This article was co-authored by Michele Fields and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Michele Fields is a Matchmaker, Dating Coach, and the Owner of Bon Jour Matchmaking based in Denver, Colorado. With over thirty years of experience, she specializes in helping others meet people and navigate dating and relationships. Michele has created over 300 marriages and has been featured on Denver ABC News, The Rocky Mountain News, Colorado 2 News, Denver Westworld, and The Denver Post.
There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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If a girl just told you that she misses you, she likely really cares about you. Though this is super flattering, you might be experiencing a range of emotions depending on how you feel about her in return. If you're unsure of how to respond, we're here to help with a complete list of ideas. In this article, we’ll walk you through a variety of responses best based on your relationship with her.
"I miss you, too."
Tell her the feeling is mutual if you miss her as well. If a girl told you she misses you, she just really put herself out there. She's likely hoping that you miss her in return, so this response is guaranteed to make her happy.[1] X Expert Source
Michele Fields
Matchmaker & Dating Coach Expert Interview. 17 August 2021.- If you don't have romantic feelings for her and want to make that clear, try, "I miss you too, friend" or "Missing you, buddy!"
- If she's your partner or someone you've recently started dating, you might add a sweet nickname or a romantic emoji, like, "Miss you, babe" or "Missing you always. 🥰"
"I've been thinking of you all week!"
Let her know that she's been on your mind. This is another way to tell her your feelings are mutual. She'll be pleased to know that you've been thinking of her, and your response will likely make her smile.[2] X Research source
- "You've been in my thoughts, too."
- "You're always on my mind. 😚"
"It’s so difficult to be away from you."
This vulnerable response can bring you closer. If you've been out of town for a while or you're in a long-distance relationship, let her know how tough it is to be without her. She'll appreciate your honesty, and it will deepen your connection no matter how many miles apart you are from each other.
- "It hurts to be so far apart. Miss you, too."
- "Missing you like crazy. Being separated like this is painful."
"I can’t wait to see you again."
Give things a positive spin by reminding her of upcoming plans. If you're about to be reunited, whether she's a close friend or your long-distance girlfriend, a positive response can lighten the mood. Your excitement will convey that you miss her, too, while also reminding her that you'll see each other soon.[3] X Research source
- "Counting down the days till you get here."
- "So excited to be reunited. 😊"
"Anything specific? 😏"
Go for a more flirty response if you're in the mood. When you're separated from your partner or someone you're seeing, it can be a fun opportunity to get close in creative ways. Respond with something flirtatious and even a little risque if you're both comfortable.[4] X Research source
- "What would we do if I was there?"
- "I miss every part of you..."
"Aren’t you sick of me yet?"
Play off her response if you've been seeing each other a lot lately. Perhaps you just started dating or you've been hanging out a lot. If you like her but think she's getting a little clingy, gently assert your boundaries with humor. It'll take the conversation in a more lighthearted direction, and it might encourage her to tone it down a bit.[5] X Research source
- "Already?! We just saw each other yesterday."
- "Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Plus, we've got plans this weekend!"
"Sorry, my schedule has been packed lately."
Give her an explanation if you've recently been out of touch. If you've been casually seeing a girl but have been too busy to meet up lately, fill her in. That way, she won't think you've been avoiding her.
- "Things have been so hectic lately. How's your week been?"
- "I've had a lot on my plate the past few days. I'll be free this weekend, though!"
- If you're not interested in her, this can also be a good way to reject her indirectly. She'll probably get the hint if you're always too busy to hang out.
Respond with something brief and polite if the feeling isn't mutual. Whether this girl is into you or just interested in hanging out more than you'd like, it's possible that you don't miss her (and that's okay). Respond by showing your appreciation for her kind words, but hold off on telling her you miss her if you don't.
- "Aw, thanks for that."
- "I appreciate that. 😊"
"That’s very kind of you. How are you?"
Change the subject if you're not feeling the same way. If your friend has caught feelings for you or you simply don't miss her in return, try simply changing the subject. She'll hopefully notice and understand that you're not interested in that level of connection.
- "What a nice message! What've you been up to?"
- "Watched any good movies lately?"
"I’m sorry, but I don’t feel that way about you."
Let her know how you feel if she's not getting the hint. If she's been texting you a lot lately or hasn't caught on that you're not interested, you might just have to say it. Tell her kindly that you don't miss her. It may sting for a moment, but it's better than giving her mixed signals or false hope.[6] X Research source
- "That's super kind of you, but I'm kind of doing my own thing right now."
- "Thanks, but I should let you know that I don't feel the same way."
"It’s been a while! How are you?"
If you're happy to hear from an ex, respond with something friendly. It can be tricky to know how to respond to an ex, even if your feelings are mutual. If you've still got positive feelings for her or would even like to rekindle something, your best bet is to take things slow and casual. Respond with a simple, kind message to show her that you'd like to keep talking.[7] X Expert Source
Michele Fields
Matchmaker & Dating Coach Expert Interview. 17 August 2021.- "It's good to hear from you! You've been on my mind lately, too."
- "How've you been? It's been too long."
"I understand, but I don’t think we should talk right now."
Let your ex know if it's not appropriate to be talking right now. Even if you miss your ex, keeping in contact with her can be confusing (especially in the early stages of a breakup). You have every right to request that the two of you take a break from talking. You can always reach out again in the future if you'd like to be friends.[8] X Expert Source
Michele Fields
Matchmaker & Dating Coach Expert Interview. 17 August 2021.- "I miss you, too, but I think it would be best if we stopped talking."
- "I can't talk to you right now. I hope you understand."
- If your ex texted you and you don't want to talk to them, It's also okay to simply not respond.[9] X Research source
"Please stop contacting me."
Be blunt and to the point if this person is creeping you out. Asserting your boundaries doesn't make you mean; in fact, it's just what the situation calls for. Let her know that she needs to stop reaching out for good, especially if she's ignored your previous requests to get her to stop.[10] X Research source
- "I'm not comfortable with that. Please stop texting me."
- "I would like to be left alone. Don't contact me anymore."
- If she continues to contact you, consider blocking her number and avoiding her in person.
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- ↑ Michele Fields. Matchmaker & Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 17 August 2021.
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- ↑ Michele Fields. Matchmaker & Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 17 August 2021.
- ↑ Michele Fields. Matchmaker & Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 17 August 2021.
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