll be open to discussing whatever it is you want to talk about, and will likely go about the situation in a much more mature and diplomatic fashion.[8] X Research source
- Of course, it’s equally important that you’re not overly critical of him and know how to give constructive criticism.
He misses you when you’re away.
He can't bear to be apart from you, because you're his favorite person. He’ll probably call and text you to make sure you’re doing okay, and might even send you little things throughout the day that remind him of you. On the flipside, he’ll find it sweet if you do the exact same thing when you’re missing him. This just shows how much he loves being with you and how big of a part you are in his life.[9] X Research source
- One way to let him know you’re missing him is to send a heartfelt "I miss you" message. Send him old pictures of the two of you together, check in and see how he’s doing, or send a sweet good morning or goodnight text.
He replies quickly to texts.
Your texts don't bother him—he actually looks forward to hearing from you. Unless he’s doing something that requires his full attention, he’s probably not going to leave you on read for hours on end. Just like when he talks to you face-to-face, he’ll give you his full attention over text as well.
- He’s probably also very thoughtful in his responses. You’re not likely to get a simple “Ok” from him. So on the off chance that it does take him a little longer to reply, it’s likely because he’s thinking through a thoughtful reply.
He keeps you in the loop.
He wants you to know everything about him, even the little details. Just like how he wants to be involved in your life and know what’s up, he feels comfortable opening up to you and telling you all about what’s going on with him. This willingness to share shows that he loves you and trusts you to listen and offer advice when he may need it.[10] X Research source
- When he takes the time to open up to you, take care to actively listen to what he’s telling you. Offer advice and reactions as they’re needed, and just be there to support him and cheer him on.
He’s honest with you.
He knows that he owes you the truth, even when it's hard. He trusts that you won’t take offense if he brings up something that may not be working out or that he wants to change. Loving each other means you’re not afraid to share your honest thoughts and opinions, and he probably loves you very deeply if he’s willing to talk about these things with you.[11] X Research source
- This also means that he’ll give his honest opinion about you. You don’t have to worry about him just saying what you want to hear. If he knows something is important to you, he’ll likely give you his honest thoughts on the matter.
He respects your boundaries.
He always wants you to feel comfortable, so he never pushes you. He is respectful of your boundaries, both physical and emotional. He understands what the word “no” means, and will look out for you and make sure that you’re feeling comfortable and safe.[12] X Research source
- Some boundaries you might set include how much personal information you share with one another, how often you spend time with each other as opposed to friends and family, and boundaries in terms of physical touch and affection.
He lets you do your own thing.
He cares about you, so he wants you to remain an individual. A deeply loving relationship is made even stronger when the two people know when to take some time to themselves. A guy who deeply loves you has no problem with you going off to spend some quality alone time, and he’ll support you if you ever want to try out something new by yourself.[13] X Research source
- For example, maybe you’re thinking of going on a solo trip somewhere or starting a new hobby by yourself. A guy will show his love for you by cheering you on and letting you venture out on your own.
He makes you feel good about yourself.
He thinks you're wonderful—and he never lets you forget it. A guy who’s deeply in love with you isn’t afraid to remind you everyday just how stunning, amazing, and special you are. There are plenty of ways to say “I love you” without using those exact words, and here are a few examples of what he might say to make you feel loved:[14] X Research source
- “You’re working so hard and doing such amazing things.”
- “You keep getting more beautiful every single day.”
- “I admire you so much.”
- “You’re so strong.”
- “You inspire me to do my best every day.”
He likes to talk about your great memories.
He cherishes your past together, so he brings it up regularly. He’s ready to whip out the photo album and spend hours with you pouring over the happy and wonderful memories you shared together. It shows that you are a significant part of his memories, and taking the time to look back on the past like this can strengthen your bond for the future.[15] X Research source
- One way you can fuel those feelings of nostalgia is to show him things you two bonded over in the past. These could be old photos, a song that has a deep meaning to you two, or old text messages you might have saved.
He defends you and your relationship.
He wants to protect you from others’ criticism and judgment. He’ll stand up to protect you and your relationship against anything hateful others have to say. This might not necessarily mean he thinks you’re incapable of defending yourself, but he probably doesn’t like the idea of anyone trying to hurt you. Someone who feels a deep sense of love for you will do whatever they can to make you feel safe and protected.[16] X Research source
- His actions might be more indirect, but can be just as powerful. For example, he might post more pictures of the two of you together to show off your relationship, or turn down an invite to hang out with someone else because he wants to spend more time with you.
He isn’t afraid to admit when he’s wrong.
He knows that your love is more important than his pride. When he realizes he’s wrong or has made a mistake, he won’t be afraid to acknowledge it. Someone who loves you likely won’t get fired up about being proven wrong. His ability to graciously accept the fact of the matter and self-reflect on his mistakes shows that he respects you.[17] X Research source
- This doesn’t mean that you should go out of your way to question everything he says or does. Just like how he probably respects your own individual opinions and thoughts, show him the same respect and acceptance.
He introduces you to his family.
He's serious about you, so he wants you to meet his inner circle. To some people, there’s nothing more important than family. Introducing someone new to your family can be considered a very big step. So if he decides to take this step, it means that he loves you very deeply and wants you to meet the other people who he loves just as dearly.[18] X Research source
- Make an effort to include his family in some of the things you do together. Planning trips together, getting together for a meal, or seeing each other over the holidays are some places to start.
He’s willing to have a serious conversation with you.
He'll have serious talks in order to stay close and connected. Instead, he’ll come prepared ready to listen and share his own thoughts, and will likely be ready to sit down for a while until whatever issue has been solved. A guy who loves you is willing to work through issues rather than push them under the rug and ignore them.[19] X Research source
- Along with serious talks, he’s likely more open to having deep conversations as well, where you two can talk about more open-ended questions that don’t come up in everyday conversation.
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