This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing.
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Have you noticed new people in your neighborhood you haven’t seen before? Or maybe you’ve seen some suspicious activity outside of your home? Burglars watch homes so they can scope out potential targets for their next break-in, but they sometimes leave pretty obvious signs that we can help you recognize. Keep reading so you know what to look out for and how to keep you and your belongings safe and sound.
Things You Should Know
- Missing trash or packages, broken lights, tampered doors and windows, and unfamiliar people stopping at your home are signs your house has been marked.
- Check for drawn or painted symbols, like Xs, multiple small circles, or diamonds, that signal that your house is a good target for breaking into.
- Write down any suspicious activity that you notice with details about the person or vehicle’s appearance.
- Contact the police right away if you think your house is being cased by burglars.
Signs Someone is Casing Your House
1Missing trash Burglars may go through your trash to look for any documents that have your personal information or receipts for high-valued items they could steal. If you see someone rummaging through your bins or notice open trash bags, it may be a red flag that someone is casing your home.[1] X Research source
2Broken or unscrewed exterior lights If you notice a few of the lights outside your home have gone out, check if they’re partially unscrewed or fully broken. Thieves are able to hide on your property without getting noticed when it’s dark, so they may try to get rid of any lights near an entryway to your home.[2] X Research sourceAdvertisement
3Missing packages If you’re expecting a delivery but someone else takes the package off your porch, it may be burglars checking for high-value items. A thief might determine your home is worth breaking into based on what’s inside the package. If they find something expensive, they may try to burglarize your home for similar items.[3] X Research source
4Unfamiliar people or vehicles in the area If you see someone you don’t recognize walking through yards, peering in windows, trying to open doors, or walking loops around the neighborhood, it could be a sign the person is casing out homes. Burglars may also check for homes to target when they drive by, so unfamiliar vehicles stopped on the street, parked in a driveway, or circling the area may be looking for a house to break into.[4] X Research source
5Odd symbols on walls or fences Some burglars will paint or draw markings near your home to mark which houses are worth breaking into. Check for drawings on the walls, fences, and pavement around your home for any simple symbols made with paint or chalk. While the actual symbols and definitions may vary, some signs and their potential meanings are:[5] X Research source
- X: The home is a good target
- Multiple small circles: The homeowner is wealthy
- Diamond: The house is unoccupied
- Open book or V: The house is occupied by a vulnerable target
- Interlocking squares: The person in the house is an easy target
- 3 short lines: The house was recently burgled
- Circle or X inside a circle: The house isn’t worth breaking into
6Tampered doors or windows Burglars may check if your doors and windows are locked to see if they have an easy way to get in later on. If you notice any physical damage to your windows, doors, or locks, it could be a sign that someone has been casing your place and trying to find an easy entry point.[6] X Research source
- Be sure to check any basement windows that are close to the ground since thieves will commonly break them to get inside.
7Brochures and advertising on the door Even though they may seem like legitimate ads, burglars sometimes leave these brochures attached to your door to see if you’re home. If the brochures or ads continue to pile up, then a thief will think that you’re not home and that your place is vulnerable.[7] X Research source
8Unannounced visits from strangers Have you had door-to-door salespeople or utility workers show up at your door without warning? If they don’t have a uniform or any identification, then the person could be a complete stranger imitating a worker so they can get inside. Once they’re in your home, they’ll look around to see what valuables you own.[8] X Research source
- If you’ve already let someone who claims to be a worker inside and are feeling suspicious, monitor them to make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to.
Taking Immediate Action if Your Home is Marked
1Record any suspicious activity that you notice. As soon as you notice something out of the ordinary in your neighborhood, write down the time of day and what was happening that raised your suspicions. If you’re concerned about a vehicle that you’re not familiar with, try to get the make, model, and license plate number if you’re able to. Some suspicious behavior to look out for is:[9] X Research source
- Someone walking in your yard or around your home
- Someone going through your trash
- A stranger coming to your door asking to come inside
- A vehicle circling your street
- An unfamiliar vehicle parked in your driveway
2Alert the police. Call your local authorities and let them know about the suspicious activity that you witnessed. Give the police as many details as you’re able to so they can take the best course of action. They may send officers to your property to check the signs you noticed, or they may watch the neighborhood more closely for the next few days to ensure there aren’t any burglars.[10] X Research source
- Even if the police don't catch potential culprits, burglars are less likely to rob neighborhoods if police officers frequently patrol the area.
