This article was co-authored by Language Academia and by wikiHow staff writer, Nihal Shetty. Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin.
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You might already know a bunch of affectionate names for a grandma in English, but how about in Spanish? Just like how English has various pet names for a grandmother—from “gran” to “nana”—the same is true in Spanish. We’re here to show you all the words for talking about your granny, along with their pronunciations, in this comprehensive guide on how to say grandma in Spanish.
Abuela (ab-WAIL-ah)
This is the standard Spanish translation of “grandmother.” It’s completely appropriate in any context, so consider it your go-to word for “grandmother” in Spanish. It’s also used in less formal contexts, so you can see it as a translation for “grandma” as well.[1] X Research source
- “¿Cómo está tu abuela?” (CO-mo ess-TA too ab-WAIL-ah): “How is your grandma?”
- “Estoy aquí para visitar a mi abuela.” (ESS-toi a-KEY PA-ra vis-EE-tar ah mee ab-WAIL-ah): “I am here to visit my grandmother.”
Abuelita (ab-wail-EE-ta)
This word can most directly be translated as “granny.” “Abuelita” is a Spanish diminutive, or a more affectionate form of a noun. In this case, by adding the “-ita” suffix to “abuela,” you can get a more endearing term for your grandma.[2] X Research source
- “Te quiero mucho, Abuelita.” (tay KYE-ro MOO-cho, ab-wail-EE-ta): “I love you a lot, granny.”
- “¡Tu abuelita es tan amigable!” (too ab-wail-EE-ta ess tahn ami-GAHB-lay): “Your granny is so friendly!”
Wela (WEY-la)
This is an informal, quick way of saying “abuela.” When Spanish speakers are talking to their grandmother, they might drop the first part of the word “abuela.” You can think of “wela” is similar to the English word “gramma.”[3] X Research source
- This word can also be made into a diminutive to show even more affection: “welita” (wey-LEE-ta)
- “¡Ven aquí, Wela!” (ven ah-KEY WEY-la): “Come here, gramma!”
- “Muchísimas gracias, Welita.” (moo-CHEE-see-mahs grah-SEE-ahs, wey-LEE-ta): “Thank you so much, gramma.”
Abue (AB-wey)
This short-form version of “abuela” can be translated as “gran.” Keep in mind that “abue” can be used as a short-form for either “grandma” or “grandpa,” so it can be a little confusing if you have both a grandfather and grandmother in the same room.[4] X Research source
- “¿Dónde está Abue?” (DON-day ess-TA AB-wey): “Where’s gran?”
- “¿Qué quieres comer, Abue?” (KAY KER-iss com-ER, AB-wey): “What do you want to eat, gran?”
Abu (AH-boo)
In Latin America, this is an alternative short-form version of “abuela.” Just like “abue,” “abu” can refer to either a grandfather or grandmother. Using this word conveys affection and care, and can really show how close you are to your grandmother.[5] X Research source
- “¿Qué piensas, Abu?” (KAY pee-EN-sas AH-boo): “What do you think, gran?”
- “Mi abu tiene 90 años.” (me AH-boo tee-EN-eh no-VEN-ta AN-yos): “My gran is 90 years old.”
Lita (LEE-ta)
This shortened form of “abuelita” translates to “gran.” It’s a bit less common than some of these other variations on “abuela,” but like them, it can be used to show affection and endearment.
- “¿Qué pasa, Lita?” (KAY PAHS-ah LEE-ta): “What’s going on, gran?”
- “Que tengas un lindo día, Lita.” (KAY TEN-gahs oon LEEN-do DEE-ah LEE-ta): “Have a beautiful day, gran.”
Agüe (AH-wey)
Little kids often use this word to say “grandma.” Since small children can have a hard time pronouncing the “b” sound in “abuela,” they often use this word instead. But if you’re an adult who wants to refer to your grandma in an extra cute way, you can try out this word as well.[6] X Research source
- You can also use this word in its diminutive form for extra affection, “agüelita” (ah-wey-LEE-ta).
- “Quiero ir a la casa de Agüe.” (KAY-ro eer ah la CAH-sa day AH-wey): “I want to go to granny’s house.”
- “Nos vemos pronto, Agüelita.” (nos VAY-mos PRON-to ah-wey-LEE-ta): “See you soon, gran-gran.”
Yaya (YAH-yah)
This is a common nickname for a grandma, like the English “nana.” If you’re looking for an alternative to “abuela” and its many variants, try this word out. It’s really affectionate and can demonstrate your closeness to your grandmother.[7] X Research source
- “Hoy es el cumpleaños de la yaya.” (oy ess el com-pleh-AN-yos day la YAH-yah): “Today is Nana’s birthday.”
- “Mi yaya prácticamente me crió.” (me YAH-yah PRAK-tee-ca-men-tay may cree-OH): “My nana practically raised me.”
Mamá (Plus Your Grandmother’s Name) (ma-MA)
This word implies your grandma is as close to you as your mom. Although “mamá” usually means “mom” in Spanish, you can use it to refer to your grandma by putting her first name after it.
- “Mamá Carmela vive en Caracas.” (ma-MA kar-MEL-ah VEE-vey en kar-AH-kas): “Mama Carmela lives in Caracas.”
- “Pasé la semana con mi mamá Sabina.” (pass-AY la sem-AN-ah con me ma-MA sa-BEE-na): “I spent the week with Mama Sabina.”
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