This article was co-authored by Nicole Moore. Nicole Moore is a Love and Relationship Coach and the Founder and CEO of Love Works Method, a private coaching and digital course service for women looking to find the right partner. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in body language and helping others take control of their dating life, attract a partner, and build a strong relationship. Nicole has been featured in numerous publications such as Cosmopolitan, Forbes, and USA Today. She also hosts Love Works with Nicole Moore, a podcast for modern women wanting love, dating, and relationship advice. Nicole holds a BA in Public Relations and Spanish from Syracuse University and a Certificate in Personal Coaching from New York University.
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So a sexy nude has landed in your messages or DMs—it’s pretty exciting, but now what? If you’ve received a nude from someone you’re into, you’re going to need the perfect response to make them feel special. In this article, we’ll share a variety of great responses so you can get that spark between you blazing.
Try to respond quickly.
An immediate response keeps the sender from feeling anxious. If someone sent you a nude, they’re probably feeling more than a little vulnerable and eager to see your reaction. Put their mind at ease by sending them a message back as soon as possible.[1] X Research source
- Unless there are some really extraordinary circumstances, a “Sorry, I got busy” probably won’t cut it.
Give them a compliment.
A compliment reassures them that they made the right choice. The person sending you the nude wants to know that you appreciate it and them. Compliment them on their appearance—people don’t really send nudes to get comments on their personality. Text something like:
- “Your body is amazing.”
- “You’re completely gorgeous.”
- “Beautiful photo of a beauty.”
Send an emoji.
Emojis, properly used, are a charming and casual way to respond. A simple heart or kissy-face can feel a little underwhelming to the receiver after a nude, so try stringing together emojis to tell a story, or using them in addition to words. Get creative with it—make them laugh and feel flattered at the same time. Try something like:
- “😍🤤😫”
- “🥳😘😈”
- “👰🤵” or “👰👰” or “🤵🤵”
Tell them how the pic makes you feel.
Nudes are meant to get a reaction, so share yours. It’s okay to be a little dirty with your response—that kind of reaction is probably exactly what the person sending you nudes wants to hear. Tell them something like:[2] X Research source
- “You’ve got me so turned on.”
- “Just looking at this makes my heart race.”
- “You’ve got me dreaming about touching you.”
Describe want you want to do with them.
Making things even more flirty can turn this nude into a sexting session. If you want to keep the conversation going, be sexy with your response: tell them what you’d want to do with them if you were alone together. Try saying something like:
- “I want to kiss you so bad.”
- “The things I would do to get in bed with you…”
- “The things I’m imagining us doing…”
Respond with your own nude (if you want).
Sending a nude back keeps things mutual. Your somebody opened themselves up to you, so you might want to do the same. Keep in mind that you should never feel pressured to send a nude if you aren’t comfortable with it. If you do want to send a nude back, ask for permission first by saying something like, “Want me to return the favor?”[3] X Research source
- It’s illegal for minors to produce or distribute child pornography. Please don’t send nudes until you’re over the age of 18—you could end up in a lot of trouble.
Ask them for more pics.
If you want to see more, try asking. Some people put a lot of effort into their nudes and might not be able to send another immediately, so let them know that the one they sent is fantastic. But showing even more interest in them can be very complimentary. You can try saying something like:
- “I love what I see—send me another when you get a chance.”
- “Any more angles? I’d love to admire your body some more”
- “One of these is amazing, but two is even better.”
Invite them for a sexy phone chat.
Phone sex can make things even steamier. Whether you’ve done it before or are interested in giving it a try, suggesting that you take things into a phone or video call can be a great way to cap off a sexting session. Be upfront about what you want by saying something like:
- “How does a little bit of phone sex sound to you?”
- “Maybe I could see some more over Facetime?”
- “You’ve got me turned on—can I hear your voice?”
Ask if they want to meet up IRL.
A nude can be foreplay for in-person activities. The person sending you nudes is probably pretty into you, and if you’re feeling the same way, it could be time to invite them over. Nudes are a great way to get you both in the mood before you get into bed. Say something like:[4] X Research source
- “I have to see you in-person—how about tonight?”
- “You’ve got me in the mood to try some stuff out with you—you interested?”
- “I have to get you in bed—how about this weekend?”
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat if you are too nervous to send one back?Emily723847Community AnswerIf it doesn't feel right to send back a nude, just reply to the sender with a kind message stating that you're shy and that you're not interested in doing that.
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