3Inform your neighbors. Chances are that your home isn’t the only one marked in the neighborhood, so let everyone know about what you saw. Either talk to your neighbors directly, or share what happened in a neighborhood Facebook group or post on Nextdoor. That way, your neighbors can be extra cautious and stay on the lookout as well.[11] X Research source
4Reinforce your doors and windows. If the locks on your doors and windows are old or worn, get new or additional locks so it’s more difficult to break in. Install a deadbolt lock on each of your doors since they’re the strongest against break-ins.[12] X Research source Secure aftermarket window locks to the window frame so you can still open the glass by a few inches, but not enough for someone to get inside.[13] X Trustworthy Source Consumer Reports Nonprofit organization dedicated to consumer advocacy and product testing Go to source
Preventing Being Targeted
1Keep your doors and windows locked. Many times, burglars get inside through unlocked windows and doors so the person inside isn’t alerted. Whenever you leave your home or go to bed, secure your home by locking up all the entry points.[14] X Research source
- Sliding door locks usually aren’t as secure as other exterior doors. Put a wooden rod or dowel in the door frame so it can’t slide open.
- Don’t forget to lock the door that leads to an attached garage. Even if your garage door is closed, someone may be able to get inside and enter your home.
- If you live in an apartment, then make sure the door to your building closes behind you so no one else can get inside.
2Put motion-activated lights around your home. At night, look for any dark spots around the perimeter of your home where burglars could hide or easily break in. Install the lights near entryways so they turn on when anyone approaches your home. Since most burglars want to stay hidden, they’ll get scared off as soon as the lights come on.[15] X Research source
3Store valuables out of sight. Since burglars could peek inside and see valuable items if you leave them out, put your things away in a cabinet or drawer. For extremely valuable items, such as money, jewelry, or personal documents, consider putting them in a safe or lockbox instead for even more protection.[16] X Research source
4Leave lights or electronics on when you leave. When you turn off your lights and close your blinds before heading out, it signals to burglars that no one is home. Instead, plug lamps into a light timer so they turn on and off on their own so it looks like someone is at home. You could also leave a TV so it looks like someone is watching it.[17] X Research source
5Trim trees and bushes on your property. Overgrown shrubs and trees are easy places for burglars to hide without getting noticed. When your plants are starting to look a little grown out around the edges, trim them back so they aren’t near entrances or windows.[18] X Research source
6Install security cameras or an alarm system. Place your cameras near all the main entrances to your home so you get a good view of the perimeter. For even more security, install a home alarm system that activates any time you leave or go to bed. Just seeing security cameras or yard signs that say you have alarms may be enough to deter a potential burglar.[19] X Research source
7Start a community watch program. Reach out to your neighbors and see if they want to form a watch group for the area. Hold regular meetings so you can discuss any suspicious activity that you’ve noticed in the neighborhood.[20] X Research source
8Avoid posting that you’re on vacation. Saying you’re out of town on your outgoing voicemail, leaving a note, or posting on social media about a vacation can let burglars know when you’re not at home. Whenever you leave for an extended period of time, have a neighbor pick up your mail and leave your curtains cracked open to make it seem like someone is still there.[21] X Research source
9Change your locks. Whether you just moved into a new home or have seen signs that your house is marked, replace the door locks so no one with the old keys can get back inside. As you’re putting in the new locks, make sure that every exterior door also has a deadbolt and install them if necessary for extra security.[22] X Research source
- If you can tell that someone is already in your home, avoid going inside. Contact the police from a neighbor’s home immediately to ensure you stay safe.[23] X Research source⧼thumbs_response⧽
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